(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

morning ladies...

this is (hopefully) our first week back into proper routine. was supposed to be last week but everyone fell sick and ponteng school. today, sent todM to school and she finally let me change her to uniform in the school carpark!

celyn, i will put liquid DHA either in milk or todM mouth, depending on whether she agree or not. vit C sweet is very rarely when she don't mind to eat the 'sweet'.

toilet training: can i start if todM refuses to sit on the potty? no point going diaperless if she is just going to pee and poo on the floor lei.



i bought the yummi bear too, they refuse to eat it too. i even put them in the fridge like normal sweets for them to take as and when but its not working. it just stay there for the longest time and nobody touch them.

maddie & piglet08,

i don't wish to syringe feed them cos i don't want them to assosicate it with medicine.

morning all,

today maid afternoon flight. hopefully she will be back after her home leave..

if not bo bian, got to think of alternative.


I think I made a mistake liao.

YH associated the syringe with medicine and she can go and tell daddy. 'Daddy, Yu Hsien 吃药了!' I thought that was easier so has been using syringe to give her her supplements though she never rejected medicine when unwell.

Think I gotta change to spoon feed already.

Celyn, How abt cutting up the YUmmi Bears into smaller pieces for them to eat? I think maybe cos it is too chewy for them to 'break it up' in the mouth thus they rejected?


maybe cos i don't really give them sweet at all, so they seldom eat sweet. i don't think its due to its too chewy cos they never really eat soft food at all since they start weaning.


I see. YH never really eat sweets too until recently maybe once every 2 weeks.

She only eats snack bar or fruits.

Maybe u can try and cut them up and give it to them to eat? Else it is a wastge in the fridge wor.

yes i give the sweet at the end as a sweetener but in school they take the scotts white emulsion - nothing else taste as bad as that

so i give strawberry (Cod liver oil child life brand) then blueberry (sambucoal) then Childlife, Echinacea, Orange Flavor. then i give a berry flavoured animal parade sweet (dont get the multi vit grape has a bitter after taste)

then didi will go "I want sweet ar, i want sweet ar, I want sweet ar...." in a very lao hong sounding manner. both love the sweet, the joy you see them taking the sweet from the cap after i pour 2 out & happily go off eating it - makes me happy.

i dont let maid feed supplement - its a mummy & kids special moment.


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lol just what i need!

Celyn - what about putting the powder in cold/cool stuff like yoghurt? Or "sweet" drinks like milo (cool not warm)? Or into their favourite food? I'm currently putting his powdered probiotics into yoghurt. Hmm... Maybe I should lace his favourite eclair with them. I wonder if he'll still do the eclair dance.

I hate the idea of syringes. He'll struggle, close his mouth, and do anything to reject the medication. Sigh. Yet when I gave a choice of spoon or syringe, he wanted the syringe! Hopefully my torture will end soon.

Piglet - she must be really obedient to let you syringe her!

Morning mummies!

wonder how many of ur kids has a mini bicycle/ tricycle??? I wanted to buy for my son, but no space to put it and i am feeling abit guilty :<

piglet08, vic ma & chlosper,

this mummy is giving up hope on feeding them supplement liao. try all sort of sweet looking supplement and end up, they just take 1 or 2 and stop wanting them.


their favourite drink, milo or yogurt, they want to open themselve. unless i needle these in much much earlier before they request loh. but i think it will spoilt it if they didn't take it soon.


I don't like to mix medicine or supplements into their food or drinks. I will make Yh drink it as it is.

And yes, Thank god! I have no trouble in giving her medicine or supplements using a syringe all along.

There was only once I told her that if she does not take her medicine or supplements, the big bad wolf will come chasing after her (she is scare of the big bad wolf) and she will have no strength to run! From then on, she will come running to me to take her supplements every day.

But I must change and avoid using syringe to feed her her supplements now. Not sure when she will change her mind and refuse to take any more 'nonsense' from mumy! LOLz.


yes - i give maybe 5 times a week - sometimes i will forget or its too late to give.

it just 1 tsp each & the 3rd item is dropper 0.5ml only 5 cents drop only into a spoon.

i still have vit C which i give on & off

Actually that item 3 Childlife, Echinacea & 2 sambucoal, has some intensive way to give - u can read on the bottle. given 3-4 times a day when they are sick & then 1-2 times a day for just maintenance. tot its nice to know when they are ill - you can nstill supplement & help speed up recovery.

of course i feel with regular maintenance child's immunity will improve over time & will still not 100% wont fall sick - this is not supplementation's goal anyway - its to help reduce frequencey of falling sick & also to speed up recovery time.

even the organic nutrifresh condensed fruits & veg freezed dried extract - goodness of nature in a stick also states this - not 100% no sickness - if there is anything that guarantees this - i think there will be a long q for it & i would be skeptical.

of course with plegm & this sambucoal you have to monitor as its sweet & i usually put in fridge - i suggest using a metal spoon to take away the COLD from the syrup when you give it & to monitor if plegm will worsen or not as i have not tried increased supplementation during illness yet -i used to stop supplements & ony meds when sick.

didi also gets the child life colestrum powder in his cereals around 2-3 times a week (or as & when my maid remembers)

i dunno about sambucoal i give cos my trusted friend gave her kids & i see alot of mommies in forum also give & of late i get feedback that it makes a difference starting on this regularily.


you can get a push tricycle where u can push behind & slowly take off teh adult handle & let them go on their own.

my kids had cousin's bikes around so they started very early & aroudn this age jie jie already paddling abit already.

didi i yet to see maybe we baby him too much - he still prefers self driven car - jie jie's old car she got for her 1st birthday. & he likes skate scooter too!

my parents' maid adores didi cos it reminds her of her son at home around the same age - she will push him on the bike - bad hor? he wont learn to paddle

vic ma,

childlife colestrum powder is what i start with too. each time i give, yu ze will fall sick with flu and whatsoever. so i stop giving him and wait for him to recover. then when i remember to give again, he will start his cycle of sickness again. it happens to him everytime i start him with it. end up, i stop giving too.

i heard and see many mummies giving sambucoal but never know what its for. i also wonder if its cos i started all these supplement too late for them that they are rejecting it.


we don't have any bicycle or tricyle at home. only those baby ride on car that they will zoom around the house with it.

Vic ma: yes i saw 1 mickey mouse de tricycle i like a lot... but my niece, same age as my boy has outgrown tricycle stage... so i was wondering am i too late...

celynlee: so not all have a tricycle hehe... so i no need feel guilty...


i personally feel sambucoal is more to prevent cough cold & flu kind of immunity boosting. maybe u can take it like a form of antioxidants.

while cod liver oil is more nutrients to the body so if the body is stronger - itself its immunity is boosted.

so while sambucoal is = eating fruits & veg, cod liver oil is like eating fish & meats for protein - just for simple analogy - i am not a medical person - its my way of describing it.

colestrum one has probiotics - it promotes a healthy gut so if the digestive system is fine for eg - body's major organ mah digestive system, immunity is also boost as toxins are rid of readily, food is digested properly & nutrients is absorbed properly. & colestrum itself is also a good nutrient to boost immunity & some say - will be smart too.

kekek what i just wrote if its correct hor - we need a few things to boost immunity le faints..

its like Navy, Airforce & Army lor LOLZ!!! - guy's jargon!

end of the day hor fish oil & colestrum they say builds - brain power - i think alot of parents will want to give naturally. its why people pay so much when an FM say DHA 4x.

Oh i went back to enfragrow. hb & i calculated hor & found wyeth not very cheap either even after the mead johnson's price increase (from $58 now $68 %^&$#%^&*()^&)*)^^&*(_& since i bot the 1.8kg tin) Wyeth needs like 5-6 scoops while meadjohnson only needs 4 scoops for the similar 230ml water. we decided to go back to mead johnson - i let hb choose we didnt mind wyeth but hb decided on meadj. & will wait for them to be olderthen see how maybe change to fresh milk or what.

Vicma - wah , u really super pro in all these supplements lei. Very diligent too...the first bottle of fish oil i got is still sitting in my fridge for past 1+ yr liao...hehehe. need set reminder to feed mimi every nite oredi, else not effective le.

Dawn - we bought a toysrus tricycle which hb set up excitedly then wen she was few mths old, now also sitting in storeroom. She has neva ridden on it yet..lol. Yes understd the no space constraint. Possible to leave outside ur house corridor or lock up outside? ;p

Piglet - yes, yixin so good gal! can take anything via syringe. Must be a breeze for her to take medications..My gal sees syringe will start struggling n sealing her mouth tight so tat we cant insert it into her mouth. Everytime dosage says for eg. 3 ml we will take 5 ml to start squirting n aiming into her mouth. Most of it will land all over her face or clothes or us. Very tiring one...

vic ma,

hahha... i just change to mamil for yu ze and yu xi continue with whatever stock i have for friso then switch to mamil too.

cos last week, there is this buy 1 get 1 free promo with mamil. just need to bring empty tin for exchange and i start clearing my empty tin and stock up mamil now. its a lot of savings.

Feeding with syringe: yup, we used to have big problem with that too. until one time recently she refused to take when temp 39+ so I told her she can either take from syringe or I can put suppository in her ass.. she chose to syringe it. after that whenever she refuse, I will tell her either put in mouth or put in backside and she will guai guai put in mouth. she will take the syringe herself and push it herself. after that she gets to suck water and squirt in her mouth using the syringe. now she see didi get nose drops, I tell her for piriton, she can take in mouth or put in nose like didi and again minimum problem with syringe for meds.


i dont buy fish diligently but my MIL does - i dont think i am a very smart person so better brain boost them if i can lolx!!

we all want the best for our kids - its fine to give fish oil less regularily or supplements at all if you stay home & plan their meals since sitll on FM actually there is already a blanket nutrients in there - some FM even fish oil fortified too.


its best in the morning esp vit C & for kids best after food - never know if they develop sensitvity. but if mornings a mad rush - just give whenever u are free - i give in the evenings - better to give then not to give - is my mantra.

Maddie- haha suppository I put b4 for Mimi but she definitely prefers tat to syringe I feel!! Sigh.. Prefers it the hard way. Dunno hw else to coax her too...

Vicma- Yalor We al wan the best for our kids.. But too bad Mimi has got lazy mommy here n forgetful too!

Hi Maddie,

Maybe bring your gal to choose a potty that she likes? Give her some time to get used to it and occasionally bring her there to sit down and reward her if she does?

After she is ok w sitting in the potty, then u start the formal training.

organic is not omni potent lor - i still buy organic oats but to buy around $25 then arange for courier i wont.

dont get me wrong i am not an advocate of organic - even if $$ is in abundance. only when weaning & 1st 2 yrs or so i will strongly recommend organic - just becos its deemed "cleaner/purer"

but i know some people whose whole family eats only organic just posted it maybe for those who are doing confinement or too busy to run out to the shop for an alternative or comparison.

Need to release a bit.

My boy is getting naughtier by the day. Apparently he pushed a girl in class this morning and refused to apologise. Sorry seems to be a very difficult word to say for him. I've made him promise me to apologise to the girl on friday. Lets hope he does. Sigh.

And just now during lunch, he cried through it just because I refused to give him his toys! Finally I gave up and passed him to the helper.

Somehow I feel that he's playing mind games with me! It's so tiring.

Hi Chlosper,

That sounds like normal behavior to me. My gal's eyes will brim with tears or she will burst into tears when I tell her to apologize. Demanding for stuff during mealtimes is also one of my gal's regular stunts. I will let her cry and ignored all other patron's eye-daggers. But my mom will always give in. Haiz...

Hi Chlosper and RuRu Cat

I am also experiencing my daughter's tantrum. Probably cos she spend most of the time with maid, and my maid always pamper her and let her have her way! Now whenever she want something she will stamp her feet and cry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Time to show her to naughty corner soon?

notti anything dontr work for me my MIL will say so evil & hug liao.

i find ignore very good. i praise & encourage good behaviour. when notti i walk away. in public i let both #1 & #2 brawl & cry loudly when they want their tantrums - starying eyes wont deter me to give in. thankfully these sessions are not often in public.

i super thick skinned lolzx!

hey mummies!

Notti corner ...my boy will say NO lor when he is forced to go to the DARK side.

Throwing stuff ....headache for me since he throws anything he gets his hands on...On observing, i reckon he wants instant attention from us so the more he throw, the louder we scream at him so now the strategy is ZEN ...When the nonsense starts, we just look at him point blank..no reaction..nothing except look hard at him..ah boy gets pretty conscious of this & stops his throwing....bu then i have to say there are also misses lah...i bu ren xin at times so just carried the notti bugger to do other stuff before WW3 breaks out.

Nw that our tods all turning 26/27 months soon, life gets more interesting ...times spent talking ( i talk to him & he nods at each statement i make except when i say the word NOTTI ..) to him, at him & with him is fun but gets more challenging by the day....tods these days eq & iq so high ...gotta crack our brains to outsmart them at times.

Naughty Corner? No patience for tat coz mimi will not stay still there...so i delegate to my HB to whack/discipline her if she's misbehaving coz my movements now v restricted. BUt prob is HB also soft-hearted kind...sigh

so ZEN is the best reaction so far...

Supplements: E gets probiotics, DHA and Sambucol daily. I checked with our PD on Sambucol and she said she sometimes suggests that kids who are put in childcare are given that as it seems to help prevent the incidence of flu (although she said the best thing is not to send them to childcare when they are so young and definitely to keep them at home when they are sick until they are all well).

Discipline issues: I find that E gets scared when we tell her to look at us when we are scolding her.

Feeding issues: Anyone else having feeding issues? E refuses to eat meat. I have tried blending the meat etc and mixing it into her meals and she just picks it all out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Any pointers to share on how we can get her to take meat?

Maddie: You are back from Sydney? How was the trip? Very cold?

getting my daughter to eat is also another challenge, she always eat very slowly and when taken a few spoons, she will keep shaking her head and turn away. Nowadays, I thought to let her feed herself so she will be more interested but also the same. Hiakz.....

How come girls so difficult to raise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my kids take pulled chicken - say we grill or steam chicken - we pull off pc by pc to feed them - laternative is to put in lean pork to soups or porridge at least they get the "essence" lor

hi mummies,

re naughty corner: todM will turn around, twiddle her thumbs, walk away… we just keep putting her back there, tell her to 'Stand straight', 'hands by your side', 'no talking'… threaten to tie her hands up, put her to stand outdoors. just the other day, after quite a lot of resistance, refusal to say sorry, keep running away, put defiant face, we left her by herself standing in the room and went out and left her there. then she cry mother cry father. surprisingly when I went into room one minute later, she was standing straight in the corner, facing the wall, hands by her side, screaming her head off.

Chlosper, read that if they don't want to say sorry or are not sorry, not to push them cos they are not sincere, no point forcing an insincere apology. (from cellow facebook share)

feeding: we are quite fed up chasing up and down so if she want to eat, she eat. dowan to eat, don't eat. but no dessert/fruits after that. no milk either (cos she is milk monster). but I find slow cooker porridge easy to feed and got a lot of 'liao' inside too, no need to force to eat meat/veg etc cos every spoonful it is all mashed in. meat wise also see mood. can try other sources of protein like tofu/beans in the meantime. somehow my girl likes chicken wings.

ming: sydney was cold! but we made it… need extra half hour to get everyone dressed. esp my girl who can refuse to wear diaper after shower despite freezing her ass off.

sg-sc: when due? yeah, when I was almost bursting and after delivery, no punishment for her for a while. just deal with the insecurity and give in a lot.

afternoon all.

This is the fourth day without maid..cannot leave him off my sight for even a sec.. he can climb up chairs / tables to reach watever he wants to take. lock doors, flush toilet all sorts of patterns.

1 thing I realise about him, no need to scare he hungry, he will go and take bread, spoon, jam and apply.


Ming8110 - mimi is a very tough nut to feed, so i credit her weight gain to my helper who feeds n coax her so patiently n dilligently. BUt is there some particular foods tat ur gal loves? Can try to include tat for every feed of meat. My gal loves cheese and we have been givng her half a stick of cheese for every meal, so every mouthful of food is followed by another tiny morsel of cheese, be it cereal, porridge. n of coz lotsa distraction of gadgets or programmes or even ideas like using 2 spoons for her to play and self-feed. Actually can u try blending the meat even smaller bits till unable to pick out kind. Then at least every spoonful there's some protein n iron ;p

Maddie - am due next week, but yes, tink she can aense it too, been waking up crying 3-4 times a nite for the past week oredi..but also trying to shower her more attention and love b4 meimei arrives v v soon!

