(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Best hard boil n yolk 1st for 4 days then stop monitor. N white same fully cooked 1-2 weeks later or more. But must intro white before Mmr at 14-15 mth.

If u can try to intro egg white (must be yolk 1 st) more than 1 mth before Mmr I feel would be better.

This is slightly ms way which is a must if your family has pple w allergies. But recommended even if no known allergies in family.


Hi Vicma,

Thank u for sharing your tip on introducing eggs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will try out next wk onwards.

Rurucat, my helper just asked me if I got any frens who wanna hire helper. She wanna intro her cousin. Whahaha... U wanna consider? (after all my stories) lolz. I told her dun have. But u consider, let me know.

Company offday for GE scheduled on Mon means I will have a super long weekends but now I'm aching all over cause having flu and been out the whole day! *yawn* Dont think I Get to rest on Mon cause hub asked for chilli/black pepper crabs and I need to clean up the house. It's literally like we're staying in a rubbish chute >.<

Applied California cream n hazeline cream on son for e past 2 days. Colour of red rashes seems to be fading...hopefully this is good sign of recovery. Have instructed maid to let him wear shirt e porous holes so that there is enough ventilation in body.....

hi HJ, I haven't start on honey yet. Not wanting to start my boy on sweet stuff yet. Though he's already hooked on fruits.

My boy's recovered from his bout of fever, but he's getting more selective with food. Needs coaxing and negotiation to eat his food.

MOrning Mummies,

Just to check ya. I just read Vicma's post. I know have to intro egg yolk for 4 days first and watch out for allergies. BUt for egg white must intro for 1 whole month before MMR? Meaning everyday give egg white?

morn mummies.

dazz..cos of being late ??? ...relax relax.

Hj..nope for me yet.

wendees ..we can hold hand together liao..negotiation time!!!! ...at times when i pek chek, i tink im being terrorised..by my boi choosing choosing his food selectively n making me spurt fire :p

dazz, bp = bulk purchase? do shopping therapy! relac relac

woofy, hehehe, duno why leh, after my boy's fever last week, when we bring the porridge / cereal to him, he'll shake his head, try to push the bowl away. Also dun really like to chew. He's got no problem with fruits.

heheh, u spurt fire, my boy will blow his food out, make a mess lor, to tell that he doesn't want to eat anymore. But I'll stil force him to eat at least a 2/3 a bowl.

any babies drinking Friso?

Friso Special: Purchase 5 tins of Friso from any 7-Eleven store & get a free tin plus sachets! Call 7-Eleven Hotline @9123 2223 to enjoy FREE home delivery!

wendees, bp ah.. can = to bulk purchase, can = to my blood pressure oso la. dahz. seriously am totally pissed by an idiotic man. -_-

woofy, i was thinking about the same thing this morning. "where to go tomorrow?" haha..


I bought Friso 2 bundle pack of 3 @$92 at Watson last saturday. I was so delighted to receive a free box of 20 satchets Friso 3.

didnt expect the expiry date is 18th May which is only few days away.

yes sachets expire 18th May, I just phoned to ask the friso representative and they offer to exchange a longer expiry date for the 2 boxes I had.

I didnt expect for an exchange since its FOC I no lugi, since they offer I just agree with it.

They have alrdy told to stop issuing at Watson but maybe some outlets didnt get the notice.

Currently the friso having promo at 7 eleven I 'complained' stil very expensive hahaaaa

for satchets short shelf life when they receive only left 6 mths, and 1 box cost ard $32.

for tins not open can stay as long as 2 years.. tat is the difference.

tis watson promo was not feature anywhere in ad and if I nv pop by I wont have notice such a gd deal going on but I was so sway/heng to get it..

heng in the way I get exchange for free items ? hehee

i need to start looking out of fm sale leh. now 2 of them drink from same tin is super fast man.


though its free, i will still expect them to change for free loh. its not like i buy super long ago and keep till expire loh. they shouldn't pack their expiry products out like that.

wendees: why dun try luvbabies??? free delivery above $200... and comparing the price of the nan pro which my boy is drinking, luvbabies cheaper slightly a bit

woofy, try sing songs to him, phonics song. I used the leapfrog letter factory dvd.

Eg. "The 'A' says ah, the 'A' says ah, every letter makes a sound, the 'A' says ah." He'll open his mouth to say ah, then i quickly stuff the food in lor. :p

Silly things that I do, as long as he eats.


they communication breakdown, issuing soon to expire milk poweder.. scary if drink liao lao sai.. Im going to sue them drop pants.

They sending someone to my office for the exchange... good lor.. when I receive see 'how long' the expire date is.

Duno who can help control milk powder price ? so expensive

wendees, that blog, i considered about it too. But the packaging is 900am (i'm taking Gain IQ for eg). One tin, S$27 - 900gm. So if 1.8kg, = S$54, which is not that cheap as sometimes, supermarket got promo for 1.8kg tins which is around S$53+ plus i get to collect stickers and get passion card points. lolz.. so i still cant decide if wanna order from them. hee


hhaa wat a method to use when feeding.

My boy very 'tam jiat' alwys seem hungry, anything also want to eat but nv see him put on weight.

Popular got this phonics with audio Cd selling @ usual $14.85 each for vowels n consonants. There will be 20% till 30th Jun 2011 not valid with other promotions(card or voucher)

I'm going to grab a set tomorrow


u can start collecting watson point. Tat day i got $1 in card, I use it to redeem $92 friso so i pay $91..

then after paying tat, I got $2 again, I bought another set and pay $90.


i very kiasee loh. i won't buy online no matter how cheap and how they gurantee about their stock loh. i don't even buy from provision shop, medical hall and sheng siong. even giant, i also seldom or almost never buy from them. its only ntuc, shop n save, cold storage and recently guardian due to friso promo last year.

the friso in the web now is also not super cheap cos if you buy outside now, its also $25 per tin as they have this promo going on.

dazz, i agree supermarket promo is cheaper, the troublesome thing is, I've to get the 900g packaging. Cos my boy goes to infant care, everyday and to gandparents' on weekends, we've to lug the tin of milk powder to and fro. We tried to leave a tin at infant care, but it solidifies and hardens over the weekend, and also if long weekend. Dunno leh, like not so fresh. Nway, my boy's milk intake's not so high, not so fast, so will still have to buy 900g.


I know what you mean. My friend also say can buy other things like non-food stuff from online but stuff like fm, from ntuc more trustable.

Vicma: get your patent bag cleaned at Colorwash? I get my leather bags cleaned there about once every 2 years. You can try asking for a discount.

Dazz: Concierge services - check with your hotel whether they can do that for you. I have sent the concierge to Yung Kee to get century eggs for me before although I have never tried with a handbag. Another way is to call up Balenciaga and explain your situation. For all you know, they may be able to bring the bag to your hotel and take cash on delivery if they are keen to close the sale. But you will have to tell them exactly what you want.

HJ: Have not started on honey yet. Will probably start only much later.

Egg: Baby E loves steamed egg (similar to chawanmushi). We steam the beaten egg with some water. After steaming, I mash up the egg and mix with her porridge.

Ming, thank you so much. Yeah, think i better make a trip to the boutique here to decide on which model i want then i settle the rest. haha.. thanks!

Wendees, oooohh.. then for your case, ya.. think the smaller tin more suitable. Not nice to be drinking "lao hong" milk. hee.


don't know leh. anyway, i seldom shop in giant. hehehe.....


i also buy 900g tin one. hardly buy 1.8kg one. even if i buy that, i will open up and transfer some to babysitter's place and not open 1.8kg each side.

what you can do is transfer some out from 1.8kg tin into a container and close tightly and store away the 1.8kg tin. then you just scoop from the small container till you finished then transfer a bit more out. like that you won't be opening up the 1.8kg so often and it remains 'fresher' longer.

celyn, guess buying 900g is still the better option.

I also seldom shop at giant, I think that the things there are not really cheap, unless on promotion.


i second what celyn says abt buying the 1.7/1.8kg and transferring out to smaller tin. cheaper per unit gram and less opening up the 1.8kg tin.... at least it wont harden so fast.


hahaha on your bag retail therapy!

are your boys getting along better now? mine still fight but less intense and less complaints fm aunt and maid now.

FM (and cost of living)

today is a milestone for C2. he is taking wholly FM today.... as I did not pump over the weekend. Tired la. One todd and one baby.

checking out luvbabies and babyandmilksupply now. their prices per unit gram is stiiillllll more expensive than in JB.

FM is really expensive! more motivation for me to keep pumping .... never mind the health benefits to me and bb, i m watching my wallet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last week, Mr C told me his staff couldnt afford to buy FM for her 20mo, fed him condensed milk instead. staff earns $2.2 per month, $700 on full day care and another $700 on rental doesnt leave a lot of spare cash over. my heart broke a little around the edges....

i asked him to pass her NTUC vouchers ostensibly for her boy's upcoming bday, but really to buy FM for him. milk is a basic food for babies.... feed only condensed milk... haiiyooor, cannot la.

Cellow, no no no... *headache* they are still fighting! badly~! Just yesterday korkor pushed didi to the floor after didi tried to snatch his toys. Lucky for the mat on the floor~! *cry* when will it be over? sobz..

oh i see, minimise opening.. tat works of cos

powder harden in wat way ? onli when water goes in rite

I have nv try 1.8kg tin nv notice the price, I think now I shld also keep a lookout of it.

alamak faint, I think its rare in spore to have problem in feeding a child.

1 wk, $38( market price ) for milk powder,

4 wks total $38 x 4 = $152

fish for a mth - appro $50

plus other food ingredients - to feed a child need ard $ 200+ per mth.



fm is really expensive loh. i'm so glad that my 2 are not fussy with milk. so i can buy any fm that's on sale for them. that's why i stock up a lot a lot during the last friso sale of buy 1 get 1 free. hoping for more such promo coming up soon.

last time, my nephew drinks milo instead of milk one leh.


mine also 'fight' but its more of yu ze complain and whine about mei mei. then yu xi will cry super loudly once she lose.

