(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

piglet, i've been using the Braun thermometer since TodZ's birth. Used 2 in fact.. corz the 1st cannot work not long after BbZ is born so i bought another. Now 2 boys trained liaoz.. mummy always take the temp of both ears then average. haha.. so after left, they will turn right for me.. if start with right, they will turn left for me. haha.. why you suddenly ask that question ah?



You can try those non-contact thermometer. I bought one from SMH either spree or bulk purchase corner...can't remember exactly...coz mine will use her hand to push out the Braun one when it enters her ear.

Re: Cod liver oil

1 year old can eat that already?

Wah so many mummies preggie, congrats to gbh and Ruru.. Just wondering if menses not here yet, can get preggie? Heard it's possible but then no menses = no ovulation then how to get preggie le?

hi mummies, never come in for chit-chatting for a very very long time coz busy with my boy and resting myself. have been reading through the posts.. and yes congrats to Ruru, Maddie, dawn n gbh!!!!

btw, did i *confess* long time ago?? Im in my last trimester and EDD is on 26 Jul, which is only 2 months to go.... come to think of it, im quiet stress coz that mean my 3-hourly pumping has to be resume soon...

ohya, remember 1 mummy asking about weaning due to preggy. I don really wean my boy when I was in my first tri as gynae gave a go-ahead even that time i was having some spotting here and there... in fact, i pump until i was 20 weeks then decided to stop pumping coz gain was only 30ml when crossing 2nd trimester. emmmm, i was latching my boy to sleep too during first trimester and slowly switching it to bottle feed FM before his bed time and giving him water when he wake up in the middle of night to look for my boob... it was difficult inittially and i did give boob for a while then switch to giving him water... he also sense that my milk ss drop and keep starring at me when could not draw milk from my boob.... finally he decided to give up and now only wake up at around 4/5am for a feed after his pre-bed time feed at around 8 or 9pm.... which is quite good already i feel though i do hope that he can wake up only at around 7/8am.....

no mensus but preggy.... if im not wrong, i also have mensus once then stop forever till now.... so sp, did u test yet?? hahhaaaa....

Wonderland! Was thinking of you! Was in same boat as you last nov n again now. My hb try to dreamfeed FM last night she wake up shake head and turn opp side go back to sleep! That was our first attempt ever to formula her. So you still latching now?? Yr #2 boy or girl?


cant rem my thermometer brand... need to go see but i think its braun too... i think not many brands selling outside... i bought mine at $80+ and if urs same model as mine, then that one can also scan temple, no need always ear... maybe that will be easier for yh?


yeah, i still remember your pm. you can keep trying on feeding him water or FM when bb wake up for feed in the middle of night. I feed FM only when reached feeding time interval and slowly drag 1 hr by hr to now he only wake up once. and yes, when bb tasted that it is water and not usual taste, they will give up and turn back to sleep coz they are also tired mah... then slowly, they will give up totally and don even bother to wake up already....

hahaaa... i stop latching and pumping when i was 4 months preggy. in fact, my boy got use to not latching even before i gave up pumping.... was thinking of pumping some colostrum for my boy when i reach 32 weeks... but now im so tired that i got phobia when thinking of that... and i dare not to offer my boob to my boy anymore... i scare he will forget about latching and just bite... then i die... hahahaaa.....

maddie/gbh, heheheee lucky that #2 is a gal.. i can close shop after this lor... now already start to hunt for job so that i can back to workforce after confinement or the latest when #2 reached 12 mo (when i complete another bf career).... hahahaa... but hor, tell u, my PIL already gave me some face colour leh.... wondering why im still a sahm... i hate this ley, is them that asked me to gave up my manager post when i preg with #1 then now im preg with #2 and taking care of #1, they like hinting me to work lor... sigh... like i was thinking, when i have 0 kid, they said im hen that cannot lay egg, 1 kid they also don really treassure, now 2 mil told me cannot afford to raise lor hinting me to stop at 2 lor.... really ah.. this ppl are just very hard to be pleased... btw, my hb is working for family business and that's y pil gave me face colour.... aiya, as if i wanna rely on them, i also buay tahan to have to control my expenses lor.... i really wanna return to sg for work lei... I MISS SINGAPORE!!!

No Mensus <> no o. Yr 1st Mensus u won't know. A lady my #1 batch conceived when our Bb was 2 mths old!


Nutritionist said politely that it's just has more fillers like sugar to make the taste more acceptable to general public for mass sales . N that the concentration of fish oil could be low.

I m using Nordic a brand pharmacists use themselves - reckon it's thus more reliable too.

Piglet, I just bought a Braun ear thermometer for babyA. Initially we were just using the normal digital thermometer but he didnt like it when we press his arm down to keep the thermometer in place. So recently I got the ear thermometer and this boy also hates it. He is like Sarah's baby doesnt like it in his ear. if you havent got one, do consider all these factors.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Scotts fish oil

My pd also dont recommend i give when i asked him when bbl is 1 yr old. Think got higher concentration of vit A n not as pure. He told me to give fish instead

Piglet - i veli long no post yah, rite? Aiyoh, nowadays when i go pump, my gal colleague goes into the computer room with me, so she uses the internet and i pump. After work, no time to come online le.. heard ur big plan to do "something" to ur hubby.. good luck good luck!

Wonderland - i no test yet.. hm, maybe no lah. i also duno is it spotting or not leh, that day. Just stomach bloated these days, then when wipe after pee pee got slimy pinkish colour. I thought i gng to come menses le, cos pump now also pathetic. 6 hourly only 30, 40 ml. Everyone ask me give up. but i am so attached to pumping, i just pump loh. beginning to give my gal nite feed of FM liao, cos FBM a few packs left... and yep, so happy for u, ah gal, very fun de! can wear nice nice dresses..

Table food - starting to feed my gal some food we eat liao. Like just now went to eat Mathatten fish market, then i give her some grilled salmon. She very happy, tsk tsk.

Walking - when will she start walking? now only cruising around.. think she will take a few months more bah.

Work - veli stressed now. Boss not happy with my performance. i am doing 2 persons' job but a bigger boss gave me more projects to do. my boss kena arrowed by bigger boss to do an event but he arrow to me to organise. and still they are not happy with me. quite gek xim. suppose to have medical check up next fri. already tell my staff liao, but she winner, take leave in the HR system say her gal gng excursion that day and she want to PM bring her gal go to RSAF open house. In the end, i have to shift my appointment away. Getting pissed.

Pap smear - supposed to go for pap smear next week. but i need to postpone to next next week. Wan to ask, assuming if i.. erm.. preggie lah, but i duno lah, wil the pap smear harm the foetus?

Have finally fed bbM her first bottle of FM. She initially took two drops then shake head vigorously. I thought of bbdust n how she spoon feed. So went to take syringe let her 'play' drink milk. She took 3x5ml then capped back the bottle n she finished 85ml in under a minute. AND hold bottle herself some more. Just looked at her and thought 'my baby has grown up'. :) Just cross my fingers she won't reject the FBM now.

Siew ping,

I think it's not advisable to do papsmear when preggie. Not sure y but I reckon that since during preggie, cervix will start to form a plug to hold the foetus so best not to go "disturb" it. My gynae told me I shld do my papsmear after I deliver when I just asked him recently during my 1st appt abt my just due papsmear.


Supplement moderately . Any supplement will say from how old.

I really hate the promoters at guardian - the kids supplement the carry clearly says from 4 yes old 4 tablets- they smile when I say oh my girl only 2 ( then) . No worry just give half the dose!!!

I was like if it didn't say from how old = too Young to give , not half the dose yrself!!! It's a health issue not a maths guessing game!!! Immediate I excuse myself.

It's good to give fish. But with fish contamination of late I try to give smaller fish. (radiation) risks.

I just give dha, nutrifresh (anti oxidants from freezed dried fruits n veg ) n what the Pd gives. Pd gave prognosis drops. N something that aids cough relief n builds immunity too.

But it's just one off once, I bot 2nd bottle to feed on my own after illness is gone. Then I just leave it be.

Good de morn mommies!!

Was soooo tied up over the week. Had foreign colleagues n ffull day meetings, aft tat gotta OT clear day's backlog. Very very tired! Doesnt help tat mimi having diarrhoea today suddenly n face n arm n leg each had one big rash..dunno y. Dunno issit coz we fed her chix rice for fun tis aftn then is allergic reaction. We strongly suspect LS due to oily chix rice but the rash prob dirt/dust. At tis point in time ruling out measles or chix pox.

Not going thru forum's backlog, but jus past day's postings n i see lotsa bbbusts filling the air, n prob more to come! Gongxi Gongxi to the newly announced 2nd time brave brave mommies here - Dawn, Maddie, Gbh, Rurucat...hope i did not miss out anyone else!! ;p

LOLz on the raping of HBs plot lei...hope ur wishes come true soon for BBdust n Piglet...but dun overdo it hor...hehehhe

Wonderland - So fast almost due le...seems jus awhile ago tat u "confessed" here...aniway, re ur MIL's nagging, if its mi, i will simply jus ignore lor. Becos of her son, i have to migrate to Msia, away frm my family n frens, n nw u wan mi to start working wen i have an infant n toddler on hand?!! Simply bochup her!! heeee Btw, u coming back to deliver or will do so there?

Maddie - Yeah! Happy for u tat bbM takes FM effortlessly...she is helping mama in her own little way...

SP - aiyoh i opp frm u...hope mimi wont start to walk so soon...my mum also support mi. hehehe...tink she scared of running aft her coz she's main caregiver mah...

OOohhh....another mommy in pending status. SP, y dun u do home preg test first b4 going for pap smear? JUS in case......;p

Mommies, since we on the topic of conception,, i also have a worrying concern. Past 2 mths been having on-off stomach cramps n lately last week my discharge have got blood streaks in them (jus for one day), which all these yrs i have neva experienced b4 except wen i conceived mimi. I knew tat was implantation bleeding aft. Im pretty sure im not preg/implantation bleeding coz i did have my period aft the act...so wondering wat could be causing tis? I'm still having my periods mthly n y i'm getting paranoid coz watched too many episodes of "I didn't know i was pregnant" till im imagining if i could be in tat situation myself! *faintz rite*

Charismama - wen my mum's ex maid reuqested to go home, we did so n the agency said the maid would bear the transport cost home. GUess there's no rule who shld be the one paying. Prob can negotiate to be half-half if ur agent's policy is such since ur maid chose to break the contract first.

The pinoy maids we had prev (3 of them) had their hair ordered to be snipped off upon their pickup at the agency. My mum doesnt condone long hair for maids coz they be working n perspiring, so in terms of hygience, suitability, convenience n costs, chose tis path for them. None of them cried nor retaliated.

Btw, jus to share the indo maid we got tis time really quite good. Hardworking, cheerful n most imptly, obedient n takes rather good care of mimi. Mimi seems happy wif her..phew...heng arh..else gotta wait another mth coz the pinoy tat was supposed to come in chickened out after waiting for a mth in vain.

In terms of food accessibility in the house, my mum allows them to eat anything they wan out there, basic stuff like bread, biscuits, toasts wif spreads, cooffee but items in fridge or more exp milk for snr citizens will tell her so right frm start. so far so good.

morning mummies


why don't you go test? i have a friend who had full blown menses but she's actually preggy leh and was about 2-3 months liao before she realise.

hope mimi get well soon.


Go test first. This time round I also din expect to be preggie. Hardly trying diligently then jackpot liao. I only suspected I'm preggie when I felt nauseous after I took the coffee from the coffee shop which was what happened when I was pregg with #1. Then I chk my dates n realized period due but bcoz my periods din have a fixed reg cycle yet after birth, only just starting to be more reg, so I tested few days later. N bingo! Maybe u also got #2 liao!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hm, quite reluctant to test leh. M sure will kena scolded by you all.. if preggie, i will headache cos duno how to handle both gal and another 1 coming. My hubby will also headache cos now he PT studying, if now handle 2, think he will siao. If no preggie, then haha, disappointed. I am those not fertile one. cos i got a weak constitution. Honeymoon went macau / china, then one physician said my reproductive organs is those COOL type, hard to get preggie... plus these days, duno why easily gastric pain. siao liao, if i got some bad illness how? OMG.. see lah, i like to hu si luan xiang, even i myself cannot tahan myself..

Siew ping!!!

If it's not reliable tcm don't believe! China Macau alot of such want to bluff u $$. They say I got fertility prob too n want to sell me $1-2k worth of xue lian flower dust crap! N it's all a hoax. The drag my mil to another room say she nothing but say my unmarried sil got fertility Mensus problems.

In fact my mil had high blood n diabetes! So it's Probabily crap don't believe u already got one if it's naturally conceived all the more it's possibly crap!

Another day I will post the recommended tcm list - the list more reliable tcm in sg. We can always go tiao yang body safely in sg. B4 we embark on ttc #2. so it's not so bad in general.


Spotting sonetimes could b liang one off it's ok de.

But if many days consistently with pain please see doctor in a hurry Liao.

I wanted to say meet u later in Nex w hpt!!!' but it's in office!!

Ohaiyo mummies

Congratulations to gbh, rurucat, Maddie and dawn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had dinner with ILs last night. After some wine, my MIL began to "open up" (she's like that de, drink liaoz will tok louder or tell you more kind) and she grumbled about us not bringing the 2 kids back to her place. Last evening, my boys went to her place for a swim then when my younger boy went to her place, din recognised the place and made a small fuss and she say it's our fault for not bringing them back often.


Dunno la.. i'm not complaining or what but just thinking, weekends, my time also quite fully used up lo. Even my own parents also we visit as often as we can, but can also sometimes 2-3 weeks never go back. For them, they get to see my boys everyday lo.. so we thot that is sufficient, why still must purposely make a trip back to their place leh? hhmmm... got difference ah? Then, change topic to my hubby's cousin. His wife just gave birth to a son (oh, i mentioned abt her before, she's on a diet during confinement.) She was saying, she very jialad. As a mother, dun even know how to carry her own son. Feed also duno how to feed. and the most important sentence came, "She's worse than you lo.." and i was like, -_-||| so in her eyes, i'm jialad de lo? lolz... anyway, that's just my thot. Shall not "dui hao ru zhuo". haiyoh.. sometimes really feel ah... no matter how hard we DILs try to be "good", "filial", whatever.. still sure got things for MILs to complain abt us de hor?


hee if my hse got another SIL, i will be happy that my MIL said that someone is worse than me hahaha then she can go and concentrate on another SIL than concentrate on me, the one and only DIL, which I felt worse if she go and compare to her auntie friends' DIL.

she ever go and tell the auntie friends that i don't know how to do housework, don't know how to wash clothes, dont even know how to wash plate etc etc but I am good at being a mother. don't know whether to laugh or cry haha. anyway its not that i don't know how to do housework etc, its just that I don't follow her protocol and not up to her standard. my helper also fail her standard that is why whenever my helper clean the house, she does it again.

Good morning mummies!!

Congrats to all who r preggie again!

Today resting at home for working thru sat morning.

Anyone wants to meet up tmr? I'm off as well cos my nanny needs the day off

bbdust, haha.. u still have chance to have another 2 SILs but i got no chance lo.. so i will be compared to those relatives' DILs le. Then hor, jialad is, i'm the only SG DIL leh... the rest all living in Msia, i just thot, how can compare leh...? Even my thinking also different from them wor. =(


hmm the chance of having another 2 DIL is hmm almost zero bah i feel or at least i could have another 1 only.

ignore them bah, if not u will be unhappy

morning zenie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

are u new here? did not see ur nick before.

Morning mummies.

Wah discussing about MIL's woes. Guess all DIL will tio this kind of things from MIL except if the MIL is really a saint kind. My friend's mil is cause my friend love her mil and her mum equally. Not that my friend is easy going but she did told me her mil is really very nice to her.. IF only lah, if only MIL can have more 度量, dont compare here and there, stop intruding into our privacy, dont mess with our brining up of kids, Life will be PERFECT!

MOrning Mummies,

RE: Thermometer

I asked cos YH dun like the one that is to be placed under her armpits. SHe also dun like the one to be put into her ear but I guess ear thermometer will be better and faster right? The braun one that I saw in clinic and Kiddy palace cost abt $125. Is ear thermometer as accurate?

Morning all!

Giving supplements: I give probiotics ('cos Baby E is prone to constipation these days) and a DHA supplement purchased from my PD - similar to Scotts emulsion I think. She is alright taking it so far.

Play date: Did the playdate at Pilliwogs happen in the end? I noted it down in my hard-copy calendar and forgot all about it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe we should plan for another one though I can only make it towards the end of June since I will be travelling for the next few weeks.


morning mummies...

sigh, mil woes!

dazz, I nv expect myself to b pally pally with my mil. Cos I know that will nv happen. My hub is the only child. A lot of attention is on my boy, cos only grandchild. My mil has complained b4 that my boy dun recognise her place. I just dun bother so much abt her.

BBdust, talking abt cleaning. My mil uses my kitchen to cook, but her cleaning standards fail me lor. hehehe, when she goes, I'll clean up after her, purposely show my hub the dirty stuff she didn't clean, hahaha...

