(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


keke...yah i now got v v little chance to pop in here..& weekends...i haf to entertain T3..coz weekdays dun see him...

i was telling sherry dat dae dat Lucas can stand himself...wat like 2 months ago???


hahaha yah she v good life...now still can ask me for time out to go cut hair...& when i let her go...she tell me queue tooo long!.,.after 1.5 hours..!

why you dun eat dinner??


my bb will cry when i leave for work..or when i walk away from him...kekeke i am secretly happy..but felt guilty towards him...i tink not only me..my 2 elder kids feel bad whenever we leave him at home...i let him crawl around the floor with a lot of toys lor...but he gets bored after 15 mins...


Hehe.. MamaD, fatbabe, sherry, megan, cy and all, so nice to see you guys here again! I guess we all lead very busy lives these days.

Thanks for the nice comments , it is actually a contest for a baby calendar, was not very keen to go because felt like I am exploiting her! But in the end just try lor . Next time no more liao.

Lamb: To buy another seat for Nat means another adult fare :~~~~ but the bassinet useless one.

Megan> haha u both on diet ah? I also gg to start dieting Liao.. Still so bah after so many mths n my weight din even dropped lor.. Damn sad

hehe fat babe, cos i want to be like you skinny babe mah...am on supplement lah...too fat liao..need to work hard to lose weight, am on diet, going jogging and taking up kickboxing...

hi jessie...ya long time no chat here liao...sometimes silent reader but the thread move quite fast dunno wat to post liao...i like photos of arwen...she is so pretty!!!

luvbabe,Yuki,Jessie,fatbabe> hihi,yah long time no hear frm me cos i so so busie wif LO..

i jus fed him brown rice wif butternut, he reject..crying so loud at the corridor till i paiseh..then bring him jalan dwnstair...fed him half a sour green kiwi..he finish it..y so funni..yah..it is cold when i fed him..*frustrated* mayb tonite give him cold porridge..


free studio shots for Arwen!!...nice memory la...


waaah i am impress by your efforts...me not skinny la...yup...if i can oso sneak in for a while nia...peek...cannot follow what everyone';s tokking about oso...


i remember last year..i crash diet for sis ROM in may..end up dieting halfway..got preg...my doc luff at me..he say wasted all my efforts...

luvbabe>YK was 8.85kg when i brought him to PD last 2 mths..haven put on lately..mayb teething bah..like shernise, he has 4 pearlies..he sleep so late ard 11pm then wake up ard 7am for milk then sleep again till 9am..

really admire u guys LOs can zz so early..my little rascal is active at nite cos onli time to play wif his daddy..

Yuki> i was surprised to c him walk wif the assistance of the plastic stool at my mum's...as for the walkers, he is interested in pressing wif all the gadgets on it...oso he can sit on the toy car n drive so fast! so amazing, haven walk alreadi driving..haahaa

I tink i m very horrible leh, my boy ate few bites of pizza,a mid wing, some fish & chips, baked potatoes without the skin/crust. We ald fed him his cereal n he demands our food. Shout so loud till end of the resturant/ foodcourt can hear! I bought the food shear which i nvr get to use cos he is always faster than we can scoop/ scrape. Maybe cos he got 5 teeth on top n 4 at the bottom, I foresee he gonna get tooth decay at very young age cos he got so many teeth n eat so many machiam machiam

MamaD, my boy likes the steering wheel, he will shout for us to let him sit those coin enabled rides with steering wheel at the malls but he is too short so he most of the time can only stand while turning the wheel.

firipy: Arwen also, like to eat our food now.. she dun cry or yell but will keep licking her lips. One time her nanny buay tahan her pleading eyes and let her lick a fry, kana scolded by me! LOL!

Yuki : Kidnap lor... don't think you can run very far with my bimbo! MUAUAHHAHA she is like er 12kg now? I am so scare now, told her nanny to cut back cheese liao. I mean she is still very active and all but I feel she is too fat liao! I told her nanny if Arwen becomes an AH PUI and next time no one wants to marry her, I will come find her and revenge ! LOL

mamaD: dont think you are impatient, cuz i feel that if they dilly dally and not very interested in the food, chances are, they won't finish it already. But he's a very good weight, so I wont be too worried. Maybe you can try to make finger food for him to feed himself, like the sweet potato snack xin's DH made, or cut-up meatballs.

Nowadays I let Emma feed herself. I make mash potatoes with pea puree so that it sticks to the spoon. I also sprinkle some biscuit crumbs on fruit so that she can pinch it better and eat on her own.

yuki: That's a lot of teeth! Emma only has that 2 little pearlies at the bottom.

firipy>haha, u can get him the toy car n let him steer n steer..heee

andie>he choke when eat potatoes or sweet potatoes..he puts everything into his mouth except food!play wif it n throw away..i can't even keep him on the high chair for 10mins..he will struggle till face red..i hve to let him stand on his own while i feed him..sometime i heart pain to c him 'fai2 zhan4'..but i really dunno hw to feed him...he so active..

jessie: Arwen is 12kg?? Wooo...Ergo-ing her is no joke man. I'm trying to fatten Emma up, she's still at 8kg, losing her thunder thighs leh. Will consuming more avocado and egg yolk help? My MIL is kinda questioning whether my BM is sufficient nowadays cuz Emma is not gaining very much.

firipy: my parents did the same with me. When I was 10mths old, my mom fed me 1 chicken drumstick from kfc as dinner. And apparently I finished it. When I think about it now, I'm like, wow...

andie : Yah... -_-' no joke but at least the Ergo can sustain her weight and if we strap nicely, it is actually okay to still walk around for 45 mins .

I really am now controlling her weight! Maybe need to cut back the milk to 180 mls now .

fat_babe : Yah bu with condition that if local magazine want to use her photo, the studio can sell it to the magazine but we won't get anything except the magazine Arwen would be featured in and free yearly photo session.

Still wondering to do an official one year old album for her or not cos DH and her nanny very keen but feel it is a waste of money leh. Then start to imagine if Arwen is 21 years old ,she will have a proper book album as keepsake also not bad... hmmm..


haha you're not a bad mother lah. Aifah has had icecream okay! From walls some more (heh, lots of sugar & what nots). And I don't know what else she has eaten too. Tho most of the time I try to keep her porridge free from salt, i put in soy sauce, sesame oil too. Nevermind lah, already 10 mths, shud be OK (hahaha, bad mother).


I just remembered I have a toddler patapum! Time for me to fish it out as the bjorn may not be suitable anymore.


If you like to keep such things, do lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me I'm not really into it. But I'm tempted to do 1 or 2 canvas shots of her.Can put around the house. I think photos really maketh a home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry, sometimes it's like that. The high chair also can't last forever lah. I mean, it's weird to see a 3YO on a high chair rite? By about 24 mths, kids shouldn't be in a high chair anymore. Any chance of just putting him on yr lap and feeding him?

Wah this thread is really moving so fast....


No, my stroller is the 3 point lock so my boy can easily do his magic n free himself ! So I must get a 5 pt lock type n also a light n compact stroller. The maclaren volo seems gd but downside is tat it doesn't hv recline position.


Wah u r expert for japan, if I go there free n easy will surely ask u but would it be more ex than gg wif tour grp ??

I'm more familiar with Korea, u can ask me if u are gg there ;-)


kekeke its OKAY one la...i let tytus eat chicken pie, beef lasagne at 7 months!! real adult food...hahhaha and its v savoury for adults...err...think shouldn't feed so yummy food...ahahaah but its always a pleasure to see them good appetite yah??...


i finished at 7.30 too...though no govt...still got project to rush..well i tink as long as the 7+ is not more than 2 times a week...its bearable...


yah i think its nice lor...actually my hubby is not for the idea of taking photos...but like when he walk past T1 & T2 pro shots...he will keep mumbling..gotta bring tytus back to same studio to shoot...nice to remind us how angelic they are...before they turn into sweaty smelly rebellious rascals!!

jessie, kekeke, Raelynn gives me those pleading eyes like I 虐待 her like that then I will feel so bad for eating in front of her. But she already had her dinner (porridge) lor. So greedy. But she's not as power as Arwen cos she's only 8.8kg. LOL.

Furby, when are you going to Taiwan? I'm going in early Dec. Will be depositing the gals with the maid at ILs place for 5 days. Wonder what type of jackets to bring cos Taiwan not supposed to be very cold.

I finally paid the registration and deposit for RaeAnne to go to to Elfa in mid Dec. $1003, So exp. But they are full, both my hubby's colleague and my friend's sister cannot get a place for their kids so I don't dare to procrastinate. Quickly pay and confirm liao. :p

fatbabe> i aim to BF til 1yo. but recently got cracked nipple so havent beem feeding much frm one side. and mattias seems quite hungry too. dunno want supplement anot. :p

andie> mattias also 8kg. dont worry too much ba. they just need to triple by 1yr. even so, my friend's daughter who came out quite heavy didn't triple by 1 yr. :p. but still heavy lah. abt 10kg.

jessie> arwen really heavy-weight leh. is it the chinese diet? sometimes i see china babies, look so big. only 6 mths. :p. and the grandma even ask y my son so small... :p.

tablefood> went out with my friend today. while i went to toilet, my friend gave mattias croutons. and he eat until v happy. will whine and whine to eat more. when i tasted it, it's so salty... and my friend still say she alr tasted and it was ok to her... nearly fainted... aft tt i just ate up all so that mattias cant eat... sighz...

Xin, I also aim to feed until 1 year and after my menses came, supply dip to so low and never really recovered. Last time, last pump of the night can get about 100-120ml. Now can only get 50ml. So sad. I've finished all nursing tea liao. Frozen stock also moving very fast cos at night if Raelynn doesn't get enough milk, she can't sleep so I let the maid feed EBM after I latch. :p

Wa, your friend has no kids is it? Never mind lar, Mattias's almost 1 year old. A bit of salt should be ok bah.

pauline> whoa childcare still so ex? that's bef subsidy? or after?

fatbabe> i also keep pestering hb to go tk studio shots. but he keep saying that he can tk at home. sighz...

smalldreams> canvas is the big big type?

pauline> my friend has 2 kid lor. and she was just telling me how her sil only give tablefood to her 1yo niece. and how she cook no salt food for her children til quite old. but here she is feeding super salty croutons to my son. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. sighz. but i didn't say her lah. i just quickly gobble everythg down.

my menses still havent come yet. so keeping my fingers crossed. 1 more mth to raelynn's 1st birthday. jia you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin: dont think Emma will be able to triple by 1 yr, her birth weight was 3.67kg, if triple means 11kg. Anyway...see how it goes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's Mattias? Feeling better?

At gymboree today this ang moh boy (abt 14mths i think) keep kissing Emma's forehead. At the end of the music class she had a big saliva patch on the side of her head hahaha! But she mimic the boy and tried to smooch me too. Funny sight!

MamaD: hmmmm...very tricky. One thing I read was babies like to mimic others, maybe when you have dinner, sit him beside you and offer him a few pieces of soft food from your plate and show him how to eat it. Kinda like baby-led weaning.

Xin, I see. You good lar, I will probably tell her quite salty and I don't give salt to my kids until they pass their 1st birthday. Up to her to read between the lines. :p

As for CC, actually the fee for Elfa's half day prog is $470 (after $150 subsidy) but still got to pay 1 month deposit, insurance, uniforms etc so end up with $1003 lor. But Elfa is recommended by 2 mummy friends so I hope it's good lor. www.elfa.com.sg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My menses came faster this time round cos Raelynn prefers solids to BM. When I try to latch her, she's always distracted except when she's very sleepy. :p Yup, will jiayou until 2 Dec. 7 Dec, I'm going to fly to Taipei without Raelynn so don't dare to make green papaya fish soup liao, if not, end up with blocked ducts, even worse. :p

Xin: I don't know... we keep reviewing what we fed her, honestly.. not that alot leh.. she get 3 milk feeds totaling 660ml . She gets 2 semi solids and 1 snack nia... we don't know why she put on weight so steadily... her PD says she absorb her nutrients well but still.... I am now stopping all unneccessary food liao. Maybe cut down the fruits also cos also got sugar eh fruit. I mean she is also quite tall, about 74 cm now I think, she is not like super overweight but I cannot see her neck for a long time liao! LOL

Still part of me also think maybe wait abit and observe cos winter coming, those extra fats would keep her warmer and also now she is starting to learn how to walk, when she falls, the fats also cushion her abit more. Keke

xin: wah, either you are a really good friend or she's a really good friend of yours. Cuz if it was me, I'll definitely say stuff, esp if she has kids of her own. If she's not a mom yet, I'll be more tactful, but will give her the full literature on why salt and babies don't mix. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm not the expert when it comes to japan. Tyl is the expert here. Me and my hubby just love going japan and been there twice only.


My boy also refuse to sit in his high chair and eat. I let him sit on the rocking chair that he has and disabled the rocking motion. Have to keep both his hands occupied with toys when feeding. If not, he will use 1 hand to block his mouth and another hand to block my spoon. He just refuse to eat. Not sure is it due to teething cos he keeps using his hands to rub his gums. He used to be able to eat 1 big bowl of cereal or porridge each meal. Now he just eat few spoonfuls and start using his hand to block his mouth. He has 2 bottom pearlie now.

I'm worries about his intake of food cos he doesn't even want to drink milk when I'm not around. He only wants to latch. I checked with his pd and he says it's fine and baby will ask for more of they are really hungry. So now just keep offering and see whether he wanna eat. If he doesn't want to eat, will not force him to.


Can i check with u which brand of biscuit u used to coat Emma's fruits for easy pick-up? Thanks in advance[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I was comtemplating Cheerios but the sugar and salt content like quite high[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


smalldreams> canvas is the big big type?

Sorry babe, don't get what you mean?

Hmm, since yr friend is a mom too, she shouldve been more sensitive. But even level of saltiness is subjective. My mom once said she'll feed some leftover KFC whipped potato to A, but I protested & said it's salty, plus dont know what the contents are. She respected my wish. But there have been times when I fed her some instant nuggets, heeheh (double standards hor). But I felt guilty & made some home made nuggets for her. She ate that too.


Yr baby got ang moh blood and ang mohs are generally bigger in size than asians mah? They are always so chubby, plus, it's cold in China rite? Don't worry lah. When she's older, she'll lose all that baby fat and turn into a pretty babe.


Wah you are really a lucky SAHM. Got helper, then can afford to send your child to such an expensive playgroup, can buy Kate Spade bags, can also go on a honeymoon with your hubby.


I guess finishing about 7.30pm is OK once in a while. Sometimes I make visits till quite late too but i feel bad lah coz I want to relieve my mother from her caregiving duties. This week I hope no more 7.30 pm days.

CY and babe,

Sat 1pm boleh? Meet at 107. R u bringing your LOs? Can come up to my 'minnie' house after lunch and let the kiddos play play.


I wanted to start my jogging routine but until today, have not even clocked in 1 metre! Si ber lazy loh. Haizzz

Babe n smalldreams,

I will die if you ask me work so late. I m definitely not a late person, productivity is zero after 6pm. So I start work at 8am and go off by 530pm, unless have late meetings or working trip which I worked till 10pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


So cute the little boy kissed Emma's forehead.


Wow, u r v hardworking, still making papaya fish soup. I drank less than 5x since delivery and the last time I had was like 7 mths ago. The only thing I did to maintain my miserable supply is to drink 3L of water daily.


Dun worry Arwan is putting on weight. They need the extra fats to burn once they start walking and running around after 1 yr old. My nieces n nephews lost all their baby fats after 1yr and v skinny lor. They also get more picky with food n eat less healthy compared to this stage.


You leave Chris with yr mom in the morning then go off to work is it? I think I'll die if I have to leave home at 7 am to reach office by 8! Hahaha. I'm not a very morning person, neither am I a late night person too. I'm strictly 9 to 6, lol. But what to do, my job requires me to do occasional night visits coz my clients may not be at home during office hours.

Heheee, agree with smalldreams Pauline is a lucky SAHM. Hubby told me if I dun work, then no holiday & no Prada bag for mummuy, no FP toys & organic food for Chris! Hahhaaaa

Need lobang!

Any mummies know of anyone who is interested to do part time cleaning at Bukit Panjang area? My mum's helper going to eat fried sotong next Feb and she wants to get a PT helper to clean the house on Mon, Wed, Fri, 2hours/day.


Yah, we wake up at 530am, send Chris to my mum's place at 630am. Then hubby n I have some private time eating breakfast together and I'll reach office before 8am.

I think Chris has my early genes coz no matter how late he sleeps, he will auto wake up around 6am. Heheee, but he will start yawning at 9am and here is a pic of him dozed off in his high chair on last Sat after coming back from his routine market trip at 7am.



You are so funny. I laugh when I see you posting that the fats can cushion arwen's falls.

Maybe arwen's bones are heavy so she weighs heavier. If pd didn't say she's overweight, you don't have to cut down on her intake. I wish my boy will put on weight as fast as arwen. He's 74cm but 9kg only.


Indiana chris looksso cute falling asleep on the high chair. What time does he sleep at nite? My boy will sleep at 10pm at nite now. I had to wake him up at 6.30am and he will still go back to sleep and refuse to wake up sometimes. I need to wake him up and feed him cereal. Will need to put him back to sleep by 8am when I leave the home.


He sleeps around 9pm and wakes up at 6am. It is a weekend routine mummy n son go market at 7am while daddy is still snoring in bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Coz he wakes up so early, he naps around 9+ for 1-2hrs. Then take his porridge for lunch. Study n play till 3pm and naps for 1 hr again.

bryest - why u hv to purposely wake him up at 630am to feed cereal?

maybe u wan to let him slp until he wake up himself n get whoever is at home to help feed the cereal lo.. heheehe


I am going Taiwan end Nov till early dec. Will pop by some factory outlet to buy some warm clothings as we don't have any. Will dump bb at home with mil/mum/maid and pump during trip. Using avent manual.

Morning mummies....

Yuki> Chris is so cute...dozing off while on a high chair.

Yeah, agree with you that Pauline is a very fortunate SAHM.....*wink*

What do you mean by eating fried sotong? *puzzled*

smalldreams> Oh no, I am guilty myself of feeding Lucas with some whipped potato (minus the sauce) from KFC too.....

bryest> Lucas also needs distraction even when drinking milk from the bottle. I need to keep both his hands occupied else he would just use his hands to slam the milk bottle away. He also refused to eat anything (porridge, cereal) these days...Likely due to teething too....He had been on a milk diet since a couple of days ago as he only take spoonfuls of cereal or porridge only. But, his milk intake is only max 600ml too....Sigh! Hope this phase quickly passes by....

Oh yes, why do you need to purposely wake Estovan up at 630am to feed cereal? If I were you, I would rather he sleeps and gets the required rest....

Yuki - your boy looks so cute in tat pic....hahahhah..

My boy also has my genes of waking up early (before 6a.m) and he uss zzz by 9p.m.

Alot of pple seem to be going taiwan recently. Is it really fun?

Bryest, u expert in japan? hahhaa...i m aiming to go hokkaido next Jul...thinking of free and easy but duno will come true anot leh...need to save $ after my reno...

Smalldreams - wat time did u go home yday?

Good morning! :D

Sounds liked JP is popular?! It's expensive, I haven't thought about it yet. But TW sounds fun?

My BB now starts snoring! Yes, "snoring" at this young age, is it normal?


My mum's helper going to eat 炒尤鱼(fried sotong)! She v attitude these days, we regretted being so nice to her in the beginning that she forgets her status. So my mum plans to send her back after CNY eventhough her contracts ends only in Feb 2012.


Yah hoh, why u need to wake little Estovan up to eat cereal? Chris has milk as his breakfast coz he takes lunch pretty early, ard 11am. Now I feel guilty not giving him a proper breakfast.

Yuki, Cy,

sat 1pm OK! eh chris v funny le...so uncomfortable also can doze off!!..hahahaha


like you say, Arwen is tall, so i think she's fine...i always share my experience..T1 was so called "overweight"...before 1 year old...then her weight stay stagnant from 1 year to 2 years...now although she looks OK to me..but the weighing machine in the hospital say she's underweight for her height!.....and yes..she haf ang moh blood...


yuki- my macho breakfast is a piece of rusk .. eat with his daddy before daddy goes work.. so one biscuit is gd enough le lah...

