(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Wah shiosk! My takoyaki is here already but met with a big problem. Watts is too high for most transformers in Sg and those can support one are those that are bulky and expensive. Lucky managed to found 1 in USA that works on it. Going to buy and that means have to wait longer before the official opening of my takoyaki grill. Cant Wait!!!

Your Taiyaki pan must remember to ask your colleague about the power (watts/VA). I totally forgotten abt the power until when I receives the box and saw 650watts. Drow jaws immediately cause I know my transformer only max 100watts =.=



Pigu(renal) temperature most accurate de but in KKH they says so long baby is below 6 months old, armpit is more accurate thereafter ear thermometer is more reliable.

The ear thermometer you've seen in PD and GP clinics should be the Braun IRT 4520. My PD says its fast and quite accurate (if the kid dont move here and there) and GP also says this one quite good so I bought it. If you intend to get this, go to Overseas Spree and buy. I bought it from there at $86 (including shipping to sg) so its alot cheaper than SG.

There are also people selling Brand New ones on Ebay. Check this out:



ming, ya.. date changed to 29th corz 22nd alot cant make it. Then again, now that it's changed to 29th, i'm not sure who can make it too. hahahaha.. mummies, can you all update the reply please? Am asking if can change to afternoon corz i forgot TodZ got class on Sunday morning. If not, saturday?


Thanks for the information! I shall visit the spree. Cos I really find $125 very ex!


I can't confirm yet. If I can go I will just go down and find u mummies. I would actually prefer Saturday afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But pls do keep me updated of the changes ya!


I just ordered one from this link. they have ready stock at $63.20. bbl is not willing to take temp using the manual armpit one anymore. he keeps moving around. aiyoh



The ear thermometer wont be accurate if bb keeps moving also lol.. I think there's no perfect thermometer that takes the most accurate temp if the kid dont cooperate.

Re: Thermometer

My PD did says those that scan via forehead is not as accurate. Last time in IFC, the teachers also use the Thermoguard Forehead scanner then they says the temperature not accurate. If not wrong, the forehead kind u must add 1 degree to the temp you see on the thermometer.


I didn't tell my colleague about it. See how bah.

Did u all watch the news on Saturday? Watching the satellite launch was a real thrill.


I also not much chance leh. Gonna be another bz period ahead.


LOL bbl moves about and he hates the ear thermometer too. he will scream and wail when his temp is being taken, but no choice its better to use the ear one rather than the manual armpit one cause he will take it instead and play.

wow.. i must be thankful that both my boys are quite coorperative when comes to taking temperature. *cross fingers*

piglet, okie! hopefully the playdate will be carried out as planned! lolz.


Same lor.. bbO also cry and scream and move and move when we use ear thermometer on him but then thats is when he's not feeling well. Actually frankly speaking, we usually only use thermometer when they are sick right? LOL~~~

re MIL

hehe dazz and bbdust,

I m the good DIL. my MIL already condemn Mr C's younger bro's wife untiiiilllllll like dunno wat. trouble already started before they married. now always say my 2nd SIL's elder 9yo boy dunno how to defend himself agst bullies in school bcz (get this) the mother din teach him. *blink blink* excuse me, where was the father in all this? my SIL is not perfect, but she is already doing her best.

so by comparison (see, MIL compares again), I m a saint. *cellow adjusts her angel halo* wahahahaha. but just wait. i m sure she compares me to her other DIL and her own daughter and i fall short in housework, cooking skills and general household chores. that's why i have a maid mah.

BUT she is already quite ok. at least there is an entire sea between us most of the time. i also recognise that as the ILs age, they will come to SG less often. and as the boys go to school, we wont be staying one entire week for CNY (cellow silently cheers). PLUS i m extending an invitation to the ILs to join Mr C, I and the boys to our planned Europe trip 2 years later. that is MY/OUR money that we are spending on them.

ya lor dazz, these women stay in MY, we have been raised and bred in SG ways, how to compare? haiyoor.


Thanks for the info. I wanted to buy too. But not susre why i cannot post in overseas spree leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


PM the seller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sometimes have a lousy one is also good cause at least MIL knows that u are good.


eh no leh when he goes for trial classes and they need to take temp right, he screams and wail too.


i think you need to email SMH moderator moderator @ singaporemotherhood.com (remove the spaces) to ask them to open your nick to the overseas spree and WTS thread. i couldnt post there after i joined SMH for 1y5mo too and i had things to sell lor...


i have a thermoguard contactless aim-at-forehead one at home. usually i look at overall behaviour of C1 and C2 whether they are energetic or listless, whether they eat a lot less to determine how serious the fever really is. not just the no on the thermometer.

more allergies

i suspect C2 is allergic to FM. he already LS for one whole week, started last sunday (not ystday). seems to be better after i bought isomil soy formula for him. need to monitor his LS pattern again. bcz hor, for Thu and Fri, his LS period is in the morning.... after one FM feed in the night. sigh sigh sigh. first egg allergy (confirmed and skin pricked test), now possible FM allergy. HAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

just needed to expel air. sometimes need to do that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BM is still the best la....... but my supply last week was not great. i only know why today.... AF started today for the second time since C2's birth.


perhaps. but i m not going prick him again to find out. the prick at 5mo was difficult enought for my heart to tahan, now ask the active walking C2 to sit still and not scratch ah.... mission nearly-impossible.

feed soy milk first lor.

BBdust & Cellow,

Thanks! I will pm the seller first then email to SMH moderator.


Could C2 be lactose intolerant?


oh no on the pricking part [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wish i can join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] miss the mummies

mummies mummies~! Help~! There's now a possibility to extend my trip to stay in HK island for one more night!! May i know which hotel you ladies recommend?? Corz i need to settle our own accom for that night.

Relations with in-laws: We try and be fair to both sets of parents - we give them the same amounts from our bonus payouts etc. The cheques are given to both sets of parents at the same time so it is quite apparent that they are all treated the same. We also extend invites to both sets of parents to go on holiday with us - so far they have been to Japan and Australia together - possibly Taiwan later this year. The parents' birthdays, mothers' day, fathers' day etc are also celebrated together. So far so good lah. *Touch wood*. I suppose they recognise that if they all get along (or at least try to), they get to spend more time with us than if they did not get along. Hopefully this enlightened attitude continues

Dazz: I stayed at JW Marriott - they are located together with the Conrad and Shangri-La right above Pacific Place shopping centre which is fully linked to Admiralty MTR station. Very convenient but to be honest, quite pricy. If not, my colleagues have stayed at Hotel LKF and find it pretty convenient -though I suspect it is pretty noisy due to the location. Why not stay at TST? It may be more convenient and more choices too.

morning woofy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that is good, my MIL dont like to socialise de so she wont go and find my parents to chat or what. Come CNY and whatever celebrations, our house got no visitors de.

ming..yr post says it all..both sets of parents need to work properly together if they want to see their children ( us ) & their grandkids often enough .

dazz..mai guan yr Il's too much i feel esp. when it comes to comparision...aiyo if one really want to compare, there will not be any ending man :p


i got the contactless one (thermoguard) but i find it not so accurate so i recently just got another bruan thermoter online from one oversea spree. its around $60(the cheapest i found so far). My 1st bruan is spoil after some abuse then i get thermoguard and i still feel bruan is better.

Dazz: For TST, I suggest the following hotels:-

1. Kimberley Hotel (close to TST MTR, surrounded by Cha can tengs and big rooms by HK standards);

2. Sheraton at TST (if you feel like splurging. Excellent location if you are thinking of visiting Shen Zhen as well since that is very closely located to the rail way station that can take you to Shen Zhen and Guangdong but may not be worth the splurge otherwise);

4. Royal Plaza Hotel: My latest budget find in HK - linked to a shopping mall and connected by overhead bridge to Ladies' market etc. Overall a pretty good stay but prices have been going up apparently. Check it out anyway.

Cellow: hugs to FM allergy AND drop supply. hopefully after AF is over the ss will go back up.

Dazz: Is Pollywogs airconditioned? scared afternoon hot la. re MIL... one ear in one ear out.

I'm currently the only DIL. soon to have one more. can't wait man. then i won't be the centre of attention. if she loves the new DIL, then go and spend time with her. if she complain then there will be less time to complain about me. either way i happy.

but generally think MILs shd be smarter. want to spend more time with son and family yet complain++ abt everything is really not the way to go. this is a new generation of DILs lor. not the long suffering DILs of the past that kana beaten and whatnot in the drama serials.

one more question, i'm playing with the online booking on Kimberly's webby. If i choose "standard" room, i can only select 2 adults and if i select 2adults and 1 child, error msg will prompt me that the room can accomodate only 2 pax.

Do i ignore, just select 2 adults and continue to book the standard room or "upgrade" to deluxe where the system allow 2adults and 1 child? Price difference, alot leh. 76HKD compared to 2525HKD


Can give me ur add? I cant find your add :p

Mummies who ordered anpanman bibs, have sent out already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baymic, can sms me when u wanna collect?

Wendees, my sis will pass to you next week ok?

siew ping,

hahahaaa... not sure have u tested by now. How I went about to do HPT was very funny too. At first, i realised that I eat too much as compared to what I was having, 5 full meals a day and still felt hungry all the time.

Then I was thinking it could be breastfeeding coz my pump yeild was very good (throughout the first trimester). Then I just ignored it. Later, I went to my mum's place then return home and suddenly realised that I like very long never use pad (was having some light mensus before).. then i was still thinking it could be that i just got my mensus back and it may not be as regular yet.

Then later, found a HPT when i was tidying up my drawers and might as well do a test for fun and in case... then taadaa.... see 2 lines... heheheee...

I was having spotting too in my first trimester this time especially after pumping coz uterus is contracting...

yeah, start washing baby clothes now. Got some hand-me-down clothes from relatives, all very nice.. hahahaaa... im going to doll up my gal everyday.. heheheee... have been wanting a gal actually....


great that my boy is a 牛奶猪. he will drink all kind of milk i gave and all kind of juice i gave so long as it is in his milk bottle or sippy cup...

your gal will get used to FM one, no worries...


Will deliver here, stick to the gynae that fetching my boy... look around for other gynae but could not really get a really good one here. so stick to him lor though i still prefer my gynae in singapore.

re my PIL, aiya... i tried to bochap them but sometimes really pek chek one... i don like ppl nagging and don like ppl to decide what i have to do.. that's me... hope they will shut up or i will just don visit them for that often. sibesian...

RE: Table food

I have already started to give baby adult food after he reached 12mo, so long as the food is not as salty and no MSG. My boy like ipoh horfun very much and he loves rice too as compared to his porridge.

I realised that he does not like those nuah nuah porridge after i gave him rice coz he loves to have something to chew instead of just swollow... so I no longer use slow cooker to cook porridge, just cook teow chew porridge for him and boil soup to go with rice..

very easy like that because baby can have meal together with us and no need to specially cook baby food for him anymore... lazy mummy... hahahaaa....


My boy has taken MMR jab when he was 12mo. As mentioned by PD, he did got fever 1 week after the jab. PD said 10% of baby will have fever 5-7 days after MMR jab.

What i realised was my boy is more sensitive to egg white after the jab. He was alright with egg white before MMR (i introduced him egg white when he was around 11mo). SO now i just stop giving him egg white but will test him on egg while once a month to see his reaction.

RE: Walking

sigh, I rather my bb goes back to crawling time instead of now running the whole house collapse... he walks to every corner of the house, mess up my kitchen, my laundry areas everyday. He loves to put everything in the mess ONCE everyday so long as I just leave the mess there for the whole day... if i tidy up the mess, he will do it again but if i leave them there, he will be playing with his toys instead.

Notti hor.... so to save my energy, i just leave everything there until he go to bed... really no energy to run after him....

and, he will run all over when i bring him out esp in the shopping mall... don like me to hold his hands etc... can u imagine a mummy with big tum tum chasing after him in the shopping mall.... so now, less shopping for me unless my dh is around but again, going for shopping with dh is darn boring...hahahaaa...

RE: TCM in Singapore.

I have one very good. I bingo my son after he helps me condition my body. I was trying for 5 years (had 3 MC) before got my son naturally. let me know if u need the contact.

RE: spotting in between mensus

sometimes it is due to the egg shedding off, i had that before and know about it after checkup. but if it is for a few day. better to do proper checkup.

