(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


tell the agent afterall she is still "employed" under the agent. then the agent will guide u thru the process. that is what we did for all our previous helpers when they don't want to work for us anymore



there are some situations where the maid did something really wrong - the agent will NOT let them choose & will send them back even if u bring back to agent & not immed sent to airport.

they will KK take the maid from u - like want to let her sit in the agency but the very next moment they bot the airticket - they will pack them off - u can call your agent up to arrange for them to help u send them off this way too - OR ask for advise on what to do - really situational.

Hi Wendees,

I will recommend East Dragon Hotel at Ximending as I stayed in Rainbow hotel before and it is very noisy unless u intend to sleep at 12 midnight every night then it is fine. Dragon Gate is just 5mins walk away, 3 star also but very nice and clean room with hot water dispenser outside every floor. Book directly from their website, it is safer.

Hmmm, u want to make No2 in taiwan? U want to go hot spring? U take the MTR to beitou stop (about 1hr journey) and go to this spring hotel call shui3 mei3 (water beautiful) hotel. Can book a hot spring room for 2hrs nia and do you know what inside. Don't worry, it is not sleazy one and quite famous. When u reach the MTR, ask the station staff for direction, it is abt 5mins walk away.

Then after that, you take the MTR to Dan Shui (think 1 stop away only, very near), which is a small fishing village and quite nice to just walk around and eat some food. U may want to catch the sunset but must see what time hor, as when i went there, the sunset at 6.30pm!!!! So i missed it lor. Hee...

Hi Mummies,

My 13 month girl does not wish to sleep at night despite having short nap during the day. Her bed time used to be at around 8pm plus but recently she has stretch to 10pm plus. Do you all have some information/assistance to share how to maintain her sleeping time.

As I do not check the message often, it would be better if you could PM me.

Thanks in advance.


hahahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really super duper HOT loh these few days or rather weeks. aiyoh tsk tsk


how many weeks already!! congrates!!!

hot spring - omg i like - i didnt get to PAO last time cos i was in my 5th mth. only PAO free one - leg only.

Hi Vic Ma,

I only managed to use your HUAT pregnancy test strip leh, the ovulation strip 1 piece also never touch. Hee...

I am in my 15+ week liao.


i want boy too bcoz 1st one alrdy gal mah... so good to have the other gender, then 3rd one i want gal again.. hahaha! im so tam sim! hmmm... im not so stressed abt producing a male heir bcoz my hb has 2 other brothers n one alrdy got a 11 yr old son n the other one going to pop a son too in 1.5mths.. plus my fil kept saying that gal n boy doesnt matter as long as healthy n well... i guess my sil who is the eldest at home probably does my fil very proud... hahahaha


i think there is some truth to #1 being very sticky when preggie leh... bcoz i exp that too... b4 i found out that im preggie, there was abt a week or so when bbB was very very sticky n whiny... n i thot omg... her whiny behaviour came bk again.... then my mil also said that when u r preggie, #1 will want to stick onto u more one...

Ruru, oh, you found Rainbow noisy? How come? I've stayed there twice and it's ok. Probably rooms face different direction? Then again, don't sleep that early either.. usually 11+ or near midnight. haha.. Go gai gai must make full use of time ma...!! heehee..

vic, haahaha.. i also find it abit weird when mizz just log in, ask for "information", best, to PM. ahahahha..


its INSTINCT!~ all kids got that button one - only switched on when mummy is preg again.


super weird lor. dunno what idea le.


less stress than i think since already got male grandsons to make the elders happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].


no need to scare abt cheonging with dragon babies if #2 born in jan 2012 bcoz ur #1 is alrdy in the school n hence got sibling priority.. unless u choose diff school lah... judging on my #1 preg, high chance i will be early than overdue... secretly hoping that if cant cross over to jan, then give birth on 25 dec Christmas also good! bcoz bbB was born on Good Fri! hahahah!

my philipines maid:

after she got her 1st full pay, she told me that she want to go back home in June saying that her dh dont want her to work, esp since her dh got a job in Saudi Arabia. Sigh, I checked with my agent, I have to pay for her air ticket.

Vic_ma, I will watch her pack her belonging and check through. Sunday she told me that she wanted to go back, dont want to work anymore, then Wed she told me that she want to send some money back home to her father first. Sound fishy to me! Since she is going back in 2 weeks time, why would she want to send money back now?

Congrats to mummies who are expecting!

ruru, gbh, maddie, dawn! Did I missed out any mummies?

Take good care, #2 is not easy cos still have to take care #1.

when I was preggy with bbG, dd is very sticky to me too. Esp the 2 weeks when I was about due. very very cranky and clingy.

Hi vic ma - tired (esterlah),

sorry if I offend you.

I thought our child are of the same age thus you all might have some helpful tips to share,

anyway thank you for your advise.


I would like to check if u all using Braun ear thermometer now huh? Cos YH dun like those clinical thermometer to be put under her armpit.

Any good brands to recommend?

ruru cat, thanks so much. hot spring ah, the weather in June should b quite warm le, so hotspring's not on my mind. Cos I experienced very good hotspring in Hokkaido in winter, super shiok! I'm compiling a whole list of tips that you mummies recommend. Printed out already. Later I'm going to plan my route.

dazz, good that I dun bring my boy, later i gai gai so much, he'll get cranky with me lor. My hub got no choice, must go with me. Mainly cos I feel so deprived not travelling.

Hi Piglet,

I use the Braun brand since my gal is born. Now she sees it, she will sit quietly and let me poke into her ear. hee....

piglet, I didn't buy Braun. I she bu de to buy. So my fil bought it for us. Just a jap brand one from Guardian, cost about $100.

Hi Wendees,

The hot spring hotel hor, the room inside got 1 cold pool and one hot pool leh. The pool nobody else can share one leh, only u 2 inside lah, so more convenient to do you-know-what. Hee....

Yes, hokkaido hot spring is damn shiok, especially in winter. But I am not talking abt those male/female type, I am talking abt romantic type one. Hee....

Hi Vic Ma,

Yes, I am with No2 when we met at city hall.


been using braun thermometer. So far ok but bbO get frustrated easily lah cause I think when you;re sick you dont like anyone to keep poking your ears with thermometer right? Other than that he is ok. I bought it via oversea spree in SMH forum. Cost $86 nia!

Hi Charismama,

When the maid chu pattern like this, we employer really is beat chest only as the law protects the maid. I recently interviewed this maid that Alice recommended, her english not too bad, u want to consider? Tell alice her name is Naw bu mu pow. I have decided to use back Indonesian maid as my thinking is that my indon maid can be translator in worst case scenario and also the new one won't be so easily homesick.

mizz (minzz)

not offended.

forum is like that one - u post u read on the go.

i am happy u came back!! we want chatters!!!

we dont pm pple answers - most of the time pple will just ignore you lor - its just my "polite" way of letting you know.

i feel like you are like boss requesting for information - pple no choice got to reply you.

I guess you were in a hurry & didnt really read thru before you hit the post button ba.

older kids hor -will sleep lesser & lesser - but to fix their sleeping time -its good to keep naps during the day esp PM time low - reduce napping time during the PM time so that naturally 8pm come - they tired liao want to ZZZ.

also no sugary stuff say after 5pm or so - very individual hor - some kids can take 1 cookie & are ok -others take 1 cookie - SUGAR high liao for next 2 hours.

also do less exciting things near bed time -keep the place conclusive for them to sleep.

I understand your stress - used to sleep at 8pm - now 10pm means you have to take care of them for another 2 more hrs than usual then u can go do your own things - meaning you yourself also sleep later - sayang.

sometimes its hard to say one suggestion/recommendation sure work - its we monitor the child & we give & take & agar agar (guess guess) & vary our methods till something works - again not all children respond to same methods.

Hope it works out well for u!

my SIL's girl was like that - she knows that daddy & mummy come home late & she wants to be with them - its only normal. & my SIL & Brother Give in to her & stay up with her as well!! - ending up 2 panda bears going to work every morning.

discipline is sometimes - cannot heart soft - must just do it.

i do recommend mummies to read books on parenting - as not everyone's methods - even books - we read must vary abit for our own lifestyle & our own decision what is right & wrong - guidelines are out there just for us to measure ourselves so that we dont go too far off the Globe!


Tracey hoggs is not bad - toddler whisperer series.

(i mjust a notti mother chatting away in forum ok - no offence cos its just a forum - life's too short for offences - spend more time with our drooly babies better)

vic ma,

i guess some children will react to multivits too. i remember giving yu ze once and he wakes up at 3am and refuse to go to sleep. i try for a week and this goes on for a weeek and then i stop. then he is back to normal and sleep through. the multivits is only 1ml and once a day in the morning and he is reaction is like that. now i dare not try to give any supplement to him or try on yu xi.


i only give supplements in the nite lor when i go home - i have to monitor that as well - cos if i leave to my helper to REMEMBER to feed hor the bottles will expire!

& i am giving orange scotts sparingly cos plegm inducing i was told (i already gave then i was told not good for throat) got to find a way to BLUFF her - that the white one is for more clever kids ahahah!

& sambucoal - definitely sugary

& animal parade - the probiotic one to help with the PS department. - after 1 bottle - she still had red when she shits - i need to force water parades!

vic ma,

pd say must give in the morning leh. now yu ze refuse to take scotts cos i only give white one. so no supplement for them liao.

Vic ma

You're right. Cannot be soft hearted. I'm trying to tune myself that crying is all right.

Just to relate my experience. Used to sit at the back of car to keep baby company. But he'll cry his eyes red within mins and I had to pacify him all the time. It was horrible. Then one day I left him alone at the back and he was all right! So far, it's manageable. Should have done that earlier! My initial thoughts were if I kept him company and he's already so poor thing, wouldn't it be worse if I don't?


well done -sometimes i feel its we too heart pain - cannot let go - it only drives the issue.

they will get over it & motherhood will be more pleasant too.

at the end of the day - if we are so tired out - & cranky ourselves - its not good for the child.

we are well rested & have time to do out own things - we are calmer parents & happier pple in general. - we still need time to be a wife, daughter, DIL & sibling & friend too!!

i only realised that we over pamper when we had #2 - i slinged #1 all the time & #2 sits in his stroller more hahhah! - i dont love him less - but i feel so much free-er to move around. My body's not as strong as it used to be either. After 5 mins of carrying #2 i feel like i need to put him dwn already. sad signs of aging????

vic ma,

yah leh. i sit with #1 at back seat since birth till #2 is 9 months old. then i decide, its enough. i want my front seat back and throw both behind. and they are ok loh. #1 does get more pampering then #2.

celyn did u buy the other rear vision mirror to put next to driver side so that u can see what the 2 cheeky monkeys are doing behind?

i left mine in the old car & forgot to take out when we changed vehicle!

vic ma,

no. we just let them be. they will play on their own and not together. cos if yu xi try to touch gor gor, yu ze will be screaming away, say mei mei, mei mei or pain pain. he don't like to be touch by yu xi, touch only it becomes pain pain. hahahaha......

hubby cannot multi-task one. if i get that i didn't he can't drive liao.

Sounds like me. I haven't driven much since I got married. More practical for hubby to use the car. Think my skills have deterriorated. Maybe it's time to claim it back. Haha.

i got same story with my #1 as well -she will scream when didi touches her hahhaha!

all same pattern - inside womb read the same manual - HOW TO BE NOTTY!


i drove earlier than my hb - am the bitchy prouder WOMAN driver.

7 yrs more driving experience than him - sometimes i have to drive when he needs to work on the phone while in the car.

i hold this skill tight as my mum learnt when she was 40, passed only 4th time - she found that she needed to drive only after my dad had a bad accident at home & still needed to drive himself to the hosp!!!!!


gam sia! 1st preg virtually no stretch marks but totally tolok ms.... this time round hope no stretch marks too n so far ms manageable...


i did that too... just suddenly sit in front seat instead n worrying tt gal will be cranky... but no lor... in fact she totally ok.. guess sometimes its we mummies think too much! hahhaah!


Hi Charismama,

Sorry I think I mistaken u for mrsm and told u abt a Myanmar maid that I interviewed. Sorry for being so scatterbrained!!

Hi Cellow,

Thanks! I am same like u, no MS for No1 and so far so ---- for No2.

