(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


i have no energy to go such family days - i think of it i am tired even.

then few days back due to lack of sleep i took some iherb freebie sample they sent me - artic root OMG Rhodiola rosea extract SHR-5 - ENERGY MENTAL CLARIFY & STRESS SUPPORT - i took it & with just 4 hrs of sleep i managed to work the whole day & didnt even feel so tired at night.

i shall read up more into it before i dive into it or maybe i should start a multi vit soon.

1st time papa,

Is it sterimar?


Vicma - very "chim". Have no idea what's that. Would the medical hall guys be able to help? It does sound like a miracle pill that I'll like!

Just half a day more and I'll be a sahm for the next two months! Yeah!!!!

1st time pa.

I use both Sterimar & illadin i feel if very bad.

I will spray with Sterimar 1st & press out the mucus, then drip the illadin.

if he is sleeping - no point waking so just drip the drops

1st time pa

not much diff - changing u might want to discuss with teachers - might make it hard to let him adjust back to full day again.

i must admit its quite sickness rampant this yr. i am feeling a big hit too with 2 little ones going to school. even my older one who is quite resilant has fallen ill few times this yr alone

One week din come in ler!

Vicma, thanks. Need some time to digest all the supplement info u mentioned. U were saying u r ordering? Still taking orders? But I have not decide on the type of supplements to give.

Chips your boy sick for quite a while ler hor? Ok Liao boh?


i didnt know our April 2010 mummies organising spree -happen to need PJs & chose her spree!


promotions come on & off - let me know when u have decided. the current promotion just ended.

i just talk to some mommies i trust last time when i was a new mommy & what they give i literally follow. then i see which i feel ok to continue then i continue.

its good to read up abit 1st i suppose on the brand 1st perhaps.

the other way is to take from PD - supplements from PD usually considered safer ba.

HI 1sttimepapa, are u refering to 1/2 day CC??? its the same, my son also in 1/2 day CC, wanted to let him adjust before going full.... sick since feb 1 and dunknow go PD how many times and go KKH holiday 1 time liao

hi vic ma : its me !!!


yes since mar, I wan to die liao totally exhausted during work time due to lack of slp. n finally I break down, I'm sick for the fourth day, fever not over, running nose, thick phelgm. my nose today got blood coming out while I sneeze, this is the 1St time in my life fever take so long n nose got blood.

1St time papa,

I think half or full no diff still expose to Virus, one day u still got to let him b in full day

there r a few half day toddlers in my son childcare, they r also sick n not any better.

yesterday I go work, very big boss birthday, impt submission, lots of work. I keep making mistakes, brain can't work well. one ang mo told mi this is Chinese flu, we European wont get it. no worries. a while later, I heard him sneezing n coughing.

anyone can tell mi is barley OK to relieve heatiness or will grow phelgm. some people say can some cannot I'm confuse.


I so BLUR!!! i tot familar but didnt know its you! lolz thanks so much!!


if u must make pearl barley & dont put so much sugar or add in sugared winter melon.

try not to take china barley - too liang i feel.

crysanthemum tea is also good in general. as for plelgm i am not so good with this - i just drink more water & if bad anti-biotics.

Now he is 0.5 day Playgroup. Thinking of to stop playgroup until he is 3 cos sick so many times since Starting lessons in April...am I making right decision?

morning mummies


its really up to what you think is the best. however, this cycle of being sick frequently will come again when he starts school at 3 years old. cos he is back in contact with many virus environment again. his body will once again need to adjust and build up his immunity to fight such virus.

1st time pa

the thing about parenting is - we dont really know if the decision we made is 100% right. But as long as its tot thru with the circumstances we are in & as husband & wife its discussed that both of you think this is the best for the child - no one can fault us on how we want to bring up our child.

we decide & we live with the consequences too.

that's why i supposed u are here to - to gather more feedback perhaps from other parents in similar situations then make a final decision with your wife.

i am actually considering switching to full day but my MIL & hb is resistant to this idea as he is still young - to me i want them to start toilet training earlier & more discipline but i have to go with my hb's decision for now. ( & we all agree that the maid will then be too free at home whole day dunno do what!!) lolz

I want to slp also cannot!


both #1 and #2 sick.... Diarrhea... and poor #2 backside almost bleeding liao... juz reach home from PD nia.... she is now slping, i am on standby, once hear screaming = poo again... = backside pain


poor darlings - hope they get well soon.

do u put desitin or drapolene when they LS like that? i kind of tot it helps.

I was feeling achey & went for a massage in the neighbourhood & i chanced this new place my mum goes to & so i just decided go.

My brother had his reservations but he said the best staff / person there is the big sized transvestite. SHe spoke ok but when she coughed - its a guy!

then i was wondering if i minded a man massaging me - didnt cross my mind before - will any of u mind? (oil massage - only panty on)


maid too free yes I agree but luckily the 1 in my house know how to keep herself busy.

1 concern I have after observation/monitoring. My child run here and there and not easy to take care. to be in sch more eyes on him and is so much safer. maid alone cant teach and cant follow 24 hrs very siong.

so safety for my son is priority thou maid might be more free.


thankfully he naps long so PM at home time is reduced for maid to watch him.

maid - free or not - u wont know dear unless u have KPI for her to keep lolz. mine can eat snake any time. & loves to yak on the phone. my house phone will mysteriously alwasy "SPOIL" everynow & then.


all i want is a cheap massage lolz. but i realised -maybe i mind.

what i really mind is those ladies from u where where - massagae people's Feet liao NEVER WASH HANDS & proceed into the cubicle to massage you for whole body oil massage - OMG all the previous's customer's TOE JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vic ma: i tried destin, purple and blue, didn't help much coz really red red, almost bleeding liao (OUCH!), went pd today, put her on probiotic and antibiotic liao... and gave cream too....

And NO to ur massage question...

Chips, i also think so.... my son too active to be coop at home.... thus i put him on 1/2 day CC, my ah ma and me can't bear to not see him the whole day! so i finish work and fetch him around noon time... and can have time with him



quail eggs vs chicken egg

is it ok to give quail eggs instead of chicken eggs? my son started to like quail eggs... coz he can "AHHHHH AMMMMMM " in 1 mouthful.... and i search online and see so many benifits.... which seems good for my son, coz father has asthma, tellesamia (dun know how to spell...)


my mil said quails eggs has higher cholestrol than chicken eggs - ok to eat but must watch quantity. might be better to stick to chicken eggs as they can eat more than us as adults- cholestrol wise. & nutrition wise supposedly very good & cheap source of protein & i think some minerals too.

but i read what the benefits of quails eggs have - perhaps i can let the kids have them on & off. sometimes we want to make soba & dunno what to do with the rest of the eggs as we only eat 1-2 each at one time.

(last time when we were trying to conceive - quails eggs was brought up amongst Royal Jelly to boost fertility - your website says it too lolz!)


more or less we (my family knows) cos my family members will have task for her other than normal housework.

phone - she dare not touch.

and I view her through cam as and when... furthermore my parents are at home they go in and out without informing.. so be smart dont get caught

is our child teething..(big tooth)??

my son keep biting. wherever fleshy he wil take a bite..

and he put his hand in his mouth to rub his teeth

morning celyn

vic ma: i would say NO, tho in the spur of the moment, i would prob lan lan agree then regret!

HJ: dreamt of you! that my girl went to see you to clean her teeth and that she was cooperative!

dawn: i see your BP link, am tempted to get more stuff! is it still up? i see last post was 2011.


wait u see all the ladies who want another child making soba for hb lolz with quails eggs - cos this way is eat raw mah more potent lolz!!


these are the power sprees man - since last yr still on - although the moderators do a spring clean once a while when the threads gets too long for BP sections - even for our threads.

XLH bot from Dawn too & i am waiting for mine in the mail.

Vic ma - you're tempting me with the macaron class! Have been looking out for such things to do these 2 months. Looking at baking calf too, since it came recommended by some friends.

Hi mommies,

I plan to stop bf-ing soon as I have been falling sick quite often recently so think better stop as my health is really taking a beating from the close-gap births of my 2 kids and bf-ing.

Want to ask any of the mommies got take the medicine to stop bf-ing? Does it work?


Hi mommies,

Sorry need to ask such a question here becos the oct 2011 thread is v quiet as all the members migrated to FB and for my #1, I fell really sick when she was 7+mths old so supply just dried up without me doing anything! So now need to ask.

