(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Does anyone knows when we can start feeding rice to bb? My son doesn't like to eat his porridge. He seems to like to chew. But I worry rice may be too heavy for him to digest now. Any advice?



yeh, we are on free and easy. Will be in tokyo for the rest of the trip from today onwards. Managed to find hot water here. My boy finally managed to poo today. I only give him cereals so maybe not enough fibre, Realised he doesn't want to eat his cereals, like forcing him to eat.

Sigh, got an clarification from Kate spade that they cancelled my order cos they no longer accept credit cards from issuing countries where they have retail shops eg. Japan, HK, Singapore. Really like the red bag but bo bian lar, KS help me save $$$. Luckily end up only buy for myself and never spree with anyone or more mummies will be disappointed. Shall use the $400 to shop at Taiwan in Dec instead. kekeke.

applegal, I put broccoli, cauliflower, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach or local spinach into Raelynn's porridge. She's enjoying rice though she only has two pearlies. Usually only dare to give her 1-2 teaspoons to try cos scared she'll suffer from indigestion since she can only mash a bit and swallow the rice grains. :p

Anyone's baby on 1 full meal of rice yet?

cheerieheart: don't worry about it, join us next time.

xin: mattias was having so much fun! Even for leopard crawl he finds his way around pretty quickly. If only we have some wine and cheese we can chill one corner while they entertain themselves around the area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sure, I'm good for tuesday. Maybe 2.30pm this time round? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then we can meet at 2pm at the mrt station.

bryest: yeah!

Shane: my boy doesn't like avocado the first time he ate it. But i let him try again and the second time, he's ok and in fact grew to love it. It's the same for some other fruits e.g. banana and grapes.

Andie/Xin: wah, looks like my boy has missed out on lots of fun! Can I try to join u all next Tue? (provided no last min assignment or my boy doesn't sleep till too late)

Shane: Emma loves avocado, she'll chomp it down together with oats. She's taking the organic ones, but I don't suppose it has a significant difference in taste. Maybe cuz I ate a fair bit of guacamole during the pregnancy, hence she's used it.

cheerieheart: absolutely, do join us if you can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, the rule of thumb is not to stress/rush to get to a playdate. If LO sleeps in, participate next time. Got stuff to do, join in next time. Running late, then come late. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Judging from Emma's energy level, we can be there for 2-2.5 hours, easy. Mommies must get to enjoy too. Once we are there, it's sit/stone/chat while the LOs "roam free".

shane, what fluids is that? I scoop some rice from our dinner so it's quite dry. But I mix into her porridge to make it a bit sticky. :p


great to hear that ur boy finally poo today. you have be super relieved and happy over it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gal oso constipation few days back so happy when she finish poo.

Hello mummies...

Xin, next tues, I'm bringing shayne to see the surgeon...

If everything ok, I will bring him join u all at peek-a-boo...

He's refusing the antibiotic now...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very bitter despite smell good... Headache. Headache. He vomit everything out earlier...

Thanks Andie for introducing such a nice place for a playdate for us! Ryan's exhausted from the day's activities. When we reached home, he concussed straight away but woke 30 mins after for milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Would have hoped that he could nap longer. Hahaa..

I wanna join next Tues too! But I think I'll be there about 1.45/2pm.. Cos these days Ryan wakes up very early from his morning nap.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Shane: Guess many mummies have answered ur qn abt avocados.. Don't put in the fridge unless u want to delay the ripening of it. You can try mixing pureed/mashed pears to avocado. Much easier for babies to accept. About yoghurt, don't give the petit miam yoghurt until after 1 yr old.. It's not 'plain yoghurt'..

Re: CLub med

My hubby booked a trip for us to club med phuket in Dec! Yippee! I can finally travel after 1 yr of no travelling.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So looking forward to the trip. TYL, shall post review abt the baby services after I go for the trip.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, are you going to peekaboo nx Tuesday? I will like to bring Keagan there. Never been there before so thought join you for the first time.

shane: there's a ballpit, 2 mini-slides (think: little tikes), some rocking toys. We basically took some balls from the ballpit and roll it around the play area for the LOs to chase after. Maybe she'll be encouraged by all the crawling babies around and surprise you with what she can do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tam: ooo...was hoping Ryan could've slept longer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heh, okay see you next tues.

SH>we stared feeding rice to Ayden since last Sun when he totally refused his porridge. He's happier eating his rice but we will cook it wetter. We think the rice is not as filling actually as we give him white rice. We make his porridge from brown rice so its more filling.

bryest>yay, glad Estovan pooed. Ayden can't tahan 3 meals of cereals de. Greedy boy wants variety. Think cereals maybe not enough fibre so try to give him some fruits as dessert?

Pauline>have fun shopping in Taiwan! :D You going wufenpu? Ayden's dinner now is just plain rice with fish/pork/veg.

febie>oh no. what happen to shayne? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tam>hee, you going earlier than me. envious. :p You have a great trip, ya? Will be waiting for your review. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning, mummies.

Konnie: Ya, i know it is hard to study especially working and having kids. Luckily, MIL help me to take care of my gal. Okook, thank you for the list of items. I found my gal like porriage, cos she can finish one bowl (using the combi bowl weaning set). I have try giving her carrot+ potato porriage, carrot+ fish porriage, spinach+ pork porriage, pork + potato porriage, she is ok with it. So i wanna to try more variarty.

Pualine: Oh, Kate spade, i tot of buying initially, but recently i spend too much, i just bought a laptop, pay my sch fee, i must control my spending. For broccoli, cauliflower, we jus cut to small pieces or blend it? Wow, Raelynn start to eat rice?

SH> shernise also taking rice and she seems to enjoy it..i think fatbabe start tytus on rice when he is barely 5-6 mths..

Bryest> glad that Estovan finally pooed..

Febie> ya, what happened to shayne?

Re: peekaboo

Sounds fun.. see if i can take leave on Tues!

andie> ur suggestion sounds enticing... hahaha...

febie> ya, what happened to shayne? hope he'll b fine and you can join us.

the more the merrier. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just want to share a quick recipe from the cute book i borrowed. it involves the baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

guacamole crunch

1 ripe avacado cut into small pieces

1/4 cup small snacks

1. place snacks in ziplock bag and help baby to crush cereal by hand or rolling pin.

2. add avacado to zip lock bag

3. continue crushing and mashing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!


ooo.... save $$ on KS... spend somewhere else! hehe...


wah! really luk serious in reading the book... hw i wish my gal has that level of concentration....


can i join u all too? i'll see if i can make it next tues...


ya wat happened to shayne??


envy lei... gg trip liao...

Xin / andie, what time & where u gals meeting next Tuesday? If u gals don mind, I'll like to join the fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin > thanks for the simple and fun recipe. I can almost imagine Bryan hitting the zip lock bag with his bare hands thinking that it's some new toys. Oh, for next Tues session at Peekaboo, I will try to see if I can take leave (and yes, I need to clear leave, but planning it is difficult).

Febie > is shayne ok? Sounds really serious...

Bryest > I am sure you are overjoyed now. Like what most mummies say, give Estovan more fruits and water etc, but think don't give too much apple as I remember someone or I read somewhere that apples can cause constipation too.

apple_gal > I cut the broccoli and cauliflower into small chunks and boil them in the porridge together. I tend to put it in in the early stage so it will be super soft and mash off nicely (though I am causing loose of good Vits as well).

Re: rice

Other than cooking the rice wetter, is there anything else to add in? Otherwise the rice will be pretty bland even with the dishes cook separately right? Is it ok to give rice is baby still have no teeth?

big foot: OKok, i will try out this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks! Your baby still no teeth huh? Same as my gal.

morning mommies,

Yongxian is officially a boh-geh 10 months old baby today. How time flies...

andie> i missed the fun yesterday. Yongxian did not sleep well the night before so I headed home to take a rest instead. Sounds like you all had a lot of fun.

febie> hope all is well with Shayne.

lamb> no worries. as long as she's growing well.

bryest> glad that the 'gold' is finally out.

big_foot> Yongxian is also boh geh. I find it's easier for him to swallow if the food is not too dry. I feed him porridge that is not too smooth and watery. When I do give rice, it's grain by grain. sometimes i try to eat something without chewing and try to munch and swallow to see how it feels like before offering it to him.

apple_gal> maybe can also try minced meat with tofu? i added chopped coriander also but depends on whether your gal will take it.

bigfoot>my mom will steam the fish/meat separately for Ayden and will sometimes scope some of the steaming liquid into the rice so its not so bland. The rice we give him is mixed with fish/meat/veg. Ayden gums everything v well leh. But then, it really depends on how ready Bryan is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe you can give him a bit first and see how he reacts to it?

BTW, Ayden has no teeth too

cocomama > thanks for your advise. wow! grain by grain is a lot of effort!! For your minced meat with tofu, do you cook both of these things on its own? If you do, how do you do it? Is it better to give chicken, pork or beef?

Any mummies try giving egg yolk to your bb yet? I wouldn't try so soon, but would just like to know how LOs take it.

tyl > i guess I am a lazy mummy cos find steaming the food separately is a lot of effort and washing. Anyway, that aside, how does your mum steam the fish or meat? As in she sure need to add something into the fish/meat to make it tastier, so what does she usually add?

good morning all...

finally got time to pop in... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks all for your concern...

Shayne's belly button has this infection which refused to heal...

so his PD suggest I see the surgeon... She suspect that the hole did not really close when the UC dropped...

ET, his eczema not so jialat until eat antibiotic lah...

but PD suggests more swim swim...

so Swim buddies, we gotta swim more more... :p

big_foot> i don't give him rice as a meal leh.. it's usually when we are eating and he's eyeing us, then i will just give him a few grains to try. i cook the minced meat with the porridge and at the very end stir in the tofu and chopped coriander. I would say it would be good to give him some varieties. I have fed him chicken, pork and beef but beef I only know how to grill or stew, not cook with porridge.

I am going to try giving him egg yolk this weekend. Hope he will like it.

Have you tried the steam meat by itself? They can taste quite good and refreshing on it's own. I find that steam cod has a natural sweetness to it. I do add wolfberry and red dates to his porridge though.

febie> huh, how come after so many mths then realise it did not heal? hope he is ok...

big foot> i did try adding some sesame oil and dark soya sauce.. as for egg, shernise had 3/4 of chawamushi the other day

Sherry, I ald notice since a few mths back...

his PD suggest let it heal naturally but when i see pus coming out, i brought him to GP...

apply the antibiotic cream liao but still dun work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and worst now he refusing oral antiobiotic...

big foot, think u addressing to me lah...

The PD says chlorine water at the pool helps alot...

Xin: Thanks for sharing the recipe. It sounds fun! Btw, what's the title of the book?

TYL: Wow, Ayden no teeth but can eat rice, he's good leh!

Bigfoot: I introduced egg yolk to my boy last week (he's 9 mths now). Mixed into his porridge. He took it ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie: What happened to our handsome Shayne? Why does he need to see surgeon?

Febie: Did it because we never let the belly button dry at all time after bathing? My MIL always remind me to make sure belly button and ear to dry of water.

Febie, Hope the haze go away so our LO can swim this sunday...

Leticia belly button also didnt heal properly after it dropped off n pd prescribe some kind of antibotic powder to apply.

Hope Shayne belly button heal quicky :D

my gal's belly button oso didn heal properly previously... PD used something (like a blue crystal) n dropped into the belly button... den removed it after 30mins which it turned green colour...

bigfoot>we don't add anything to the food to make it tastier. cos not supposed to add seasoning, no? If I'm the one doing, I would steam rice as usual, then half-way through it when its almost done, put the veg/meat/fish in a small metal plate and put it into the rice-cooker/steamer to steam together. Less cleaning up and saves electricity. Then use mix the ingredients with the rice and serve.

sometimes we add wolfberries in too. Like cocomama says, the food has a natural sweetness. I tasted some of the rice with salmon and brocolli that my mom gave Ayden on Mon and I find it v tasty.

Actually, I intend to give Ayden whatever we're eating, just with no seasoning. I've asked my mom to put aside a bit of whatever fish/meat/veg she s preparing for the day and cook it as above. Or if she is doing soup, to just pour soup before seasoning and some of the ingredients into the rice.

Febie>phew, glad Shayne is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart>he gums his food but he seems to enjoy it so we serve it to him now. Also easier cos no need to blend the food anymore.

It was hard convincing my mom to give him rice though cos she was so worried that he won't know how to eat it. Only after I serve it to him in front of her and she finished all the rice was she convinced that he could do it. This was done after he refused her porridge. :p

Sherry>wah, Shernise so good. Ayden doesn't seem to like chawan mushi


wah, ayden really power... i was so tempted to let my gal try eating rice but scared she dono hw to gum... sure end up swallowing it whole...


from left to right:

Xin (Matthias), Wendy (Lucas), Andie (Emma), Tam (Ryan)

Was @ Peekaboo - 21 Oct

Catch up with ur soon ya .. As i got no time to read up e posts .. My bil will fetch mi & lucas over to Baby Expo @ ard 3-ish later ..

3 boi & Emma had lots of fun yest .. Even this mummy also had lots of exercise there ..

Lucas went for his 9 mths assessment in e morning .. & he pass his 'tests' .. So nxt visit will be 15mths MMR injection .. Was told to let Lucas try eye yolk since he's 9mths today & egg white when he's 12 mths, if not he cant take e MMR injection if he didn't eat egg white by 15mths ..

How do ur let ur LO eat e egg yolk? just boil in together with e porridge or hard boiled egg yolk?


febie, hope shayne recovers fast...

cocomama...hehe HW same same like YX...both born on same day, both bogeh as at 10mths

