tis me who syringe fed C1 w EBM till he learnt how to latch again. did that for 5-6 weeks.
normal syringe that is used to feed bb's medicine, can get fm PD. insert finger + syringe tog, release milk into bb's mouth only when she sucks.
any method of sterilisg the syringe is fine.
an easier way is to cup feed... if got an indian nurse around, ask them where they get the cups from. i only know medela has this product but never personally used it before.
all the abv is to prevent nipple confusion.
there are 2 types of jaundice. physiological jaundice which peaks at day 6-7 and normally goes off by week 2-3, and breastmilk jaundice which peaks at week 2, and goes off... sigh... during week 5-7.
both C1 and C2 have breastmilk jaundice. but my PD still advocates total breastfeedg.
the HARDEST thing to accept abt bm jaundice is the wanna-cry feeling of MY milk is causing BB's jaundice.... but trust in the medical process... it will pass.
(this will be one of the longest 4 weeks of your life, plus you still have to fend off well meaning grandparents)
one piece of info fm my PD visit on Friday which i din know beforehand. the first 1 1/2 weeks, MUST bring the jaundice level down quickly.... (that's why she recommended and i accepted the bilibed... as it might affect their brain development.... after these 1 1/2 weeks, as long as below 14-15, ok de. well, still not ok la, but not so vital for the brain liao, just give the liver time to clear the excess bilirubin.
stress plus not enuf rest plus .... prob, i guess you forgot all abt drinking water liao... your own dehydration will contribute to low milk supply.
so stay calm, lie down when you can, and pump yourself w water even though you dun feel like drinking.