(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Ruru - what about letting it stop gradually? It's better than taking medication to stop it completely. With the frequency reduced, the amount of milk will also drop. As for when it'll stop, I supposed when there's no latching/pumping? No experience yet coz my boy is still latching on at night.



its good not to take meds to stop as u might still want another child or accident or what - they say milk will not little or none at all for those who took meds to stop.

Put chilled cabbage leaves - the round ones. & jsut LUNZ its out - you will be fine.


with the naturally stop method after 1 month if u squeese u might sitll see milk - its ok - just resist massaging the breasts as well & dont pump dont latch just leave it - discomfort - chilled cabbage & if u take warm showers try not to activate the front so much


my boy stopped right early Jan then feb i gave in again cos so tired out at work 1 week then i stopped agian - not sure if that time got milk or not anyways - but now he likes to sit on my lap & grab my Bs - so pain!! i feel like slapping him sometimes!!

dunno is it withdrawal symptoms

Chlosper: I took a class with Baking Calf last year (the Christmas log cake class). It was not bad. I am looking for bread making classes to join. Interested?

Also for macaroon, I almost signed up with Cookyn Inc but hubby had to go away for work at the last minute so we didn't pay for the course in the end. It's a 5 hour long class! But includes lunch. TOTT also offers macaroon classes I think as well as Shermay's.

Ming - I'm interested in the bread making class too. Figured out that since I'll be free for 2 months, might as well take up something.

Vic ma - one week. Hmm. I stopped for 5 days when the boy slept with helper when we went overseas. Unfortunately, he remembered about his night time routine when we're back. There's milk now, but not a lot I think. Which probably is the reason he's taking longer these days!!!!

We have started a new arrangement this week whereby he sleeps in his own room now with the helper. Unfortunately it's not working well as he woke up too often asking for milk, and my helper didn't get sufficient sleep. So after 3 nights of trying, it's back to my room with me. Weird though. When overseas, he woke up once when he slept with helper. Only difference I feel was that he's informed he has to sleep with helper, whereas at home, err, he's ignorant of that fact.

what we do is - give waterinstead of milk to discourage them from waking to drink milk - to get to sleeping whole night thru.

i dont know if its a parenting idea - some are very sayang to the kids & will wake 2-3 times to feed even up to 3-4 yrs old. I think its insane - i will go mad - dont have to THINK OR even TALK about #2 or #3.

I just give last feed before bed time & hope for the best. usually books say that if they keep waking for milk - they could be under fed during the day.

Vic ma - that sounds like me! Tried water, doesn't work. But I think the reason is I'm soft. I can't stand the crying. Maybe I should let daddy take over. Then things may be better!

Underfed... We have checked his diet before but it seems ok. We were quite worried at one stage as he's smaller than most. Talked to pd, etc but they told us to relax! So I left it. As long as he's happily eating. And he does eat a lot.

Hi Chlosper and Vic Ma,

Thanks for the feedback on how to stop bf-ing. I want to stop ASAP as have been falling sick frequently for the past 3 months and the most worrying thing is I seem to have developed antibiotic resistance to the weaker antibiotic medicine and need stronger and stronger ones to get well. Scary!!! With #1, I have hives outbreak every 2-3 days after bf-ing for 4+mths, but disappeared once I stopped bf-ing!

I think my body is signalling me that she can't cope, so better stop or else ruin my body old liao then I suffer then how?

morning ladies,

ruru: yup, if you slowly wean off, think is easiest. just stretch the time you latch or latch only when engorged. it will slowly dry up. however, i don't think it is the bf that makes you fall sick, but rather the lack of sleep, and exposure to more viruses now that your girl goes to school.

chlosper: i know! whenever todM wakes up crying for milk, i also rather just make the milk and go away cos it is way faster than telling her no milk and watch her bargain. having said that it happens very rarely. but we did dilute it gradually. my hb even put half scoop milk in 120ml water and she drank it up greedily even tho it looked like water. but then after that she somehow stopped waking up. oh, just realised that you r latching at night. i stopped when i got pregnant... idea?? =)

Hi Maddie,

I think so too, health weak, gal brings back viruses etc. Haiz... Will take chlosper, Vic Ma and your advice to slowly stop the bm. Don't want a case where I really have no milk should I decide to have #3 next time (as of now i won't even think about it as 2 is a handful!!!!!!)

Salute to the mommies of the past generation with 6-10 children. Unbelievable!! It takes a village to raise a child, so it take a country to raise 10 children!!! Hah!!!


acutally my girl was good just 2 nights she cried i hide outside my room until my hb calm her down with tv she KO then i go back room to sleep - migraine whole week after that due to not enough sleep. Nite 3 she didnt cry just keep walking around the room touch this & that -just refusing to sleep till around maybe 2am then KO le Day 4 onwards similar & progressively better.

didi ah yo - keep wanting STUBBORN as a mule. 2 days i went operation stayed over at my parents place with jie jie he came on the 3rd day to with daddy to bring me home - he ANGRY with me dont want me to carry or hug. (same like jie jie when i didnt go home that night i delivered didi) he will fuss & tug at my shirt on & of but KOs very fast. but its prolonged fusing lor. one month later i gave in la let him latch i think kosong liao - for 1 week then i decided no dont confuse him again cos stopping = rejection feelings all over again i tot NOT GOOD ba. so i put on a bra & sleeved tee to sleep so he can tug all he wants & he cannot get to the Bs lolz

Hi Dreamic,

Yes, I can get the medicine from my gynae. Just that it sounds so potent, 1 dose and next day milk supply will dry up. So want to ask if any mommy has taken before to share her experience w me.

ANyone knows how many eggs can a toddler eat per week???

my son dun like solid food, he can only finish around 1 tablespoon of plain rice with soup for dinner... in CC teacher say he can finish whole bowl coz he sees his friends eat, he also eat...

I heard egg good for toddlers, but i am not sure how many is too much??

previously i mentioned he likes quail eggs today i tried chicken egg, have to monitor him coz he tot same as quail egg can stuff in mouth all.... but 1st try still not bad he love it too..

but i am not sure how many to give him per week and i tried search online no results leh... only say adults take 3-5 per week can liao...

Ruru, I took 2 tablets of dostinex when I had breast abscess. It took me about 4 days to have the effect. Initially the breasts will be engorged but slowly it will just dry up.

Thanxs all for your advice. We've decided to confine half day playground. Reasons he has to start immunise to virus now or later. Just that we sometimes c him take so much medicine, heartache also. Bringing him to c PD again tonight. Though nose dripping not so much but still sleep with sound. This is just to make sure his lung is ok. Told my wife that if he is still active, he should b fine as notice he will b inactive if unwell.

Thanxs all for your advice. We've decided to continue half day playground. Reasons he has to start immunise to virus now or later. Just that we sometimes c him take so much medicine, heartache also. Bringing him to c PD again tonight. Though nose dripping not so much but still sleep with sound. This is just to make sure his lung is ok. Told my wife that if he is still active, he should b fine as notice he will b inactive if unwell.

Hi Dreamic,

Thanks for sharing!!! So for the 4 days, did u express some milk to ease the engorgement feeling? Or cannot touch at all?

Hi mommies,

Anyone heard about this Legoland theme park opening in sept in Johor? So exciting as apparently it has alot of family-oriented rides for young kids! Anyone has anymore info to share?

any thing in JB sonuds scarey to me - if go please keep an eye on your kids & things at all times PLEASE!!!


i am very paranoid la.


Can check out the legoland website. I think there's some promotion now with supermarkets? Thought I saw some ads at Ntuc finest.

You know, just a few months back, they had a very good

Promotion on their annual pass (think 50%) off. My colleague was eyeing it, but decided to give it a pass. Her reasons - safety (in terms of driving to msia - her hubby's Malaysian!), teething issues they might have. She's adopting a wait and see attitude. My hubby has the same issue about driving to Malaysia too.

I hope legoland is fun. Coz I'll be there next week, albeit the one at Windsor.

i was watching BeautyQQ's you tube videos she was using sanitary pads to dry her makeup brushes - what a good idea i tot - i have ALOT OF breast pads left over!!


when i went to japan vicky refused to leave the Lego shop at the factory outlets!!

then at a dept store - there was this monkey gorella brand i forgot the name - they have a round dry pool filled with life sized plastic bananas - she refused to leave either!

I spent so much of my holiday in japan at play grounds - but i needed the rest anyway with the tiger still baking away

chips & piglet08,

she is ok. everytime, only throw out a bit so keep going to clean her up, change bedsheet. this morning, wake up super hungry ask for milk which she usually don't drink.

refuse to eat any other things except for milk. when we eat breakfast, she finished a pack of milk but vomitted all shortly after she finished. hubby clean her up, send me to work, then go home change for her then bring her to see doc.


Maybe YX got wind in the stomach that's why appetite not very gd and vomit. Hope she is gets better.

Btw mummies, I had a shock of my life ystd and starting to worry.

YH's teacher told and showed me that there is something in the corner of YH's lips) (outside her mouth) and asked me if I noticed.

They checked and there were no signs of HFMD *touchwood*!!!!!!!

But I am really scare even till now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same symtoms as my son, after he seen doc n took medication for 'stop vomiting' he had diarhoea.

up cannot come out bottom come out.

Im wondering is it a phase whereby their intestine/system expanding or adjusting..

Celyn & Chips

I have the same thinking as Chips. Cos YH can eat alot then thereafter she will tell me her tummy pain & want to apply Ry Yi Oil.

YH quite prone to wind in tummy. Not sure is it cos of pacifier though she only needs then during nap & night time.

chips & piglet08,

i don't think so lah. didn't experience this with yu ze. yu ze is also on pacifier till quite big then cut off.

not becos of pacifier bah, my son loves his pacifier he only have it when he goes in car after sch and during his bedtime.

my son is still coughing with phelgm and slight flu. hopefully he gets over this period soon. Im not feeling any better from his virus, still sick now.


Babe, i am very paranoid when it comes to wind in the tummy or stomach flu one. Hates it lor! Cos after gg into CC, YH have wind in tummy 3 times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Did PD give him Ventolin & Singulair for cough & phlegm? Ventolin is meant for cough & phlegm and with Singulair is gd for the lungs after coughing too much too.

U better take care too ya.


im not good with medicine names. have to go home n see.

recently I brew 止咳汤 for him.. quite good.

avoid, egg, chicken, biscuits and cold drinks helps a lot.


If giving him the 止咳汤 & those food that should be avoided works then carry on. I would prefer this way too rather then take too much Western Medicines.

He cough until lungs coming out lei, night time I apply bear rub dont know if it helps.

western medicine finished 3 bottles liao I dont see improvement cos the phelgm nv come out, sometimes must make him vomit so that his phelgm comes out he wont cough so much.



i see. maybe i'm too bo chap liao. i just let them be. eat whatever medicine gp gives.

my usual gp told me singulair is good but he won't recommend unless really no choice. he mentions it more for asthma kids.

chips & piglet08,

you all very good and discipline leh. i don't avoid any food intake regardless of what kind of sickness. people tell me cannot eat this and that when sick with this and that. i still continue to give. bad mummy hoh.

