(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

GOOD MORNING mommies! for once very free for next 2 hrs coz building having fire drill exercise n im exempted from joining so taking opp do personal things n droppin in say HI!!!

Hi mommies

so hot these days... both my kids can't slp without aircon, dun know next time they have to depend on aircon liao and no aircon will die type...

Maddie: yep i was hoping the CC close 1-2 days to break the infection chain too, but they didn't, they still waiting and advise us not to bring kids to CCif possible.

hope this infections faster stop soon....

Yes, very very hot today..the sun is blazing HOT!

Jus came back from the young parents fiesta at Marina Sq...tink quite worth going if you are free...just buy the July issue of Young PArents magazine and you will receive a big goodie bag worth $40..if u subscribe for a yr or 2 yrs, can choose a subscription gift too...alot of pple..

morn mummies!!

The weather has been one consistent killer these days...No matter how much water one guzzles down, it's still so hot & humid!

Playdate in July

Ok for me provided it doesn't clash with work travel plans.

i want to make rainbow cake soon!

all that colouring!!


my friend's website.

but i am going to use white cake mix for a start.

what is sponge cake stabliser - i noticed her website got 2 recipies.

I might use the 2nd recipie - but the 1st style of making (non separated)

i dont have a ROUND cake tin hmmmm

hahaha.... go buy loh.

i just did a mango cheesecake yesterday night. hopfully, today can go back and try. but hoh, don't know it become 'hairy, small fibre strains like' after i add in the gelatin. no more smooth and creamy. so upset. don't know what goes round? over beat?

later must buy a mango to go back to decorate the cake.

maybe must exchange tips with other bakers? i made no bake cheese cake before - didnt use gelatin one le. i dunno lolz.

only know how to eat!

i want to ask phoon huat to recommend me a round cake tin that dont have to line. & can take around 1 box cake mix's worth. then i get one that is slightly better lolz so that i can add ingredients once a while to spice up the easy recipie.

I am so sleepy!!

went to makeshake attracted by the $2 frozon yogurt cup & the $3 yogurt shake.

ok guy tells me its regular size only - can upsize to large (in my opinion L looks more like a regular. Regular even smaller than small orange juice from macs.

ok upside & tells me nothing one but can add topings or stuff at 80 cents each.

ok strawberry ba.

end up i still paid 80 cents less la overall

$3 (usually 3.80)

upsize 1.50

strawverry 80cents

total $5.30 (this is the usual price wo any topping)

i think i should have gong chared. but i was in some ice cream mood.

Hi Vic Ma,

The MacD fruity shake is very yummy but abit expensive and a tab too sweet for this type of hot hot weather for me. A glass of juicy watermelon juice with lots of ice will be nice.

Good afternoon!

Here to create some noise.

The rainbow cake looks interesting. I like the way it's not layered horizontally, but rather like a arch rainbow.

Cheesecake - totally no experience in such.

Kind of envious you guys for baking stuff. Would love to bake cakes but no one's eating them and I'm not too keen to add on the calories. So it's only cookies (the boy loves it) and bread.

Probiotics. I started my kid on them for 3 days and the stools turned dark brown/blackish. He's fine otherwise. I think i'll stop.

dark & brown stools usually also mean increased Iron - is it hard too?


i think baking is therapeutic. its my everyeone get out of my face mode. i hate to bake in other people's kitchen - but i dont have one of my own. i make do. what to do. (i love to bake into the night - best - time out alone - granny used to tell me dont bake when bad mood - my bakes will be hard as rock lolz, i learn most of my cook & bake skills from her - but i seldom get to hone them)

colouring is bad - but then alot of things are bad - i think home made cake should be OK ba lolz!!!!!!!!!! - for the fun of it - once a while.

Vic ma - not exactly hard. I'll stop for a few days to

Monitor. Maybe it's the chocolates these days. Bad bad, but we try to control it. Besides that, no changes to his food.

Bake in the middle of the night. Hmm. You'll make lots of people sleepless with the aroma flowing through. Heehee. I love of scent of anything freshly out from the oven.

You know - I've never tried gong cha or macD shakes. So


anybody keen with royal carribean tickets $972.74 for 3 pax

3 Nov - 3d2n

sail 3 nov(Sat) 6pm then back 5Nov (Mon) Morning..

My friend pregnant ( 2mths at current ) and by then will be 24 mths cannot go on board le.

above if original price, she will bear the change of name of SGD75 per pax.

can pm me if any of u keen.

Morning mummies!

what activites have ur kids been doing now???

my son still playing with toys at the moment... and i realised he likes pens...

should i start him on a colouring book now???

what must i look out for??? i am worried abt big mess

or i am too kiasu??


yu xi's activities are what cc provide. back home is play and play and play. snatch book from gor gor to scrible when gor gor try to colour. 'read' book before bedtime.


pens / coloring materials no bah.

My sis bought for my son pieces of big mahjong paper, drawing blocks.. he draw on floor, table cloth instead.

those play doh (nd to b supervise) / lego wil b good..

educational cds too...


i think u can give crayons already & let them draw -they do that in school now already. - a mess la but cos refined motor skills still not there yet.

i hate giving markers or pens. they end up on the wall, the floor & their nice going out clothes! & hands & legs & face! & pens are danergous if sharp edged. i dont even give colour pencils. only rounded crayon kind of stuff.

Cc just called to say son is not normal compared to other child as he like to be alone n not interact e other child. Wife is very worried. I am not worried as son is very hyper active at home. Being only son he is very shy outside n not sure how to interact e others. This is e main reason we want to send him to cc early to learn how to interact early. Moreover, his attendance in cc is also very poor for him to learn to interact. Told wife not to over react.

1st time pa

you are not alone.

i jsut loath the way your CC treats it. its too early to say. NOt every child can play in a group, its learnt skill & adjustment time is required.

telling u this is like condemning that your son is not normal?? what is this? - do not take it to heart but talk to the teachers in kindness to seek the full story & continued trying to help him blend in.

as you mentioned he just joined CC & been sick for a while. all this is time away from school which needs time back to adjust.

LABELLING a child as NOT NORMAL will only create a problem. I hope they just mentioned that in a casual non serious manner, then its fine.

I spoke to my Principal as another mummy also wasscared if her child was autistic & i told my P the symptoms - same - wont interact. she said not to worry its common & her staff are trained to encourage playing together. they are professoinals in childcare - they should be telling you what they are doing to help foster this.

you are right about your stand of telling your wife not to worry too. its really common issue with younger kids in CC. at least u tried to send him in early.

& for the records - you read on toddlers - not all will play with other children till much older. only around 4 did my girl like to play with her younger brother.

it also depends on teh child too


you are right. kids at this age, play alone. even playing together means sitting with each other but playing their own set of toys, not really sharing.

my 2 are together for so long, they don't really interact and play together too. they can be playing on the same thomas set but sitting at different side and pushing their own train. no interaction at all unless they cross each other path then they start fighting.

Thanxs Vic MA. Just check e wife whether teacher labelled son as Abnormal. She said No n they just say casually. Don't like Idea of subjecting him to unnecessary just to prove that he is alright. He is just only 26mths +

1st time pa

its why we need a man in a marriage. some one to anchor us - it i were the one getting this news - i will be flying a little too (temper or anxiousness)

i realised this when i prefered my dad when i wanted to resolve problems - he gives me answers while my mum just consoles me.

takies 2 hands to clap! Cheers!


It's good that you've clarified with your wife. Perhaps the next step would be to ask the teachers/CC what they and you can do to help the boy. Social interaction doesn't come naturally to kids below a certain age. I remembered asking the playgroup teachers before, and they assured me that kids their age don't usually play together that much, but are slowly exploring.

Celyn - i like your description of how they "play" with each other.

Vic-Ma - totally agreed. I'm the paranoid one - always wondering if the feet's aligned, eyes crossed, head/body feverish, unusual reaction, slow interaction, not talking/mumbling, etc and my hubby would be the one to assure me and prove me wrong... otherwise i think i'll be running to the PD every other day!


First time posting here and need some advice... i can't get my 2 year old boy to drink direct from a cup. Gave him sippy drink also dun want.. all push away. he will only bite the straw. once he see the teat is different, he pushes the bottle away. He is in CC now, just 2 weeks, and they serve milk in cup during teabreaks and he always "starve" himself, pushing away the cup. Anyone can offer any suggestion for this picky boy?

meow meow

maybe he just doesnt want milk?

i only have one line

try & try. never give up hope. becos we love them & want them to eat!

ask the teachers too for help to try - its why teachers day & xmas presents (simple la $10-20 will do) is important - it :buys" grace from the teachers to go any extra inch once a while for our kids (imagine 10 shouting 2-3 yr olds in your face everyday & its your job - even if you had the passion - you will get tired still)

Hi All,

1sttimepapa: I think it is worthwhile for you and your wife to have a good talk with the CC teachers to better understand their concerns about your child. Maybe the "not normal" comment was somehow lost in translation. At the end of the day, I feel that such labelling is not helpful to the child or to the parents without any suggestions to the parents on what they can look out for etc. If this is the attitude of the CC, you may want to reassess whether it is the right place for your child.

Drinking from cups: E is very adept at drinking soups, water, juices etc from a cup but I have been trying to get a suitable sippy cup for her to drink her milk. I am looking for a cup that has ounce markings on the cup - any recommendations?

Toilet training: Remember I asked for advice on toilet training some time ago? Glad to report that E is now doing practically all her toileting on the potty. We still keep her in diapers when we go out although she will sometimes ask to go on the potty when we are out. Any tips for handling that? How do you manage to get your little ones to be on the potty when you are out? I am not a fan of getting the kid to pee into the sink - gives the wrong impression I feel.


I usually will wet toilet paper & gve the seat a wipe - wet then dry before carrying #1 up to sit on the toilet bowl.

my mum taught us to STAND on the seats but i shall not do that.

I will pick non sit toilet cubicles too


for yu ze cos he is boy so easy, he just pee direct. yu xi has not started with toilet training but i think in future, i will just wipe the toilet seat and let her pee. that's what i always do for myself anyway.

Meow meow - is it only milk? Does he drink other stuff (water,juice) from a cup? Also I believe that toddlers love to imitate. Set an example - show him how you drink from a cup. Get the rest of the family involved.

Toilet training - I haven't started! Initially we had him on potty to pee before showering. He knows how and when but is too lazy. Diapers are easier in his opinion. And lately we tried using a child seat on the normal toilet, but he's very disgusted by it. Kept saying "dirty"! Sigh.

I used to have a spray for toilet bowl. Serious. But I gave up after a while coz its so apparent with the lavender scent! People gave me a weird look.


i wont care - its my kids's health - no one will help u look after a sick kid -their heath is your responsibility.

u can put dettol in a spray bottle.

singaporeans just like to stare, its rude but its a hopeless disease they have.


i m here! LOL to vicma and celyn having ping ping conversation - only 2 partners.


heh, have another one, then no time or energy to be kan jiong spider [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


C1 is slow to warm up, once warmed up, he will talk talk talk non-stop. like me.

C2 is very social. like Mr C.

at this age, i would say nothing much to worry about. good that you anchor your wife! have a talk to the CC.... good CC teachers will tell you what to do. sounds like just an offhand comment. perhaps when picking up, they are concerned that they will delay you (parking, going honme and all!). i find if i hang around in apparently no hurry to go, C1's teachers talk more to me abt his day.

C2 and school

planning to put him into C1's school in nov. helper back to PH for home leave over Christmas/New Year


hehehe. C1 and C2.... fight w each other for toys. playing tog.... eh, only if they each have a musical instrument (tambourine, drum, xylophone or shakers) in their hands, then ok. they even fight over the duplo set!!! who gets to play w the one car, the one little girl, the one kitten etc etc.... when there are so many other blocks to play with.

oh the din, the din! to my ears.

you all will clean public toilets.. I find it disgusting even with a wet tissue.

how about 1/2 squat. since we adults taller we no need to sit on it.. but for children its really a bit difficult.

Vic ma - hahaha. The lavender scent was really Too obvious. Sometimes i have a pocket sanitizer in my bag, so I''ll use it. I'll try to avoid public toiletif possible. I'll just endure and endure until I'm home or in office. On the plane - i'll wait until the stewardess "clean" the toilet before I go in.

Hi Ming,

That is amazing!!!! My gal totally refused to use the potty for serious business. She just sit on it for fun. Haiz....

morning mummies


yes yes. anything you name it they will fight. even identical one also can fight. just don't understand how they can say its different when its obviously the same.

my new pattern now is whatever they are fighting for, if nobody wants to give in to the other. that item belongs to mummy/papa. nobody can have it.

especially for food now, if yu ze is holding on to a drink, mei mei will say gor gor share share. then yu ze will stop and pass it to her. very quickly, yu ze will goes, mei mei stop stop, must share. yu xi will then stop and pass it back to him. this can go on till the drink is finished. the walk will be super super slow when this happen but at least i don't hear crying/whining over the drink from anyone.

