(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

shokel>really ar? current promo about 2.5k for 5 days, with airfare. hee, can spend 2 more days there. but donno will b bored in the resort or not.

wendy>ok, will try to take more photos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Xin> Maybe we can meet up to go to e airport :> Hope by then i have packed everything up la .. cos shifting things over my parents' place on 26th ..

pauline- ya china square central flea market sunday.. u can always c us there.. hahaha

he is in love with his Dragonball cards n toys..

His excuses is funny one.. he say in case anything happen to him in future.. i can sell away his toys n cards n inherit a big sum.. -__-"

anyway im so excited!

Will be staying at cityview hotel..

so last minutes holiday..

clubmed phuket sounds affordable leh.. include airticket ah? if 5D4N cheaper.. i will go 5days lo hahaha..

Shokel: maybe Ashton is not suitable for the ingredient mixed in the shi shen fen.. u can check which one he is allergy to..

He will be fine ok ..

My boy oso Ashton leh heehee..

they call them "macho" hahaha

oh ya,... im bring my Ashton to HK this fri..

wondering if HK water is safe?

do i need to bring water there?

TYL - I just remembered my sis went to Clubmed Bintan (abt 5yrs back)...they loved it that they went 2nd time to clubmed but at Phuket with their 2 kids (abt 3yrs back)....

So i think clubmed really nice place to go...but we still cant decide to go when? my hubs said go short trip by this yr and which is like only left nov or dec...and cost ~$1500-1600...so still thinking to go there anot.

Somemore clubmed bintan no baby clud so cant deposit bb there.....

Wendy- tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl: ya, tat mummy went last mth no promo

Wor.. Hah, more days then more couple time lor.. Cos there wil be a bunch of nice ladies taking care of ayden for u.. Super friendly n well equipped..

Affan: hah.. Mine not macho cos he is more on the slim side as I'm still bfing .. Haha.. Lucky not serious .. Ya, think must avoid these powder stuff.. Cos my frd intro me to eys si sen fen so try lor.. Argggh.. End up not suitable... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

A big tin lor..

hi mummies!!


sorry for the late reply.... i using crestar, iirc tis model:


tink ard $260... reason i remember was coz the blade length, some cant fit in hdb flat...

haiz, all the talk abt club med really tempting me!! but i hv an excuse... i hven done passport for my gal n oso new passport for me... lol!


both of us are the 'poor' mummy...

Afann > Guys got their own hobbies .. As long is healthy hobbies it's ok la .. Can pass on to Asthon, den more generations down also .. *Hee

I suppose HK water shld be safe la .. Maybe TYL can advise?

Ur previous Bintan trip, u boil their tap water / buy mineral water ? :>

bbin> back from work ? :>

hiya mommies

I've been so out of touch! on a week long course but sneaking in office today to clear some urgent work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now my boss go for lunch so waiting for her to come back to clear my stuff. So stressed up!

Envious of mommies going for holidays!


Clubmed Phuket sounds great! Means no need to bring stroller too uh? But I'm so broke right now. A holiday is the last thing in my cards.


So good, you can still go on holiday altho you're still doing up the house! I'm so thankful my hubby managed to clear all the reno expenses w/o needing to take a reno loan. I really had a lot of sleepless nights thinking about the $$ issues! So how's the prog of yr reno coming along?

So far my floor - 2 homes are filled up. My neighbour just beside me moved in on 101010. hahaha


still @ work... counting down to 1.30pm!! so zombie rite nw... coz gal kept whinning throughout the night, @ 1hr interval... nw hungry n sleepy... sianz....

Afann, hkg water is safe! Think it's thailand the tap water nt portable. When r u coming bk? I suppose to fly tmr morn but flight schedule change fly pm instead, I will n bk tues morn

afann>cityview hotel not bad mah. My friend told me got a porridge place opp it that's v good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I book my air tix separately.

I didn't bring water over to HK but if you want, can buy from watson. v cheap. your hotel will prob provide it too.

manunited>ohh, ok. If cannot settle a date soon, then wait for another promo. Sure will have de bah. But I think if you stay 5D, will get the adults at kids prices so think price will drop to 1200+ wor.

shokel>I'm not sure if I want to place Ayden at the BB club med at leh. But I think prob place him there for at least 1 day. I checked and can also put the babies there for 1/2 day.

Yl, I see, my hubby collects mainly spaceships nowadays n the house is so cluttered so he leaves a lot of toys at his parents' place. I dun know why my quote so exp also, actually I dun need 2 rooms cos raeanne can share our king bed while Mei Mei sleeps in her cot? But she may be a bit big for the cot by then. The most add an extra bed in our room then. :p

Afann, your hubby must be thinking of the "40 year old virgin", hehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbin, thanks for checking. Your fan looks very nice. Too bad I need a light with the fan. :p

Pauline>if you are still keen, maybe you can call up Club Med Singapore and see if they can do a special quote for you?

small dreams - no lah...abit hard also after the reno...so just thinkkin of short trip, maybe will not go clubmed cos' $1500-1600 not cheap actually....maybe will just go msia...lol....

Your hubby paid for all the reno himself??? mine is shared by both of us...

My reno very slow...so far just done up the parque flooring and platform for MBR...the rest not done yet....but they hv to finish by next mth (cos 4mths already)

i think my floor only one unit moved in....did u see any vagrants there at nite?

Tyl, ya, maybe will call them n check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Manu, yup, I always go penang for my short trips. Very cheap if u buy budget airtickets early. Definitely less than $1k n penang food is so yummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy, ya healthy hobbies ya.. lolz =p

firipy- gg fri morning till monday night then come bk.. city view hotel loh..

wad kind of water from watson? cn drink mineral water meh? or buy those pure drinking water n boil?

i went bintan jus my own water leh.. bring two bottle..

Aiyo.. my HB also collects a lot of figurines of super heroes & Transformer/ Gundam.. See him buy i very heartpain cos so expensive. only can display also cannot take n play or use.... I told him our bb is gal so must buy more Hello Kitty or Bears cos mummy also like. :D

Hahaha... I also guilty leh, i collect My Melody and Precious Moments, but i got baby boy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ada, i also tell my hubby if anything happen to me, take out my collection and sell can fetch alot of $$.. That time during pregnant time, i also sold a few pieces to get back some $$ for my breast pump.. lol..

lsntyl> guess i'm too used to planning diving vacations cause some places cannot dive all year round and some months are better than the rest of the year. as for taipei, as long as weather is nice and cooling and typhon is not in season can liao..

smalldreams> don't be sad. i mostly go cuti-cuti malaysia only. actually, it's the company that is most meaningful.

cocomama>hee, that is true. Taipei can go all year round lah. Depends on what you want to do. Think go in Feb/Mar, can go strawberry picking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ada, I m staying at royal plaza. I go google see near or nt, hee! I m going to boil tap water , watsons one is either distill or mineral water. U wanna buy dun get mineral water. Cos bb too small drink mineral water will get increase chance of kidney stones. My fren nephew kanna that, see u in hkg! Got report say sat mite get typhoon there on sat lo....

Afann> Enjoy ya!! Can do lots of shopping @ HK :>

ET> I love My Melody too .. But i dun usually collect stuffs, except for when i was young, i collected phonecards .. To mi like no use now .. Haha!

Cy> Wa ur hubby also collects toys .. U can do ur own collections of gal toys too :>

firipy> Enjoy ya !! :>

HI all,

So nice to see so many of u planning to go on holidays. I feel like going too, but cant leave my bb in Sing. TO bring her out for tour also ma fan..........

Think can only take leave for few days and stay in singapre.

firipy, mineral water will cause kidney stones ah.. wah.. Think i have to lug the water from home..

Wendy, my ex-colleagues all back in Thailand also, but they stay Pattaya, will likely be meeting them for dinner somewhere in between BKK and Pattaya.. hehe..

Wendy> I like to buy BEARs, those type got names kind... Now very to keep up cos need save money cannot anyhow buy.

Worse is now Central opened a new shop selling bears but is super expensive type. No discount were given by hb x-colleague [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ET> Ic!! tt's gd .. OMG really gonna lug ur water ? how many bottles? My hubby actually was laughing @ mi, he thinks tt i wun be going overseas, as i keep worrying on e food & water tt Lucas can take .. Sianx! :<

re: water

I think if the place has a well developed and hygienic water treatment and sanitary system, it should be safe to drink boiled tap water. When I was in Indonesia, I gave YX boiled bottled water that was provided by the resort. I think it was just normal bottled drinking water, not mineral.

Baby Fair

I understand that there will be a baby fair this weekend. Any mommies planning to go? I wonder whether there's any good deal on diapers.

All travel bound mommies> enjoy your vacation.

wow so many mummies goin on holidays. I oso wanna go but not brave enuff to bring my gal go leh. especially she is so active think would wear me out even more.

Yeocouple, i reply ur email. I would order tonite.

Any mummies keen in ordering items from Old Navy? If yes, let me know by tonite k?

hey talking abt toys, i collecting Cherish Teddies... love it so much...

even Shayne too... cos he loves their hands and legs.... Muahahhaa...

those extra ones i have, i let shayne play...

hard to find in SG now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nowadays suddenly i like hello kitty. but all HK stuff so x. last time i like pooh bear. dunno y the change after delivery.

Called club med to check, confirmed that $2066 is correct for 2a2c without air tic. Even if I squeeze all into 1 room also same price cos they go by per head n not the room charge. :p bintan better, $1800 but at least it includes ferry tickets so $450 per pax for 4 nights incl food n accommodation so seems better. But bintan got no baby club. :p

ET, distilled water or reverse osmosis water(new water kind) is ok, just dun get mineral water. U can bring some there n dump into your check-in luggage, at the most u n ur hb drink. Cos even us adults we also dun drink their tap water.

Wendy, thanks, I worry alot oso lei but I wanna have a holiday, deprived for a yr plus le, hehehe! So bite the bullet n go.

bluey, we keep in touch again n arrange for the milk exchange okie.

Wah, so happening abt club med, I m nt a beach person plus nw after delivery my shape super out, dun dare to wear swimsuit hahaha!

jessietan - Thanks for inviting us to Arwen's party, we'd surely attend! Hehhehe. DH and I plan to keep it simple, just us 3 at home and I'm still thinking if I should order those eggless, sugarless cakes for her birthday cake. So fast ... they're turning 1. I really should buck up and start teaching her new things already ... *sigh* The things that we have to do as moms are endless!!!

ET - Where are you going? Even SH has purified water of which I give to Nat. Developed countries should be ok.

cocomama - Hehehe, yeah, sorry ... just dun wanna expose her photos here to public. Friends have been warning me about paedophiles too. Anyway ... ponytails, the hair ties also keep dropping coz' hair too soft and little for now. Not thick enough.

Seriously you guys should consider a shopping trip to Seoul. Really full of nice kids clothes, shoes and accessories, damn cheap too. Also the Sanrio there are so much cheaper!The airticket totally justified the price! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb: Yes, it would be nice to have some friends to help celebrate A's birthday. I know that day I sure feel abit sad cos both grandparents can't be there...

You want Elmo DVDS or not huh? The spree I am doing got quite a few. I went mad and order 8 new Sesame streets DVD.Each 22.50 RMB !


tink crestar oso got models tat hv lights... u go to their webby n take a luk... for me, coz i oredi hv those pelmet lights so don nid lighting on the fan...


alot of elmo dvds ah... hmm... tempting....


Do u noe where is a good shopping place in seoul for bb stuff? I love shopping there! But the last time I went, I only bought lots of etude house,faceshop,clothes,accessories for myself! I'll be there for work next week, so prolly go crazy shopping!!

If any mummies need me to help get anything, lemme noe yah!

whoa, you all talking abt club med then today hb came hm and say want go club med maldives... haha... but he say only lah. we nd to go sydney next feb for friend's wedding. and i want go switzerland. think club med have to wait. :p

and i not gg cruise liaoz. coz seems like children under 3yo cant go. anyone heard of tt ruling bef?

wendy> will let you know the time once i confirm. if i got playdate at my place will inform u too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boy has not poo for 6 days already. Tomolo will be the 7th day. Wanted to give him peach or prunes but we are in japan now and we can't find peach or prunes here. Any other fruit or food I can give him to make him poo. Any advice. Thanks a lot.

bryest> was just thinking where you disappeared to. :p.

think someone mentioned all foods start with P can try, like pear, papaya, peas...

drink lots of water. and massage his stomach? is his stomach hard?

maybe change of environment?



enjoy yr toy collection trip....My hubby & me opp ---I'm the collector of HK & care bear fully sponsor by him until we had Joey..stopped no more liao..but he bought alot of HK clothing everytime on business trip (*_^)

Talking abt travelling,I'm full of anger, Nov is my sch term holiday and hubby had been scheduled to europe for business/conference trip for 10 days...blood boiling...luckily got Joey to entertain me in s'pore or else I pack and go somewhere wif my gals frenz too...

