(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

woof, i have a baby carrier which is a hand me down. brand is infantino. not sure where to buy but would get the baby bjorn if i had to buy another one. my friend strongly recommends getting one with 'back support' but that is more expensive.

find it really useful. can also use at home and go downstairs. esp useful when go grocery shopping cos need to push trolley as well cannot handle stroller together.

all i know is that bb poo is yellow mustardy if bf. another saying is that if shit is green bb is scared but think that is a joke.


maddie, i also inspired after see the videos. yest chiong dowm MIM to get a ring sling at $20 cos ring slings hv the tail for cover up. i hv 2 baby pouches, but pouches no tail. hee hee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XLH, see this link.. got a tab on baby poo. hope it helps.. http://www.metanium.com/green-poo.aspx

Maddie, Jas...tks for the info ...i got worried when my boi poo-ed today but greenish in colour..will monitor n see hw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maddie..yeah my mum also mentioned the exact thing abt bb scared = green poo ...duno true or not though :p

hi gals, i got a qn.i'm supplementing my boy with fm every night then i'll pump. so far for the ebm i'll give him the next day noon cos i fear he doesn't have enough when i latch him. i'm wondering if i shd store these ebm instead in case my milk ss depletes when i go back to work?

recently my boy seems to fuss alot cos i remove 1 fm feed in the afternoon so that i can latch him directly. then in the end, he seems to be fussing more at the breast thus, also sleeping less in the daytime. i wonder if he's waiting for the night fm feed (cos bottle more milk and constant flow). sigh.. my breast feel full but he's not taking it and i'm taking care of baby alone so no time too pump. every time i want to pump, baby will wake up.


I have a MIM sling, very useful as lightweight. I also have those babybjorn-lookalike sling, damn bulky and like what Maddie say, need to buy one with back support, or else shoulder and back will ache after using for few hours in a row.


my baby carrier is from combi, it has the back support. I also have baby pouch & baby sling from MIM

Hi Jasda,

I like the snappies idea, but hor, abit expensive for a 1oz bottle leh. Now I am storing my EBM in 120ml pack, so when my gal hits the 150ml, I am wondering what I should do, so this snappies does help.

my wife used to pump every 3 hrs for milk. Now after 1.5 hrs, milk leak from breast. Does that mean she need to pump every 2 hrs now? But every pump, milk ss not that much lay!

Me went to perm hair today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now tempting to do highlight.. hmmm

Today I am feeling quite ok as my baby gal was quite guai yesterday. She woke up for her feed and after that she went to sleep so I could sleep more. Hee hee

Today morning, brought my baby gal to my mum's place so that I could bring my elder gal to KKH for speech therapy. She is 2 years old and still cannot speak well and the person in charge told us that she was a bit delay and wanted us to talk to her more often and encourage her. Very limited time spent with her after #2 delivered. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This evening, my elder gal has slight fever. Must be due to her lack of drinking water. She refuses to drink water. Give her sweet water, fresh milk she also rejected. Dunno how to encourage her to drink more water. Worried that she might dehydrate.

Hi Rurucat, Between the MIM sling and the "aya" babybjorn carrier - which do you think it's the best??

I have a ergo but cannot use now as baby still small. Moreover.. ergo the leg has to open big big.. not very elegant for a baby girl... So thinking of getting another carrier. Actually wanted to get the MIM sling when they had sale the other time but I was very much intimidated by the sling.. not sure if I will know how to use it properly...

Any mummies uses cloth diaper for baby?? Is it difficult or even troublesome if baby poo??

I'm thinking now whether to use cloth diaper rather than disposable diaper as it's more economical and green... But really scare that it will be very troublesome as need to wash especially i will be going back to wrok and my MIL might not be happy with the change since she will be taking care of baby when i go to work..

Any mummies will experience on cloth diaper - can share you experience??

hi Jasda

i am using the snappies. i bought 20pcs of 70ml at a fair. can't remember the price liao. think $30 plus. i use up the snappies quite fast. cos it can only contain 70ml to 80ml. if u were to buy pls note that some of them can't close tight so i need to change with the seller. i find that it is cheaper to use this than bag as it is reusable and can feed my gal by just screwing the cover and teat on the snappies so dun need to transfer to another milk botter. and the plus point is it is bpa free too. in the long run it is cheaper.

hope the above feedback is useful to u.


when you use the iiamo bottle do you transfer your ebm into it at home and bring it out in a cooler bag? Then when you need then activate the warmer? Am thinking of doing that so don't have to transfer the milk from storage bottle to iiamo when we are outside.

KDD, Vic Ma & Maddie,

finally realised why feeling sad about period coming back... It just hit home that this pregnancy is over?! Weird...

Re: Baby poo...

I discovered one day that golden yellow poo when left long enough on the diaper it turns a bit greenish... my girl had one huge load of golden yellow poo which I threw into the dustbin... When I cleared the bin later it was greenish.

How long do you ladies pump for each session and how much do you get from each breast on average?

Just pumped left side after 5 hour interval and got 55ml. Think my breast can't respond to a pump cos when I nurse my bb she is satisfied drinking from 1 breast and I'm sure it is more than 55ml. Already tried looking at her photos and listening to her recorded cries. Perhaps to suction strength? If I increase the suction it will hurt. Think more likely not enough let downs when pumping. Any suggestions?


Rotavirus is a type of mouth drop vac. It is to prevent diarrhea. I & my husband a bit kiasu. We gave it to our son. coz diarrhea in bb can b dangerous too.


I pump every 3 to 5hrs. My left side normally can get half of wat i pump from my right. Normally left is from 30 to 60ml. Right is 60 to 140ml. Wat about your right side?


I pump every 3 to 5hrs. My left side normally can get half of wat i pump from my right. Normally left is from 30 to 60ml. Right is 60 to 140ml. Wat about your right side?

lucida re clothe diapers

is alot more work. Poo is ok u need to use cloth diaper liner so that less poo gets into the cloth. But pureen abc powder cannot wash poo off. My family does laundry daily the diapers get washed daily and soaked immed after bb is changed out of it. We use normal fab or uic washing powder. Just rinse more lor.

Cloth diaper hor do homework what u want. Bum wear or white cloth with velcro wraps. (og sells alot of types and brands of such velcro wraps this prevents pee from wetting the bed bb lying on.) decide after u done hm work cos once u invest in bumwear its not cheap lor. Like my pigeon diapers $25/10 pcs. I bot 20 and its not enoughwhen its rainy cloth dont dry end up 40 pcs $100 liao.

Then wraps $6-10 a pc - i like pigeon brand but not everywhere sells. The velcro will spoil for cheaper brands. Then as bb age must buy M L XL velcro wraps. U need 5 wraps or more of each size. Bumwear dont say cost is more initially.

But why all this hassle. Most pple i know full disposable diapers desitin la, california bb la rashes see doctor often. Cloth bummed bb has much less such problems .

What i do now since i sayang my maid. My girl day time full cloth until sleep then pampers. Weekend cheap disposable day when we go out and pampers at nite. Now my boy after morn bath sometimes disposables. Evenings after she ma shen - wipe baby she can change to disposables too. So he at least gets 6-10 hrs of cloth diaper.

But my boy hor. Got golden backside le. Poop liao sure cry until u cleaned him up. While my girl and sit in her poop and cont playing or sleep in her poop!


threy say the becos is better for smaller bbies and smaler sized women. Bb dust posted a url before i need my notebook cos i bookmarked it. Reviews for babyjorn quite bad. And what i understand not cheap too.

My friend who had babyjorn ended up with a becos. Starlight mar 2010 mummy who comes to our thread told me she had an ergo and still ended up with a becos.

My friend who is quite thrifty bot a becos for her 3rd child. She had mim sling only previously.

I bot becos but yet to try out la. I still swear by the mim sling i had from my girl's time but i bot becos cos its prettier than the ergo haha! And i am growing older not younger. Bb growing heavier not lighter. I want bb wt distributed properly cos mim sling is one sided very pain when bb gets heavier -shoulder aches ,etc pains. I wanted to sayang my back and shoulders lor.

Plus with an older child i felt this carrier could help me go out with them more easily alone.

Hi lucida,

MIM sling wins handsdown in terms of convenience and also flexibility of use but like u say, need to practise to get the hang of the various positions. Pls pay $3 extra to get the VCD video when u buy the sling.

Or u can visit the link that Jasda and mrsm posted, this shop at Square2 sells all sort of carriers and the boss is super knowledgeable and u can try out before u buy. Bring baby along to test is the best.


my brains are straining to understand yr question. But i willl try.

How much do u pump usually when bb dont latch then compare with what u usually pump after bb latches. Given the same time gaps. Then u roughly know how much bb drinks.

Wakeful baby could be normal cos as they age the will sleep less and less.

Bottle teat hole could be too fast?

Bb yet to perfect latching and prefers bottle?

It could be a mixture of reasons why bb fusses. Oh when we pump bb can small milk. Some will get so agitated they will wake. Or yr pump too noisey and bb too sensitive.

To store or not to store. Individual pref. I store when i latch him at hm more. So he gets fresh and fbm as well. I going back to work earlier. So those days i give freshly expressed ebm for abt 2 feeds for the day plus fbm. I got more to play with cos i am the cow.

What u might want to do is increase fm feed so that u can store more while u pump longer during pump session to try to stimulate more supply. This is my sugested option for u.

Hi Syzygy6,

Hey, got BP offer on the iiamo cartridge leh, 6pcs for $9.90, do check it out.

Regarding pouring the milk into the iiamo 1st, sure why not? I assume u r talking abt freshly Ebm which can tahan for 4hrs. If u pour fridge-stored ebm, then u need to put the iiamo in a proper thermal carrier that can keep the milk cold for a few hours.

Regarding breast pump, I pump min 15mins, max 30mns, interval depends on how long I hvnt pump.

My left breast also half capacity of my right side.

Hi RuruCat, I got the Iiamo bottle but so far i haven;t use it.. Is it really useful?? My baby likes her milk warm and she drinks really very slowly.. So I'm not sure if the iiamo bottle will warm up the milk well... than if milk gets "cold" I will have to pluck in another cartridge is it??

thinking of selling off :p I think i bought out of curiosity :p

pump lag and yield

i pump every 3-5 hrs and yield 150-200ml after a latch or 250-300ml or more if no latch.

Both sides quite equal cos i really try to pump my left nei separately longer when i latch my right more previously. I could do this cos i had a pump llog journal. I just stopped logging cos going bacck to work le.

I still recommend 30 mins pumps to increase stimulation/supply. Even if 10mins most milk is extracted. Go the extra mile to do stimulation. I followed that 5-6 times a day 30 mins. Now i so scared i reduced to 10mins cannot. Not all milk extracted yet. Minimum 15mins then my breasts will clear. If i am in a hurry i will do higher speed/power 10min pump but pain lor.

Was reading thru all the posts....

mommies, my gal has Green poo at times wen she drinks FM - S26. My parents said tis is normal coz they fed us S26 too wen we were little n they specifically remebred the poo was green...whahahha. Not sure abt the scared logic though...;p Now on Enfalac. so far poo is brownish if i remember correctly.

Dunno if tis is common in diffnt phases of infant's life. My gal also having less intake of milk these couple of days and been sleeping alot alot more. Basically jus eat n sleep v v soundly to the extent i was tinking if she's breathing anot. Used to drink 120ml per feed now jus drinking 70-90ml. then no matter hw we force she dun wan liaoz. Today, she also got bottle rejection. weird, offered her nei she sucked happily instead.

MIM slings - i have one too but dunno hw to use. Watched the DVD also no use, jus cant fit bb in, n she'll cry coz i will keep adjusting n she'll get frustrated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tink gonna become white elephant. Where's Square2 btw? Feel like bringing bb down n ask for live demo to boost my confidence!

Also has sling pouch bought by mum but again dunno hw to use properly..sigh

Pump qty - Am pumping only like 3-4 times a day n ss is pathetic. An alternating bb wif FM n EBM now. My left used to yield more like 60-70ml on good days whereas right is usually abt 40-50ml. So i let bb latch more on right n now both nei's ss abt the same. Per pump abt 100ml on avg nia. Tink 1 mth b4 i go back work, better be more hardworking n store FBM, else bb gonnabe on total FM liaoz...poor bb


so it's true dat when af comes, ss will drop!

Mine dipped by 100ml.

Anyhow freeze 1 pack less lor.

Btw the feed formula thing is a guideline only lah.

My boy is 7kg so he shld drink 7x150ml = 1050ml

but he takes less than that. Prob only 900ml per day.

Hi Sg_sc,

Sq2 is behind Novena sq, right in front of Tan Tock Seng hospital.

Hi Lucida,

The cartridge can keep the milk warm for 20-30mins at 37 degrees, so no problem, u can let ur gal slowly drink. It takes up to 45mins to cool to room temp.

Quite useful this iiamo, and it is really stylo milo.. Hee...

Hi ladies,

Oh my gosh, AF comes liao Ss will drop??? Wah, that means I must diligently pump and store my BM, or else work stress + AF = end of bf-ing career!!!

morning mummies

ruru cat,

yes. when menses comes, ss will drop during that period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vic ma,

no lah. not doc. but rushing preparation work for audit.

Morning all,

Cloth diapers - I used cloth diapers during the 1st 2 weeks and thought I would continue doing so as I have help with laundry. But I eventually stopped because my daughter is a light sleeper. With a cloth diaper, any slight dampness and she will awake crying. Therefore, I switched to pampers in order to prolong her naps.

Baby carries: I have a baby bjorn but have not tried it out yet as my daughter's neck is not completely steady yet. Am thinking of getting a baby sling too.

Any comments on MIM vs pupstik?

Oh no... I can't afford to let it drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am worried that I won't be able to pump enough at work to last her the next day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, my period is very light... today second day and looks like it is ending. When pumping or nursing I'll feel mild cramps. Is this normal?


hello everyone...tks for sharing info on the bb carrier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Overslept once again..woke up to 2 rocks like what vic ma described ...duno why now i juz cant wake up in the night to pump...arghhh .


Generally..does it mean once one stop pumping, menses will come back??? or otherwise???

