(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

samer, more importantly is wat gynae (a professional) said abt whether bb is fine, not others.. when i had C1 and going to deliver, my colleague also said the same thing to me.. said my tummy is small blah blah.. i was quite sad too.. but over one nite i'm fine liao.. happy again cos as long as gynae said fine then it's fine.. moreover too big bb also hard to deliver rite?

oh yah. belly small is not the worse remarks i had so far. actually hub and i we held our wedding banguet 2 weeks ago nia. and u know my folks friends said "eh sam... u know ah.. its bu ji li leh to have ur wedding dinner when u r pregnant". how ridiculous is that??

so touched la. really... mummies here really gives support to each other a lot. Im so glad. Cheers!

lets update each other of ur "sexy" bellys once in a while ok!! hahaha.

anyway, i just received by email my wedding pic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] something to be happy abt..

Sam,I don't need to care what ppl said..Just be yourself then you n ur bb will be happier...You don't want a trouble-looking bb rite??

Lynn, Jasda, beginning preg i stil drink lotsa soya milk. Only last week then dunno y HB mentioned abt tat doc's remarks...so i scared n ask him buy milk only next time. Hope nothing gonna happen to bb! But i guess once in a while, those selegie tau huey is fine la...my mum say can eat.

Wah Kite, i salute u! 6 mths old u bring bb abroad liao...dun tink im prepared for tat. Jus wanna enjoy ourselves first. So is either bring bb along or stop bf altogether.

Sam, Congrats newly wed mommy! Din noe preggy cannot hold wedding tot is double blessings like tat!!?? Aiyah, lotsa hearsay...again bochap la!

sg_sc, don worry too much abt the soya thing.. when i had C1, everyday i drink the protein (i.e. soya) and bb is fine... the more i know the more i'll not do.. sad...

all the research all quite controversial one hence moderation is key!

heck, it's the first time i heard preggy cannot hold wedding. so many pp do that now. it's only unlucky if u think it is. otherwise like sgsc said, it's double blessing!


heehee i brought my no. 1 to langkawi for the 1st time at 6mth cos go there relax. then 8mths to genting n 1 yr+ to perth, bintan n etc. hee so l latched on bus, ferry, plane and it was quite alrite n fun for me. Cos once latched usually bb wil zzzzzz liao. hee latching also make me slpy cos when milk let down, there is this so-called natural chemical which will make us drowsy n its TRUE!!!

samer, congrats! so u're newly wed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is this bb comes a surprise to u?

Kite, wah really adventurous couple! ;p u make it sound so easy, am sure its not at all lor!!Somemore i scared paiseh lei let kaypoh pple ard see me bf n lagi best bb cry n make a fuss n wait vomit milk...oh no...nitemare....haha..stil tink not for mi...not for the faint-hearted.

wow, kite so adventurous, baby well travelled from young - haha...a lot of things to pack no?

i will target bf-ing for 6 months coz that's the min i read before babies are ready for solids if at all. if baby does not self-wean by then, will target 1 year...then see how...

8 years old very scary ley!


I intend to bf for 1 yr also but my sis tell me it can be emotionally stress when there's engorgement and it hurts so badly or if there isn't enough milk supply. But till the end, she says at least we tried so no need to feel bad if you cant bf your baby for long. You can try half formula half bf which my friends told me.


yup to beach resort, not tiring as it was relax for all of us plus hubby helped me out alot. overall it was fun. i even brought my bumbo seat for her to sit at the beach. In public, i used sweater/shawl to cover ourselves during latching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sam, i wanna bf for as long as possible (no need as long as utube mommy la), can help us diet faster but i also wanna go for my holiday..so tats the dilemma.

Do not say not confident so early on...mommies here keep saying tat must have +ve mind knowing tat u CAN bf, u WAN to bf n u HAVE enuf milk for bb then sure can bf successfully one. I trying to psycho myself daily liao!


marriages - and weddings - are alive and well, but nowadays four out of every ten weddings are second marriages for one or both partners. Im actually one of them. first Marriage went downhill literally after 1st MC.

and this baby is really a god gift. so precious to me u know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasda, not u ah..haha..quite long liao, there was someone drinking same organic soya milk as mi, but nvm la, so long as we noe now, stil not too late to make amends...drink milk!!!!!! whahahaha

Yah, lynn, very err lei...8 YO liao stil suckle frm breast! Wat if she decides to bite on mommy's nipple...yucks!


I din put a time period to it, in the end, bf for 14 months. Only stopped when C2 was confirmed in the pregnancy test kit I bgt fm guardian.

Just like climbing a mountain ya, one step at a time... so one feed at a time, one pump at a time...

i tell myself i will quit tmr when the going gets tough, i m too emo to make this impt decn today!

oh Yiwen tks for owning up. Nearly died trying to recall who...;p u stil taking them? have got few sachets left but tink bottomline is not to take too much soya milk to play safe!

sam, then it's a huge blessing. so long as you know tat will do. we really dun have to bother with wat others say [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they will always say watever they like. we do wat we like - hahah...

sgsc, i'm reading abt bf-ing and seems that it's ok for toddlers e.g. 2-year-olds to still nurse. i'm still trying to come to terms with tat - and now an 8YO - i'm just thinking how tiring it is for the mom...but if the mom is still doing tat, she could be quite happy i suppose to still have this nursing relationship with her toddler. but wow, 8YO!

samer, good tat u still move on..yah bb is really precious gift from God.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup once u get the hang of it (bfging), at a stage u wouldnt bear to stop it, u know cos i want the best for my bb. Just like me, feel emotional if i stop (ser bu de).

wait til their teeth grows out, they tend to bite but for my case, rarely bite me. hee

yiwen, me also unisoya. haha.

kite, u r awesome lor. really really respect u. i wouldnt go through the fuss.

lynn, bf for 8 yrs is sacrifices for mummy lor. scary but super wei da right

some friends told me its terrible when u get Mastitis .

Yiwen,can I check with about the amino test...For normal Amino test,what is the waiting time for the result to know?? For Express one,how long??

hihi, understand from my mum that new mum will have period for 1 mth? is this true? heavy or not ah? must use maternity pad one right? maternity pad - is it those with strap that need to tie here and there one ah (saw my aunt one when young)? seems difficult to use...but i also heard that now gynae will help to clean the 'blood' after delivery and have less blood ... true or not ah?

sorry ah.. suddenly feel scary to have 1 mth period after birth...


I feel you!

....not literally molest you la, but same feeling on stopping BF.... hehe

soy milk

cannot drink ah... i took tau huey every day during 3rd tri for C1, but bb still turn out orh orh (tanned). kua kua kua.

and gobbled one pack of unijoy mango soy dessert after lunch. gulp gulp slurp and there, all gone!


mine lasted for abt 2 weeks heavy flow after delivery, then spotting for another week, then stopped.

no need to use the tie-tie-type maternity pad, the Mt A nurse taught me how to put the sticky type one in front of the other, will catch everything one.

depends on gynae - mine did clean up.


hee u r so cute...well, for me i bfed til my milk bcome dried up (3 yrs). thats the stage to stop liao. yup hv no choice cos u r preggie w no. 2 else i guess u wil continue rite? :D

wonderland: mine lasted abt 2 wks too, 1st wk was heavier, then 2nd week kinda like light period. This time round, think I may just use overnight pad instead of maternity pad. That time i bought maternity pad those sticky ones, like normal pad, just that it's a lot thicker, so can absorb more..

Hi lynn,

Mine went on v well. hehe. in fact no one can tell i am preggy. hahah.. my only prob is my swollen feet. my shoe cant fit.. die die wanna squeeze in. hehe till now i still got this water retention lo. tested blood and blood pressure all ok. so shall keep finger cross.

thanks cellow and juliet..

ok.. i will check with my gynae.. 2 weeks still bearable but 1 mth...scary scary....

i read somewhere that normal pad may cause infection, not sure how true is it leh...

pinky, sam, u all so heng. if it were me, i die standing coz my tummy so big all of a sudden. water retention? i heard the cure is to drink more water! but dun quote me on that, i'm not so sure.

Cellow, kite,

May i ask, how long can you keep bm? say in freezer?

is it possible especially if i travel to pump and keep the milk in hotel freezer, then transfer to cooler and bring it back to singapore? although its gonna be really troublesome but i think want to try to find some alternatives.

i been drinking and drinking and so bloated. and the retention is still there. refuse to go off lo. now my tummy also suddenly big. hehe..

Have u all told ur boss abt u preggy? mine big but pple tot i put on weight. i haben tell. and i simply duno hw to start.

pinky, u wore heels on ur wedding? i tell u i wore nike shoe leh in the night. muahahaha because my gown was long enough and like u i couldnt fit into my shoe by the time. so tight.

now im wearing 1 size bigger shoes liao.

yes lo i wear heels. hehehe.. cos i v short leh. if i wear sport shoe or wad i look weird. hehehee i told my mom i die die also wanna squeeze in. hehee.

sam, i read somewhere said frozen EBM can be kept up to 3 mths... but must finish within 48 hrs after defrost.. also, EBM put in fridge must be finished within 48 hours too... and cannot heat up to defrost EBM...

but also heard from my fren's experience that frozn EBM very smelly so she nvr give to her gal...


I kept my frozen bm for 2 months.

Eh...during my previous holidays with no. 1, i actually pumped out once in the morning and threw away cos i couldnt store as i need to travel from one place to another. I pumped out cos i need to maintain my supply.

For ur case, if u are staying at 1 location, considering the no. of days and the flight hours, u might have to plan from there. Probably what u can do, frozen the milk, bring cooler bag + ice brick but hv to make sure it doesnt melt...probably need 2 ice bricks n those good travel cooler bag....


baymic, i done in sat & received express result on Tue. According to TMC is 3dys. Don't worry, everything will be fine & just relax during the process.

Sam, how u change ur username?

