(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

i'm not sure how long does it takes for the effect of yakult causing asthma. 2 of them have been drinking almost everyday and we as parents too. unless there is no yakult at home, if not its a daily affair for us too.

as of now, none of us has asthma.

as for cold drinks, i take them daily even when i was young. i can take cold drinks first thing in the morning. so for the kids, i don't stop too. they can have cold drink after they wake up.


i used to take cold drinks in the morning - now i have a sensitive gut.

during pregnancy i had a worse time than most people who had healthy gut lo.

if i am not wrong TCM recommends against drinking cold drinks usually. as adults we try - its hard cos weather so hot but the kids usually i try to avoid but i still give on & off.

maddie, ya mayb tat y mine sleep late coz she woke up late....

celyn, wow... u gd... cn allow ur kids hv cold drink when they wake up..

i tink it all individual... some kids may cant take it some kids ok no prob with cold drinks..

vic ma,

i might see the problem, maybe later part of my life problem will start to surface.

kids usually drink room temperature water. cold water will be on request.


yah, i don't restrict the kids. anything they want to eat or drink, i give but all you get is only 1 a day. i pc of potato chip, 1 sweet, 1 chocolate, 1 bottle of yakult, 1 ice cream, etc. i try to avoid gassy drinks for them so we don't order gassy drinks then they can't get to drink.

Hi All,

Have a good weekend ahead!

Need recommendation for a reliable maid agency.If you know anyone whose maid is good and looking for a transfer or if your maid has a relative who is looking to work in Singapore, do pm me and let me know. I am quite fed up with my Myanmmese maid (who has been with us for a year) and am looking to replace her. Thanks in advance mummies.

any iherb orders there is a 10% off must order by next tues.

prefer whole box as i personally dont have anything to get.

regulars only please thanks.

haizz today juz bought my son to GP and confirm he has HFMD... now i thinking how to put my son and my gal at home... headache !


Hugs dawn. Can confine gal in a room where your son don't go?

Ming: we have a pretty good maid agency. Pm me if you want.

kdd u need to order whole box to yourself u need to clock i think at least US$30-40 to make better use of the box for the shipping to be worthwhile.

i am not sure about that pdt dear u must ask GNC or the childlife website itself.

i not making a shared box paisay.



ChildLife uses only the highest quality ingredients. Gluten free, casein free, alcohol free. Contains no milk, soy, eggs, yeast, wheat or corn. No artificial colorings, flavorings or sweeteners.

Doesnt really say le. better to get a receommendation from mums who currently using a supplement specific for ezcema or ask pd to recommend.

Cos i bot this other one


then my boy had rashes - i put him on aerius for 1 week then another week passed i just let him try again - hoping its not this that caused his allergy. PD told me to test agagin after 2 weeks which is now lor.

cos some kids are allergic to this Echinacea yet its good for immunity.

Son is having running nose again. He has been taking running nose medicine since Apr. On n off. Good for 2 days then running nose again. Absent from cc for many days. Bringing to see Yu Ren Sheng tonight at Nex to find out root cause. Last fri, vomited dinner n sat morning vomited milk. When kids sick, parent will be worried n busy... Sigh...

Hi mommies,

Does anyone know of this playgym that is located at biopolis or one-north? I searched online but cannot find leh. I heard about it from my gal's cc classmate father while casually chitchatting. Didnt ask for more details but now cannot find! Any help from mommies who work there?

Never go yu Ren Sheng as son vomited everything out during dinner.Send him to c PD. Doc said he got stomach virus n said common last few weeks besides hand n foot mouth disease. Really wonder is it our fault to bring him to playgroup half day. Since April, his attendance at play group is very poor

1st time pa

this kind of vomitting illness last 2 months been around. i myself also got it quite bad - i eat porridge - i can feel my tummy turn (kao wei) quite bad - imagine the little kids must be feeling horrible.

do consider supplements - if not sure ask PD to recommend. it wont totally eradicate illnesses but it should in the long term help reduce the frequency & duration of illnesses.

if u can there is one supplement i like & always recommend wo question is excel's (mlm la see anyone around u selling) Nutrifresh's Freezed dried organic fruits & veg extract - its SI LIao - using food to heal the body.

when ill i give my kids daily & after that for maintenance 2-3 times a week, its powder form to mix with table temp water (cannot hot - hot will kill the nutrients) its acquired taste initially both my kids rejected - not the both love it.

Hi All,

Does anyone have any feedback to share on Newton Kindy? E is now in Pat's (she doesn't go that often, just twice a week or so) but I am now thinking whether it is better to send her to a kindy instead of a childcare. I find that childcare centres seem to have outbreaks of HFMD more often. Also, we don't really need to send her to a childcare since we do have caregivers at home. Any thoughts to share?


its good for some social interaction & learning to be independant, but i must say the HFMDs & stomach flu going around is really giving even myself a scare (my kids been in CC for a while now I have to HEARD of such terrible outbreaks till of late)

I feel kindy & CC no difference - as long as there are kids gathering together - there is this risk. half day is good for younger kids if you have the man power to cushion the care giving at home while for those who are aiming for eventual full day CC due to lack of man power to look after at home - it could be they dont trust their maid alone with the child too, that CC full day might be a better option.

its just our perogative to look at the rest of the time if the child eats well, rests well & has proper sleep hours to minimise the impact on health - our own precationary measures. or even supplements.

on the mental development side - i think something more often might be better. as at this age they sponge up alot.

Hi Chlosper,

Thanks a million!!!! So kind of you to update me the information while you are still on holiday. We go together after you come back?

Hi Ming,

By right, a school environment should be more controlled in terms of hygiene as it is just classroom setting, unlike in a cc, with its communal kitchen and bathing area.

If ToddE is just going for half-day cc, then switching to a school makes no difference because half day cc doesn't expose your gal to skill-sets such as self-feeding, toilet-training, self-dressing/undressing, independently sleeping without needing to pat-pat (but my gal wants me to pat-pat to sleep during weekend!) which is only for a full-day cc curriculum.

This HFMD is scary indeed, my gal's cc got 1 case last week, but luckily it was an isolated incident, no more cases after that. Phew!!!!

hi everybirdie.....! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been so long since i posted in this thread. still reading on and off. the job has been causing a lot of stress, leading to my health problems, which lead to family relationship (ILs, parents, husband) problems. luckily the boys are in the pink of health.

i can only conclude that

nu ren ming ku

... and that there is good reason to celebrate mother's day more lavishly than father's day.

and got 32 days to leave to clear!!!! until 31 Mar next year. not including the 6 days of childcare leave + 6 more days of working moms' sick leave (valid with child's MC only). that gives me 32 + 6 + 6 = 44 days to clear.

lalala. what if i tell my boss i intend to take one month off?

Cellow: Do take that one month off! Why not? You deserve it. The fact that you have so much leave stored up means that you have hardly been taking any leave. Try and take some "me time" here and there. Go for a pedi, read a nice book in a cafe, go shoppint etc. We can't afford to burn out.

Ruru, Vicma: Thanks for sharing. Newton Kindy seems more focussed on Chinese and bills itself as a Chinese kindy. Haven't heard much about Marymount so will go check it out.

Ruru, Chlosper: Willow Play sounds fun. Count me in if you guys are going.


so all in all its like 12 days available childcare leave? that's fantastic! did i interprete the MOM guidlines wrongly? i tot only 6 days - MC or not depends on how the company wants to administer it.

wow 44 days to clear that's 2 months le - given that there are only 21-23 working days a month.

maddie: no need seperate liao, 2 days after i confirm my son has HFMD i realised my gal also got it liao.... she muz have gotten it when my son JUZ have HFMD when it was not conifrm yet... that what i though, coz HFMD takes 3-7 day :<

and son's CC still opening with 13 cases up till date.... i even ask the CC " u not closing" haha .. they say they have not reach tat stage...

my hubby so angry with the CC ... haizz


cc has guideline to follow on when to close cc due to hfmd. there is nothing to be angry about cos there will be parents whose kids are well and have no back up if cc were to close. there is always 2 side to everything loh.

hope both of them are still taking it well and get well soon.


so many cc leave meh? govt bodies is it?

I think cellos has 12days cos she has 2 kids..cellos,is everything ok now? I m also under a lot of stress..wonder if I can ever work stresslessly :p

cellow..time to start planning yr chill-out time if u hv not done tt earlier ..need to recharge always & not end up feeling burnt out hor.

Cellow - join me! I'm on a break till end July.

Leave - besides the mandatory 6 days child care leave, some companies (like civil service, stat board, mnc, etc) allows additional leave, provided its substantiated by child's MC. The amount of leave depends on number of kids subject to a max of x (think 15 days for some?). Was kaypohing around re leave at one stage. And all along I thought my workplace was generous until I have a kid. Hahaha.

Ruru/Ming - sure. Let's arrange a playdate. Any weekday afternoons in jun/jul, or weekends. I think we're catching some stuff at the genesis theatre on one of the weekends. And there's good Penang food there too!

Morning all,


my son went tcm, fever gone on the very day.

he had a lot of western medicine for months and didnt help every 3 hrs the fever comes back, flu, cough no improevment and its very hot til his finger tip. I use ice bag, fever plaster all no use.

yesterday went 2nd visit, had powder for his cough n flu, he only manage to take half pack very bitter and awful.

But was glad that whole night nv hear his cough.


he has been coughing very badly for weeks every night sit up and cough. for a small child like him cough until like that its really tough on him.

i would like to ask anybody know what is Asmafen. I was prescribed with it and the doc kept the 'menu' guide away.

Cellow! Missed your posts! Hope things are better now. Need to start clearing leave from now on. Its not easy to take 44 days of leave in a row, so must ration out at least 2 every month for me-time.

Leave: i also only have 6 days CCL tho no need MC.

Ming: got my PM reply?

re CC infection: suppose logically, if CC kids are there all day, there is a higher risk of transmitting germs around. compared to a class of 3 hours PG a day the exposure is less. also for those with 3 hours class only, they tend to have back up childcare at home and higher chance of keeping kids home when they are unwell with runny nose etc.

Dawn: hugs! when i was on ML at home, whenever ONE person in todM class got HFMD i would keep her home until the incubation period over cos didn't want to risk her getting it and passing to didi. CC only close down when ministry guidelines fulfilled, can't remember details. now that i'm working again, even tho half the class at home with HFMD, i still send lor. bo pian, how to keep taking leave. but didi school did do voluntary school closure one saturday to try to break the infection chain cos it was nearing mandatory closure.

Maddie: Got the PM, thanks!

Chlosper: Glad to hear that you managed to get the sabbatical you wanted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Playdates: June is crazy and July is still somewhat crazy but less so, let's have a playdate in July?

anybody looking for part time 6 mths (5 days work) likely to extend. able to work in 'ang mo' environment.

preferably got driving license.

location: shipyard

working hours: til 5pm

Hi mommies,

Let's have a playdate in July then! I will go recee 1st, to see suitable for our darlings anot and update all again.


Hi mommies,

Let's have a playdate in July then! I will go recee 1st, to see suitable for our darlings anot and update all again.

