(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


It's good from what I heard all around just that price is almost double from normal formula! Oh well, for my Justin boy, if even I have no $$ to eat also will squeeze and get it for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Orangey,

Yes, better start now, monitor the poo poo output as some formula is 'heaty', so at least ur bb has time to adjust to the new taste and you have time to react to any change.


But prob is hor.. I read online they says not good to supplement with Goat's milk leh. So I'm seriously in a dilemma.

Do you supplement ur ah boi with FM? What brand ah if you do cause my Justin boy rejects Similac!

Hi Orangey, My girl on Karihome also but that's because she's allergic to cow's milk. Very expensive... So we only give her one feeding at night and the rest EBM. One of the motivation to continue expressing milk.. But I think once she gets over or can drink other type (my son can take NAN HA milk though he's allergic to the others) I will switch..


my boy on soy milk isomil because he's allergic to cow milk. I reverse only nite time his on FBM & day time on FM. Cos worry IFC cannot handle his sudden increase.


Yah very expensive! Hub and I may supplement 1 feed to him at night but prob will start with normal formula first then when 1 yo then switch to Karihome. What I read is that Goat milk is better for infant from 12 mths onwards. My Dr he personally feel Karihome is good cause his kids take them too but he did mention if there's benefits then there may be some dis-benefits. Up to individual.


I know soy milk is also very nutritious cause my youngest bro was on soy milk since birth. He very big size when baby time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your Guan yu in IFC too?


I just checked, goat milk that is more suitable for infant 12mths and above is Fresh goat milk while Karihome is formula based so its ok for babies. Phew~~~~ I can buy Karihome now!


nope i dont supplement with FM leh though my DH has been bugging me to start him on FM so that he can sleep longer at nite.. now he only wake up at 1am and about 5-6am to feed so I find its okay leh.


yes my boy now is in IFC, cos i have start work. My girl on soy milk until 8mths & I switch to similac. So far so gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good lah.. I also not supplementing with FM but my mum worries that I might be too tired cause need to pump and feed baby. My baby averagely wakes up for feed every 2hrs and drink between 60-80ml, means 4hrs between 120ml -160ml. Is that ok? Is it too little?


wah ur boy drinks a lot leh kekeke.. mine only drink 140ml every 3.5 hrs and he is a bit older than ur boy leh. the formula is 150x weight of baby divide by the no. of feeds per day then u know how much he shld be drinking.

now i only pump 2 times at nite cos too sleepy.. haha


Hmm.. but my bb sometimes takes longer time to finish his feed.. his feed must spilt into 2 feeds within 1hr de.. Like 1st 30mins.. he drink 40ml then rest a while then next 30 mins he finish his last 40ml.. but sometimes he don't finish de.. so I everytime will tell him dont lang fei mummy's milk cause mummy squeeze until blood ooozes out :p

rant u are the one whose mil abit siao dunno what she will put in yr confinement food one right?

If so. She is of no help with yr kids its why u chose to stay at hm mah. If we have trustworthy and willing grandmothers to look after the kids i will xie tian xie di and work like a horse and let them look after in peace liao lor.

Children care is somewhat more important than paying off debts mah. Its between u and yr hb anyway. None of her biz.

But sweets mean tea $ la. Just take but food when u go out with #1 lor. Mils lousy w words la. Dont get offended with the word sweets she just use it as an excuse to give her grandchidren something and let u control that. Much better than she really but $10 of sweets give yr #1 right?

Got $ take lor what the heck. Take liao also dont hv to owe her anything. Grandmum give grand children things is yin kai de la.


I like it.. can forgive but cannot forget.. hahaa

By the way my boy 8.3kg another 1 & 1 half week then 3 mths.

I see see look look at nepia n touch the sample.. a bit thin lei not sure if the absorbent is good.

I got Mamy poko M size but my boy both thigh become red when wear.. not very comfortable for him stil got to apply cream

BB dust,

how to calculate ? I didnt increase ml to my boy stil giving 120ml..cos every 2 hr at the most 3 hrs he is hungry, fist going to squeeze in his mouth..

1 fine day cannot imagine the fist got stuck in mouth n cannot take out..

yesterday havent 2 hr, he duno biting or sucking his wrist, all red n got marks if he got teeth his flesh sure come out..

I ever try giving him 150ml see if can prolong or statisfy his hunger but then stil 2 hr wan to drink I dare not give.. so I think small frequent feeds should b ok.


take weight then multiply by 150ml and divide by the no. of feeds per day that will give u the amt he needs per feed.

8.3 x 150 say divide by 8 feeds per day so each feed ur boy shld be drinking abt 155ml. 150ml is actually the average, PD said u can use the range frm 120 to 180ml but 150ml is good enuff.


mine also take abt 1hr to finish 140ml cause he wants to play and for the past few weeks he got bottle rejection so the feeding time gets longer and longer.


Than you must very busy, every 2hrly feed your boy.


My girl also has this problem need to feed 2x when she's bb than IFC force her to finish within one feed. She so ke lian until I found out how come her bib always very wet, after she turn 6mths they can't force. Now, my area have open 2 new childcare centre, so I make a change & this new CC much better than previous CC. You just take note. My boy he finish 160ml within 20mins so far is ok.


I feed friso oK la if bf then ma fan after feeding change diaper put him to slp.. go wash bottles n sit in front of computer.. tis is my daily routine..

hello all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust...hw yr ah boi doing with mil now?

orangey ...not sure if it happens all the time..heard whn bb go ifc, they might lose a bit of weight due to the feeding schedule which is fixed...if bb is on demand feeding then might b a bit pek chek at the beginning.


shld be okie bah i hope, i am not around to see cause don't wanna see, i went back to my mum's place n let her handle, also hope my boy can get used to me not around and hopefully can stop his bottle rejection.

bbdust..gd for u..sometimes when u ard..that sense of dependancy sorta hangs ard which does not serve yr MIL well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

u can have some ME time in the meantime .


yah she said can handle without maid, so i might as well let her get used to it since i m going back to work nxt week too... nw that i am not at home, she really got to do things herself loh if not everyday come and ask me when to feed my boy how to learn. anyway i am still waiting for replacement maid to come pray she comes faster


Think is common in IFC, my boy has settle down his feeding time on day & only night time he demand hourly feed. May b he know teacher will ignore if he cry hahaha so better be guai guai...

yiwen..yup yup...i also not sure if bb will lose wt or not..cos i wun be using ifc ...heard generally it costs like $700+ per mth ?


old people got LOTS of pride de loh, everyday i ask her she also say CAN CAN CAN... so might as well dont ask her. even my DH asked her she also say NO PROBLEM EASY


mine is $577/mth.


At least she say can & willing to do, give her a chance. Mine MIL is "CAN TRY BUT IF HAVE PROBLEM THAN I DON"T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE & YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FROM WORK TO SETTLE". Becasue this statement than I put IFC, now she want to take care my boy & say " I CAN DO IT SURE NO PROBLEM".


She create a lots problem during my #1 delivered. Now, like very very sayang my girl last time don't even bother to carry & play with her. When i expecting #2 PIL never ask is boy or girl & even show concern until one of relative visited & asked than I told her is boy. The next day I birdnet to eat, than I just eat loh. Is ok to me. Now she want to improve our replationship & I just be normal to her.


oh another case of "zhong nan qing nu" my MIL also, once she heard boy she so happy until jump up loh and the whole auntie troop came to know abt it the very nxt day... that time i shld have told her its a girl see her reaction

Hi ladies,

RE: Mother-in-law

Heng I don't have MIL, and my FIL is those don't even know how to carry baby one, so he cannot make any comments except irrelevant ones like must let baby wear alot of clothes. hahhaha.....

But I know he very gian to have a grandson, becos he said nevermind, try next one sure boy. Then I just roll my eyeballs, i tried so hard then strike one, boy or girl to me is of ZERO importance. Gosh....

My HB comforted me, he said his dad not rich, so doesn't matter whether we have a son anot, becos no need to fight for inheritance!! hahahaha...

SERIOUS? Go IFC might lose weight?

I think my boy will be the youngest in his IFC and might be the only BF baby too. Most of the kids are like 10 mths>. I hope he gain more weight cause he's small size leh..


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy of course. must b happy everyday


1 Jul is really soon!

sm1 shared that freestyle membranes and softfit shields cannot sterilise ah, just use hot water. thanks for the info!

i wish i knew sooner... my softfit shield is giving way and here i m in Msia w the ILs. my replacement shield is at home in SG. siao siao. luckily i gave my SIL a medela mini electric plus so can use tt 1st


i really like what yr hb said !

Touch bb under 1st mth. My fil lor. He didnt touch all the girlss under 1st mth including my daughter. Then my boy hor rules can chance le. I openly say he bias infront of my sil and mil.

Just now made a call to my IFC regarding feeding.

IFC assured me many many times that for Infants, they feed on demand which is when babies request for milk, they will feed. Scheduled feeding only applies to the Child care section. Phewwww..

Actually I quite like my IFC cause they have a booklet for my baby where they will record his feeding time, amount consume, how many poo, what time.. Also will help to monitor motor developments. The principal told me all their infants learn to walk in the center!! Maybe all the centers does that lah cause my first time sending my baby to IFC..

