(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Cy, the PD abit lousy leh...

sad sad... time to search for a better one now...

Will see what the surgeon say...

I hope the haze cleared too...

bad weather...


bbin> Dun needa sad la.. Open daily & free entrance till our LO hit 11mths :> We can organise another Peekaboo & let ur gal join in k .. Lucas might motivate her to crawl :>

lsntyl - You know ... I was planning on letting Nat try rice this weekend coz' I found a recipe from gina ford on just using cheese and peas to put in the rice. I was thinking of steaming the rice in the steamer. Dunno if I'll be successful. But after reading all the posts about indigestion here, I dunno how much of rice should I feed nat. My mom, like your mom, was very apprehensive about me starting rice on Nat. She thinks it'll lead to indigestion, not so much of whether she can chew or not coz' Nat already can gum down food pretty ok. I have already been giving her quite a fair bit of textured stuff like pasta, and porridge I dun even mash up so much these days with actual meat. But the meat is still torn up but no longer pureed form. Just wanna give her something different in the evening as opposed to soups and rice cereals.

sherry, pauline, shane - How much of a rice do you let your LOs eat per meal?

Since Lucas is still zZz, i can see through e posts .. :>

Bryest> U must have let out a relief after ur boi poo-d .. :> Enjoy e rest of ur trip ya :>

Koonie> Ya gal really can sit down & read ? Lucas knows how to tear apart e book nia .. OMG!

Tam> Do update us of ur trip in Dec ya .. :>

ET, febie > sorry, me blur. Was so concentrating on the swimming idea on eczema, but that's an interesting thing to learn about the relationship between chlorine and eczema cos always thought that too much chlorine is bad for skin.

tyl > thanks for your advise and suggestion. I always thought steaming food on its own without any form of seasoning will end up with very dry food item. Now I know and should try your rice cooker steaming method too. Saves time and effort!

cocomama > thanks for your recipe as well. Nope, I am not a fan of steam meat cos I don't really like meat item as find that there is a smell at times. Nevertheless, I think I will try it for Bryan as the most, daddy just have to finish it.

wendy > your pix are tempting me to take leave next Tuesday!!!

lamb>maybe can give a bit to Nat then observe? We give Ayden a few tablespoons. All agar agar. If he still wants, we give more. If not, we don't force. Can just prepare the rice like you normally do bah.

Ayden started taking rice from last Sun. No indigestion so far, despite my mom's fears. But then babies consitution varies so you need to observe bah.

wendy>hee, if got good deals on diapers, can sms me? If nothing good, I won't bother to go to the baby fair after work.

Peekaboo looks fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bigfoot>hee, actually, we cook our rice in a steamer but the method should work for rice cooker too. This is our lazy method. Think as long as you don't overcook the dishes, shouldn't be too dry.

If you don't like meat, maybe can start with fish? I find steamed flaked salmon goes very well with rice.

febie, so swimming is good for eczema..I must really bring Oliver to swim soon..

Lamb, i also gave my boy rice for dinner, he can take 1/3 of a bowl plus toufu/meat/fish/veggies.. Those undigested ones, he will poo out.. Ever since i started solids on him, i will see his poo before i throw, so sometimes can see some food that is undigested, like corn, carrot..

Tyl> I dun think diapers will have gd sales over there .. E first 1 i went i bought huggies ultra @ 12.50bucks .. E lastest 1 e prices was up to 13bucks .. After i calculate, think it's more worth to get e Jumbo ultra instead @ Fairprice :>

sherry, lsntyl & ET - Thanks. Yeah, I guess it varies from LO to LO. Do you all still mash up the rice? Or just give them as the grain?

wendy>if don't have, then I can save a trip lor. :p Just in case u see good offers there lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>we don't mash it up anymore. serve it as it is.

eh, we always agar agar the ration of water vs rice so cannot advice. Also not accurate since we cook rice for everyone at same time. Paiseh.

lamb>no probs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun experimenting.

Just curious, you don't normally cook rice? For us, we really just cook as normal. No need to add more grains cos the proportion that he eats is really little. At most, just add more water so rice will be softer


Hhaha, of course I do cook rice. All the time back in SH. My DH is a china man ... must eat rice one, dun eat ang mor food. Just that over in sgp, I tend to eat out more. It's my 'break', so I dun really cook at home. My rice cooker at home is a very simple one-button sorta cooker.

So I thought of trying out steamer to steam rice. The ratio for cooking rice I've always used is 1:1.1 but it also depends on what kinda rice grains. Yesterday, I tried with the brown rice in the rice cooker and I realized it requires a bit more water lor.

lamb>hee, understand. Ya, I remember you said your hubby not v adventurous with food and only prefers certain dishes so you cook quite often at home. That's why curious why you want to know proportion. Think steamer and rice cooker the same lah. Brown rice does need more water but white rice just cook as normal. my mom and I always agar agar de. :p

Wendy, nice pic...

update us what's at the fair... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think i will try giving rice to Shayne...

yday the PD said his weight drop... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

only 8.2KG despite 70cm now...

ask me to feed him more...

feeding is a challenge...

think when Shayne is 2 yrs old i gotta start paying fare for MRT & Bus liao...

Nestle cerelac infant cereal brown rice stage 1 (6 mths+)

Price: $9 for 2 tins

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant ceral rice & mixed fruits stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $4 for 1 box

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal rice & mixed vegetables stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $8 for 2 boxes

Exp date: 21/05/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal multigrain & mixed fruits stage 4 (12 mths+)

Price $4.50

Exp date: 23/01/2011

Nestle Nan Pro stage 2 (400g)

Price $10

Exp date: 31/12/2011

Interested, pls pm me.

febie>just carry/sling/pram him when you pass the MRT gantry or go up bus. Then don't need to pay yet. :p

Blur me didn't realise got 9 month assessment. Must go check his health booklet le. For health assessment, do we need to go PD? Or will GP do? His previous health assessments were done when he had appointment with KK PD for checkup. But we have no more checkups scheduled with the KK PD le.

Hi mummies,

Good afternoon!!

After reading the postings for the past few days, I realised my son is not the only bo geh baby ard. Asked my pd and she said it is normal, and some babies only get their first tooth at 13 mths.

Also, my son can only do leopard crawl as he somehow cant seem to lift his bum bum up.

Peekaboo seemed so fun and I wished I could join u gals but can a baby who does leopard crawl enjoy himself with such limited mobility?

No pro will update any gd sales from Baby Expo ..

Tyl> u sms mi wad brand of diapers u wanna get .. i help u check :>

Febie> Lucas is 9.9kg !! Super heavy la .. always his weight is 90%, height is 70.4cm, 50% den head is always 25%, i dun see tt he got small head lo ..

YL, the PD actually schedule me to go back next yr for his one mth accessment. but that period his eczema flare up, so she ask if I wanna go again...

Febie>oic. think better go discuss with hubby and try to slot in an assessment for Ayden. Guess go PD better. Donno if my family doctor got the digital weighing scale or not. :p

wow lucas is bug and tall... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at least he is of acceptable weight, no worries...

YL, think our boys same same lor...

Hello mummies...

TYL, Febie> My Lucas is also sama, sama....8kg+ nia. Worse still, he was sick recently and PD told me he lose 0.5kg worth of weight just within a 5 days time frame....Sigh...Poor boy!

Re: Feeding rice

Hey, I think I will try a little out on Lucas too when he regains his appetite (coz he always seems to be very interested in adult food de)....He seems to start to regain his appetite liao although still not drinking much...Each day that he is sick, he only drinks 200-300ml of milk nia and eat nothing else....Heart pain!

megan> ha..ha... was wondering how HW is doing too.

wendy/lsntyl> oh! got 9 months assessment? i totally missed that. nowadays i bring YX to the GP instead.

big_foot> maybe try steam cod or salmon for a start?

re: babyfair

i just came back and was rather disappointed. it only took up half the hall. just the usual stuffs and less. diapers also not worth going all the way there. i only bought a packet of Huggies Dry Comfort at $17.90. the other diapers there are drypers and mamy poko. Ended up I only bought a packet of diaper, a cloth book and a packet of carters bodysuits. the electronics fair 2 doors away was way more interesting.

cocomama>I also didn't know got 9 months assessment till a few moms started talking about it.

The dry comfort is for how many pieces? Do you happen to remember how much the Drypers are and if they have the pull-up pants? My mom likes the Drypers pull-up pnats.

luvbabe>hope Lucas can gain back the weight quickly!

tyl > you also gave birth in KKH? Didn't the PD ask whether you want to continue with Ayden's follow-up there? Cos if you want to chart Ayden's growth assessment with them, they will plan for it at different milestones and would recommend you to go back if there are any issues in between.

re: 9 months assessment

Bryan did his 9 mths assessment last week at polyclinic. There's nothing much they check; basically just ask a few questions. Main thing they do is to conduct a hearing test whereby they showed him a ball, then throw it a distance away. At the same time, they have this gadget that makes some sound. It is to see if our LOs respond to those sounds. This is a free assessment for all Singapore citizens and there is no waiting time required.

cocomama and tyl > thanks for the suggestions! I only tried steaming cod (the only fish and meat item) once, but it was with potato, carrot and meatstock which I have Bryan as a meal. I shall try steaming fish only for him this weekend! :D

wendy > Bryan's percentile is totally opposite of Lucas'. Only his head reaches the 50%. Anything else is just past 25%. Hahaha!!!

bigfoot>no leh. KK never asked me this.

Oh, can bring baby to polyclinic for free assessment? I'll do that instead. Much easier than finding a PD. :p No need to make appointment? We can just walk in?

lsntyl> the dry comfort is 60 pieces for L size. The same pack is selling at $18.95 in NTUC. They have drypers drypants too. I din see the price though. But the normal drypers diapers was $11.20 for 48 pieces. I think it's about the same promotion that NTUC has at $22.60/2 packs.

luvbabe> hope Lucas will regain his weight and appetite very soon.

big_foot> no worries. i also check out the recipes that other mommies here posted.

tyl > hmmm... maybe the different PDs in KK works differently. Erh... not sure if need to make appt usually cos they did it for him when he was there for his last jab at 6 mths old. The nurses and docs I encountered for all different things always super kiasu, so plan everything way in advance.

cocomama>thanks. Wendy just smsed me that the drypers pull up pants is 12.80. Same price as in the shops so no point making a special trip for it.

60 piece of huggies dry comfort can get online for 14.80 self-collect or 15 home delivery if can hit 200

Cocomama, the BP got one seller selling the huggies dry comfort for $15 per pack, but must order $200 then have free delivery..

bigfoot>no prob. I'll call and ask. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think will try to make appointment so we don't waste time there.

lsntyl, ET> yeah.. only thing is i can't hit $200 yet. so just buy 1 pack to use first until i need to stock up FM, then will stock everything up together. gosh... my place going to turn into a baby grocery store soon.

littlelamb, I only fed her about 1 tablespoon so far and that's before her actual dinner (porridge) cos she saw her Cheh cheh's dinner and keep walking to the coffee table to grab the bowl, much to her Cheh Cheh's irritation. So I took pity on her and gave her some rice lor. hahaha.

Hi all,

9 months assessment just over for Bryan. I think he is the only underweight baby boy here. Only weight 7.5kg only. Haha. PD advised to give him more milk.

Bryan drank about 240ml per feeding. Is it too little for a 9 month old baby?


How many milk feeds of 240ml is Bryan drinking per day? 240ml is ALOT!!! My gal's only drinking 150ml to 210ml per milk feed. Total only 3 milk feeds per day. But she's already on 3 solid meals per day though. How many solid meals does Bryan have everyday? Maybe he's just genetically small built?

josie> Yongxian is taking between 210-260ml per feed. He takes 4 milk feeds per day and 2 solid meals of 70-80ml each. On top of that, he also drinks between 300-400ml of water. His body is a little lean although I feel arm breaking when carrying him.

sp_callalily> is 240ml considered a lot at this age?

Baby expo > there's nth for mi to get. I would advise mummy not to go. It's a wasted trip for mi, but luckily it's my bil fetching us over n back home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ultra is selling at 14 bucks! Dry comfort at 17.90bucks for L60.

Thanks Wendy for the updates...

Wow all the babies drinking a lot.,,

Shayne dropped from 180 to 140ml or even less...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I busy wif my studies and wrk...but my colleagues juz do watever milestane mention in the booklet lei...cos during nursing student times also do those simple testing....FOC service probably can bring Joey for 10mths assessment hehehhe...


tks for the update...bb expo =p



dun worry ur bb is not the only one underweight. My gal is underweight too. Less than 7.5kg at the moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

240 ml of milk is a lot. How many milk feed ur bb take each day?


why must bb take egg white first before taking mmr?

btw thanks for the bb expo update. save my trip down.


Are you going to give ur bb mmr-v jab or mmr jab? My PD ask me to consider which one to give bb. MMR-V is new in the market leh (abt 2 yrs). but better protection against chickenpox.

