(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


if want to latch and pump at the same time got to do football hold... Save time but must find a way to adjust my pump station. Like that save time plus won't miss pump time. Really should explore this.

There was once I pump and latch using cradle hold at the same time cos I pump half way she started crying so had to contort myself abit to fit both.


Thanks! Now just need to find time to pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wait wait another question:

my glass bottle is the tall slim type that has marking until 90ml so when I fill up to freeze can fill till 90ml or should fill till 80ml so that have more room for expansion?



What does "opk" and"AF" stand for?

To use the hpt, do we have to test at the same time every day? What is the recommended best time?

Syz I fill to 90ml. So far after expansion is still ok. Wow u can tahan so long without pumping. The longest I gone is 6 hours.

Yesterday I first time dream feed my gal. She cried at 130 so I prepare milk but then she fell back asleep. After I pumped at 230 she still sleep so I tried put bottle in her mouth. After a while she start sucking n finished the 125ml. Heng ah no need to waste.

Celyn, yr left nei ok oredi I hope.


opk is ovulation test kit.

Af is aunt flow - a term for menses

opk is usually used on daily basis as you wouldn't know when you'll ovulate. Usually from day 10 onwards. But dependent on individual.

Hpt is best using first morning urine since it's most concentrated. Doesn't have to be same time. Only when taking temperature. Once positive there's no need to test. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Try to get the most senstive hpt test so thar you'll get to hear good news earlier. Can't recall what is the measurement. Gave away all my strips when I got preggie but probably have to get from vic ma soon!


Update. There are slots in session 1 & 2 at Harding now. BUT it seems school is not sure where they'll shift to in 2014 and students have to follow. They can't change to leedon midway. Suspect some parents pulled out due to this uncertainty.

Leedon session 2 only 2 slots available this morning.

Hi ladies,

This talk abt St James Kindergarten really gets me all work up, dont know want to sign up anot. Ask my Hb and he also like anything one. Gosh!!! Dilemma dilemma.....

The thing is I may be moving to the east soon (and I am a hot-blooded JP-er for the past 9 years!!!) so both harding and leedon site could be too far for me. But my moving house is still not confirmed until July, but by then all the slots will be taken up liao. HOW?????

syzygy6, now trying to look for job lo, not easy to get la. Now confirm flying on 4 Jul for 2 weeks. Only back in office for 2 days nia. Start work on 1 Jul mah. Sianz!!! So, now trying to arrange my mum to fly in instead send both back. More expensive in tickets as need 3 tickets. If mum can abandon my dad for 2 weeks, then only 1 ticket. But I also "ke lian" her, coz when she goes back, her home will be upside down too. Her fav garden also. But I told her garden can replant later, but her 2 grandchildren can't feed after 2 weeks. So, working on the plan.

I even think to move back whole family to Malaysia. But then how to survive with so low pay there? So many problems. I really envy those already planning another one. I totally reject my hb. Scared to have 3rd. I "suan" him he enjoy, I suffer when all monsters come on board.

Celia, voted your boy. Hope you can win yah.

Hi Syzygy6,

I fill to 90ml, as long there is about 1cm gap from the milk brim to the top of the bottle, then can liao, unless your BM so rich and creamy, then I cannot say lah. Hee.....

Hi Chlosper,

Ask you hor, the Leedon site hor, where do u park ur car to load/unload ur child har? There is like super cramp, and cannot possibly park at HV opposite as it is a long walk.

That site is also behind a petrol station right? When u are there, did u smell petrol in the air? Cannot imagine my gal smelling petrol-infused air for 3hrs daily. Hee....

The Harding road site is moving? In 2014? Confirmed moving but don't know go where is it?

Sorry, ask so many questions. Thanks for answering them in advance.

Hi Brandedfan,

I also need to travel for my work, but luckily I only need to go about 2-3 days outstation every 2months. Now storing my liquid gold religiously as I am not sure I can pump constantly during the oversea trip and scared supply dropped and I cannot feed my gal BM for the targetted 6months. I have friends who went back to work and supply really dropped until it is not worthwhile to cont' Bf anymore. Scared lor. But of course I also have friends who bf for more than 1 year with success.


don't get too worked up. Don't mean to get everyone "excited". Just to share coz first time parents like us wouldn't know such things.

My husband is the super on type whereas I'm quite bo chap. He's the one who found out all the info and I'm just passing on info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re leedon questions.

It's still under construction. Building is those typical few stories high type unlike the current Harding campus.

Classrooms are air conditioned but I think there'll be outdoor activities.

Underground parking is available. It's also next to future circle line station. Not too sure when the station will be ready though.

Harding lease is up in 2014. It's uncertain where they'll shift to. That's per the registrar. Plans seem very fluid. Maybe they are looking at the kind of demand for classes? Perhaps they may start more slots later?


no fixed timing for opks. Most people will test at a certain time so it's always a 24 hr period between testing. Some will test twice a day to be sure they catch ovulation early coz there is expiry for the egg.

It's best to understand your cycle. If it's regular type you'll roughly know when you are fertile.

Chlosper ... yeah they told harding site all along got vacancies but they will onli take ur application if you are confirm shifting with them when they are shifting in 2014. they confirm have to vacate harding site cos lease expires. they are not sure where they will go and hence i will choose leedon because if they shift very far away, you will have to pull your child out of harding and requeue for leedon.

Rurucat ... i stay in the east also leh ... registered for st james. might shift central in few years time. u can register first and pay the deposit. if u withdraw there is some penalty involved. not many places left ... so hurry if u want.


I see. Hubby told me otherwise. It's just a pity though coz I like Harding Dempsey area. Very serene. However given the rapid commercialism of that place, it'll lose that charm soon.

Looks like everyone is shifting in the next 2 to 3 years. Me too. I hate to shift. All the stuff!

celyn u must hv lost alot of wt le.

jade u are right . opks best pick a time same time for comparability but i have a further technique. around o dates i do both morning (1st pee theory) and at nite (before bd theory) to confirm.

Anyone had tried or intend to try the baby swimming spa - http://www.**************/servicemore.asp??

Looks interesting...

chlosper ... where are u shifting to? my plans to shift is not confirmed but my condo 2 rooms now is getting too cramp so definitely need to shift. if not i will have to chauffeur my boy to school all the time ... sigh ... yes dempsey area is very very serene. i hope the new campus will have nice outdoor areas too ... i will tour the harding campus on 6/7 and intend to tour again in 2012 before i decide (in case things change)

lucida .. i brought my boy to hwa xia for a swim last sunday. he slept very well after the swim. but he was quite fearful initially but warmed up quickly. i had fun taking pics of him ... don't think he had as much fun as me. haha!

Hi Lucida,

My gal has been swimming at the Harbourfront branch since she is 6th week old leh.

Today she goes for her 6th swimming session liao. Dont worry lah.

Hi Lucida,

My gal is 10th week this week.

Hi HJ and Chlosper,

May I know where to go for registration? Think I try for Leedon Campus lah.

RuRu Cat

download application form http://www.sjck.org.sg/forms/registration_form.pdf

Give a cheque of $353.50 and send the application off. If not, go to 29 harding road campus between 9am to 12noon to submit application. Since Chlosper said this morning only got 2 slots left, you might want to go tmr morning personally.

you need to submit baby birth cert and both parents IC phototcopies too.

Hi HJ,

Yes, think tml I go down personally to submit form faster. Thanks so much for your guidance. Wah, our 3 kids all same slot. Happy leh! We see each other in 3 years time! hahahaha....

Hmm, dont say so fast, wait me no slot liao.

Some of my frozen EBM is yellow when thawed. Than smell abit weird also. But the date is 29May.. Is it spoilt?? But why spoilt??

Hi Lucida,

Yes, frozen EBM turns more yellow. The fishy smell should be quite strong. The 1st time i smelt and tasted it, I felt abit nauseous as quite turned off by the fishy smell. Hee....

Hi Rurucat, So is it ok for baby to drink? Actually i'm, quite concern with how i store my milk. Since I dun have enough space in the freezer, getting bottles to store milk is out of the question. Moreover it's a hassle to find enough glass bottles. So I'm using milk bags. But than, again, I read that nutrients may be lost if store in milk bags. So I'm wondering if I'm doing more harm than good for baby to give EBM.. Any comments or advise?

hey ladies,

ur darlings all start swimming alrdy ?

How about going together to north point branch.

I wil like to trial before signing up anything.

how much per lesson ?


the 4C family went to a beach resort over the weekend in msia w the ILs so we are all rested.


even those EBM stored in milk bags got nutrients that are more easily digested by bb than fm. keep storing!

oh yes, i still owe you one email response hor. i go search.


same same la. nearly fainted when i smelt my own thawed milk fm the fbm. fishy until like dunno wat. then that time first time mama, so asked PD whether safe to drink. she gave me a funny look... asked if i had been eating a lot of fish... yes of course, i replied... then the answer came back swiftly... "then of course your milk will smell like fish!" keke

in Msia w the ILs this whole Jun. my excess pumped milk has been going down the throat of C1 and my SIL's 14mo. lazy to freeze and think abt the logistics of bringing back to SG.

i feel like a milk bar.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lucida,

I also stored all my milk in milk bags. I only collected around 30 glass bottles, also not enough, so end up using milk bags.

As some mommy here has advised, due to the fishy smell of the frozen bm, it is better to mix with some freshly ebm or fridge-stored ebm, so that baby won't be put off by the smell and reject the milk.

As long as you are very sure you store the BM carefully and thaw in proper condition, then don't worry, let the bb drink the milk.

Hi Celia,

It is actually not considered a swimming lesson as there is no structured motor skill learning. What happen during the swimming session is that a neck float is placed on the baby, the baby is placed in a square tub (around 1m in diameter) of warm water. Then the baby just float and kick in the tub, that is all. No coach to 'teach' strokes or breathing under water etc lah.

One trial class is $30, it is cheaper to sign up as a member ($50) and then sign up for 10 sessions ($19.60 per session). After the swimming is done, I usually opt for a baby massage (member pays $10, non-member $20).

I will not be continuing the swimming sessions as I have bought a swimming tub from the BP thread. It is cheaper to DIY at home as I stay in Jurong West and the travelling to and fro Harbourfront for 25mins of 'swimming' is not worth it.


my current place is also 2br which hubby felt is too small for all of us. Shifting to novena. Haha. Near all those enrichment classes.

Ruru cat

good luck! My hubby made me print pp size photos! Anyway found a site that does it. www.epassportphoto.com very useful.

Talking about glass bottles, I have 8 mamex glass bottles. Anyone interested? Can let me know. And 6 sterilized teats too. Given by hospital by I didn't use as I insisted on bm.

Im from Dec '09 thread. I know this is wierd....but any mummies wan FBM? I have alot to give away coz my fridge is exploding with milkbags and my hb is complaining that he cant buy food to store. He wants to throw some away but I find it very wasted n heartpain to see my pumping efforts being thrown away. I already use some to wash my face and hands and even tried drinking it..LOL. but i feel gross drinking my own milk. Pls PM me if any of u want...dun worry my milk is clean and v healthy as I have been eating the fish oils,drink anmum lacta, eat calcium pills and fruits.

chlosper ... we are looking at novena area and bukit timah too ... are u shifting because of the schools as well? wah next time maybe can take school bus together? lol!

ruru cat,

Ya I know tis 'swimming' thingy..

Did consider of having it at home no need to go out cos I stay in bukit batok, none of the location is convenient n I realise the price hav went up quite ex lei... Before I giv birth I got saw bbs swimming in it n the price nt 30 lei. I ever phone to the centre to enquire Hw old den suitable, n jus now I click on the link 1 of u sent realise there is 10 sessions available yet on phone they keep insisting the most no of lessons is the best, such way of selling very turn off lor..

I saw the tub n float on 1 of the bp, but after considering the wastage of water I also Duno whether to buy..

So tot of goin for a trial if my boy enjoy, I cn buy tub n after 'swimming' use the water to water plant, wash floor or see got other use or not lor else my mum sure scream.

Celyn, Maddie & Rurucat,

thanks, I just filled 1 bottle of 90ml to put in freezer, hope it turns out fine... Want to maximise the space cos freezer so small plus we have so much frozen food, mostly fish for me. Poor girl, think her milk will be very fishy ;p


Luckily still have option to send them there or fly your mom in. Hope you find new job soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic Ma,

I transferred money for both milk tea and romper today. Check whether ok.

Wah... Want to try for specific gender so complicated! Next time I want to try for no. 2 will look for you cos got one girl so next one want a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This 1st one was a lucky strike... very happy cos want 1st one to be girl. No theories involved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think next one in 3 years time unless "accident".


I was so sleepy that's why slept through then woke up in pain...

Now regret... Spend a lot of time and energy trying to get rid of a lump in my right side today. Big lump. Bb latch still no improvement. Want to massage and pump it away also difficult cos it is kind of behind the areola and so can't massage it easily cos the pump in the way.

From now on max 5 hour interval no more 14hours!!! Setting my alarm for 2am to pump in case she sleeps for a long stretch.

Today brought her downstairs to walk around since after drinking so wide awake and not cranky. Think she enjoyed it... Look here look there. And she fell asleep shortly after coming back up.

Re: Swimming

when can we bring them to the swimmng pool?

hi vicma,

im currently taking the sacred tea, so call to increasemilk supply. but i find my supply still the same.. may i know how is ur milk tea? if i want, how long will i get to receive and how long do i need to take before i can see results?

Hi Daphne,

Thanks for the heads up on the use of pacifier to extend the night feed, I hv been using pacifier since bb is 4 weeks old, I think just hv to wait for her stomach to mature and the night feed to stretch further, no choice. Sigh...

Oh, Mother's tea is not as strong as sacred tea leh, u drink sacred tea liao no increase in ss? Me tried sacred tea, got increase in ss from 10-30ml per pump, but too bz to drink 3 times a day, just drink once, then finish half a package then give up liao.

Hi Celia,

Yes, it is good to go for trial and u can learn the technique of clipping on the neck float. Go after ur son finishes his feed, not too full not too hungry is the best. Bring camera, bb is super adorable in the float. Hee...


Results from Sacred tea varies per individual. It took me 1 week to see some results while others just 2 or 3 days. I guess you need to take it diligently to see real effects. I didn't took it that religiously lah, only take when I remember.

One thing is that with sacred tea, I feel engorged easily and let down is more powerful.


for mild stimulation of breast milk recommended from 2nd mth onwards preferably after milk ducts have opened.


anyone wants mother's milk tea? thinking of getting it to international mail to sg works out to around $6.70/box (shops around $9.90) before local postage to individuals.

local postage & envelop. (will flatten to post to save postage $7.20/unit)

1 unit postage $0.50

2 units postage $1

3 units postage $1.50

16 boxes to get max within US$80 FOC international mail to SG. 16 slots available.


Batch 7

1) Violetme

2) Violetme

3) Violetme

4) Mrsheng (May 2010)

5) Mrsheng

6) Mrsheng

7) Crayon See (pearlytea)

8) Crayon See (pearlytea)

9) Blesses(scattermum)

10) Blesses(scattermum)

11) Blesses(scattermum)

12) Blesses(scattermum)

13) charismama (cherishbebe)

14) charismama (cherishbebe)

15) sgsc

16) sgsc

Daphne Kwok (daphne33)

i wont know how effective it is as diff pple react to it differently but i think sacred tea could be stronger le/ however this milk tea is of a diff blend.

i am not exactly selling the tea but helping pple to buy.


fishy smell

i tot all bm has that smell. My maid said mine not fishy le i was like u are kidding who?

Then i smell the freshly expressed ya hor no smell but u try taste still fishy lor when i mixed with strong coffee.

I tripped over a wire and to prevent myself from falling i think i managed to sprain my 2nd toe in left foot really bad. Am limping around.


beautiful mums emailed me again le. Those maxi dresses now got 3xl and size recommendations. Some s-L some XL-3XL. Really cool easier to choose.

Now dress with top or bottom solid colour and the other end patterned seems v pop.

Unfortunately thenice one i bot from mickyboy hor got ne seam not sew at 2 inch gap. will hv to repair it myself i guess.

