(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


So the box of sterilized bottles is left outside?

Then when you put in the top shelf of the freezer you just put in direct and not into another box?

My bb usually drink from one side each feed so now that the interval between feeds are 2-3 hours, each breast has an interval of 4-6 hours so I thought latch one side followed by pump the other side so that can get milk stored up.

Vic Ma,

Confirm size XL. Will transfer money to you later.

Re: Rootote

pink with white dots or grey with white dots nicer???

Batch 7

1) Violetme pd

2) Violetme

3) Violetme

4) Mrsheng (May 2010)

5) Mrsheng

6) Mrsheng

7) Crayon See (pearlytea)

8) Crayon See (pearlytea)

9) Blesses(scattermum)

10) Blesses(scattermum)pd

11) Blesses(scattermum)

12) Blesses(scattermum)

13) charismama (cherishbebe)

14) charismama (cherishbebe)




day time, i will wake her up to feed like 4 hourly if she didn't wake up loh. but night, i just let her sleep. will feed when i wake up for pump and feel that it had been too long since last feed.

glass bottles:

i sterilise some in advance. cap them and keep in lock and lock in the open. water droplets are fine cos 'they are sterilise' liao. our pump also have mah.

ebm will be in fridge freezer immediately after pump and stay for 1 day max. then it will be transfer to chest freezer. my frozen meat are kept in a tray on the 2nd layer. fbm are on the last layer.


wah you literally have a treasure chest of liquid gold!

Now thinking of placing fbm on top shelf and keep bottom shelf for food which will be packed into tupperware freezer containers. Sounds ok right?


i side line got sell opks & hpts one le - u all start to BD again can come fine me for HPTS haha!!!!!

that time ttcing i brought in for good will lor hope to be blessed with a son.

vic ma,

today cos i wake up late, so pump at 6.30am at home then 10.30am and 2.30pm in office. then 6pm at home.

my original plan is pump at 5am at home then 8am and 1pm in office and 6pm at home. must try to stick to this one so that less distrubance to work.

Syz, I keep FBM in tray/box but not covered so the cold air can circulate. As long as that area no meat goes shd be ok. Sterilized bottles in those plastic box with cover I keep in bb room. No need to put in fridge. If u zhai can pump n latch at the same time!


after #1 goes cc, my working hours is from 8am - 5pm. i have 2 working office, in serangoon and marine parade. today, i was in another place, yio chu kang and my colleague send me home. so was back early.

i just pump and had a shock. i got no milk from left breast leh..... how come?????? its was still normal at 6pm pump leh... hopefully, it will go back to normal later. i press got milk leh.


i can pump in meeting at both office loh. no issue with pumping.


this is the 1st time i encounter this loh. after i keep ebm and sterilise my pump, i press to test test loh. got milk come out leh.

Hi Celynlee,

No milk???? That is a mystery! Or u latch ur bb and forget? Hee....

Hi Syzygy6,

Yes, your plan sounds fine. As long separate the meat and the milk bottles, it is fine.

My chest freezer has 4 drawers, up to now only 1 is full, so actually nothing lah, but just want to make sure my liquid gold is safe and since only store BM, nobody shall open it, thus the milk can tahan for 6mths.

Hi VicMa,

Then I also must start selling HPT and other fertility related stuff as I want to be blessed with another child, doesnt matter boy or girl. But I think my PIL vvvvv gian to have a grandson. Sighh......


Latest story from nasty boss. My friend refused to serve notice during maternity leave. Boss has new arrangment. When she starts work, she has to move to another new desk and report to another section head. This is to make way for new staff replacing her.

Though my friend said is losing face for her but will 'Ren' for the sake of money. She will submit resignation after remaining 2 mth maternity leave is consumed.. What a nasty boss..


It's home pregnancy test kits. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

VicMa / Ru Ru Cat

Can i volunteer to be the sales person? Already expert in using opks and hpts. And very good at analysis of results - seeing that super faint line. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ruru ask me la narrow yr gamble. I wannted boy i tried for one. My frind had a boy liao and tried for a girl. We both use same theory she got what she wanted too.

Logic n theory aside. Blessing from above is paramount ba.


yr left nei got stress. :p i think we will get the hang of it la the routine. I cannot stand it i forgot my curtain today!


Home Preg Tests keke i tested 8 days after i ovulated and it had a lite shadow. Then dpo 9-10 no line wor then dpo 11 again got faint shadow. Day before af date which is dpo 13 darker shadow. the rest was history. Cheap lor under $1 each can test like paranoid!


Which theory? Shettles? How to try for a girl? Odds of getting a boy is higher based on shettles method.

maybe dpo 9-10 line is too faint? Different angles, etc. I took pictures, contrast them, etc. those were the days. And yeah, the strips are very cheap, i could afford to test everyday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


vic_ma's should be those test strips, with 1 control line and a result line. works the same way as those kits purchased at guardian etc but much much cheaper. basically you "pee on a stick". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

waiting for vic_ma's reply on getting a girl too.

i dunno what the method is called le just have a logic pieced together to form one theory. my method very KS but might take a long time quite a few cycles to strike.

cos monitor for how your body behaves & what the opks, bbt & mucus show then forming a pattern then u start to bd accordingly.

for a girl ok let me recall


1) fertility window 24 hrs

2) swimmers life span in us 72 hrs

3) opk positive u are fertile within 12-72 hrs for most pple

4) bbt lowest - that is the day u are ovulating

5) egg white mucus - fertile day

6) swimmers take 12 hrs to swim & reach egg

7) fresh swimmers not necessary good - few days didnt shoot could mean more volume of swimmers - not necessarily must have fresh swimmers.

TTC tools - mucus, opks & BBT thermometor & some sexy lingerie.

if u are bfing not much mucus but mensus already came - mucus not zhun - depend on other 2 ttc tools, bbt & opks.

test opks, mark on calendar. cd -cycle days.

say CD 14 opk positive (day opk both lines as intense) possible CD 15 fertile

for a girl after u confirmed fertile date always do 2 days before. KS method usually 30 days cycle u will be fertile CD 14-15, BD 3 days before cd 14, then try 2 days before cd 14, if that still fails - try day before cd 14.

for a boy

always bd only day opk positive. for a few cycles. if still dont strike -bd 1 day before.

for a girl if u always bd on day opk positive as well & didnt strike -bd 2 days before opk positive date.

along these lines play around the safe zones.

this most if u did something like the above just that u think think about it.

i kept bding on opk positive day which for me happened to be bbt lowest too. i was bfing still so mucus was not much to depend on.

didnt strike for nearly 1 yr then my friend reminded me swimmers take 12 hrs to swim to reach egg i was like ya hor.

i always tested opk morning. that could have been the time i need to BD liao but we all still go work come back then BD at nite after putting #1 to sleep - its like more than 12 hrs later liao. Miss Egg angry went off liao lor.

so i decided ok angry la BD day before. next mth immed AF went on holiday & i got my little boy.

ran to tell my friend, confirmed she also bd only on opk positive day. she BD very next cycle 2 days before & got her girl.

sigh.. that's why it's easier to get a boy than a girl. for a girl, got to try before the +ve opt. For those with a regular follicular phase, then it's quite easy. For me, sigh... ....

wahh vic ma,

chim sia. Read liao a bit blur.

what is bbt?


my left side also like engorge and cannot be cleared leh.. Few days liao. When pump, got lesser milk too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Vic Ma,

I 100% agree with u blessing from above is paramount to the motherhood journey!! Sometimes I look at my little gal and feel so blessed as really de2 lai2 bu4 yi4.

I will monitor my AF cycle and see if can track my ovulation period once my BFing career ends in 4 mths time. Thanks for sharing your method.

Hi Crayon See,

Do massage the affected breast w as hot as u can tahan towels to ease the engorgement and pump as high power as u can also. Vic Ma's method works. Nowsadays I don't need to visit my jamu lady when I ganna blocked ducts. I just use my hot stone to massage, follow by a hot shower with more massage and super high power pumping, blcked ducts should clear with 48hrs.

Hi Celynlee,

Ur left breast and u hv negotiate a deal liao? Breast decides to stop strike and cont' working. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crayon see

bbt is Basel temperature. It is a way to track and know more about your cycle. Temperature is taken first thing every morning around the same time. When in the follicular stage (day of period to ovulation) the temperature is usually low. After ovulation there'll be a spike in temperature and it reamins high until the period starts. This is also called the luteal phase.

If your cycle is irregular or you always wonder when af will visit, taking temperature allows you to prepare for af. It does not prepare you for ovulation though. That's where opks comes in.


blessings from above is definitely required. We have tried so hard on our own and with help. In theory it should work due to perfect timing but ...


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] life is always greener on the other side. I need a change in office environment. So far all the mummies on my floor have given birth to boys for the past five years.

i miss the 3am pump again. oh no.... cannot go on like that leh.

ruru cat,

hahah.... don't know why suddenly it decide to go on strike loh. my girl loves my left breast leh. she don't really like to latch on the right so left cannot go on strike.


yah yah. others always seems to have better life then us. :p

crayon see,

mine not engorge leh. just go on strike at the 9pm yesterday loh.

Woke up in pain at 7am... Cos hubby bottle fed ebm for last feed and pass to me to make her sleep I got so sleepy fell asleep with her. Hubby transferred her to cot in middle of the night I also slept through and didn't know (alamak... Bb kena kidnapped also don't know). Feel very well rested but both breasts rock hard and in pain... L side resting since 8pm R side since 5.30pm!!! Now got bb to latch right side... Immediate relief. Hope she goes to sleep straightaway after her feed so that I can pump.

syz haha kidnapped from under yr nose.


think u slept too much on left side kena pressed or yr left nei hor kena pressed by too tight bra. U wore nursing bra to work bo?

I wearing 38c hor but i actually think whenfull its 40-42 c-d. So my 38c like small padded bikini bra top. But bo bian lor most of cheap and good nursing bras max those sizes. Maybe i should try a d instead? Just dont 'expect' to be so huge. Maybe yr bra too small and constricted and u lapsed abit long then pump yr left nei went besek.

I found hor mim nursing bra 38c (use with extensions) is more comfy and straps long enough than those cheap korean got nice lace but cheaper quality feel 90c. I suspect the 90c(40c) straps too short and cutting smaller, cups more rigid just feel more congested and uncomfy and $20-30 not say v cheap either.

Buy is can la but maybe get one try 1st - for me if i buy again i will take bigging size and cup to compensate for the smaller cutting. Just tt i so fat 90 is like the biggest liao.

i wanna cry my girl's cc few more hfmd cases. I on leave today 3 day week. Tomorrow ask my mil look after thur i on leavee again.

My parents just went holiday so i dont hv their extra help with my girl boo hoo!

Still consider bf as long I can but hb not support. Because I have low blood pressure & it start again since last month. So when my pump spoilt he deem happy. After that I searching for 2nd pump than he borrow medela breast pump from his colleague. But I can't take the ressure from medela, very pain & ss also drop. I don't know how to. :-(

vic ma,

i always sleep on my right leh. i'm wearing the ugly looking, ah ma style nursing bra to work and home loh. i'm still wearing the smallesy size bra leh. nursing bra 34 hoh, still loose for me loh. sometimes, it will detach itself leh. so paiseh.

Me thinking of stopping after 6months. At first I tot I could do it for a year, than a year become 10 months and 10 months become till end of this year. Now I'm thinking of 6 months. Really tired and sianz with the routine... Moreover baby always dont finish her milk.. so demoralising.. 12 weeks already and most of the time drinks between 80-100ml. She seems to like goats milk more. Unlike her brother.. all babies so different. I like feeding her brother more than her..

Oh dear.. I'm starting to show signs of flavourism...


family support very important, like my HB keep asking me to stop than mention must be fair to girl that only bf for 4mths. Than how work half day than rush home to pump feel very sian.


lucida, you also purchase gridle from bp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me too. hope it help to tighten my tummy.

