(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Yuki> I thought you are Japanese until the 炒尤鱼. Hey the baby doz off pic is very cute. He doesn't seem too bother with the high chair.



No no no, me not Jap, wahhaaahhaa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My nick is Yuki coz when I joined this forum during 1st trim, I wanted a girl so badly and even thought of her name - Yuki. So I am going for #2 next yr and will be Yuki! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Heeheee, ok so I will give him a pc of biscuit or a pinch of bread in addition to his milk.


OMG, that's such a cutie pic lah! So funny. U should send it to a contest, it'll crack many people up.

Wah, you wanna name your girl Yuki? so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck to ya!


I've never given A rusk. Always scared it's messy. Hahaha! But that biscuit damn yummy hor? I used to love it for a snack when #1 couldn't finish it.

Here's a pic of lil A at the Botanic gardens last week. Plenty more in FB, so those in FB, sorry hor for this repeat boring pic :p


Hello Mummies...

Jus finished reading post nia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki, Lil Chris so CUTE can zzz in this position. Tink same as summer's mama Shane. Hee...

Ok Sat 1pm set, Ya will bring along my SUPER NOTTI gal.

Ada,Leticia also never hav BF de..only milk b4 i leave for work. Than cereal in the afternoon. hehee.... My mum seldom allow her to eat biscuit as she said heaty !!

Yuki : Damn funny lor! I laugh and laugh! Chris so cool looking eh, I like! Sometimes when I see how Arwen also will suck her thumb and sleep , it remind me even tho they are growing up so fast, they are still babies eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldream : Little A always so steady one eh. Getting sweeter and sweeter every month!

Smalldreams - ya the biscuit is super yummy n a bit sweet so only one piece is allow hahah.. Ya is messy at first but nw he reslised he must eat everything n must lick clean clean hahaha

Jessie- ya still babies afterall!!! Soon every one LO is turning one yr old.. Hw time flies !

Yuki- jia you on #2 !!! haha

cy- erm if gt drink water ok lah.. I will let him drink lot of water when he eating rusk .. So far he eat rusk le still cn drink milk hahaha fatty boy

Oh ya, anyone went peekaboo by public transport tmr? I was thinking shld I try to get there via mrt? Can guide me? Tks in adv


Its really easy to get to peekabo via MRT.

You're from punggol rite? think u can take NEL to serangoon, then take circle line all the way to Stadium MRT.

That's the fastest way I can think of. Unless it's faster by bus.


some mommies also put in milk. Become like cereal.


hahaha, thanks. But she not the pui pui type :p

SP_callalily: I use Heinz's organic biscotti - just use a rolling pin and crush it and store in airtight container. Vent anger at the same time heh.

firipy: going to peekaboo via mrt is very convenient as Kallang Leisurepark is just next to Stadium Mrt Station (Circle Line). Once out of the station turn to your right and you'll see it. When you enter the mall, turn to your left and walk straight to the lift, take to level 2 and you'll find peekaboo.

anewmummy> oh we having lunch nia at serangoon north coffeeshop since i gg to check my house reno :D

Afann>Leticia drinks lots of water so i not worried.

So Rusk is nice huh.. will go cold storage buy a box later.

Btw, Sheng Siong having Mamy Poko Value Pant sale at 10.90 nia till TOMORROW.

anewmummy: welcome! Do join us for a playdate at peekaboo tomorrow from 2.30pm - 4ish. All are welcome, it's a weekly session on thursday. Free entry for babies below 11mths. Babies 1-2years old are priced at $10/entry, though I think there's some package deal or something.

cy: rusks are really hard biscuits for LOs to relieve teething discomfort, or just to keep them occupied. Emma takes about 45mins to finish a rusk, but she only likes the Rafferty Banana and Milk flavoured rusk. The rusk is really God-sent, DH and I can have a peaceful meal because of it.

Those plain rusks she'll throw it on the floor.

Thanks andie, I think I'll give it a miss this time as I got to work tomorrow. Though I really want to bring JJ (my boy) there.

I read somewhere along this thread about teaching baby to eat themself? How to achieve that?

Now I found when I put the spoon closer to him, he will open his mouth (for food). He will not use his hand to grab food. I think maybe it's my fault, because when he wanted to grab, I didn't let him do. I hope to correct this, teaching him to eat himself. May someone help to give advices?

Thanks gal oh its so near to mrt, tot need to walk far. i have been to the mall before but cos my hb drive there. I m nt comfy driving him there myself yet. Cos he screams like mad in crazy


Thanks for yr reply. Sorry for sponging off u cuz i havent the time this long wkend to do much research on them. Was actually thinking if those organic wheatgerm will work as well...

mel: i got it from ntuc (Simei). They only stocked up on it recently. Emma first had it in Perth, when we came back I went looking for it at organic shops, cold storage, marketplace. Nada.

SP_callalily: no worries. well, cuz she can snack on the biscotti as well, so i dont have to keep the biscuits for too long. I don't have the habit of keeping food for extended periods, even her bellamy's baby porridge I tend to buy max 2 boxes at once, usually it's just 1 box. It's more troublesome but I feel safer, cuz their "store at room temp" is ard 18-20deg, while in SG the room temp tends to be ard 28-29deg, if not hotter.

But wheatgerm is a good option though, full of health benefits. I've never thought of it, just use whatever I had on hand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams, I, haha, if u put it that way then yes, I am very lucky cos my hubby is the thrifty sort though he doesn't earn a lot as a teacher n doesn't mind dipping into savings for me. Must love him more. but seriously maid is a must for me cos I got 2 kids, n I usually only go to Malaysia for hols plus I am putting no. 1 to half day cc cos I want to find work next year. I need to give her some time to settle before I go look for work, so either way got to bite the bullet n pay first though single income now. now, her playgroup is daily 2 hrs, I can't even do relief teaching. :p

yuki, I am thinking but didn't do it cos boobs very lumpy. dun know if it is blocked so ss dropped by so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies, been awhile since i logged in! so many posts so hard to catch up... but good to see that all mummies n babies are fine and our little ones are growing up well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams: A is so advanced! shes now walking with ur help! yr is still cruising v v slowly with help of home furnitures. im not having my hopes high as gor gor also cruise for the longest time before really started walking at 15m!

yuki: haha so funny to see ur boy dozing off. yr is just like him.. slept ard 9+pm then auto will wake up at 7am . then by 10am will be cranky and need his morning nap badly. and he can zzz up to 1.5hr for the morning nap. dont know how to make him zzz later in the morning so can shorten the morning nap...

and its nice that you n ur hb have some couple time before starting the day! soemtimes as parents we get too caught w the kiddos n neglect the other half.

bryest: mayb estovan is tired of cereal/porridge all the time. sometiems babies want some variety. u can try pureeing/mashing other food like potato or banana for him. see if he takes to them?

jessie: i love arwen's weight!! must be so nice to carry and rub face in her tummy/thigh ehhehe.

yr eats abt the same, 780ml milk a day, 2 solids (breakfast/lunch) but he is ard 10kg at 9m old. getting not so chubby compared to last time. nowadas when i look at him suddenly the face like v mature no longer has the babyish look. sigh, so fast they will be toddlers liao

Jessie> Sent you my Tokyo itinerary le...Hope you receive it!

smalldreams> Yeah, viewed A pics in FB le.. She is so quick in her developments and always nice to see her....I remembered you mentioned that Adam will go to her for comforting which I find is so cute. Both Luis and Lucas as very close to each other too and both must "see" and "touch" each other when they wake up 1st thing in the morning.

Yuki> hhahaha chris is so cuteeee

Smalldreams> A looks so sweet and girly... hehehe

Bryest> think try to give variety? but actually i think they love adult food lor.. she can probably take a few spoonful of the porridge we prepared then reject... and then still gobble up a bowl of rice with fish soup when we offered our dinner.. *faint*


Hello! No lah... A is not walking yet. She is still cruising too. That pic was just of her standing. A also naps ard 10 am. Same as Yr boy.


No lah, not advanced lah. Same as most babies here too!

Good to see siblings looking out for each other yaa? Yr Luis is good natured. My Adam... Aiyoh poor sister become punching bag. Yet she still looks out for him. Duh!

poofy > how is the age gap between your kids? i heard sometimes sibling will fight for toys... so the gap cannot be too small.. that is what i noticed

phew. been so busy for the last few days. finally can take a small breather. so many posts! only scrolled to see the photos. love indiana chris and aifah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams...rj will hug mei mei so tight till mei mei vy scared...but hw also vy garang...knows how to scold kor kor...hehe...chilli padi ah

hi hi, another late evening.

But leaving soon as HB fetching.


Sorry! Realised I missed yr Qn. yesterday I left office at about 7.45 pm or so, and then got home at about 9 plus pm after fetching the kiddos.


Haha, thanks, yr shernise also very cute!


They are 2 1/2 yrs apart. Haiz, the gap too small or the gap big, frankly it depends on yr children's personality [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] There are kids whose gaps are smaller but they're so kwai, no issues for the mommy !


heh, must post pics of yr little A too kie!

Do rest when you can!


hahahaha...that's cute of HW. Before long, she'll be talking!


yeah, wheatgerm is definitely healthier but the problem is i wont know/havent research wat to do with it other than coating her fruits which is like such a waste. I think i will get the Heinz organic biscotti & incorporate it as part of breakfast rather than snack cuz i have decided to hold off snacks for as long as possible. At least, if Aly doesnt like the biscotti, which is highly unlikely, i wont mind eating them. And like u, i dun have the habit of stocking up on food stuff too.


Thanks a lot for the idea of incorporating salmon into Lamb's potato cake recipe. Aly loves them to bits!!!

Hallo mommies,

Seems like thread has been rather quiet since 4+? All mommies busy busy? I'm more or less settled down. Sometimes, I wonder ... why do I bother to travel to and fro when it takes both Nat and me a few days to settle in. Glad that Nat is slowly settled and glad that my mom is around to help me out. With her around, I'm able to prepare fresh food for Nat everyday and also able to go out with DH on our own.

Hhehehe. And then I am wondering ... when will it be the next time when DH and I can go out on our own again. *sigh* It's just us, we have trust issues with babysitters and outsiders taking care of Nat lah. I just can't see myself letting go of Nat to a complete stranger sometimes. Unlike you mommies back in Singapore where you can rely on in-laws or parents, so please please please ... enjoy couple time as much as you can! Read that some mommies here already trying for 2nd ones.

BRAVE!!!!!! Although I have recently only been open to the idea of #2, I think it's gonna be a while before we have one. Think Nat has to be more independent first and schooling before I can consider. Otherwise, it is just too tough for both her and me! But I am also well aware that age is not on my side ... so well ... have to really leave it in God's hands to tell me when's the right time. Also noted that some mommies here have offered table food. I experimented with AK's new recipe today ... so instead of offering table food which may contain high salt and oil content, you can try this out.

It's called Carrot, cheese and tomato risotto. It makes 1 serving for your child and 1 serving for you. You can increase the portion if you'd like to cook for the family. I regretted adding only 3 tbsp instead of 4tbsp of cheese today. Shall attempt to add more the next round. I also modified her recipe a bit so here's it!


3 tbsp onion (chopped)(I used only 2 tbsp)

2 tbsp unsalted butter (I used only half of it)

1/2 cup of brown rice (you can opt for white rice if you're not used to the taste of brown rice)

150g carrots, peeled and sliced (I used only half of it and actually chopped into small and fine pieces)

200g tomatoes (peeled, desseded and chopped)

4tbsp of grated cheddar cheese (I used mild cheddar cheese)


1. Saute the onion in 1tbsp of butter.

2. Then stir in the rice until it's well coated with butter and then carrots.

3. Place it all in rice cooker and add water to cook.

4. When rice is almost cooked, you can use remaining 1 tbsp of butter to saute tomatoes for 2 to 3 minutes and then add cheese until melted. Then stir it all into the cooked rice.

And then this is what you'll get. :D Paiseh, my photo skills not good, plus after re-sizing, can't really see clearly. :p


Keke Lamb it was quite ironic for me today, to be very envious of all your recipe , then when I was going through my baby books to discover I actually have AK book all along! I keep thinking it is for puree only so never bother to touch it. I would be having fun this Sunday making risotto for Arwen !

jessie - Hhehehe, have good fun k? I think AK has a few risotto recipes. And it's so easy to make lor ... especially with the rice cooker. Can just dump the rice with ingredients in.

yuki> chris is so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish mattias can fall aslp so easily.

pauline> u like v hardworking leh. still drink nursing tea. i didn't take any thg to promote lactation since after he 4 mths. :p.

andie> my friend was kind enough to drive me to taka and take care of mattias while i go dentist. cant be too harsh to her. :p.

ur idea of coating fruits is really good. i find mattias have probs holding them too. will try tt when his cough goes away. coz fruits will cause phlegm right?

emma was born quite big hor. u so li hai. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. think she abt same size as mattias. so wt also same shd b ok lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams> just wondering what's the difference between canvas shots and the normal photos ones.

Aifah look so pretty in the pic. must have enjoyed her walk in the park. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SP> thks for asking. i went to see doc agn today. she say mostly recovered and phlegm will tk awhile to completely go away. wonder if he's still contagious. dunno can bring him out anot.

so tempted to go peek-a-boo tmr. :p

megan> u gg is it?

littlelamb> looks delicious. went cold storage to look at block cheese today. think will buy some the next round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

a silly qn. thought risotto are those cooked with arborio rice?

this is like ang mo porridge. hee hee. just bought some brown rice and tomato. can try ur recipe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry> sounds like mattias, he also like to eat my food. have to resort to feeding him with my metal spoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Think really had a bit of blocked ducts. Tried to clear it during shower and the lumps were painful. :p But haha, so happy, managed to get 95ml of EBM just now after latching Raelynn at 10pm. Not the best but at least it's improviing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, I sold 1 box of nursing tea and my More Milk plus supplements to another forum mummy. Kept 1 box of nursing tea for myself, took it only on and off but recently I finished half a box in 1 week cos supply was so low. :p

Lamb, I cooked something similar for my no. 1 but I used risoni instead. Faster to cook over the stove, heehee. Maybe can try? http://anewpiggy.blogspot.com/2009/10/risoni-with-homemade-pasta-sauce.html [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SP> thks for asking. i went to see doc agn today. she say mostly recovered and phlegm will tk awhile to completely go away. wonder if he's still contagious. dunno can bring him out anot.

so tempted to go peek-a-boo tmr. :p

megan> u gg is it?

littlelamb> looks delicious. went cold storage to look at block cheese today. think will buy some the next round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

a silly qn. thought risotto are those cooked with arborio rice?

this is like ang mo porridge. hee hee. just bought some brown rice and tomato. can try ur recipe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry> sounds like mattias, he also like to eat my food. have to resort to feeding him with my metal spoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks luvbabe and bryest and the rest for giving me so much idea for Japan now! I still don't have time to plan all but the tips are really invaluable.


Gd morning mummies!

Thanks for the compliments on Indiana Chris. He is an angel when asleep, and devil when awake!


little A looks so sweet. Made me more determined to have #2 and I want a GIRL!

Hmm. agree with you the preferred age gap depends on the child's character and development. For us, we want to give Chris a sibling coz we believe companionship is impt. Knowing our attention to Chris will be greatly reduced once we have #2, we decide to try conceiving later part of next yr and Chris will be close to 3 by the time mei mei arrives. He will also be big enough to play a role in looking after mei mei, hopefully [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u reminded me the importance of couple time. I am super guilty of this, spend v little time w hubby since Chris is born. Ok, will have fortnightly dating with hubby and leave Chris with my mum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey, your receipe looks delicious! Will try on Sun coz wana improve on my fish pie receipe this Sat.


Ouhhhh I geddit now, haha!

Well if you're curious, here's a link of the canvas photos BP.


How's little Matt now?


Have fun! When are you going?

Little lamb

Yr risotto sounds nice. The food looks very textured uh? Can Nat take it well already?


Chris seems to have an easy temperament. I think 3 yrs old is just nice to have a sibling. You know when I conceived #2 just before #1's 2nd birthday, I felt quite sad. dunno how to describe the melancholy, it was as tho I felt sad about not being able to continue jumping around, wrestling with #1. But then that was just probably pregnancy hormones kicking in, haha. Siblings are great! Somehow you can really see the chemistry between them. All the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin - Not a silly question. If I'm not wrong, there's no special sorta rice to cook risotto. Basically, risotto is a method of cooking rice. So you can use any type of rice but short grain rice are preferred. Actually, traditionally, risotto is cooked while putting the rice in a pot and adding water/stock and stirring while the starch gets released and it becomes sticky. But I used the rice cooker coz' it's faster for me. The method that AK suggested was that after adding the carrots, you put in 300ml of boiling water and let it cook. But that would mean you'd have to constantly watch it and stir it of which I dun have the time.

pauline - Thanks for sharing but I dun think I can find risoni in SH. But will make a concious effort to look out for it.

yuki - No worries, i think all of us once we have kids tend to take our DHs for granted. Just for my own kaypo-ness sake, can I know how old you are? Coz' if we were to have #2, we'll also try around the same time or maybe the following year. But age is sadly not on my side liao. :"""(

smalldreams - Yeap, very textured, basically like adult food already ... Nat surprised me by being able to gum the food well. But my mom thinks it's a tad bit dry and asked me to add a bit more water next time round so that it's more mashy, which risotto usually is as well. And yesterday's had too little cheese. Risotto usually is more cheesy.


Good to hear Mattias more or less totally recovered. Then in this case, he shouldn't be all that contagious anymore. Yeah, the phlegm and mucus usually takes a while to completely go away. Pretty much depends on yr comfort level if u wanna bring Mattias to Peekaboo cuz it's an indoor playground and he may risk catching another bug especially if his immune system is not back to normal yet.

Hehe, and as Lamb mentioned, risotto tastes better with short grain rice but i am not a fan of risotto cuz it's too "gelat" for me. But since i have short grain rice, i may just make some for Aly this wkend.

Little Lamb

I've never ever tasted risotto in my whole life! Hahaha. Dunno lah but you're rite, it always looks very mashed up. I wonder if I'll have the courage to eat it some day.

Great, clever Nat. How many teeth does she have now? Aifah only has 2 tiny ones at the bottom. But their gums are really strong. She can eat mashed up rice, not so smooth porridge, mashed up macaroni well. But I'm not sure if she can eat the risotto though.

Haven't seen Febie in a while ya? Yang2 sure is busy with her mommy in town.

morning mummies!~

lamb: wow ur risotto rice looks v nice! its one of my fav. food! but i cant cook for nuts so i guess just got to wait till yr is much older then let him eat outside risotto.... @_@

and its good that nat can gum the textured food well! yr only has 2 bottom pearlies and so far im still letting him eat mashed food in case he doesnt know how to mash them well..

yuki: i think a 3 yo age gap will be good. #1 will definitely in a better position to welcome his sibling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams: same here, i felt so guilty towards yz when i was preggy w yr. like no energy at all to read to him, play with him or even just carry him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

in the end when didi comes out, i tried to compensate by giving him alot alot of attention till i think i neglected didi for the 1st few mths of his life. *oops*

now its all about balancing my time/energy between them and its not v easy since im working and they want me for different reasons!

can only wait for yr to grow up then the boys can self-entertain themselves haha


smalldreams & ecookie - Nat has 2 below and 1 coming out on top. For some weird reason, her teeth doesn't grow out together. It's always 1 first then another.

smalldreams - Yeah, risotto really is an acquired taste coz' it's so mashed up and gelat as sp_callalily put it. But I grew to love it because of the cheese and tomatoes with the rice. Hehehe. Wait till you try the squid risotto! Not only issit mushy but it's so black!!!! After eating it, your whole teeth looks so black!

