(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

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I don't give her the pacifier. Don't want to give her. But in the second week hubby couldn't tahan tried to give her she spit it out ( I secretly very happy). Last week hubby tried again and she still didn't want it. Both the teat and pacifier are from Nuk so same shape. What she likes is to stuff her fist or thumb into her mouth. I keep taking it out and wiping her hand and tell her no fingers in mouth. It is a natural thing for them to do so I will have to repeat myself again & again.

My girl likes to be in water. When I try to TLC wipe her face or diaper change she screams. The moment I start to wash her hair she keeps quiet. Today I discovered a peaceful way to change her diaper... Cos the 3 poop incidents were so messy I washed her bum instead of using wipes. Faster and

she keeps quiet.

Vic Ma,

42H!!!! WAH!!!!

Hi HJ and Celia,

The swimming tub link:



Hi Celia,

The temp should be the same as your bath water. Maybe slightly warmer as if baby swims in the tub for more than 20mins, then may turn cold too fast.

Then the water level should be of course 1.5 the height of your bb so that got space to kick around.

The neck float need someone to hold the bb's head and body and another person to clip on the neck.

Initially support the baby's backside to ease the baby into the water, and then slowly let go. 1st time use, timing around 10-15mins enough liao, don't overtired the baby too much. Then slowly increase everyday until around 30mins max. In betw the 30mins interval, must occassionally support the bb's backside so that baby's legs get a rest. Massage the legs also in case bb gets cramp.

ruru i go suggestion if i also go into the tub -essentially i will know if the water turns cold to change the water & u will use alot less water!!! (but not sure can take our weight)

i found this out when i was holidaying last yr & was swimming in hotel's bath tub with my girl. keke

Today my fridge died on me! Thought there goes my frozen BM. Called the fridge company 4.50pm. No one called back. Thought finish liao maybe office close liao. Finally return call and manage to get the repairman come though it is already so late. Fridge just started running again, heater spoilt. Phew! But threw away 3 chilled bottles in case already started spoilling.

Hi Rurucat, I'm very keen on the tub. My hubby say get one!! However, I'm really not confident in using it... How huh??? will they demo will they deliver? Or should I bring baby to the babyspa and try out first??

My gal take very long time to go to sleep. Must carry n walk n cannot put down. Damn sianz. Have been trying since 8pm. She falls asleep but wake when put down. How like that. When will this end???


try putting her down only when she is in deep sleep mode then she won't wake up.. if u put her when she is in REM mode, confirm wake up ...

the younger they are, the longer they take to go into deep sleep mode.. once they are about 3mths plus, they only need 10 mins to get into deep sleep mode.. 2mths abt 20-30mins


Try different position eg if u place bb in tis direction, try opp direction. U put her on bed? If on bed difficult la u n hubby can't b leg facing 'bedhead'. If on cot maybe u cn shift ur cot to another location in ur room if no space try turn bb vertical or horizontal in bb cot.. Maybe tat cn help ur bb to slp better...

Because yesterday whole night did not sleep well, so now having headache and just now my #1 did not want to sleep. going crazy already.

Vic ma, you are correct. They want to have a grandson but I only have 2 girls. They are very disappointed. Before I delivered, I had told my hb that his mother wanted a grandson and when she realized that the baby is a girl. She simply dun care. But my hb not believe. She is a good actor. She can cry in front of her son that I treated her badly. I did not want my hb to worry so I usually keep everything to myself. She will treat me nice when my hb is around or else she will give me face. She is not working and every day stays at home. When we are at home and if our kids cry, she simply dun care, just watch tv whole day. We are staying together, she should help up if we cannot handle the kids.

Like yesterday, I was busy hanging clothes and my baby was crying, they also dun care. Just stay in their room watching tv. And midnight my baby was crying for whole night, she went to toilet also would not come and peep. That why I so angry and told my baby that no one would come and look at you even you cried until so loud.

Going crazy soon. Really wish to go back to my mum's place with my girls.


they nd people to brainwash them. true enough old people prefer boys. And I hav heard people congrats to mi in a diff way when they know I expecting a boy. I asked them n say onli boys den congrats gals lei? Then same reply I heard old people like boys 1st child boy cn relax liao. Actually ur pils shld help u more den u got time to make 1 more. Now they turn table u nt happy wif them the more u dun wan to fulfil their wish Hahaa..

Actually to hav boys or gals as long healthy most impt irregardless of gender.. God wan to giv u wat also nt ur fault.. They should b happy to hav grandchildren to carry lor.

Consider another bb if financial n all other factors allow to.. If its a boy by tat time ur pil rushing to help u wif the chores.. U cn 'hu feng huan yu' liao hahaa

dun let them affect u, its between u n ur hubby, if ur hubby nv say anything u dun pressurise urself.. remember nv ever because of anything jus go off. It will b hard n nv be like before when u go home.. Dun forget afterall tat is ur hse.. If u wan to go to ur mum place for a period of time, find a nice reason to excuse urself.

Maybe u pretend pil not staying together lor den u won't b expecting them to help n in the end feel disappointed make urself unhappy.

angela..old sch of thought...i also had pple saying"wah yr #1 is a boy..next one can relax aldy"..i was like..WTH..gal or boi also my own flesh n blood...who cares as along as bb is healthy!!! ...

mmm...duno if its engorgement..when i lift my right arm, i feel a dull ache near my NN ..muscele ache or engorgement?? feels achy n hard..arghh

Bbdust, yeah I try to put her down when deep sleep. Tho sometimes not deep sleep also I try n it is ok.

Celia, not sure why u mean, like feng shui??

Angela, sounds like a tough set of in laws u have there. If I means I will grumble within earshot that won't have anymore didi or meimei cos mummy so tired. But then I usually dream only la, won't really say one. Unless I super fed up then whatever I blurt out I better pray is not too bad.

But I also ask my hb help out specific tasks. He watch world cup I ask him carry bb to sleep n watch at same time then I can sleep. Else later two person sleepy n bb can't sleep after 3am feed guess who has to bring her jalan jalan to sleep.


I also duno, I was told if bb can't slp eg when put down he cry etc.. Change his slping position / direction..

I got try lei it work.. Sometimes things r hard to understand y , but no harm trying. I bu xing xie but when desperate to put bb to slp everything also try. Til today I still trying to put bb to slp in the position I prefer lei Hahaa but then onli upon carry him til deep slp den he cn slp in my preferred position. I know the best spot for my boy in my room after various tries.

something like I slp tis position cnt get to slp after turning n switching I den get to slp.. Maybe like tat lor...

By the way, will like to share a case I suddenly remember I got a friend all along she is sicky n duno y n out of a sudden someone mentioned to her abt slping position maybe like wat u say fengshui.. The ceiling light is in long rectangular shape parallel to my fren bed.. Something like 'stabbing' straight in her body..

She changed it to round shape n ever since after tat she is so much healthy.

morning mummies,

i guess those awake now are up to pump.. but i wanna drop dead liao.. last night my gal decided to party till 3am plus.. maybe even 4am.. then finally aslp n i got "me" time.. trying to catch up with old posts via email notifications n see if i missed out anything here.. but 100+ old posts.. read until my eyes wanna pop... think i just give up now n start reading from today.. hahaha...

Hi lucida,

I can only tell u whether the BP organizer will teach me proper usage of tub anot this sat when she comes. Update u ladies again.


I was still thinking why never see u online for awhile. Yest night was a bad night for me too. My gal wakes up every 2hrs or so just to cry and fuss. Sigh.... Too tired to do the 3am pump, just skip and do now.

Siannn.. overslept by 2 hrs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My girl's a little confused, I think.

She's in her 9th week. According to the feed amount posted here previously (from Mdm Wong), she should be feeding 180ml (2-3months). But so far she only drank 180ml once, on Mon night. Last night's last feed (FM at 9pm), she only drank 110ml, and woke up at 12.30am.

After a long-distance discussion with hubby, we decided to give her 150ml for night feeds. She settled well and woke up for another booster feed at 5.30am just now. I fed her lying sideways for an hour but for some reason, she was not satisfied, so I top up her feed with 30ml fresh EBM.

Anyone with same problem of confused feed amount?

HI ranting baby, 180ml?? Than my girl is drinking alot less. During day time she only drink between 80-100ml (drop from 120ml) - dun know why.. She became very fussy and very difficult to feed. It's easier to feed her at night. But even so she drinks betwween 120ml to 140ml, most of the time 120ml...

I also dun know what to do...


180ml is a lot a lot loh. my girl only drinks 80ml and not on regularly 3 hours feed somemore loh. only at babysitter's place, she is able to drink 120ml 3-4 hourly.

Ranting, the formula dr use to calculate is 150-180ml per kg per day. So if yr bb 6kg shd be 6x150 divide by number of feed. So abt 110-135ml per feed if u give 8 feeds a day.

my bb dranked 200ml at ard 8pm n 50 ml at midnite. This morning slept till 5 then I latch him.

I am not sure if he's drinking too much but he was only satisfied after drinking so much n went to sleep..

smtimes i wonder whether to follow the chart or his reaction

anybody know wat brand of diaper got sell smaller pack in M size? I still hav some left bb abt to outgrow n I can't b buying a big pack of M size sure cannot finish n in the end wasted again. I got standby L size but a bit nt tat suitable yet. I got XL too redemption from singpost.

Thks vic ma, Celia & XLH for your advise.

Since my pils treat me like that,they want me to give them a grandson, then wait long long. Anyway, now my sil is expecting too. They hope that she will give them a boy. Sometimes, I am very bad, hoping that she is expecting a girl. Very bad rite? Ha ha ha.

My another sil(pils' daughter) has 2 sons, they treat them like emperors. Will always celebrate their birthday. When their birthday approaching, mil will remind me to buy presents for them. Last time, before I had my girls, I will choose a good presents for them but now hor, I will just buy cheap cheap one. Dun care lah. Why must I treat them nice since they dun care of my girls. Luckily, my mum volunteers to help me look after my baby girl monday, wed and friday so that I can do my work and rest more. My mum sees me so tired so bu ren xin.

Yesterday, when I went home, my mil still dared to ask why baby was not coming back. Really want to say" No one help me, you want me to die huh?'

She only knows want to play with baby when she wants to watch her favourite show from 7pm to 11pm, she will throw the baby to us.

Hi All,

Any one interested in Nan pro 1 probiotics milk powder? Its new, i just bought them (7 tins)think in May this yr (expiry date: 31 Jul 2011) But as my girl cant seem take them to well. I have decided to try changing to other milk powder. Willing to sell then at $25 each tin. Retailing at $30plus. Can email me at [email protected]


understand how you feel about PIL. Because my PIL also treat me in this way when I have my girl than 2nd is boy, wah much different. Help me on housework, look after my girl & keep on ask my girl "guai guai, mama take care didi".

My HB ask me to forgive & forget what his mother did to me during my 1st confinement, as his mother has change. I told him "NO" I only can forgive but cannot forget.


Freestyle pump: I sterilise everything including thhe membrane, kiasu I guess.

Feed amounts: I am struggling with this too. My daughter used to be able to drink 100 to 120 mls in one go. But now she will stop drinking after about 80 mls and refuse the rest. Sometimes I try again an hour later and she takes the rest. I suspect that with her reflux, she feels more comfy taking smaller feeds. I guess I just have to ride this out and hope her reflux gets better soon. No hope of instilling a 3 hr routine otherwise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PIL: My parents in laws also live with us and they help out minimally. To be honest, I am actually glad that they do not try and help out too much becos if they do something that is not what I prefer, it is difficult for me to tell them off. It's easier with my mum who comes to help out everyday.

Had lunch with the boss and team yesterday. Took the chance to request that I be allowed to use my leave entitlement to work half days until my leave runs out. This means I get about 2 months of weekday afternoons with my daughter after I go back to work in Aug. Was trying to decide between working half days or taking an additional month of leave. Finally decided that with the half days plan, at least I can try and engage my daughter in some activities on a daily basis. Tough part is to try and finish all my work in half the day.

Re: Feed amount

think I will give her 150 for these 2 weeks , then 180after that. Cos even if I go by gradual increase, it's also about the same amount.

Good thing is that she wasted more FM than EBM.


I also have things to rant about my MIL. She likes to give my older girl sweets, which I hardly give. Cos I worry that when she gets older, she may get hurt because some strangers offer her sweets. I don't mind if she gets clothes for her, though almost all the clothes she buys are red in colour (my girl looks like walking AP). So those red red clothes I only let my girl wear when we go to PILs' place.

Now she tries new tricks - give money. Last week, during our visit there, I returned her the money. She said that it was for my girl to buy sweets. I mean, does a 2 year old girl needs $10 to buy sweets?

I told her that I want my girl to learn the right things, or she will think that money is easy to come by. If she wants to give money, save it for her birthday. In my heart, what I wanted to say is I may be a SAHM, but I have money to spend on my daughters.

I know she is unhappy that I am not working. Cos my hubby mentioned to them before that we are serving some debts. My MIL even asked my mum in the face why I am not working since we have debts to pay off.

I mean, if you have issues with my work status, take it up with me or my hubby. My hubby agrees to the arrangement, that's why I stop working. My hubby says he will pay for my shopping, so I go shopping lor. If you have issues, ask your son lar! Anyway, it's his job to take care of me, while I take care of his children. Otherwise he takes care of the children and I go work lor. Will she be proud of this arrangement that makes her son look like a kept man?


I can handle my girl without help but when #2 like to cry. Is totally different from my girl, so no choice have to let them attend to girl when needed. Now I don't bother the housework, since they are doing it even not gd also never mind.


Wish to be but I think will crazy see PIL everyday.. Wahaha..



Yes, goat milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No la, my bb on tbf but Im going back to wrk in 2 wks time, so my mum asked me to supplement formula for him as 1 of his night feed so my bb can feel fuller and sleep longer.

Im intending to get Karihome cause my dr told me it is as close to BM and no allergic causes to bb also. Price is also quite ex comparing to normal cow's formula but for the good benefits of my boy, I'm ok.. just thrift on myself lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

