(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

ifc lose wt more like initially maybe not used to enviroment. They separate bbies and toddlers if u r scared lor. No worries on this one. Infact ifc much better liao compared to unmonitored maid hm alone with infant. At lease there so many staff if one ill treats other staff will watch out lor for them and report on them. Much better.

My niece is in ifc and my hb's aunt works in one in the north as well. Its run v professionally not to worry. They can handle ebm as well.



i mean mine being hit by others lei... ur gal good bah hard to say other little ones down there..

my niece hor she bite her fren face lor.

I think tat fren must hav did something so my niece self defence

ifc and cc

is bo bian one la. There will be horror stories everywhere. Unless one is willing able to be a sahm. Else dont say lor. The horror stories are endless. But it bo bian cos we need to work mah.

When I was expecting my DD1, my mum would brew bird nest for me but this time, DD2 my mum was too busy so I told her dun need lah.

When delivered DD2, my mil still dared to tell me that my DD2 very ke lian, no bird nest. I am thinking why you are not the one who brewed the bird nest. She totally hard care. Just know how to talk. Now my DD1 is 2 years old so she starts to talk to her or play. If not, last time, she dun even carry her. So my DD2 also like that. Her grandparents dun really care about her even she cried until face red red also no use. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My mum said she also a gal why she wants to have a boy leh.

My hb also has some credit card debt and that why I need to work. If not, I really hope to stay at home to look after my girls, dun need to beg ppl for help.

Hi Celia,

It is $16.95 for 12 pcs. I bought the Huggies waterproof disposable diapers at Kiddy Palace at JP. Got Size S, M, L.

You want to buy a tub or u want to try out a session at the swim spa 1st? If you want to try out 1st, can buy a single pc of waterproof diaper from the swim spa at $2/pc. Think better let your son try out 1st, in case some babies dont take to the water, and you waste $ buying the tub. Sayang leh.

ruru cat,

Tot of bringing for trial but scare virus kiasee..later my mum scold me act smart den Jia lat..

If bb dun like den I giv my pa the tub to rear fish Hahaa.


Everyone hav a set of problems.. I think wat u cn do is treat those u dun like transparent concentrate on ur children n hubby. U onli got a pair of hands cannot handle so many things..

My fren ever told me she dun lun, she onli do wat she like n lunch wif who she comfortable. She told me at home children hubby parents, in laws, sis in laws etc.. All got to lun, y lun others,, wow I like her statement,

Dun expect n take things too hard, ur mil character is like tat den since under same roof talk less expect less u should b living in harmony.. If she help treat, it as a bonus to u if not nvm lor...

sorry to interrupt

I have 3 brand new pkts of Fitti premium 360 size M to let go at $11 each. Self collect or delivery in jurong/west area and a BN pack of pigeon nappy cloth at $13. (UP $29.90) Please email me [email protected] if keen Thanks

Very very ke lian, i'm not mooing but preparing slides for coming trip. Sianz Sianz!!! Some more I'm still on ML ler...Eyes oredi like panda due to 2 monsters, now 1 more big monster from office. Wah piang, how to last ler? I also have debts, no work no food. HB works odd, rain no works, sunshine works. OT more money, so how? No in laws to depend on, mum has to fly in, work stressful. #1 toooo sayang the mei mei, will "share" all the biscuits with her, so, must keep an eye on either one. Imagine do big biz also got to bring 1 of them in to smell? Sorry lo, for safety, coz got once, #1 put a big sweet into her mouth, scared till I really don't know how, imagine if she swallow and stucks half way... somemore he didn't tell me, he just fishyly smile while stand at the side of the baby cot when I came out from the toilet. Then when check his hands that hide behind and check his mouth found no sweet, then realise is in mei mei's mouth. I think if i'm in toilet for 1 min more, mei mei might have gone. Alsmot faintz and scared till today ...

Hi vicma, Not sure if i miss out any posting.. For the girdle is the order being placed?? Do I need to transfer $ to you first??


so sorry to hear abt ur shingles, hope u coping well now.. anyone helping u disinfect bb stuff? if no one n u really must do it urself, try wearing super long latex gloves while doing it..


re glass bottles to store ebm.. i also got lotsa such bottles but so far havent use it yet but u can sterilise a few first n keep in sterilizer n pour ur ebm into the glass bottles when done pumping lor. then straight away keep these bottles with ebm in the freezer... for pump parts, yes, i also just shake off the water in it after sterilizing n use straight away...

right now, i store in playtex liners or milk bags n prev put these milkbags in a normal ziplock bag (kiasee a bit) n then put in the freezer. i have a 2 door fridge n i use the TOP layer of the freezer to put my bags of ziplock (with milk bags inside) n instructed my HB n my mother tt top layer is strictly for my ebm n nothing else is to be placed there. i use top layer so tt nothing gets dripped onto my ebm.. now i no longer use the ziplock to store my milk bags bcoz i bought a 1st Yr milk storage thingy n i just put milk bags into this box... u might wanna use this mtd for ur glass bottles (i.e. put top shelf n nothing else to be put there + put into another container to have double protection)...

one question, for mummies who hv growing stash of EBM in the freezer - the milk stored in freezer (eg 2nd shelf like wat gbh described) has expiry of 3 mths oni right? which means those stored in apr shld be consumed by jun.

so now, for me any EBM pumped out shld go to freezer to store, and i shld be quickly consuming apr stock first. but isnt fresh EBM the best? rather than keep storing in freezer and bb keep drinking freezer milk?

sorry silly qn.. i just wondering.. now in a fix. want to give fresh one to bb when i bottle feed her, but worried apr stock expiring.


i intend to send my gal for a swimming session to see how they do it when she turns 3 mths then i will diy it at home in my bathtub... i alrdy got the neck float.. at $15... my fren told me the spa shop selling similar one at $50!!!

Vic ma, yar, that's my MIL. She has schizo & divorced (but my FIL came back to live with her again). I disagree with you, with regards to the giving of money. I see it as a life lesson to my daughter.

1. Should not take money for granted cos only daddy is working.

2. Don't be greedy and only spend on necessity.

One may argue that it's my MIL's money, but even so, why stuff $10 to a kid who has no concept of money? It may be more acceptable if she just give 50cts or $1. The $10 is hard earned money too, given to her by my 2 SILs.

We may be in debt but we are not hard up for money. I can still go out to work if necessary, cos my maid is very dependable and trustworthy, except when it comes to disciplined sleep training for BB G. She will carry BB G whole day if BB G cries whole day. *faints* She really loves my 2 girls very much.

Re: Girdle

do you need me to transfer the money to you soon? I can do so later.

I was woken up by my breasts at 2am - 5hrs from last pump. Hahaha, tried to muffle to sound of PISA by covering it with a folded blanket. But 10mins into my pump, BB G woke up, so let her cry a bit lor.

Now she just fell asleep in the playpen after feed. I will usually let her gradually drift to sleep after feed and she will eh for people to carry, but I will ignore. But my maid will give in and carried her all the way until BB G gets into deep sleep. I always say my maid got magic hands. She touch my C1 and C1 falls asleep in the car. She carries BB G, BB G falls asleep shortly also.

Brought my 2 girls to Sentosa yesterday. Almost could not make it home cos my car's battery died. Called a friend who intro me a 24hr emergency service. Good thing was my car died in the carpark, after I parked the car, not on the expressway, or I will panic a lot more.

How come my car died in the carpark? Cos I was nursing my girl in the car when it suddenly died on me. But I was near the end of the feed, so not so bad cos could still open car door to ventilate the car and let the cool breeze get in. Otherwise we will all bake in the car in the open air carpark..

Brought my girls to see butterflies at Butterfly Park, see pink dolphin at Dolphin Lagoon (almost panicked cos I did not see it on the map at Palawan Beach, then I realised it moved to new facility at Underwater World) & see smiley stingrays at Underwater World.

In the end, rushed home with engorged left breast (with blocked ducts) to feed crying BB G. Dinner was instant noodles for all. C1 kept asking for more noodles. Even my mum was amazed at her sudden increase in appetite.

My plan was to wear out my girls but we adults were the very tired ones.


you can use the apr stash for night feeds so that you can clear them before end of June. I read that one mummy here gives one FBM a day, which will also help to clear the apr stash. If this is still too slow for you and you urgently need to clear the apr stash, you might want to donate them to mummies with pre-mature babies or mummies with multiple babies.

Personally, I have cleared all my Apr stash but in the beginning I used all my FBM as night feeds. Now I am left with May stash and will be using them as night feeds again come July.


Do u all experience frequent painful stomach after birth. I feel got wind type n but no fart n always lao sai. The pain usually comes when I feeding bb.. Is it becos his weight on my stomach? I hav nv hav such problem all along until after giving birth... In the end I also got to use bb ru yi oil on myself.

Re debts/inlaws

We hav to learn how to see things 'openly' Life is a challenge, there is always stages/obstacles for us to go through, we r always force n trap in various circumstances..

everytime think things may turn out better but it nv turn out to b wat we hope to..

I dun hav in laws dun hav debts but I hav my worries, I only hav 2 hands to work n cnt afford to fall sick else my son nobody take care..

I hav learn something, when got unresolve problem, think once, think twice still cnt get a solution den dun think leave it to god. Things r planned n not goin to turn out as wat we wan, so 'think' onli brings worries.. Dun think lor...

Do u all remember the happy n anxious feeling we hav before giving birth,.. Life is so !!!!, no problem we might find our life boring...

Hi Jas,

Hmm... Does it mean up to now u hvnt given ur bb any FBM to try? Then perhaps u start off with one feed per day and start by mixing the fbm with some freshly ebm or fridge-stored BM, to let bb get used to taste, as FBM is extremely fishy in smell. Don't warm up too hot, the smell even stronger.

I started giving my April stock in May, so that the max my stock stay in my freezer is 1 month old only.


like what ruru cat say, you must give your baby fbm to get us to the taste. some babies will totally reject when you first give fbm. use what ruru cat had mention and start giving some fbm. this will have to clear some of your stock too.

right now, my girl is already with babysitter. so all her feed there are fbm. she get fridge ebm when she is home and fm when we go out. i had this practice for #1 too.

gbh can u help me ask yr friend how old her pump?

Girdle updates

placed order le. Am compiling a list of addy for the seller. Can ttransfet to me $30.40 to posb savings 207 23280 7.

Those of u who like to purchase let me know dont post on tt lady's bp about the discount and when u pay her quietly email her the payment transactions hor. Else not so nice-u know human mentality wait pple know abt the disc and they dont get it they just dont buy then v paisay to the seller.

Just email me. I will forward yr email to the seller then u post on her bp the orders thanks.

The 1st batch whom i listed before i paid for u le so pls pay me.

jas fbm is more like

1) dont waste wht is pumped out

2) u going bk to work day time need to feed milk u not around

3) building up a stash bb can cont to bf few mths after u wean off helps tide over bb less chance of falling sick from sudden wean off

4) u still latch at nite ad mornso bb still gets fresh no worries

5) if u r exclusive pumping. Do give bb some current expressed milk for freshness sake. Can do 50%-50%.

6) if u or bb sick try to give all current expressed milk for thoe few days which should hv anti bodies in it instead of storing.

My period came at 3am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] luckily I was up cos I managed to put her down to sleep only then. Perhaps my sudden long interval between feeds kick-started it.


i intend to do bb signing.. i got the book n flashcards tt teach tt... but if rem correctly thr book says start at 3 mths old.. so when my gal turns 3 mths, i will start. i think u can still do just no need to get stressed abt must do how long or how many times.. when u tok to bb just sign along lor.. then when u familiar with commonly used words, u can also show ur MIL signs like say "Grandma"?? n "Milk" then she can aso use the signing as a way of playing with ur bb...


thanks for sharing your fbm storage method.

What is the name of the baby signing book/flashcards and where did you buy then from?

Were you the one who did a lot of reasesrch on strollers? What is your recommended stroller that you can close with one hand and light? Need to get one for my parents' place and my mom says the quinny zapp is too troublesome especially so if she brings bb out alone.

How about the rest of you ladies & 1sttimepapa... Any recommendations?

Vic Ma,

I transferred the money for the girdle and milk tea. Details sent to you by email. I received the tea already! Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks mummies for sharing.

now i latch almost totally, except when i go out without bb. she is not taking to the bottle very well now.. (1st mth she rejected my br, and cld take from bottle like 100-120ml, now she latch liao, reject bottle.. URGH!) and does not even finish 100ml even, i think she is secretly waiting for me to be back and latch direct to complete her meal!!

so meanwhile, i got slow growing stash in freezer - abt 300ml a day. then stil hv those that goes to fridge (48hrs to finish). when i go out, bb will take those from fridge to drink.. cos those expire faster.. hai.. bf got alot of logistics also hor! OK must mix FBM for her and give her bottles in the day liao!

re: signing - i have testimony of signing.. i bot the BST dvds for my #1 and #2 and we sign alot to them. Esp #2 picked up signing very early and we enjoyed communicating to him before he started to talk. using simple signing in the DVDs only. Actually even now, with #3 10 weeks old, we can even sign to them, they understand one! but i do simple ones.. like tap on her diapers, telling her i going to change her diapers liao. or tap her chin asking if she wants a feed.. abit older can sign to her properly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now at 10 weeks they are so interactive, i enjoy my time at home with her very much.. she smiles, coos, and make all sorts of expressions... not looking fw to go back to work in aug. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

share these clips with you all.. these mums make nursing in the sling so easy!

nursing with ergo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v351HvjMWM&feature=PlayList&p=E0C6D7A178753021&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=10

nursing in ring sling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No6dhFiRPQU



thanks for posting the links... They really make it look so easy!!! I need more practice... Nursed her once in the sling but I was sitting down and supporting her... The sling became a wrap around nursing cover... If I stood up we would have been exposed :p

Ladies whose period came back already:

I'm trying to stay in a happy mood but keep slipping into moments where I feel sad cos it feels like it's return signifies the end of something...

For those asking me abt menses, 2nd day more heavy.

Changing almost every few hrs. Last round for dd I was changing every 1-2h!


we women are like that.emotional about events and things 8n out lives. Buts what we are haha!

I am looking at lobang bb's spree. I am going to buy me a dress to fit my new dang dangs!

Yar, mine's a Maclaren Quest Sport 08. Bought it at $199 at the baby hyperstore at kaki bukit in March this year.

Gbh, where did u buy the float from?

Syz, anything in particular make u upset abt period coming? Or just pms returning?

Vic ma, I bought a pair of pants to fit my new Aunty figure L size then within 3 weeks I lost some weight now the pants a bit big. Now not sure when to go shopping since wt always changing. Guess will just keep using same old few pieces until 1-2 weeks before I go back to work then go buy some more.

