(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Woooo, Bryest,

Congrats on getting your license! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love driving! Will definitely miss the speed and wide roads in Dubai next time. Sorry, uh, missing out a lot on this forum. Estovan's no longer constipated, i hope? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams! Loveeee AIfah's photos! We are going to the park again tomorrow for breakfast. Hope Renee will not be 'scared' of the grass again. Last week I washed three rambutans and introduced the hairy friends to Renee. Those were three pricey rambutans, man! Cos they cost about SGD 6 for 15-18 pcs! You should see her face when i held one close to her. She was like some super demure gal (no, she isn't), withdrawing her hand back as she was almost touching it, then clinging on to me and burying her face in my *ahem* chest. Then i started rubbing the rambutan on my arm and tossing it around like it's very fun. then she touched it eventually. And started tossing it and holding them in her hands. funny!

My friend told me that Renee will likely be scared of cats, like I am. Because our babies will observe our expressions. I'm terrified of cats and will jump or scream or both when i see them. So, she will learn from my reaction that cats are yucky?


Renee called "papa" first. She started calling me "mama" two weeks ago although i have been referred to as "mummy" all along. How does she know to call me mama huh? ANd she calls me when she's in trouble or in some need. I went out for a meeting, left her with my mummy and was told that she kept going mamamama. I'm her shelter for comfort uh... she calls me when she's in distress only. She always says papa and once i asked "you want papa or mama now?" she said "papa". Then I replied "too bad, papa is in office now. he can't rescue you." then she scrunched up and pleaded "mamamama" :p

We also started calling her Qiqi, her chinese name more often now cos AH Ma is here and cos when we ask "what is your name?" she can do a random "chichi". Take the opportunity to introduce her chinese name to her. I wonder if she's confused with all the nicks but she responses to Renee, Nay Nay, Beanie, Honey, Girl Girl and Qiqi. haha.

Hey, cooking mamas here,

how much pasta do you give your babies per meal? AK's packaging suggests 20gms per child, i follow but it seems like Renee's stuffed! Today i gave up and wasted a few spoonfuls. I normally give her 160-190ml of porridge, she'll gobble them up in 10-15 mins. But for pasta, she's chewing sooooo slowly and loses interest in the end. The meal dragssss too long for her i think. So i wonder is it too much for her or is it that she really just like mushy porridge.

I'm having a stuffy nose and a little feverish now. THink it's just the season changing, wide temperature range and maybe the loads of pineapple tarts mummy brought over. What's happening to the climate? It drizzled here in the desert twice this week!


Matt bit you when his new teeth were coming out uh? Renee's gums, no action for 5 months already. It's 'stop at two' for her. Anyway, you pinched him? Which part? You were too impulsive at the point in time uh?

How long do you BF mummies intend to BF? I have no plans... don't know if i should pump and cup feed milk or wait for natural weaning, or what? I'm just going on status-quo 'aimlessly'.


C Yang:

Renee is really a very smart girl. Anyway, for pasta, i use Bellamy's pasta stars and baby macaroni and abt 40g for each meal. Aly can finished all of it. For porridge, her best record so far is 150ml. I think she's got more westernized taste buds. Hope u recover soon.


Yup, honey is a no-no cuz of botulism as u mention rightly. In the end, i decided to opt for the easy way out and just buy bread that doesnt contain honey. So brands like NTUC, Gardenia's country loaf (must check Gardenia cuz most of them contain honey...be sure to get the correct one) & Swiss Bakery's wholemeal bread are ok.

C. Yang - Bryan also calls out to Mama when he is in distress, needs milk, tired or manja. But he started off wz mama 1st before papa. I also dun used to refer myself as 'mama' n no one else in my family or IFC did, so not sure how he picked up either. I could only tink of them picking up the 1st sound of mummy and learn from there.

Callalily - u r definitely not anal abt the list of strict no-nos. I tink all of us as mummies will hv some sort of this principle that we keep to. I hv to admit I m 1 of them cos when I accidentally gave Bryan some sweetened yogurt, I was fumming mad wz myself. Just 2 days ago, I was questioning the teachers in IFC for giving Bryan pandan cake. I was telling DH abt the eggs, sugar n coloring used...

lamb/callalily>can replace the breadcrumbs with mashed potato instead? then it the fish pie will become something like fish shepard's pie? :p

c.yang>get well soon

renee sounds so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll breastfeed till I run out of milk. Havent given Ayden pasta yet


Can also. But the breaadcrumbs do give a nice crunchy texture to the pie. I am going to make chicken and butternut squash pies this wkend which uses mashed potato as the topping. Will update how it tastes like as compared to those with breadcrumbs as topping.

Big foot:

I have decided that i am really quite anal when it comes to food after reading how some of the mummies here feed table food and i wonder if i am being too overly particular;). Yeah, panda cakes are no-nos for me until after 1yo.

bigfoot, it's same here. my boy call out mamamama when he wants food, distress, unhappy. but papapapa when he's happy, playful and seek attention.

sp, you're not alone. i'm strict on the food as well. until now, he's still being only feed with milk and poridge with only meant/veg. but i feed him durian also?!

c yang, pasta stars are really small so quite easy for bb to mash once soft. I gave raelynn about 3 tablespoons with the sauce, she finished it though she has only 2 bottom pearlies.

bf- I intend to bf until she self weans since I am only feeding morning n night most days. even if I manage to work next year, should be able to continue bf bah.

Xin> shernise also bite me..and can still smile at me sweetly when i go "ouch ouch ouch" cheeky fella..

Cyang> Renee is so smart... i haven started her on pasta but gave her one small bowl of macaroni for lunch and dinner yesterday with salmon. Am trying to BF till she is one though she is now on partial FM.

Big Foot> hahaha i gave shernice chawamushi and she loves it...

c yang,

I prepare about 5 tbsp of pasta and another 5 tbsp of sauce for Nat, so not sure how many grams is that. She usually manages to finish it all. But I find the bellamy's pasta stars really very gelat! But still she's good enough to finish them all. Do take care of yourself. Weather's surprisingly warm over in SH considering it's already mid-November and still hovering around high 10s and 20 sometimes.

My helper was telling me this year's winter in SH is gonna be the coldest in 50 years. Bbbbbbbbbrrrrrrr. I shudder to think of that ... but then again, I do wish to experience some snow and for Nat to experience that too. I'm still iffy on going back during CNY yet hate to be here in the cold. So I haven't decided ... Your mom brought pineapple tarts for you???!!!

Yumssssssssss, that's comfort food for me. Hehehehe. But did she make it herself? Nat calls mamamamama when she needs help. Initially, I thought she was calling out for me then I realize she does that to grandmama too. But that's also coz' my mom is known as mama (in another tone) to her while I have always been 妈妈 to her.

Can be a bit confusing so I told my mom that she probably has to change to grandmama. LOL. I guess I'll know when she sees daddy and see if she'll call him mama too or not. These days, she opens and closes her hands to indicate she wants something, be it to be carried or to reach for a certain thing. Compared to the other LOs here, she's definitely not on the fast track. And you know, watching her everyday, I can't really see the difference in growth for her until DH, who hasn't seen her in like 1.5 months will be able to tell me.

And sadly, she's not as attached to him these days also. The other day, as he was trying to bathe her, she was also struggling. That's why I really hesitate to travel to and fro that much coz' I really don't wish for her to be apart from her daddy for too long a period of time also.

anewmummy - About durian, I've been wondering for the longest time on when we can feed our LOs that leh. Coz' I dun think it causes allergies right? Except the old folks will say it's heaty lah. But other than that, I would love to one day let Nat try it. Hhehehe.

Cool! Seems like a lot of babies are gonna be at peekaboo next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c.yang: i feed Emma about 2tbsp of uncooked pasta stars (which works out to be ard 3.5tbsp of cooked ones), 2tbsp of homemade pasta sauce and 2tbsp of meat+veg.

Like Aly, Emma doesn't fancy porridge much, though she'll still gobble everything down, albeit at a slower speed.

SP_callalily, yl: i made the fish version of sheperd's pie on tues. Will post a pic here later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This whole baby carrier business...it has made it so convenient to flag and hop into a cab! I was trying to kick this bad habit, and the stroller made it easy cuz it's diff to lug into the boot. So far I've taken a cab 3 times since acquiring the carrier for less than a week. Man, talk about being weak-willed. Heh.


Yeah, do post a pic of the yummy fish shepherd's pies. Aiyoh, Aly eats porridge at a real slow speed last time. It's only recently after she turned 9mths that i decided to add a clove of finely minced garlic to enhance the flavour of the porridge that she eats her porridge faster now.


For me, i think i will hold off durian till after 1yo and then decide thereafter when i will offer her that. I am not concerned abt durian allergies but rather the super high sugar and caloric content of the fruit. And of cuz, not forgetting the earful i may get from the folks cuz it's a heaty fruit.

i typed out the replies to all mommies last evening and when i clicked the post message button, my internet connection died and i couldn't retrieve my post. i am so gonna change the ISP.

smalldreams> got to plan how to stretch the dollar mah.. so Aifah is trying to sing too eh..

shane, mamad> i just might turn emo when YX finally calls mama.

ecookie> i can imagine that it's a cute sight but only lamb can testify to that.

xin> i use the straw cup only for water. besides i haven't come across any straw cup that can contain his full feed amount. oh! there's a straw brush that you can use to clean the straw.

sp_callalily> yes.. the fish pie will be in the menu for next week. the sippy cup kept spitting water at YX's nose and when he started drinking from the straw cup without much training, i just ditched the sippy.

lamb> i have introduced egg yolk to YX but the cottage pie that i made did not have egg as an ingredient. this is the one i tried: http://www.annabelkarmel.com/recipes/babies-9-12-months/mini-cottage-pie

it's the same with YX leh.. sometimes he does it on cue and sometimes he just refused to do it. on a positive note, perhaps Nat has a stronger personality and choose to do certain things only when she feels like it.

bryest> congrats on passing your driving test. perhaps it will take Estovan some getting used to another person putting him to bed?

c.yang> i am also YX's shelter for comfort. Whenever he's hungry or sleepy, he will prefer me over DH, but instead of mama, he will go eh..eh..eh.., looks at me and raises his arms.

DH speaks to him in Mandarin, nanny and i speak to him in English and then the grannies speak to him in Hakka/Hokkien. I too wonder whether he will be confused sometimes.

talking about the speed in Dubai, i think most drivers there drive like they are in a race. even when we are crossing the road on a zebra crossing, they still hoot at us from 50m away so that we will get out of the way in lightning speed. but it's probably the place where one can get to drive cars that are otherwise out of reach here in SG.

as for pasta, i don't measure the pasta and sauce separately. YX can take appx 80-100ml of both pasta and sauce added together. i am very bad when it comes to following the quantity of ingredients in a recipe.

as for BF, i intend to stop at 1 yo, if i don't run dry before then. after the menses, my supply dipped to a very demotivating amount.

andie> wow.. looking forward to you sharing your fish sheperd pie with us.

lamb> i made the fish pie that sp_callalily shared with mashed potato topping as all the breadcrumbs have salt added.

i think i will hold off durian until much later as i'm afraid that he will be constipated after having durian.

i also have 2 cans of Peter Rabbit pasta sauce which i intend to use when we travel. for home use, i made some passata. it's really easy to make the passata. here's how i did it:

1. slice the tomatoes into half.

2. line them in baking tray facing up and sprinkle some olive oil.

3. bake for 15-20 mins or until tomatoes soften and the edge browns.

4. pass tomatoes through foodmill to deskin and deseed (i just peeled the skin off and use a spoon to scoop the seeds out).

5. heat some olive oil in a saucepan. saute some garlic. pour over the deskined and deseeded tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes on low heat.

6. add some chopped basil leaves if u like. if u want a smoother texture, blend the sauce.

Hi mummies,

wow everyone is going to peekaboo. I oso wan to go leh. But need to work on thu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The recipes sound by mummies here are so delicious. Maybe I should try some.

Btw mummies for rice cake how can we give to our lo? like snacks or we can mix with other stuff?


Which peter rabbit sauce did you use? I wanna cook pasta for my gal but i dun think i m so hardworking to homemade the sauce leh.

Hello Mummies,

I have been to peekaboo but its kinda too small. I heard Fidgets at Turf city is so much bigger and alot of gd review about it. Am going this sat to see see look look.

sharon: i went to fidgets last sat, and it scared the daylight outta me. It was really crowded and had much older kids there running and jumping over those who were crawling around. And from what I can see, no supervision. I guess it would be better on a weekday, but i'm not sure. I was observing from outside, since it's all glass panels. But it's enough to create a deterrent effect.

The yellowed lift with metal flooring that transports one to fidget is pretty small, it can probably fit 1 stroller and 5 adults. With the number of people in fidgets alone, if there's any emergency to evacuate, I believe it would be utter chaos.

Furthermore, turf city is really rundown (old and dingy), feels like they just re-did the inside of the betting area to make it mall-like, though no where close to the other malls, even those in the heartlands. Paint was peeling everywhere, one can visibly see the original concrete walls from the outside, with bits of paint stuck on them.

Then again, it's just DH and me. We were fairly disappointed with that place (in terms of safety) after hearing rave reviews. Till they touch-up the whole place (i wouldn't call it a mall), we won't be visiting turf city.

sharon: that said, peekaboo is smaller compared to the other playgyms. But the clean and brightly lighted mall and ease of location kinda makes up for it, at least for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Salmon Pot Pie

This is essentially the fish version of sheperd's pie. Makes 2.


Raw salmon, cut into small cubes

2tsp of chopped onion

1tbsp of olive oil

1-2tbsp of water

a dash of majoram (similar to oregano)

1/2tbsp of organic unbleached flour

1 medium potato, boiled and mashed

1tsp of finely chopped onion

1tsp of unsalted butter

3 tbsp of pea puree (can be substituted with carrot puree)

mild cheddar cheese

Heat up pan. Add olive oil and saute chopped onions. Add salmon and fry for 3-5mins. Add majoram. Add flour and fry for 1 min. Add water to create a starchy texture. Turn off fire.

In the mash potato, add the butter and finely chopped onion. Mix well and set aside.

Pre-heat oven at 200deg.

Using a ramekin or similar (I used a muffin tray), lay the salmon mixture at the bottom. Lay the pea puree, and lastly the mash potato. To top it off, grate some cheese to cover the potato.

Bake in the oven for 15-20mins.

And here it is:


andie, lamb n callalily > all your recipes are making me drool though I just lunch!!! Yum Yum!!! N its really reminding me its high time to get my new oven, esp with Christmas coming.

busy so no real chance to read through thread.

andie>your pie looks yummy! going to try that tomorrow, I think. Poor Ayden is always eating salmon n potato. :p

Jan Birthday Bash

Hi All,

sorry for not updating as some of the things do not go as planned.

Need to find out who is keen to make family tees...

We are sourcing for the best quality and best price for the babies first bash tees and if we can get better discount for the family tee if we hit the qty... so can I start the ball rolling first?

Family Tees Fans

- Febie

Thanks, Febie! My details as below. Should we add in more info? cos some families have siblings too.

Family Tees Fans

- Febie

- LSnTYL - 2 adults, 1 baby

Hi YL,

Thanks for the thoughtfulness...

ya I'm trying to work out the cost for the bash now. currently the tees for a child cost ard $15.00... so if we can get the qty to bargain anot... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Family Tees Fans

- Febie - 2 adults, 1 baby

- LSnTYL - 2 adults, 1 baby

yl: you may consider changing the fish to beef, and toss in some cubed carrots and peas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It was the first time Emma took salmon, luckily she took to it immediately.

bluey: i use a conventional oven. But i believe a convection oven, or even a toaster oven will work, but since the heating element is very close to the food, one will have to watch and tweak the baking time accordingly.

Family Tees Fans

- Febie - 2 adults, 1 baby

- LSnTYL - 2 adults, 1 baby

- luvbabe11 - 2 adults, 1 4YO, 2 babies (thinking of making 1 more baby tee for my overseas friend)


Yr pies really look super yummy!!! I simply love pies...an excellent way to throw in all kinds of vegetables. Now i am wondering how replacing the salmon with cod would taste...


I give rice cakes with thick western style soup for dinner. When i started giving at 7mths, i broke them into small pieces and let them soak in the soup for a while before feeding. Now i just give the rice cake whole and let Aly self feed and then spoonfeed her the soup. U can also give rice cakes as a snack but for me, i am holding off snacks till after 1yo.


Can share what thick western style soup you feed Aly?

My gal normally have porridge and she is a snacking gal loh even after meal if she sees us eating she would want to eat.

Andie: ur pie looks really good! after last weekend, i'm actually 'addicted' to baking pies for Ryan. hahaa.. cos it's easy for him to eat n less messy compared to giving him porridge or soupier stuff.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For the pot pie, i was thinking of using full cream milk instead of water. should be ok?? will be sthg like the GF's fish pie i think. shall try ur receipe this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing!

Callalily: What brand's rice cakes do u give Aly? i'm still looking for them but everytime i see the ingredients, i'll put them back on the shelf cos they contain salt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i'm also pretty anal abt salt n sugar n i'm a strictly no adult table food til 18mths if possible person. That day my hubby's fren gave him this pack of wakado baby food for 7-9mths n after i saw the ingredients n tasted the biscuits, i immediately said we can't give that to babies! it's too salty!

callalily > I know you and a few mummies mentioned rice cakes a few times. Can I ask are the rice cakes you mentioned those puffy yellowish-white thingy that resembles biscuits?

haha my hb will not wear one lah...so i'll just do for kor kor and mei mei

Family Tees Fans

- Febie - 2 adults, 1 baby

- LSnTYL - 2 adults, 1 baby

- Shane - 2 adults, 1 baby

-luvbabe11 - 2 adults, 1 4YO, 2 babies (thinking of making 1 more baby tee for my overseas friend)

-meglee - 1 6YO and 1 bb

Family Tees Fans

- Febie - 2 adults, 1 baby

- LSnTYL - 2 adults, 1 baby

- Shane - 2 adults, 1 baby

-luvbabe11 - 2 adults, 1 4YO, 2 babies (thinking of making 1 more baby tee for my overseas friend)

-meglee - 1 6YO and 1 bb

-Jessie - 2 Adult , 1 baby













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biting> mattias actually bit my shoulder. it's so painful tt i just auto go pinch him on the shoulders too. :p. now my cracked nipple should be caused by abrasion. dont think he purposely bite. if not it'll be 100x more painful. :p.

bryest> congrats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now you can drive around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so polliwogs need to pay ar. must find a time to go fidgets before mattias turn 1. but it's like so so far. :p

c.yang> do get well soon. been quite cooling and windy here. yup, most probably renee will be scared of cats too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hb n i decided to act brave in front of mattias in all circumstances. and also pretend tt we like all foods. haha.

durian> mattias tried some 2 weeks ago. hee hee. daddy v scared next time he dont like durian. :p

andie> e carrier makes things so easy right? hee hee. actually i cab less with the carrier coz i find it easier to go on trains n buses.

cocomama, i'm using the straw cleaner. but still find it so troublesome. there are quite big straw bottles ard. nut think it's for abv 12 mths.

tamL> u can try the organix rice cakes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks AFann. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie> u r fast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I use Organix rice cakes. Sugar and salt content trace[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Yeah, i totally ban Wakodo biscuits for Aly...the ingredient list makes them a definite no-no!!!

Big foot:

Yeah, they look like round whitish-yellowish biscuits.


I prepare thick western style soups like potato & leek soup, corn chowder, vegetable broth, lentil & carrot soup, zucchini & leek soup etc etc. I use mainly recipes by Gina Ford. Aly also looks at our food longingly even after her dinner and milk feed but i am a strictly no snacks person. She's deprived...


There's the other brand called Lundberg. I bought them by mistake when i was looking for rice cakes some time back as i had no idea wat they were. When i first tried them on Aly at 7mths, they were way too hard for her to gum down but now that she has better chewing ability, she's able to handle them. These are even healthier...ZERO sodium, cholesterol, sugars & fats!!! I use their brown rice to make porridge for Aly...simply cuz it contains ZERO sodium.


Thanks for sharing the recipes. Interestingly, I was thinking abt the same thing about Nat's strong character this morning. I was thinking to myself, that she may have inherited her dad's strong character in wanting to make her stand and not wanna follow what you tell her to do. So maybe that's her ... coz' that's what my mom has observed too. Thank you for sharing the cottage pie recipe. Think I'm gonna try that for Nat this week. :D

Can I check with you if it can actually be frozen?

cocomama - Can I check with you for the cottage pie recipe right, did you freeze after grilling? Or you stopped at the stage where you put the potato and beef together and then before you serve, you grill?

Is for parents.. Wife n hubby .. Price quote is only for bb personalized tee..

Tts why I stated any excess or nt enough .. We will inform again.. Depends on the tees n no of adults attending

Deposit is just a rough estimation .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb but I have a box of 6 cowboy booties for 12 mths babies which I got fr bulk purchase at $27. brand new but It's too large for my baby and I would like to sell it for $23. Postage free. Pls email me at [email protected] if u r interested!


Xin: Thanks for the info on the rice cakes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How's Mattias now? Hope he's better and can join us next week for playdate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Callalily: Thanks for the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Will go and check out the rice cakes tml. Does Aly like the Lundberg rice cakes? Sounds healthy but does it taste nice?

