(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Wow. I thot my gal started sleeping thru only wake up for 3am feed but this week she wake up for feed then cannot go back to sleep. Rock n pat two hours n even gave in to hb to let her cry for 15min. In the end latched her since next feed almost due. Then she still didn't want sleep another hour plus. In the end she manage to entertain herself in cot n fall asleep.

She at 10 weeks still taking 120ml. Around 2-5 hourly depending on time of day.

Vic u r the cow mother!! Pei Fu!


body girdle


syz XL

kdd XL

my friend 2XL

Lucida pending L or XL

Ranting baby pening size

lucida & ranting please let me have size by this evening as the BP closes today -she did tell me latest tomorrow morning but i scared i oversleep & miss it

jsut 1 of u confirm we can get this price liao! $30.40

Hi ladies,

Re: Babies sleeping thru the night

My gal's sleeping pattern, I cannot believe it, sleep from 7+pm at night, and will take her feed around 11+pm and 4am+ and then at 5+am to 6am, like clockwork, will wake up and refused to sleep.

For me it is like o my gosh!!! Maybe I should skip dinner (can slim down somemore, hee) and sleep at 8pm? Then wake up at 11+pm to feed her, then pump and sleep again? Then wake up at 4+am to feed her and pump and then just light sleep for 30-45mins then my gal will wake up?

I am not like my HB, once his head touches the pillow, it is Zzzzzz. I need around 15-20mins to fall back asleep. Sigh.....

Will tahan and hope she will up her milk intake and sleep longer. Now I am averaging only 3hrs+ of sleep every night. Want to die liao.....

Ladies & our 1 n onli gentlemen.. (1st time papa )

Lets join Channel 8 for this Precious Babe contest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4104674.gif]


load your bb pics & state why you are the precious babe - instruction as stated.

( I am a Channel 8 Precious Babe because ...........)

lets vote for each other

in case we cant recognise each other bb, do leave ur link when u vote for the person

if you ok to add me in your facebook drop me an email - [email protected]

wif your add so that I can locate you. ( easier to know who if you in my friends list ) My profle not visible if you find in facebook

Currently in my friend list I have Vicma, Celynlee, BB Dust, GBH, Orangey,Cottagefry, crayonsee, kdd...

another weight loss write up to share cheap wt loss option

Information from website: www.bragg.com


Certified Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and 5% acidity. Contains the amazing Mother of Vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecules.


Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is made from delicious, healthy, organically grown apples. Processed and bottled in accordance with USDA guidelines, it is Certified Organic by Organic Certifiers and Oregon Tilth; and is Kosher Certified. Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is full of zesty natural goodness. It’s a wholesome way to add delicious flavor to salads, veggies, most foods, and even sprinkle over popcorn.

Apple Cider Vinegar has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities


Rich in enzymes & potassium

Support a healthy immune system

Helps control weight

Promotes digestion & ph Balance

Helps soothe dry throats

Helps remove body sludge toxins


Helps maintain healthy skin

Helps promote youthful, healthy bodies

Soothes irritated skin

Relieves muscle pain from exercise

How i take this:

I usually mix 1 tbs Honey with luke warm water 200ml

then 1 tbs of ACV

another 200-300ml of water 2-3 cubes of ice

Its better drank as a cider drink - best neat with water warm or cold u you can take it but i found that after a while of drinking with warm water - its taste so horrible I just gave up & lost all the benefits.

My Review:

After Confinement month. Usually weight loss here is very fast as its alot of water loss after birth nearly 1-2 kg a week loss. BUt then in mth 2 wt loss stagnated weeks 4-6.

I started take 3 times a day 2 weeks, in the 3rd week i start lost 2 kg. Continued this 3 times a day for weeks 6 - 12, (3rd mth end of maternity leave i went back to work earlier) Continued on & off 1 time every 2 days or so - in 5th mth after deliver i regained my pre pregnancy weight.

I was 81kg before I got pregnant,

101 at full term,

94kg after delivery

around 89 after Confinement mth.

Lost 8 kgs in about 4 mths.

Please note I believe post delivery weight loss usually is quite fast especially taking into consideration I also Breast feed totally week 3 onwards. But i know i Continued to eat alot -else the weight loss in totality could have been greater.

Extra Tips: You can Vary the honey & the ACV to more each time or less each time 1 time a day or 3 times a day.

Best 20 mins after a meal 3 times a day 1 tbs ACV for accelerated detox & slimming.


hey hey, urgent help needed.

im ignosed with shingles. dr said gotta separated frm bb for at least 5m to prevent the virus passing to bb and may cause chicken pop on bb. so cannot latch on now... anyone can advise of other precaution sld i take like can i touch bb's stuffs? im very upset now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies, been missing for some time as too busy with 2 little monsters at home + endless house work + occasional calls from colleagues and bosses to check for my availability to help on some works. Not to say about other relatives entertainment. Damn sianz!!! Can't leave me in peace de!

Discussed with hb if I should resign, as comp is started to give me onsite schedules like flying out of Singapore soon. But then, with hb's odd working schedule, how to take care of 2 monsters? Some more he is boh chap type, can use #1 milk powder to give to #2. Started to have sleepless nites and worrying few weeks ago, and really didn't know what to do and always tears dripping. My mum suggested to bring #2 back to Malaysia for her to take care, while i take care #1. But then I was thinkinng i will surely miss her and will lose the bonding. How ah?

Wonderland, shingles is very painful le. So sorry to hear this. My mum got it few years ago. You really need to be careful and baby @ risk of chicken pox, they will be very cranky if they fall sick, and then you will be super stressed. My mum last time even seperate the clothes during washing. Hang on there, don't be too upset. Take good care of yourself then can take care of bb and family.

You can see few answers posted in the link below:



Though I know say is easy than done, I also in the same state. Don't know how to handle my family + work now. Need the work for food on table, and yet don't know how to settle my 2 kids. #1 super active and my job now requires me flying, if get a maid, also, troublesome as I always not a home. In law's relatives all boh chap, can't depend on, my boss want me to go back as soon. Sigh sigh sigh!!! What to do ? Any suggestion / solution to my prob? In a loss...

brandedfans (brandedfans), thx... im now thinking of how to disinfect bb stuffs,,but im the 'poison' n wat is e point if im doing the disinfection? sigh...


good idea about using the meeting room... But I think only feasible for the pump before 9am. Lunch time may not be possible cos meetings with clients may be held during lunch time too.


should we be waking them up for feeds? I am so happy when she sleeps I don't wake her up even though I worry she sleeps for too long during the night.


I think she took about 45 mins to finish 160ml but hubby stopped halfway to burp her. Am using Nuk Premium Choice Latex Size 1 Small hole teat. This teat looks most

like our nipples/breast.

Same prob... Have to spend very long time to get her to sleep.


Wah your bb has such a nice routine! You wake him up to feed or he wakes up on his own?


my hb like yours, will want to leave bb to cry. I will give in when I can't take it anymore. But sometimes she cry cry then will fall asleep by herself. Heartpain though to hear her cry plus worried too much air goes in.


maybe have your dinner at 6plus... No good to skip meals all the more so when our milk quality depends on our food intake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dear, best to ask doc. Think you should rest when not pumping. *hugs* hope you recover real quick. Anyone to help you?


how about changing to a job which does not require you to travel?

Chlosper ... I've just registered my son for PNPG 2013 at st James kindergarten leedon too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2nd session as well. Didn't want Harding in case they shift very far away. Our kids can be classmates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw they have less than 5 lots left??!! Thanks for telling so I dint miss the registration [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wonderland, oh I just thought the worst. Think u shd not be in contact with anything that touch yr bb. But shd give the EBM cos got antibodies. Take care n rest as much as u can.

Syz, I left the room n let hb jaga her while she cried. Cannot bear to see her cry. After 15min I went back in she was crying less but still upset. So I carry her, myself also almost in tears already.

Hi Vic ma, I want an L size for the girdle. Can you give me your bank info again so that I can transfer you the $.

Btw, for MIM, I think they will answer call even if they are not open.. Maybe you give me the order number and I can check myself. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic ma

my size is XL. Thank you.


if your company has those waiting rooms for guests can also use for pumping during lunch or those unused office cubicles / corner cubicles of colleagues will do also. Otherwise, if you have shopping malls near your office, can run over during lunch to use their nursing rooms. But remember to recce the shopping mall first cos some dun have nursing rooms.

Maddie (madhunny), sigh... difficult leh... got sister's maid to help me take care of bb for this afternoon before mil is available to take care of him... bb is downstair and i gotta be upstair... but i don dare to just leave bb with maid and got go down to see bb from far a few times....

ya, try not to touch anything belongs to bb... but im still handling BM coz NO ONE KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT! asked my hb to learn handling BM before but he refuse... now jialat lor! sigh sigh sigh

and u know what....bb was almost latch on for 24 hrs for the passed few days coz he has fever and bit fussy n reject botol..... come to think of it that his fever cld be the antibodies that fighting the virus i have coz dr said the shingles virus was in my body for a few days before it break out as skin rash.....

wishing bm antibodies is strong enof to protect my bb now and hoping that bb won reject bottol these days....

ranting baby roger roger XL

Lucida size L ok thanks

Lucida please check your email - they allow u to change the MIM blouse if its not washed yet.

follow up from there quote the reference number in there.

Check with those of you using glass bottles to freeze breastmilk:

do you sterilize a few bottles in advance? After sterilizing there will be water droplets in the bottle (can't shake all away). Where do you keep these sterilized bottles waiting to be filled with bm? Fridge?

Right now I have not frozen any bm. I pump and store in fridge to be used for night feed. I will sterilize some bottles and keep in fridge with the droplets still inside. My pump also has droplets after sterilizing and will just shake of what I can then pump. Is this what you all do as well?

And when you store the bottles in the freezer of a 2 door fridge which has frozen meat, fish etc do you put the glass bottles into another box then put in freezer of just place inside ?

wonderland u might need someone else to feed bottle for u for a start..

cos sometimes u latch too much bb see u will sure reject bottle.

syzygy6, my bb last feed is around 9+, wake up around 6am for his next feed, usually i will latch him on, he will sleep back and wake up again arund 9am. but some nights he still will wake up in mid of the night crying for milk..

celia, i have added you in FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah vic ma. my bb was ok with bottol by me or hb.. just when he has fever, he wants to latch.. cry when the teat touch his lip... settle down with feeding when got my nipples... hopefully he's ok later...

stupid mummy like me actually only know i hv shingles when bring my bb to see dr. bb temperature was 37.5 this morning n i kind of worried coz bb was admitted on 10-11june due to fever... so bring him to family dr n tot at the same time ask if my skin sensitive...n when showed dr my rash, she said im the culprit.... sigh...

So pek chek but reminding myself to be patient. She finished her feed at 1pm guai guai sit in rocker while I had lunch. After lunch couldn't get her to sleep. 3.30 still awake and crying on and off. Suppose to pump my left side at 1.30 so decided to latch her instead since already 2.5 hours since her last feed. Now still can't fall asleep and keep showing tongue in between crying and yawning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and right side was due for pumping at 4. Like that how to build up milk stash!!! But I don't want to bottle feed more than once a day cos go back to work can't latch so many times already.

Rurucat: My daughter has a similar sleep schedule to your baby. She generally sleeps from 11 to about 3 for her feed. She then wakes again at 6 plus. Have tried to "dreamfeed" but she simply refuses to suck from the bottle. Headache. Am really hoping to train her to sleep through the night but doesn't seem likely for now.

Chlosper: Did you mention that you have a nanny? Is she a live-in nanny? Where did you get her from? If you don't mind, can you drop me an email at [email protected] so we can take this discussion offline? We are seriously looking to engage a live-in nanny and need recommendations. Thanks.

My daughter seems to be on some sort of nap/milk strike today. Has not napped properly since 7.30 a.m. Everytime I pat her to sleep and put her in her cot / rocker, she wakes up. She has only just fallen asleep. And because she is so tired and mang zang, she has been drinking very little too. Sigh, quite worrying. Dunno whether she is missing my CL who just went home this morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


your bb very guai! Me still taming princess tiger cub [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] more like kena bullied by her.

After complaining here she has fallen asleep on my tummy. Going to wait a while more before transferring her to her cot.


yeah. Chances of being classmates are quite high. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy would probably be classmates with his cousin too. If the mother is ok with leedon campus.


sorry to hear about the shingles. What medicine did the doc gave? When I had it four years back, there were two choices. Take the more ex but quicker recovery option.

Best to have someone take care of the baby. It's not as infectious as chicken pox but take precaution. There is a vaccine for chicken pox but not sure what is the min age.

Girdle please confirm - else i will not email the seller to change le.

1) 3XL myself

2) XL Syz

3) XL kdd

4) 2XL my friend

5) L Lucida

6) L Ranting

7) XL Celia

Syz I keep sterilized bottles in a plastic box with cover with water droplets. That is considered 'clean' box. Once a week I rinse the box with hot water. Water droplets also sterile so is ok to mix. Some ppl say to air dry but I can air and air it never dry. Used to keep FBM in top shelf of freezer n meats on bottom shelf. Since maid left door open n half milk melted I got a chest freezer. Anyway was a relief cos really running out of space liao. If u only latch one side can pump other side??

Ming, there r days when my gal also reverse doll. When carry eyes close, lie down then eyes open. Those days r worst n I just leave her in carrier to sleep. Then my hands r free to do stuff. Timing also abt like yours usually feed 11-12, 3 n 6am. If I'm lucky she will sleep thru the 11pm feed.

Chlosper (chlosper), upset me seeing mil bringing my bb away... don like her to take k but no choice coz my mum only available frm wed.. sigh....

dr gave me acyclovir800mg, safe 4 bf...chicken pop vaccine only at 15mth...

Hi Mrsm,

U use tongs lah, to pick up bb clothes and toys and use gloves if really need to do hsework.

My Hb ganna shingles while I was pregnant and I moved back to my parents' hm to stay.

1) 3XL myself

2) XL Syz

3) L kdd

4) 2XL Jade

5) L Lucida

6) L Ranting

7) L Celia

8) XL – cherisbabe(J)


1 – 3XL

1 – 2XL

2 – XL

4 – L

PLEASE EMAIL ME BY 10PM this evening for any size change or additional order - new orders pls no more changes by 10pm hor.


just remember that's the best for baby. It's hard for them when they can't communicate the pain if they get it. It will pass.

Recovery should be quite soon. Take this as a break to rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shingles seems to be quite common theses days. When I got it few years back the doc was surprised. And mine was on the scalp. Thought was painful pimples! Then when I caught chicken pox later, doc was even more surprised! Chicken pox after shingles. So I was fearful during pregnancy that I might catch it again.


email you later.


Don't worry, 2 weeks very fast will pass one. U tahan abit.

Hi Syzygy6,

For the glass bottle hor, I will sterilize them, then use clean tissue to clean the water droplets inside, then keep in a cupboard. Then when I want to use to store EBM, I will pour hot water over the bottle before i start pumping. Then around 10mins I take out the bottle to cool off, then when I finish pumping around 20mins later, I use it to store the EBM.

Yes, I have a box to keep the glass bottle in the freezer dept as I dont want the meat to touch the glass bottle. Yucks. Now I bought a chest freezer and store my BM separately. The freezer comes with a lock, even better, nobody can touch. hahahaha.....

Hi Ming,

How are you going to tahan the night feed har? Ur CL goes home liao, you take over? This type of feeding really v jialat, not here not there. Now I am pumping, after this I want to bring my girl downstairs for walk walk, hopefully she can don't sleep until later around 9+pm.

Chlosper (chlosper) & ruru cat, thanks. sigh, really worry of my bb lor.. just now see mil bathing bb and bb almost fall and she turned his arms like no body business, see bb so xin ku.... sim thia lor.. now i cannot see him making me more and more worried....

