(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

smalldreams> Aifah looks so lovely in the mini dress. I brought YX to a playground last weekend, but he was like a koala bear and wanted to be carried all the time.

lamb> your recipe looks easy to make. do you know whether it's suitable for freezing? i might want to try a wetter and mushier version.

smalldreams, yuki, lamb> i also find a 3 year age gap to be ideal. in normal circumstances, the elder would have finished uni before the younger starts uni. so less 'heavy' on the pocket. but same sentiment as lamb, age is definitely not on my side.

sp_callalily> i tried your fish pie recipe but i used mashed potato in place of breadcrumbs. it is very yummy and easy to make indeed.

ecookie> haven't seen you in a while. must be busy managing work and the 2 boys.


smalldreams, sp_callalily> as jelak as rissoto looks, it can actually taste quite nice. maybe because i am a mega big fan of pasta.

lamb> i tried the squid ink rissoto once. suprisingly, it didnt taste like the way it looks which is a good thing.

hello mummies...I'm so impressed with the recipes sharing... and at the same time i'm guilty that i didn't do much for my boy at all...he's still on cereal, fruits and EBM as he still didn't like porridge but i noticed that he can motion the "chewing"...safe to give him rice? gave him a few grain he seems to enjoy but no patience to shove few grains each time.

Also attention span is really short! he gets distracted easily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can forget abt the flashcards and alphabet mat...he just go 'mmm mm huh huh' all the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i love the risotto that little_lamb shared. will it be a little too rich?

cocomama - Yes yes, this recipe can be frozen. I am now gonna try exploring AK's finger food recipes soon coz' I'm already giving her fruits to hold and munch on. Yes, the risotto is suitable for freezing.


Hmmm, if your son is showing signs of chewing motion, you can move on to more textured food for him. But you might not wanna jump to rice just as yet coz' quite a big jump. What you can do is probably introduce more 'lumpy' sorta food instead of smooth puree. Nat's attention span is also very short! I find it very hard to teach her things. When I call out to her to wanna talk to her, she never responds to me!

She'll be so engrossed in whatever she's playing with. She only turns to me when she feels like it. That's why I am always so envious of the fact of those mommies here who can teach their LOs and how they pick things up like clapping and waving. And yes, if your son is used to eating only cereals, fruits and EBM now, risotto might be a bit rich for him coz' it contains tomatoes which taste can be quite strong.


I agree with cocomama, the dress on aifah is really pretty and classic. Outdoor shoots always wins hands down.


Yes! I read somewhere 9 months is growth spurt. I notice in my LO too, suddenly she seems to bulk up, as I am looking after her personally and able to cook and feed her nowadays.

She also super manja these few days before bedtime. Will fake cry with a certain tone, obviously manja tone. Last night, keep on latching, put back cot, whine, latch again, put back, whine.....non stop till i very tired ask hub to take over.


our LO should be eating more variety and texture of food by now. They are capable, just have to learn. even no teeth, they can gum their food. I have intro finger food long ago, and she is eating fruits, biscuits on her own, also holds her sippy cup.

cocomama: wow u really think ahead but i think its a good point u stated there, the 3 years gap will be good if they go uni haha.

though my boys is 2yrs3m apart, but in years considered 3 years since 1 is oct baby, 1 is of cos jan baby.. haha

clapping/waving: yr can clap on cue but saying bye bye still depend on his mood. sometimes when leaving for work we will wave madly to cue him. then, he will follow suit but started crying too cos he wants to follow us to go "gai gai". such a funny sight, waving while whining. haha.

i havent started him on sippy cup yet! is coming 10m a good time to start? dun think he can lift and drink accurately from cup yet leh but i know he needs to start somewhere n learn.. hmm


I read in the 'What to expect' book that we have to consider starting them on sippy cups around now already if we want them to wean off the bottle by a year old. This means, they should learn to drink milk from the sippy cup around now. But gotta do it gradually, not immediately for all feeds. Do it usually at afternoon feeds, not morning or nite ones. I have been rather ill-disciplined in that area and still feed nat water from the spoon sometimes. Coz' I'm very discouraged by playing with the cup and not drinking from it all the time.

End up, she doesn't drink enuff water. But from the spoon, she'll finish the water. *sigh* So I'm hoping to slowly build her love for water before moving on to cup.

lamb: i wanted to intro sippy cup more for the purpose of drinking water. for milk, my elder one is already 3yo and still on bottle.. but im ok with it lah.

currently, we feed yr water thru bottle too. depending on his mood, someitmes he will gulp down. sometimes, he will shout and smack the bottle away.. esp during a meal, no water break! he will get v v pissed if the flow of food stops! hhaa

ecookie: maybe you can consider letting yr use a straw instead, something like the magmag? Then you'll skip the step of having to wean him off the sippy cup.

yr is so cute, clapping on cue! Emma still cant clap, she likes to clasp her hands together every time we bring them together, and make back-to-forth motions as if she's praying. Heh.

lamb: risotto lookin' good. It's my comfort food: carbo and cheese, yums!

no. 2> nowadays mattias so active. stepping all over me. n kicking too. cant imagine how my no. 2 have to suffer in my tummy. :p

ecookie> mattias also just learnt to clap on cue. we're experimenting to see, is it the tone of our voice? the word 'hands' or he really understand. no conclusion yet. haha.

SP> ya, i'll keep him home. dont want him to get worse. made chicken stock the day before he fell sick. still waiting for his phlegm to clear more before gving him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

littlelamb> thks for ur explanation. sis n hb made risotto once. really super tedious. i just wait to enjoy. hee hee. i like risotto alot. when it's nicely done. hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams> if u want to try risotto, dont tk the holiday inn buffet one. coz tt's really bad. :p

thks for the link. so we just submit our own photos? maybe can talk hb into this. hee hee.

if got more mummies interested can ask the person for dist? :p

sippy cup> i'm looking for a cup tt's easy to clean, wont leak but water come out easily. :p

now mattias can use straw quite well. but i'm so sick of cleaning the straw. cup will be much easier?

andie and all> enjoy urselves at peek-a-boo.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mattias will miss his playmates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my boy tried to bite me on my inner thighs!..so ticklish n frightening!..i told him to stop but he giggled n continue..wanna 'pinched' his backside liao..so mischievious n funni though..still make tat cheeky face like here i cme bite bite mummy..tink he has itch gum..he tried on my chin,cheek when i carry him tis morning..

abt menses, my lochia continues for almost 4mths then every other mth still comes..so u guys can imagine i always hve insufficient BM..let alone freezing them...*pathetic*

babies learn to clap quite fast, last 2 weeks when i leave my LO wif sis n he came back clapping his hands..so last week i teach him both in chinese n English without showing him the hand sign, he still manage to do it..quite observant..so amazing..so wonder i can jus tell him go eat yr meal??? *dreaming*

Good day everyone

Littlelamb, i faced the same problem.. my boy only drink water from spoon.. his eyes a bit swollen not sure if it is caused by drink not enouf water...

lamb> thanks for the confirmation. YX will have risotto in his menu next week :D. by the way, which AK book are u using? i tried her mini cottage pie yesterday and it was so yummy. much yummier than the meatloaf i made for my dinner.

don't be disheartened. i believe that the way every kid learn is unique. as a child, i was very much a sight learner. also, i remember reading that from 8 months onwards, every child will progress very differently. on a side note, Nat is already showing some multi-tasking skills eh... crawling with the bottle in her mouth.

ecookie, xin> i gave up on the avent sippy cup. it was so difficult to suck. so i just went straight to straw and YX just started drinking from the straw without much training. he did choke on it initially but soon learnt to control his suction.

ecookie> no choice loh.. need to plan and work around our resources.

mamaD> your boy very smart leh.. knows how to initiate play already. YX likes to poke my collar bone and DH's adam's apple. sometimes will try to scrunch my face.

re: speech

has anyone's LO been calling mama? YX was saying dah-eee for sometime and last week started calling Dahdy (for daddy). he's saying a lot of words but nothing sounds remotely close to ma (for mama or mummy). haizz...


my 3 YO also still drinking from milk bottle.

Actually think dentists say it's still OK - just get them to brush their teeth after milk.

But of course, it's quite weird to see a 5-YO drinking from bottle hor? Hmmm... gotta wean soon but too lazy lah, hahah!


hahaha you think so far till uni! I think till pri - sec sch :p It's nice to have a sibling in the same school.

My girl doesn't say anything remotely close to mama/papa (tho I'm "Ibu"). But she says, "...tar..." when we sing Twinkle2 song. She'll fill up the last part when we sing. Heh.


Oh dear, why is his eye swollen? Did dust get in there? Did he poke it accidentally?

Re : peekaboo

errr, I'm not sure what you ladies think but I think that place is quite old for a new shopping centre. Balls are flattened. Many "tapes" being plastered here & there (if you actually climb up). But that's my opinion lah. We had fun at the slides! My 3YO climbed up , and I did with Aifah too. We went down the huge slide about 3 times (and I almost broke my bones climbing up & sliding down).

poofy> swollen, sort of, u know, not sure it's his characteristics or just.. drink too less? i have no idea. and, he got.. yan dai (those bags under the eye). i thk it may be related to his sensitive nose nasal. not sure too!! next time u see my bb u tell me.

haha that's finny, shane! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mum mum mum... my boy can't talk yet, i hv no tips but let him be. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he'll one day talk i think. Shane, u can repeatedly talk to him? but i really doubt it helps.. each child has their own milestones.. my niece 18 months still cannot say a word but only bungiao (don't want)

xin/andie: i taught him to clap by saying clap clap in an enthusiatic voice and bringing his hands together to clap clap clap. he seems amused by it. then he started clapping on his own when playing on his own on the playmat. i wil join him n said clap clap (to reinforce the words..). then afterwards, when i said clap clap, he will do the action liao.

cocomama: hhaaha multi task by crwaling w bottle in mouth. that must be a cute sight!

speech: yr making alot of baby talk. the most common being da da da like beating something haha. sometimes he rambles off a papa! but dun think he knows that is associated w my hb.. can only talk more to him and hope he learn how to talk soon.

smalldreams: yah somehow i feel denying them the bottle too early like v harsh haha. i like to see my elder son unwind at the end of the day with his fav. drink in the world lying on the sofa. hahah.

shane: that is applicable for my elder boy! he started calling papa ard 10m and he's slightly faster in speech compared to his peers last time but he only learnt to walk at 15m !! @_@ haha

eh eh. what time is next thursday peekeboo? anyone i can contact for info? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wahh u all tempt me to peekaboo hahahaha.. wonder if polliwogs will be more fun..

Shernise can only say papa, bah bah, mah mah mah and ayayayaya.. think she's gonna walk first cause she can now stand for a few seconds wothout support


Glad u find the fish pies easy to make and had enjoyed eating them. Try the potato cakes too. They are super yummilicious as well. I am a huge fan of pasta but cant stand risotto at all!Aly's the total opposite of YX...she can call mama, hmm..hmm..and shake her head which means no, mum mum but simply refuses to call papa no matter how much i teach her!!!Anyway, she's rather uniform in all aspects of her development so i guess that's fine. Yeah, Avent sippy is rather difficult to drink from but I have finally managed to get Aly to drink from the sippy on her own...without using the handles cuz the handles actually hindered her ability to drink from it!!!

am on leave nx thurs too but too bad not in sg...will be going back to msia...

hw dun like her own sippy cup, she only likes her kor kor's transformer bottle

i didn't know wed is a public holiday, else i will go back msia also. i just realized it just now when friend informed me... so too bad, i already planned for sth on thursday

mamaD> i had biting prob too. when his 2 front teeth were coming out. i really pinched him hard tt time. think took 2 wks to heal. so guilty. :p

anewmummy> hope ur son's eyes will be ok soon.

ecookie> maybe i shd try chinese too. he was clapping for awhile before we discovered tt he claps on cue. hb so amazed that he can understand instructions. hee.

smalldreams> my bil actually drank from bottle til p5. alot of mummies i know tell me, it's ok to drink for bottle. better than they dont drink milk at all. :p

cocomama> mattias will still choke when he's not thristy and dont swallow the water. :p. but cleaning straw really troublesome leh. :p dont dare feed other stuff scared if didn't clean well will have ants.

peek-a-boo> the gathering time is 230pm.

i never ventured upstairs leh. to me, it's a nice gathering place for mattias to roam and i can relax. hee hee.

sherry> i definitely want to try polliwogs. it looks so fun. but quite inacessible. maybe in dec when i more confident in driving then drive mattias down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poofy, I agree that the stuff there quite old compared to the outlook of the mall but my boy had fun.Very glad to meet Andie, Tam & Cami with their babies! My boy totally conked out after it, fussing for me to carry, luckily Andie helped me with my stroller.

Xin, wanna go poliwogs n figets too! Tink maybe I must practise driving him ard in the carseat, jus me n him for short trips

ecookie - Whoa ... I've hardly seen Nat displaying such strong opinions over food or water. Dunno if I should consider it as a blessing in itself or not!

cocomama - I am using AK's top 100 purees. I saw her cottage pie recipe from her meal planner book but it involves egg. Did you use it? Coz' I'm not comfortable in giving Nat egg till she's after 1. I dunno why I keep feeling that Nat is rather unresponsive. Whenever I read about LOs here being able to imitate or wave or clap, I wonder if Nat is really slow when it comes to such aspects. She always seems to be in her own world. So much so that I worry she's showing signs of autism. Yet when I go read up signs of autism, she doesn't display those symptoms. It's more of a case like she smiles when she feels like it or she imitates when she feels like it. It's really kinda hard for me to get her attention and teach. Maybe it really is a case of short attention span. *sigh*

sp_callalily - What breadcrumbs did you use for the fish pies? I have checked bread ingredients here and they use honey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dunno if it's ok to use them as breadcrumbs for the fish pies. Would it taste ok if we were to omit the breadcrumbs? Would it be ok if I were to use the heinz rusk crumbs instead?


Hehe, i am sure u know me well by now...i am anal when it comes to food. I have a list of foods which are strict no-nos until after 1yo and honey is definitely one of them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Hence, i was asking abt bread that day and i have decided that granulated cane sugar is the lesser evil. Anyway, i think it's probably ok to use rusk crumbs though u may have to watch the pies a little closer when they r in the oven...i think the rusk crumbs may burn more easily. The other alternative is to use oat cereal which the vegetable and oat crumble in GF's weaning book uses (actually it's a mixture of breadcrumbs and porridge oats there). I think some other expert "chef mummies" can comment cuz i am a total idiot when it comes to cooking!!!

littlelamb, oic, didn't know risoni is difficult to find in Shanghai. Thought the Chinese 'invented' pasta, kekeke. But risoni and brown rice is probably healthier, more fibre. Risoni takes quite long to cook till soft. :p

I cooked organic pasta stars with organic Peter rabbit pasta sauce which I bought from BP for Raelynn as afternoon tea today. Added some soft sliced pumpkins. The pasta sauce had no salt and sugar so slightly sour but I added half a teaspoon of parmesan cheese powder. She loved it and finished 3-4 tablespoons. She even still ate 1 apple after that. But RaeAnne refused to touch the pasta stars even though I added her favourite crabsticks. So difficult to feed the big one. Think her mei mei will surpass her in size. -_-

smalldreams, my no. 1 is almost 3 and still drinking from milk bottle too. I asked her new CC and they said for kids these age, they will still give them milk bottles. So I think no point for me to wean off since she will see her classmates drinking from milk bottles too. Lazy mummy. hee.

pauline - I also bought the peter rabbit sauce and was wondering if I should use it for Nat or wait till she's a y/o before introducing to her.

littlelamb, I think it's ok to give to Nat cos no added salt/sugar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But I find it very difficult to finish using 1 bottle in 1 week cos I don't cook pasta often esp since Raelynn takes mainly porridge. :p

pauline - I know what you mean ... I intend to make it in batches and prepare for food for the week or something. Hehehe. I only have 2 precious bottles of it here.

firipy> ya, i need to practice tt too. mattias has never been in a car seat before. donno how he'll tk to it. now he dont really like high chair anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

SP> honey is confirm no right? coz may cause botulism. u managed to make the bread? we thinking ask my fil to make some no sugar, no salt bread for mattias. but it seems like if dont add anything, the bread will spoil super fast. like in 12 hrs. :p


I plan to wake him up at 6.30am and feed him cereal so that he can take his breakfast and sleep by 8am. My boy refuse to sleep when I'm not around so I will have to make him sleep before I go to work at 8am.

I'm hoping he'll sleep till 10am to 11am and my mum and helper will bathe him and feed him lunch.


My boy loves polliwogs. We went there on Tuesday and he enjoyed himself. He can even finish 1 whole bowl of porridge without fuss when I feed him there. I told my hubby we should move to east coast so that I can bring him to polliwogs everyday and he can eat his meals. Haha

By the way, polliwogs will charge $8 for baby above 6 months old and they only allow 2 accompanying adults for each child. Weekends there is very crowded.

I just passed my driving test yesterday and my hubby let me drive his car with his sitting next to me today. 1st time drive on expressway. Hee I'll also have to train and drive with my boy sitting in the car seat behind alone.



My boy also tried to bite me when I latch him. I'll just put him down on the bed an ignore him. After a while, I'll latch him again and if he does it again, I'll do the same. He will usually not bite after 2 or 3 times.

He knows how to clap his hands when we sing the song "if you are happy and you know clap your hands", when he finish eating or reading and when he's happy. He also learnt how to wave to people now. He's very funny. Whenever he kisses him, he'll clap his hands too cos he's happy when I kiss him back.

I'm so envious of you mummies who can go peek-a-boo next week. I'm starting work on Monday and won't be able to meet you gals anymore. I feel very sad when I think of not being able to accompany my boy. I only have 3 days to spend time with him. Sigh

