(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

i'm fine with having more days of massage, i just don't like my MIL's attitude.. like forcing me.. anyway she's going to pay, so i take lor.. hahaha..

charismama: i tried the cold cabbage method too.. it works.. the cold cabbage must be big enough to cover your whole breast.. the most can only cover for 2 hours (if i don't remember wrongly...)


i feel so worry..

my bb sleep alot today, from 6pm till now hvent call for milk...

is it normal??

wonder is it bcoz of the massage....haiz....


u can drink lots of fluids during confinement papaya fish soup helps and a good dual electric pump standby to pump.

Cut down on dang gui as its known to reduce bm supply.

Once u hm from hosp u should pump 30 mins after u latch every 2-3 hrs to stimulate milk flow.

Unfortunately u cannot toughen yr nipples now cos any stimulation can trigger contractions


TBF babies no need water cos BM is already majority water.


persevere in latching on and expressing will help you continue with TBF. Latch / Express for 15-20mins will help you establish your ss. Always massage before latch / express, so that you can empty your breasts. Offer both breasts in the beginning so that both breasts will be stimulated to producing BM. Always pump after latch for same amount of time (15-20mins each breast) so you won't get sore or cracked nipple. After ss is established, you can offer one breast at a time.


Glad to know that your mum is better and that the op is successful! Now you can put your mind at ease!


I usually massage hard if got engorgement. Will only use cold compress when I have blocked duct due to engorgement (towel soaked in ice water and massage on on area with blocked duct). After that I will position baby's nose to face blocked duct when latch on. Better to let bb latch after cold compress compared to express.


miss 1-2 feeds is ok de. Esp when they resting more. Its like if u want bb to sleep more during the nite should wake them. But newborn i rather u not. Let them sleep if they want is my personal policy la.

Normal pump is just pum 30 mins every 2-3 hrs straight to.

Power pump only good maybe most ks once every 2-3 weeks ba. Its a 2 day system. Once yr milk stablise u can pum for 20 mins instead of 30 mins. Pllay by ear lor how fast u want to increase ss and how hardworking u want to be. Good to do once before cl leaves at least lor.


tis is wat I heard, during day time we have to wake bb up for milk, as for midnite if bb nv wake up for milk, let him/her continue wif slp.

I disturb my bb up for milk only once til now, all tis while his body alarm clock very accurate. as for midnite only once he woke up 4 hrs for milk other then tat he is on 2 1/2 hrly basis

some pple leave outside 1 hr max after heated up before. Within the 1 hr u can reheat.

I wont advise puttig bk to fridge. To me once 1hr up after heated up before. I will throw. When they are abit older i might allow bb to drink awhile after 60mins. Too newborn i dare not play play.


I HBF not TBF hhehehee... wondering if my bb have sufficient nutrients and whether I got sufficient milk for bb. SO I HBF and feed on Friso

vic, ic... i been using the power pump since i start pumpin...lol

celia, my bb tends to slp more on the day n nite she will wake up 1 to 2hr for milk

vic, this is wat happen just now that my hubby pour 80ml edm out from fride to heat up n i told him 80ml is too much for bb, sure cant finish n very waste too. so i ask him to pour half of it bck to the fridge.

now that the other half hv been heated up but my bb didnt wake up for milk so my mil put it bck to the fridge.

so i was wondering is it ok anot. if not i hv to throw it away liao but thinking it a waste too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dont knw it will harm my bb if we reheat it again

juski as long as heated up before. One hr up. Whether its in fridge or outside. Hv to throw.

Some mummies dont waste. Put in milo and drink ourselves. Daddy also can drink. Or u can soak a pill mask and ask yr face also can ba.

Now I m sleepless after feeding C2.


that is good news abt your mum's op indeed!


the first days (at least a week) after birth is impt to estb milk supply. besides ranting's tips, also strongly discourage visitors... and the best way to do that is... dun announce birth till ready to receive visitors!

v dao i know, but nec to preserve own sanity when coping w being mummy.

oh mummies....

today i went to PD and saw another mummy w a newborn. she ws b4 me in the queue. PD and i are quite fren by now fm C1's time (and she also knows my bfeedg nazi ways - haha) she shared w me that the other mummy is under pressure fm grandparents to supplement w FM, then wanted to ask her to speak w me, but _that_ would be overstepping the patient-doctor boundary. sigh.

the generation abv us ah, not only lost cause to bfeedg, now influencing us and the next generation too. hearing this story made me so sad and mad at the same time.


its like talking to wall haha! Thankfully my parents see the benefits of bfing. I think it also helps if our parents and inlaws had more education. At least they listen more.

For my parents they know i am stubborn. Mum had inverted nipples and could not even try. Said her time where got suck things as the sucker thingy pigeon sells to suck out inverted nipples. Apparently she wanted to try on my brother who had bad bad jaundice but cos of the inversion. Poor younger bro suck nothing so angry cried and cried.

Ashleybb, glad to hear abt yr mom. She will be sooo happy when she gets to see her new grandbb

juski, agree w Vic ma abt the 1 hr milk. I also feel bad to throw away but won't forgive myself if anything happens to my dd.

Thanks ming8110,rantingbaby,cellow & maddie... Just finished breastfeeding my bb... Latch her both side for 15mins each then give her another 40mls EBM... She sleep liao but me got to express more milk...


anyone hv gd recommendation on shifu for bb Chinese names?


i hv glass bottles of 100ml n 130ml. I do pump out 140ml to 160ml. I will store 130ml in a bottle n remaining 30ml in another glass bottle. like not fully utilize glass bottle. How u organised?


manage to get more plastic caps? I hv run out of plastic caps for my ebm. Let me if u get it at cheaper price.

I might b getting 2nd hand freezer for ebm.


it's better to empty ur breasts by pumping after latch to send signals tt u need to produce more.


tue bb checkup by pd, he said ok jus continue sun. If stil concern, can I bring him to polyclinic to check without blood test?


my 2nd appt w dr. Yvonne chan is next tue. U?

Hi Kite

My 2nd appt is in early May..

I just got my caps from TMC, 3 for $3 in a packet. Heard Mt A cheaper....

For EBM, I will store remaining in the other glass bottle. Then label same date n time. When need to use, I can combine the EBM. If nt used within 2 days, I combine to freeze,

I'm up pumping. I agree with Vicma after heating up the ebm, it only can last 1hr. My CL insisted that it can last up to 2 hrs.. So pissed off with her cos she heated my ebm @7pm but let my bb drank at 850pm.. I told her cannot then she argued with me.. Angry!@&$((&)

Kite ... Caps are 70 cents each from Mt A pharmacy. How do u sterilize ur glass bottles before use? I bought the caps from Mt A.

Are u buying 2nd freezer from the forum also? I want to get a drawer system one ..

Just wondering why after latching you still top up 40ml of EBM? I latch my boy 15 mins each breast each time and he will ask for milk again in 2 hrs ... Very tiring ...

Sorry to interrupt. I am from the March thread and have the following item to let go

1) Desitin Original (purple)- Bought extra @$12, to let go @$10 (include postage), expiry 01/11.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

anyone had done bb massage from the massage lady?

i saw my ML did the massage for my bb i feel heartpain, haha not sure if my bb enjoy anot. but y do they squeeze bb nipple?


C2 is in the bilibed now. idly wondering if the light is ok for him.. but he DOES look less yellow than he did ystday.


why do you just ask your massage lady why she does that?


breastmilk is easily digested so the time btwn feeds is shorter. our bbs' stomach capacity will increase as they grow, then the time btwn feeds will be able to drag longer.... jiayou!!! rest when bb sleeps... even lying down and closing eyes when bb sleeps is more restful than (haha) reading forum postings.


wah up so early in the morning! talk to wall ah. at least the wall doesnt talk back or argue. *roll eyes*

morning mummies

today, i feel so different. can't walk long, can feel baby is really pressing down, must support tummy to walk if not its can be quite painful. even with supporting tummy, pain does comes in on and off. don't know if its any sign or not. but i don't want baby to come out so soon leh. hoping to tong longer then i can be in office for the audit that we had work so hard for. don't wish to miss it. hahaha.... a bit siao right.

i'm resting in bed now. hopefully, later can go out to buy camera.

Hi morning mommies..couldnt sleep thru the nite. Feeling Stressed. Went visit gynae last nite n im oredi 2/5 engaged, which Dr said its anytime betwn next 1-1.5 weeks! Oh my, my face was pale wen my sis saw mi later. Guess reality has to set in coz it's been a long wait. Now using this weekend wash n boil remaining stuffs..i also planning to work till i pop. Save on maternity leave for mi...

Celynlee, same same. We both wanna dong longer, but seems like ur tummy also getting low liao. Did Dr say u engaged oredi? btw, i asked dr abt the walking thing, she said it applies for both - smotther n earlier delivery coz walking will help bb get engaged faster.hmm...so prob u wanna ask HB go buy the camera instead? heheh

jiak lak, my breastpump also haven arrived. Not slated to arrive till another 2 weeks later. Dunno hw im goinna survive if bb out. Cant do pp..

Congrats to all mommies who have delivered. Tink u all v v brave, am getting cold feet now, dunno wat to eapect but hope i can be like u mommies come my turn!


i only see gynae on tues leh. last visit last week, he didn't say leh.

can't get hubby to buy cos i still can't decide on the model. hahahah........

celynlee, but do u feel much more lethargic recently n like no mood for anything? i tink tat was my cue, but din noe. Been walking so little but bb stil chooses to engage so fast...sigh

yday wen i stepped out of dr's room suddenly felt pre-natal blues, wanna cry..hahah..silly mi.


usually how long will it last? My bb now 11days old. Actually from e start, mine not heavy flow but suddenly yesterday become heavy flow. Is tis normal? Meaning it's not clear yet rite?

i read the thread that lc from kkh dont recommend fenugreek during 1st 2 week??? how abt other nursing tea ,, can we drink it after birth to help increase breast milk... just in case to boost it so it enough for baby???

oh ya, so yr dr shld have more updates for u this tues..hehe..but u can also get cue frm #1''s EDD to ADD as a gauge for #2...heard gonna be abt the same.

Kite, i tink it varies for indiv. Have heard pple having it for jus 2 weeks, some 6 wks, some 2 mths!!!

kite....did u hv black fungus for yr confinement food?? heard that it sorta helps to flush out the blood faster..i experienced this when i had black fungus last week...nw the lochia sorta turns lightish brown / pinkish...i assume its finishing soon...

oh..another thing...i heard fm my gf..if doing post-natal massage..the massage lady if her skill is good will also help to massage the tum / womb area which helps to drain the lochia fast also...nt sure if this is true cos im only starting my massage 1 mth aft my c-sec which is next mth nia.

vic_ma: pls update for me: My gal is born on 6th Apr, weight 2.7kg. Normal delivery with epi.

My BM came unexpectedly fast this time. I was feeling terribly engorged on day 3 already!

The lactation consultation at the hospital don't encourage pumping now as it may result in overproduction as our breastmilk supply is still very unstable. If need to pump to relieve engorgement, just pump enough to relieve it.

To encourage BM to come, best is through baby suckling.

celyn...hehe ...sugegst if u wana get a camera , betetr decide fast leh ..in case bb gets impatient & wants to mit mummy & daddy earlier *-* ...do rest well.

Sg_SC ...hugz ...i had this also ..during my last chkup b4 i popped, i also teared when i left the doc..duno why ....hhehe ..blues i guess n of cos the realisation for me tt bb is finally coming.


yah yah. today must buy must buy liao. cannot delay further. my old one still can use lah but you need to count 1-5 after you press then it will take. hahahaha..... #1 keep dropping till it goes siao liao.

celynlee, tink ur EDD earlier than mine too hor? Prob u gonna pop faster than mi then!hehe..

Jade, Congrats!! Rest well yeah..That's good to hear coz my pump dunno wen arrive, n coz order frm spree, still need get the transformer convertor. Piangz, tink by the time can use, bb fullmth liaoz!

Re: Lochia (duno spell correctly or not) - my granny says before can boil water with brown sugar & ginger then drink. good to help dispel the solid pieces during lochia.. then cleaner.. This method can be used for normal period pains too..

XLH, yahlor! then everybody also puzzled tot u wait so long is for tis moment mah, y scared??!! Dun u wanna see ur bb soon? hahah...somehow i rather remain preg than bb come out disturb mi foreva ...(dunno y i got tis weird mentality, having cold feet but no choice le);p

ooh...mine's on 25th Apr but now est one week earlier. Lets see wat ur dr says on tues! ;)

btw, have u resolved ur bottles issue? Have u decided where u gonna put them?


jade ok.


its 1st 2 mths i dont really even recommend the milk tea which is milder. Feenugreek is much much stronger the lc didnt even want to comment when iasked her if can take. She brushed off the question.

The extremes of engorgement fever and masistis go read on masistis. U will get very scared as it can just end your bf career as the stress of post natal blues. New responsibility of a new baby dawning on you. Its really collectively very mentally and physcially stressful.

Some ladies who went thru all these and still are ambassadors of breast feeding might hv stories to share which might make u really shy from feenugreek esp 1st few mths. I just did the pump and pump style. Didnt even know abt mother's milk tra till another friend recommended me. She also bfed more than 12 mths like myself.

