(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

wow xlh


My checkup is next week which is week 30..

I can feel his feet already!

when I press, it will kick me back

i also plan to order tingkat after my CL left.. don't think i got the time to go downstairs to buy lunch or cook lunch.. yesterday just discussed with my hubby, he agreed too..

i've checked a few airline websites, normally they still allow pregnant woman to travel up to max 36 weeks.. so maybe i can try my luck, of course still need the approval from my gynae 1st.. going to see her next week, i shall ask her abt it..

ZZ, week 30! so advanced...mine coming week 26 only....so long...

XLH, ur weight didnt go up but baby's did - so good! how to do that?!


Good leh.. I also hope baby can pile on more weight when I go see him on my next Antenatal appointment on 30th Jan.


Don't worry about weight gain okay. I read that weight gain for some can slow down during the transition into 3rd trimester.

orangey! yeah, am also seeing gynae 30th next =)

i thot i'll be on the weight gain highway from 3rd tri?! so disgusted with my fat arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Yiwen,

Pls help to update for me:

EDD: 16th Apr 2010

Nick: Serene (bringggg)

BB no.#: 1

Gynae name: Dr TC Chang

Hospital: TMC

Gender: Boy

by the way, my sis told me seahorse having promotion for their foldable mattress. She say quite good for baby. Interested mummies, can go and see.


hooray for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the MIL said with all 3 of hers, no nipple confusion, so happily gave my EBM in a bottle. scared precious grandson starve....

i wait, one time, two times, to monitor C1. and he was really too smart for own good lor, he knew even at 3-4 days old, bottle faster than breast... so day 4, he din wanna latch liao.

that's when i turned on the tap, and MIL backed off.

ferocious me 'roared' (or cried rather) to get my way over breastfeeding. i knew i din wanna bond with the silly pump, i wanted to bond with my bb!


just share share only... plan B consists of syringe feeding him (not just pump syringe only wor, but insert finger alongside syringe and only allow milk flow when he sucks, 3ml at a time, syringe until my finger cramp) as well until he went back onto my breast.

of course plan A is bb has no nipple confusion and everything in the bfeedg journey is smooth. who doesnt want plan A?


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for bb's good wgt gain


there are as many diff ways of preg wgt gain as there are diff types of bbs. one thing i learnt abt being mum is how to let go and laugh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not everything goes according to the charts and stages of development. chill pill, gal!

serene, thanks fr sharing..

i kind of worry my weight gain not enough these few weeks.. seeing dr this coming fri fr 28th week check up..

cellow, i tried using spoon last time.. syringe never try before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks ladies!!! ...duno why my weight din increase cos i hv ben eating regularly for these past weeks though i take smaller portions..but i do look bak bak now ..maybe water retention like siao...juz hope that bb is absorbing all the nutrients...this morn checkup..the doc commented that bb is growing normal ..bb was upside down aka head pointing downwards..just tell me to eat in moderation...my pelvic pain which has ben bothering me n the CTS which i asked recently are all perfectly normal..PHEW ...oh silly me...i also asked my doc to check the gender again..scared doc see salah ..keke

orangey...dun worry ..bb will grow n grow *-* .


What is CTS?

My 25th week appt, doctor says baby at 800g so he said baby weight is normal. Your baby weight 800g at week 23?

wah, i didn't know that latching is so time consuming. don't plan to have CL and wanted to just BF by latching all the way. didn't even know abt things like nipple confusion. sigh.

regarding discussion on wt gain, seems like ppl are divided into the want to gain weight and the gain a lot of weight camp. i join the gain weight everywhere camp. =(

in the lite of wanting to lose wt fast -ether u bf or u exercise like carzy after.

I rather bf & eat ice cream at the same time! hah!

cellow, aiya, i'm still thinking of wat my gynae said mah...she said i shouldnt gain too much - 1 kg per month...3 days of healthy eating and once into weekend, i'm eating chocs again =.= my hubby isnt helping whenever he has the cravings for chocs!

i wonder if i'm starving myself. i try to listen to my body but it's giving me strange signals. I nv really feel very hungry - i may get a SINGLE hunger pang - like a single growl in the tummy, then off it goes. So am I hungry or am I not ah? I'm confused. It just goes away. Then i dunno whether i'm hungry or not, whether to eat or not. *confused* anyone else like me huh? it's very strange.

Previously, i'm nv satisfied by my meals but I'm not hungry and I eat/snack after each meal, so maybe tat's why i'm so-called gaining too much.

I'm eating portions equivalent to the times i was on a diet (cat's portion of rice but more generous with vegs/meats). I feel that I'm eating ridiculously little for a pregnant women but so long as I'm not hungry it's ok rite?

orangey ...bb wat wk 24+ was ard 600gm..im wk 27+ today...CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome...i got numbness in both my hands last week one morn when i woke up...freaked up cos my finegrs were so stiff ..initially i tot i slept in wrong position by putting my hands underneath my pillow ...realised that the ache / pain was unlike previous instances..took me a few days to so-called recover which i got worried...doc says its water retenion ..the tendons in the wrist swelled which resulted in the numbness now...im ok now..just that i remind myself when i zz to not dangle my hands over the bed *-*

lynn ..maybe u wana snack on fruits instead aft meals or sometin??? ..for me..i try to eat like 3 regular meals nw...if i feel a snack attack coming,i i look for fruits ...oh..sometimes im gulity..i eat my ice-cream n chocs like no one's biz but only once in a wk or so...aft that i drink a lot of plain water.

XLH, yeah, i try...it's my choice of food i guess...and the double breakfast i take everyday... :/ i try to moderate and see wat happens on 30th!

lynn, i drink milk during teatime.. it does help me from craving fr biscuits.. but i still eat biscuits la..

xlh, i sometimes lazy to drink too.. i didn't drink during weekend.. just drink in office haha ..

now i also hooked on drinking yakult every nite..

baymic.. yah i try to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i'm not a milk lover that's y. i only drink 2 litre of milk per week .. better than last time ...

i also tend to eat alot now.. i also scared growing bigger n heavier.. my next checkup is next week, hopefully i didn't put up lots of weights..

saying abt yakult, hmm.. why my yakult auntie not here to sell yakult?? no wonder i haven't been drinking it for weeks.. must tell my hubby go buy for me.. i like to drink yakult, but only the green one.. hahaha..

hmm, i seldom do milk coz i scared trigger allergy in my baby...i have some allergies...erring on side of caution...

oh, i drink yakult every night too =) love it!

juye, i dun even have yakult lady at my place, have to buy from ntuc everyweek.

i take the purple one, my hubby takes the green one =)

lynn: we opposite leh.. my hubby takes the purple one & i take the green one.. normally the yakult auntie will come every week to sell yakult, but haven't seen her for weeks.. from christmas till now.. we lazy to go NTUC to buy.. hahaha..

we mummies can drink yakult huh?? I don't dare to touch Yakult for very long time... coz scared that the bateria that in Yakult might be harm to our bb..


i had a vaginal infection the 1st tri. yakult was one of the things gynae recommended to clear it up, besides giving me medicine of course.

yogurt was the other. got good bacteria inside as well.


no experience of that, but according to some readings, perfectly normal in the 3rd tri to have discharge from the nipples. tis either transparent or cream / yellow coloured.


spoon or cup feeding would be easier on hindsight.

wgt gain

now i belong in the shouldnt gain too much wgt camp .... tis a strange place to be. C2 was only 700g at 25 weeks. if i take from C2's pre preg weight i gained 10kg already. if take from C1's pre preg wgt, then 5kg gain only... i shall take the one that suits me better. bwahahahahahaaaa



i still drink daily but need to hide from #1. hahaha.... or he will snatch from me. i take all flavours but don't really like orange one.


i still have my daily morning cup of milk but the night one, hubby keep forgetting to give me. i will drink when he give me. but i think i will try to up my milk intake soon like previously.


i see. #1 is ok with both. even though i stop latching from 3rd month and solely do pumping, he can still latch when we are out at times.

my friend told me girl will be more fussy with bottle and nipple. not sure how true is it. hopefully my girl won't be so fussy in this aspect.

