(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Since son know how to talk, he has been throwing tantrum by throwing things with whatever he has on his hands if he is being declined for things he wants. How do you all stop this tantrums behaviour?


1st time papa

same lei my son does that and even lie on floor not getting up.

I bo hew him else take ruler out.. he scare ruler..

1st time pa

ignore bad behaviour (of course if he is going to hurt himself falling off stairs or in public carry him off to a safer corner)

but encourage good behaviour. once he finds that he gets no attention - the bad behaviour will soon disappear. its all to seek attention too.

be more aware to see if there is a root issue. is he lonely or he feels upset. but its what usual most parents i know do & it works. YOU must REN XIN & Ignore ( i stand in a corner to peep make sure he is alright of course if in public)

there is another thing to do too.

when the kid is happy well rested & not hungry, take him into your lap & explain things to him calming. explain in love. the parent must be calm too. (this is better for older more understanding children but u never know worth a try)

we usually say no firmly too when he does something wrong - correcting them immediately so that theyknow that behaviour is not tolerated & is not good.

he might be seeking attention & testing his boundaries too.

Ruru: E's toilet training is all thanks to my mum's efforts. My MIL was always quite half hearted about it so last month when she went on a 10 day holiday and my mum looked after E the whole time, my mum kept making E go on the potty until she got the idea. Of course, we also bribed her with loads of stickers and small presents for being a "potty princess".

1sttimepapa: I guess the key is to be consistent and NEVER give in to bad behaviour unless the situation is dangerous. It's hard I know but kids are smart and they will know to repeat their bad behaviour if they think they will get what they want.

my boy yesterday made his own purchase hold a $2 note stop the ice cream man and got himself a cup of coco lat...he told uncle..

"uncle, ice cream, coco lat" and he passed him the money...

the day before he went into a bakery shop and pick his fav hotdog bun, ask my father for money and went to cashier..

I think he is starting to learn what adults is doing...

Chips - yeah. They learn very fast. Sometimes we caught ourselves doing things we shouldn't and he actually picked it up. Like screaming no to the dogs.

1sttimepapa, I've just gone through a frustrating afternoon trying to let him nap. He cried when he realised my milk is not available. Cried, wriggled on bed, hitting bed and whatever he could get his little hands on. I gave up. Passed him to helper and soon after he's asleep. It's amazing how this boy will throw tantrums etc when I AM AROUND at home. Once he's outside, he's a total angel. A simple NO and he'll leave the thing alone or stop asking me for kiddie ride. I'm so tempted to bring him out every single day! Kind of wonder if it's a mistake to take leave.


My eyes r green with envy (or jealousy?), Hee... My gal is naughty both at home and outside. But your darling is really well-behaved whenever I see him.

Hi 1sttimepapa,

For my gal, scolding is not enough becos she just take it as 'ear-side wind'. I use my hands to slap on her hand or leg or even face (when she spit out her porridge for fun). My mom used to be very upset when I do that as she believes in 'Ai de jiao yu - love education). But after seeing that she is so much better behaved nowsaday, she now thinks a little tough love is needed.

Hi Ming,

So I see!! Ok, must do that also, no more giving in. Hopefully will see results soon!

Hello from Sydney!!

HJ: will send you update when I'm back.

Cellow: hullo!

Ming: good for little E! Now for all the cutesy panties.

Naughtiness: sigh. Yup. Ignore bad behaviour that does not need punishing. Praise good behaviour. But I get most mileage with threats. A lot of time, reasoning works too. Prepare her for consequences of this or that and usually she will pick the right one.

Those w glasses : can i ask?

if one has san guang but degree below 100 - should they make glasses? & if so - how often should they get their degree or san guang checked by an optician?

if there is a small change must make a new set?

HI 1sttimepapa: my son also play alone when he is in CC... we notice he is always alone and dun wan interact with others, we asked teachers before, and they says that certain activities my son will respond (sing song) and his friends will approach him and then "click" together liao... but sometime he will still feel shy and stay alone especially since he is paying 1 mth fees and yet 1/2 mth sick... so going for 1/2 mth CC only, he need time to adjust when he goes back to CC each time after long break.

As for throwing tempers, muz be firm, my boy will fuss and throw and kick things at certain people only, when we are at home, only me and hubby, we will ignore him and beat him on the legs sometimes when he gets too violent .... they are trying their limit now....

Vic ma: i usually change once a yr coz i wear glasses every day and some parts are so hard to clean and some parts wear and tear...

small change of degree i will say change better coz better to get one that fits most... unless advise otherwise by the optician ...

CC health insurance plan: (this is what i call it man uncanningly)



I started this 5 days everyday for both my kids recently.


First Defence

initially i wanted to buy this but i didnt like what i read on wiki on one ingred in it St john's wort

now i give

1 tsp cod liver oil (Childlife)

1 tsp sambucoal

5 drops of Echinacea (Childlife)

every other day/2 days nutrifresh 1 stick.

i was concerned about didi always runny nose & was told on top of cod liver oil which i am on right track to give, i should fortify his diet with fresh fruits & juices too.

Veg is kind of hard as you know - trying to hide in all his foods. he does have papa's sensitive nose (my mil & SILs both have it too) all i can do is HOPE we can supplement him well with foods & proper rest to prevent the keep falling sick & not going to school - i also very Xim tia. the children's CC is $30/day. if 2 sick i lose $60 + doctor's fees - (sorry for breaking it down to the earthly $ & cents - zhi ye bing)

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Hello mummies .. Finally have time to log in .. It's been quiet here ...

Maddie: Waiting for ur report from Sydney ESP abt grange hermitage and car rental!

vic ma,

but how do you slot in so many different types of supplements?

I wanted Echinacea, but the label actually states more frequent consumption right?


My daughter is 20mths and fall sick every other month. Usually cough,phelgm and mucous. I noticed that when she take western medi, she will perspire a lot and will develop rashes like eczema. I am at a loss how to strengthen her immunity, she is taken care by my maid and mil, I cannot imagine what will happen if she start to attend childcare or preschool. Anyone has better solution on how to strengthen her immunity? and also why rashes like eczema?

Thanks mommies.


the GNC lady told me during illness take 3 times a day other wise we can stagger. i bot my 1st bottle from GNC to try since i asked for free advise i tot it was ok to pay for tuition fees get the bottle at 20% off local prices.

I usually give when i remember which is at night - supplements should be given in the morning but in the morning is mad rush to make them eat breakfast - usually i dont give day time unless its weekends or i am home.

I will scream OK BLUE BERRY (Sambucoal) STRAWBERRY! (cod liver oil) & the 2 will come running.


i will suggest COD liver oil - alot of PD recommend this as extra nutrition for children & it helps with immunity too. if i am not wrong - you can check with the pd too before u start - fish oils help with skin problems with ecxzema too. a mummy here had some rash around her lips & on advise from a friend who had eczema since young to double her fish oil intake & it helped the rash alot she claimed.

but this was my friend personally seen results - of course with kids always good to give only recommended dose unless a PD supports & recommends the increased dosage.

you might want to check WHAT your child eats while with maid & MIL & if these worsen cough & plegm - i know of some elders & other relatives love giving kids sweets & chocolates & cookies without telling us. they think its cute to feed kids since they love it.

also it could just be a possibility of looking thru the hygiene if adults cough into child's face or some like to lick baby's porridge test heat before feeding - if care giver is not well - very high change anyway of the child even if they didnt do all this licking to fall sick often too - its quite bo bian.

some believe in TCM for cough treatment - its long treatment but TMC has few tcm branches for children worth giving a try if the problem is prolonged & you cannot find out why keep falling sick (esp if kid not going to school staying at home usually - should not fall sick so often)

usually - except nutrifresh that's from a friend.

if u want a disc code mine's LIG130 1st purchase u can get US$5 off. - i think i will get a small rebate from your purchase too. you can ask for other closer friends if any for their code too.

i need tto check my sambucoal i think i need to replenish within 2 weeks or so. currently this item is out of stock.

yap, saw that the US sambucol is out of stock. I ordered two bottles from UK instead.

The cost price per item is so much cheaper at vitacost. you should try ordering from there. but heard that it takes longer to deliver for vitacost as compared to iherb

i just went to vitacost - its only allows DHL shippingeven 4 bottles of sambucoal

11.19 - 8.72 = 2.47 cheaper each bottle.

buying 6 bottles from iherb is 11.19*6 + 4 = US$71.14.

buying 6 bottles from vitacost is 8.72*6 + 12.99 = 65.31 OHHHH

its cheaper OMG! when did they do direct shipping? i never bot from them as i recall it was vpost kind of shippping?

think Vitacost good if getting more bottles of stuff??

shall explore!


say 10 bottles

iherb 11.19*.975*10+12 = 121.10 (VIP price 110.63)

Vitacost 8.72*10 + 25.03 = US$112.23 (still cheaper)

say 12 bottles

iherb 11.19*.95*12+12.61 = 140.17 (vip price 127.94 abit chepaer)

Vitacost 8.72*12 + 27.05 = US$131.69 (still cheaper)

i do have VIP discount with iherb so have to see which is cheaper still ubt iherb makan me alot of $$ liao to give me this status!! lolz


i always give sweet kind supplements like scotts vit c kind or animal parade & both will be like hungry birds AWWW AWW open mouth feed me sound cos both like fighting to be 1st. i really feel like mother bird feeding kids lo.

after which #2 will say : " i want tweet ar, i want tweet ar" damn cute lor it sounds like "i love u mommy" to me!

maybe u give "sweets" only after ths syrup supplements?? i been doing it this way at 1st jie jie got abit sian call & call then come - not cos like if she dont come - mommy give all the love to didi - cannot le jealoused so both willl come running & FIGHT to be 1st.

vic ma,

mine are sweets supplements loh. the gummy bear, then i bought mickey mouse shape ones, nemo fish one. all are like the gummy bear sweet but all was rejected after the 1st try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


the school train the kids to eat scotts white cod liver oil - some parents buy donate to the school & the school gives 1 tsp everyday to every kid.

i think they have tasted the worse -anything else is nicer lor

Sleepless thinking about schools after Mr C made a comment over dinner that maybe C1's school is getting more crowded and we shouldn't put C2 there. Back to school hunting! Sigh. Men. Think everything is so easy.

Any feedback on star learners at Branksome road in the east?

I rem someone was talking about it on this thread but cannot rem who....

cellow: I considered star learners at branksome before. Personally I felt the place was pretty ok and teachers were caring and food was cooked by an auntie in the school. I didn't like the idea that the kids are on tv from abt 530 onwards to wait for their parents to come at 6-7pm. I'm not sure about the curriculum but they have a Montessori room as well. My hubby didn't like their toilets. So in the end we ended up in Brighton instead.

Cellow - oh men! One father to be kept telling us all schools are the same and there's no need to stress out over kindergartens, primary schools, etc. Yet he's busy checking out the childcare centres! And trying to find a nanny that speaks good english and is a good christian. How contradictory.

Good luck on your search! However, I'm just wondering. Wouldn't it be easier logistically to send both to the same school?

Vic-ma - i can imagine an excel spreadsheet in front of you and trying to calculate the optimum number of bottles to order. Hehehehe.

P1 registration - now that I'm a parent, hahaha. I'm religiously monitoring the situation. And I've just realised, more than half of the "branded schools'" vacancies are gone by 2a1. Very exciting.

vic ma,

yes, vitacost is cheaper...maybe if u buy from them as much as u buy from iherbs...there may be further discount...

do u know of any multi-vit for adults that is small pills or easy to swallow? i am trying to find one, because not very good at swallowing big pills

Janet - cut them up or crush them into powder? Reminded of a friend who used to do it. But very troublesome on a daily basis. Or get the chewable types?

Hi Vic Ma,

My hb is such a person. His short-sightedness is less than 100 degree but he has astigmatism so he still make prescribed specs but only use at night while driving.

Hi mommies,

Talk about multi-vit for children, my gal was so excited when I gave her 1, then she took a bite then give back to me and ran away. I have to camouflage the fish oil in her porridge then she eats. Luckily she likes fish, so not turn off by the smell.

Hi Cellow,

Hmm... What do ur hb means when he say the cc is crowded? I thought every cc has a max cap on the no of children to take in. I am v kiasu one, I will from time to time ask the school how many students r there in the class so to see did the school exceed the MCYS ratio.

But TOTALLY agree w u that our dear hb just make a casual statement and WE r suppose to do the legwork?

morning mummies

thanks HJ....! yes i rem now. i did not like the idea of using screen time to keep children occupied too. heck if i wanted to do that to my boys, i can do that myself at home.


ya lor. men!

but tis ok. i m used to this inequity liao. after 4 years of parenting together. yes i want to transfer both to one school.... subject to availability.

*sweat* all the branded pre schools are full.


see my response abt MEN to chlosper.

we went for a PT meeting. i discovered to my horror that the prev playroom was changed to 2 classrooms, even the common dining area is now a classroom. wah biang.

children need space to grow and learn!

Pri school

i m thinking of forgoing a confirmed place in Tao Nan under Phase 2A1 to fight w the masses for a place in St Stephen under Phase 2C. again Mr C says he doesnt have an opinion.... (although i suspect he WILL hv one by the time C1 is ready to register) and leaves it up to me to decide.

sistas.... 1.... 2.... 3.... MEN! argh.


i will just open both websites & add up the things & compare lo -excel no ba.

what i didnt do is ADD ALOT for vitacost - cos iherb from say 10-20 items sometimes the incremental cost of the DHL shipping is very little US$3-4 more only while for vitacost it went up (dhl was US$15? vitacost was US$25 lo) so i want to see for vitacost maybe i add up to 30 items madx the S$400 mark see how the DHL shipping cost got go up another US$10 or just nominal. if its just nominal then its good for large quantities too.


i went to check my left eye from 25 went to zero last few yrs but the astig from i think 20 went up to 88, right eye went up 25 degrees to 75 but astig remained the same 122 lolz! u can tell i have a right domant eye!

so bo bian hand to make a new pair & will try to wear it more often. no wonder both a little blury/

OLD flower very low they told me - can still dont wear glasses for OLD flower.

& definately cnanot make contacts as my friend suggested when i asked her for frame design suggestion.


i think 5 yrs should be very good - dont stop & go ask if there is any benefit for pri school entry so at least u dont have to worry abt pri school for the next few yrs.

Cellow: why do u want to go for St stephen primary? Most likely I will register my boy there unless I move back to the west and go for confirm rulang primary cos of 2A1.. I'm still at delimma.. What would u mummies choose?


My hb & MIL drives me nuts when we go out to eat with the kids.

naturally since my boy takes more to my mil - i let her & my hb share the chore of feedin him while i takle jie jie.

the problem both of them eat like tortises with small mouths. & my mil sayang my hb ask him eat 1st while she feed & my hb feel bad bring mother out but make her "work" so he will be doing the same thing. so these 2 will be slowly feeding didi while they both cannot eat - i am like watching some taiwanese serial but instead long winded talk its long winded slow motion.

it chanced once i let jie jie eat on her own faster & have to 1st spoon food for her with some help from my mil & hb, didi i feed as he sat next to me - he was playing with food but still managed to make him eat more than half the rice & most of the steamed egg. - he plainly not hungry & wanted to play lor.

at least the dinner went more swiftly i felt - i didnt get to watch Serial SHow at least lolx~!

MILO cookies

wah i like it - the baking of the sugar & milo gives the nicer than burnt caramel taste - i think cos it has Malt in Milo so there is a diff cooked sugar taste - really yum i have the recipie if anyone is interested.

the problem is

Cellow - MEN!!!!!

Do check if it's possible to register taonan for earlier

Phase. Then assess the chances of st stephens under subsequent phase. If chances are high (depending your risk/luck appetite), drop out of taonan and enrol for the latter. I was told about such "strategy" last time.

Chips - I think our kids' registration is in 2016. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still a long way but it's very interesting to see the statistics. Actually by then no one would know what kind of changes there'll be.

Vic ma - MIL. That's another long story for me. I shall let it rest. Flogging the dead horse will not help matters. Maybe we can closer to our mothers so they'll do whatever we say. Daddy +

Mil = stubborn

