(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Morning all,


New drypers cutting seem to be the same as the old version, I like the tape..

I bought XL for day time quite tight but at least not so lao lao when walk.

XL dosent work for mi at night keep leaking so use XXL.

my boy ever since go sch, keep on feeling not well. his cough was quite bad and lots of phelgm, a few nights vomit on bed and so qing cham middle of the night I go shower.

Last thurs, middle of the night he wans milk I gave him and he said 'not nice' less than a min he merlion every where... within 5 hrs he vomit 5 times whenever eat/drink.

seen a doc and giv him medication to stop vomitting.

so now mouth cant come out, come out from bottom. he having watery poo ( light mustard / greenish ) since last sunday till now not recover. went doc on this week ( wed ) teacher isolate him cos 1 hr watery poo 3 times.

I want to faint. middle of the night the watery poo flow out n luckily on floor. big mess in the morning on tuesday.

hopefully he gets well soon. tomorrow bring him out to Pan Pac for a good weekend stay.

maid going home leave in july, already made arrangement with office for going late to work and claim taxi fares. lucky else I got to pay my own...


thou lao sai all this while, dosent affect his mood to sing.. he sings whole day til I ask him to stop.

he can sing A, B, C, D, E, F, ..... humming then continue alphabets... humming again cos some of which he stil cant pronouce. hheee

his best song is row row your boat and twinkle twinkle little stars.


I think there's a stomach bug going round. Yesterday I brought mine to PD for her soft stools/diahorrea which started on Sat night. Like your son she is very active and doesn't look unwell at all. Was told to change her diet temporarily till her poo gets back to normal. Poor girl now cannot eat all her favorite fruits and cannot drink fm. Hope she gets well before we leave.

Vic Ma,

Hubby said just pack what I can into the luggage and ship the rest. Looks like really living out of my luggage for 2.5 months. Like long holiday!


I'll ask for the bag at check-in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure if they will still give considering it'll already be wrapped up.


We're renting out our place. Have found a tenant but papers not signed yet. Hopefully it'll be confirmed before we leave.


wat diet you giv ?

doc said no need to change milk and can continue to drink but dilute a bit.

I got stop diarrhoea medicine and the 'good bacteria powder' from doc. this good bacteria is jus like yakult.

but he dont like he say NOT NICE. i want to faint tis 2 prescription cost $40. he just dont want to take.


We're not giving her medication only probiotic drops and a bland diet to let the intestines heal. Milk we stop cos she might be lactose intolerant during this period. Since her new diet there has been no poo since 2pm yesterday. Once her poo goes back to normal will slowly introduce fruits and veges bit by bit and then brown rice and lastly milk.


usually start school good to give supplements lor.

the school gives cod liver oil to my surprise. simple scotts brand donated by other parents.

so at home i give a diff fish off & sambucoal & sometimes vit c.

childlife has a probiotics too its around US$17+ from iherb.

i am going to stock up earth's best toothpaste, sambucoal & abit only of this childlife colestrum & maybe childlife cod liver oil.


vit c i give a cheap bran from guardian i can find & show u later. i also used to give scotts sweets trying to make them takt the 2 bottles of the animal parade probiotics sweets i bot 1st then i repurchase the scotts next time.


iherb also has yummi bears.

chips if your friend order - i assume u guarantee she will pay then i will help to buy.

once email me cannot change mind if i already ordered.

please dont give out my hp number only my email address.

[email protected]

& hope she dont ask me for recommendations cos i might not oblidge.



(Therapeutic Ascorbic Acid/ Vitamin C Syup in delicious orange flavour)


Each 5 ml contains:

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) - 100 mg


Once a day for supplementation:


2 to 6 years - 5 ml (1 tsp.)

7 years and above - 10 ml (2 tsps.)

Or, as prescribed by the physician.

i bot the huge bottle for around S$8+ from any pharmacy. i got it 1st from KKH pharmacy.

my girl claims it tastes like baby eggs (orange tick tack) yummy to her.

Chip, recently my kid also got stomach flu and fever. Refused all medicine. Must force the medicine down, cannot soft hearted.

On supplements, I wanted to give but hubby always stop me. Hais. If give probiotics daily can prevent stomach flu or not?


u might want to explore nutrifresh, the idea is that its food condensed fruits & veg extracts freezed dried.

as as good as say juicing 15 diff types of fruits & veg together to drink of course in the convenience of a powder to be mixed in cool or table temp water (not hot as hot will kill off the nutrients)

supplements in this line your hb might not be so against it.

i understand pds alwasys give biogaia probiotics drops for recovery - its very expensive - not for daily use.

you can let hb know that even that excel's nutrifresh if u want to call it si liao - using food to heal - even if u were a nutritionist or chinese doctor using herbs or food to treat your family's immunity.

the idea of immunity boosting is not to prevent illness - but to deduce the frequency & speed up the recovery rate. So for eg if same child taking supplements vs if he/she didnt (no 2 persons are the same) the child might fall sick less often maybe by 10-30% % really depends on th exposure (weather & in contact with other germs/virus/bacteria or not) & they might take a faster time to recover.

nothing can preven illness - unless a person lived in a bubble.

supplementation given say moderately - u might want to give alternate days (who can remember anyway daily) if you can prevent 1 extra illness - meaning the child takes a lesser dent to his current immunity why not ar? challenge your hb this? if he can recover faster - his immunity will also take a smaller blow & he will be happier faaster why not ar? if he can get milder reactions (when all sick sometimes illnesses can be full blown or just mild) why not ar?

the idea is there is no 100% prevention but supplementation might help on the above i mentioned - why not ar?

#1 was a very resilent kid all of u know i bf damn long -my milk was like liquid gold to me - i flu she just take my milk ok she wont kena - milk is king.

then i had #2 he was diff even with 21 months of bf - & this time i grossed 250-300ml yield per pump vs last time #1 120-180ml he had more bm lor but he just falls sick more often.

then then in start child care - omg NIGHT MARE.

my kids both just non stop sick one after the other past 6-8 weeks - am i stopping supplementation - no i think i am going to step up on it cos i always forget to give perhaps this time i getting one new one fo #2 sensitive nose & i not giving up childlife cod liver oil for scotts cod liver old (school gives scotts) i sticking to these 2 , sambuccoal & i stopped nutrifresh from post CNY till 1 month back so i jjust repurchased. (cos maid forgot to tellme no more & i didnt check)

but having said this - this is just a mother's opinion - a pd might have a diff idea or a medical researcher might have a diff idea.

but this is what i would do la as a ftwm anyway since my kids are cared for more by maid than fmaily as well so do take with a little pinch of salt.

Maddie: haha yes i think he is the only one who loves sch so much and when he can't go sch he will throw temper... hope maintain this way haha

his CC also, fever cannot go, the rest can go... n he diahrrea, cannot go too... i think they dun like wash his butt too haha ...

Chips: my son also the same! vomit last sat whole day, and diaherrea the whole day on sun... and till now still have super watery stoools at least once a day.....

my maid very bz change bedsheets too... .

and he is so super active does not look sick too... but he refuse to eat and drink... milk only 1 bottle per day, solids less than 2 tablespoon also... today better liao at least can drink more milk....

his cc gives cod liver oil,also always sick :<

Vic ma: sambucoal good ma? i also tot of buying it for my son... any cheap lobang?


I have the yummi bear - Immune system. My boy dont like it cause it is abit sour lol~ If you want, I can give you some to try. Actually those who want to try can let me know I can pack into small pack and give out! Dont want to waste them cause quite ex! Going to try the normal Yummi Bears and see if he wants. I bought quite a few kind but was attracted by the Immune system one cause it stated helps boost immune system!

Morning Celyn!

Long long time no come in and chat because of work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How I miss those days! Wanna job hop again LOL!!


oh tats great..

I pm u address

those bears with sugar not so good huh. I always see those yummi chewable bears with sugar

too many variety to choose from, once buy its a lot to finish. personally I dont like such bears also if he dont eat, I also got to giv away

dawn / kdd,

my son poo looks better tis few days.. but yesterday fever again I wan to faint. .. nv a day he is alrite after joining the school..


PM me at [email protected]

Mummies who are interested in the Yummi Bear Immune, let me know send me email and I'll pack into small pack and let our little ones try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chips u let me know i have an order to complete by this month - if not in by tomorrow (email) i assume your friend yet to decide & so wait for next spree.


yu ze don't like all the gummy bears that i bought inlcuding the nemo fish and mickey mouse one. the only person eating is yu xi. i give as and when as incentive. sometimes i will force 1 down yu ze's throat too or get mei mei to give him. he usually don't think much when mei mei gives him.

Hi Mummies,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Anyone hit the GSS yet? I went to the Isetan private sale last week and today I spent my lunch time shopping at Raffles City. No more shopping for the month! Got some good deals at Dorothy Perkins at Raffles City. Capital Land malls now have a promotion where you get $20 worth of vouchers if you spend $250 and up on your mastercard (max of 3 receipts). Happy shopping!

Ming...can continue shopping from fri owards cos it's a new momnth :p .....what's up at Dorothy Perkins? ..benn wanting to go get some clothes but hv not got dwn to doin it yet.


Chips: my son also nv a day not sick after going CC... he juz recover with nice beautiful poo 2 days ago and here comes the flu and cough again.... haizzz

Anyone tried sambucoal ??? or any vitamins to recommend for immune system?? My son dun like sweets, so i most likely can't give gummybears

morning mummies


give him some time to build up his immunity. going to cc is exposing him to many virus and it does take times for them to fight all these. i believe it will take at least 6 months for them to get used to the virus environment.

other mummies here should be able to recommend something for you. personally, i don't give them anything to build up.


same lei after vomiting and diarrhoea now comes fever, on sun afternoon he is a bit hot and really that stupid fever comes. this 2 night he cant slp sit up and cough whole night. I also no chance to slp..

last night he 39.1 wow piah i paste cooling plaster on his back n forehead he refused, i wan to sponge him he said cold cold.. ai yo cham


also see indiv child one. my todM fall sick every 3-4 weeks but major one, kana high fever, need to see doc type. must take urgent leave etc. now my bbM is sick every other day! but mostly runny nose and low grade fever, at most 37.8 and school never even call me bring him home. both also same, i give breastmilk.

now todM, after 20months in CC quite good liao, falls sick as often as me!

Shopping: I picked up a dress (knee length cocktail dress I can wear for formal dinners), a more casual dress and 2 tops (that I can wear to work) for $150. They were all marked down by more than 50% (the dresses were marked down to $39 from $79) so I thought they were pretty good deals.

Chips: could it be stomach flu? Bring back to doc for a up?


went doc 2 times, poo is watery and tis few days better liao but fever & lousy friends come..

poor thing, we adults also bui tahan kids worse.

now 3 rd time to doc, maid brought my son to clinic now , later I call clinic and see what doc says.

now busy trying to plan for packing stuff for 2 kids to sydney...

HJ, owe you the car info, but think shd be ok to drive, in SG our license can drive that car here


swee deals!! i should head down soon too!

oh thanks for your tips - my scalp thingy is so much better after following the continuous use then after that maintain with the tar shampoo.

at least i am not an orang utan now scratching away.

Hi mommies,

Yah, my gal after joining cc is super-duper power fight against the viruses! Every 2 weeks or so will be done with cough/cold or worse still the flu. I dont know finished how many bottles of zytec, mucusolvan, ventolin etc for the past 5 months. My #2 also get sick sometimes courtesy of his sister. Haiz...,

Hi mommies,

May I know who is the mommy who went to club med bintan? I vaguely remembered got a mommy mentioned got white porridge only during breakfast? Need some info as going in Oct where #2 turns 1 year old so need to plan for his meals over there.

Ruru: I have gone club med bintan. then I went club med phuket so my memory is a bit fuzzy regarding where got what. found bintan to be a nicer set up than phuket and the food was better too. ok, let me try to remember bintan: for a one year old, shd be ok - there will be cereal, yogurt, plain porridge, pasta (before adding sauce), boiled veg (carrots, brocolli etc), bread. can get them to hard boil egg at breakfast too, tho need to wait as long as the egg needs to be cooked. plus there will be plenty of heinz food, if your boy can take it. todM refused all jar foods cos I had given her home made stuff all along. I would pack food from the bf and lunch table so that food is available for snacking at any time. brought a thermos to pack plain porridge from bf so can eat at lunch etc. plus fruits and bring yr own cereal etc, he won't starve lor. enjoy! if you can bear to, can even dump kids at babysitters, it used to cost SGD$5 per hour so we made it a point to dump her there for 2 hours a day for our own activities.

plus they also provided bathtub, baby oil and baby powder, sterilizer in the room. (which phuket, with their 'baby clubmed') did not provide as they had a communal baby room.

RURU worse still - my GP on long leave & they shifing units - so leave then the clinic closed for minor shift & reno WAH me so COCK didnt take BLANKET meds standby!!!!!

Chips: thats what happen to my son last 2 weeks also.. .vomit and diarrhea, but he recover liao. and here comes his friends (flu and cough)

now he so scared until when he poo (normal poo), he keep looking at his feet and floor to see if any drop (watery stool) and stand there so stun and look so scared almost wanna cry.... poor thing

Hope all sick de get well so... so poor thing seeing them sick :<

my son being coughing for a few nights, and today im having fever, flu & cough + sore throat.

yesterday I told him, if you cough and want to vomit out the phelgm go toilet, I told him if u vomit on bed dirty we cant slp. Then last night he swallow down everything. ( I can hear from the coughing phelgm sound )

I told him if u vomit on bed dirty we cant slp.


Hi Maddie,

Thanks for the information!!!! Wah, got babysitter somemore, but think my gal too shrew to let us go.

Hi mommies,

Just came back from west coast park after attending my gal's cc family day. Soooooo hotttttttt... I am fried a darker shade of brown. I cannot imagine the amt of $ I need to cough up when all the dark spots appear on my face in a few years time.

