(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

lsntyl - Hhehee ... yeah, so I tried my cheese and peas rice earlier and it was a success. Except I had to steam like 40 mins! For like 1/4 of brown rice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Didn't realize it takes that long to steam. But Nat took the rice pretty well. I gave her about 6 tbsp of it. Was worried it might be too heavy for her to drink milk but she still managed to finish her milk after that ... glad it turned out fine.

pauline - So she can now walk independently?


anks all the mummies for your fan inputs. Finally bought my ceiling fan for the gals' room today. In the end, bought a small baby fan (Alpha LK1) cos hubby thinks the room is not that big and he feels small acrylic fan blades are safer for kids. Costs me almost $300 including installation. For the same price, I still think bigger fan will be more powerful but I think RaeAnne will love the new fan. They are installing tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks, Vivian. I'm hoping that there won't be too much dust during installation tomorrow cos hubby has to work and MIL is not free so both kids are home with me while the maid will be busy cooking and doing the weekly cleaning of the house. :p

Hehe, Raelynn just happened to be faster on the walking milestone. Not clever lah. Her Cheh Cheh only walked at 14 months but she talked and gestured faster. Me and hubby always joked that Raelynn can walk faster cos she has lower CG (25% percentile for height). ;)

Vivian, actually it's the opposite cos we can't leave her alone anymore. At least if she's crawling, she moves a bit slower and she can't reach certain things. Now, she's opening drawers, touching fans etc. The other day, she pulled the table cloth and cause her sister's bowl of rice to topple onto the floor. :p But I'm glad I don't have to carry so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya! Pauline, I never actually thought of that! Cos now my bb now crawl very fast and keeps standing up (unstable one of course) and I have to be always by his side in case he falls... So I thought now your gal knows how to walk by herself so should be more relaxing;p haha... I think diff stage got diff thing to look after lor...


Yongxian drinks ALOT ALOT of water!!! I only give Aly between 70ml to 100ml max water per day depending on weather. For 9 to 12mths, should b working twds the LOs obtaining most of their nutrition from solids. Milk intake should not exceed 600ml/day if u wanna encourage them to eat solids as too much milk can lead to potential refusal of solids in the long run. Total amt of solids should fall somewhere between 410ml to 530ml/day divided bet 3 meals. But if Yongxian eats & drinks well, some feeds of 240ml is ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!


tats a really cute fan u've got for raelynn... but tot even if its acrylic, still dangerous since the blades moving... unless its those soft material kind which we put on the pram... tat confirm is safe... :p


240ml?! wow... hw i wish my gal is consistent in finishing her 180ml... i'll b happy liao...


wah, hw did u manage to let yongxian drink so much water?! my gal cant even finish 50ml of water... still fuss on the temperature... normal temperature will refuse to drink... muz b warm water then will 'give face' drink abit...

remember one mummy mention abt turf city got one playgym is free for babies under 12mths old... anybody remember the name of the playgym? i tinkin of gg later in the afternoon...

wow..u mummies are earlier ...overslept till now gotta go marketing but anti-septic products for hse cleaning---hehehe found a gd filip part time helper to do hsechores =p x2/wk let me noe if anyone here need sos cleaning..


it's ok for bb to drink more water help to hydrate them and pee alot ,e weather heaty now also...or u can try brewing some si shen soup like wat MIL doin..seems gd =)

hmmm...maybe i seldom log in so many new members here--- welcome ! (*_^) this thread had been running since last yr when we are all preggie...add me in fb - Koonie Ang ([email protected])

gtg market 1st =p


ya, wanted my gal to drink more water but she don drink alot like cocomama... used to oso make barley water previously but nwadays nvr liao... getting lazy oso...

juz added u in FB....

Bluey> Ehx i'm not sure y too .. Maybe mummies here who knows can advise?

Pauline> I got this multicolour bb fan for Lucas's room too :> I love e apples on e blades :> But i saw it @ 288bucks with installation wor .. Where u bought it? Mine is @ a cheaper price as i dun need installation by them ..

Vivian> I still dunno when i can go over Peekaboo again .. As it's far 4 mi .. I'm staying @ Yishun .. & now i'm busying packing up to go over my parents' place nxt tue as my hse is going on reno soon :>

BBin> I think it's Fidgets .. Let us know if it's a nice place for our LO to explore over @ there ya :>

The last two days must be the saddest day if my life.... Wedneday A was fine, eating an playing well then at night she suddenly developed cough she can't sleep at all cos of the cough even tho I gave her cough meds, whole night, we all did not sleep . Morning we bring her to PD who says she is wheezing and gave her nebuliser but did not make her better, at night we had to bring her to emergency room and she was still wheezing badly.

Sigh... as a nurse I know what to expect.. NEEDLES! She was poke once for bloos test which shows she had an infection. Then she need a steroids and antibiotic drip which means putting a IV line in her... she is very chubby so cannot find the vein, had to poke her 3 times still unsuccessful, by then she was hysteria with being sick, new environment and pain. I was crying too cos it really hurts like mad to see my baby in so much discomfort! Especially knowing Arwen's good nature, she must be feeling so bewildered by the pain! In the end, I request for her to be sedated before they try to put another IV line again, this time it worked and they manage to put a ling in. I know they need to do this becos if not the wheezing would not be control.

Poor Arwen.. sometimes this is why I dun want to have children because I feel I just bring them in this world to suffer... I can't protect her from so many things!

Today she is 80% better and we are bringing her home but she needs alot of rest and also the nebuliser for the next 5 days. The doctor said it is cause by virus which she caught in the air, not helping the fact, now season changing and weather turning cold, the virus is circulating even more now. There is nothing much we can do to prevent this from happening as it is a random event.

Haiz... I never slept for 48 hours and alsoo never eat , I wonder how I tahan siah but somehow I pull through, it is impossible to sleep or eat seeing how she is... I pray she would slowly recover her strength and be her normally self again. She is still very smilety and active but I know she must still feel very tired and need time to process the past few days events. What now worries me is that the odd of her occuring another episode of wheezing again is high and I really need to be very vigilant in the next few months when the winter is here!

thanks wendy!! i was trying to search the archives but cant find it... haha... luckily u replied.... sure, will give my 'humble review'... but not very accurate lei.. coz my gal cant crawl yet... hopefully she'll equally enjoy...

Jessie> Hope Arwen will recover fast & back to her chirpy self :> I know tt nth mummies is always e most 'wei da' ones ..

U gonna take care of urself too ..

Jessie, oh dear, u muz be really tired but the willpower to ensure Arwen gets well soon gets u going...

Dun worry, the heaven will bless Arwen and she will be back to her usual cheerful self before u realize.

Get well soon cutiepie auntie febie loves loves...

Jessie-take care ok

Jace fell from bed last night and vomitted very badly after the fall..vomitted everything including hid dinner..I was crying with him when he vomitted


Oh no!!! This is every mom's in SH's worst nitemare when it comes to winter ... our kids catching the cold and fall sick. The weather really has been fluctuating according to DH and my galfriends back there that some of them fell sick too. I always keep telling myself that falling sick is inevitable and hopefully she can gain further immunity with each time she falls sick. I can understand how you feel because it was just so tiring for me to go through 3 weeks of diarrhea + separation anxiety + teething with Nat the last trip home. Moreover, you're in a foreign land and parents just went home.

Please stay strong. Get nanny involved as much as possible while you rest, k? I would've cried if I were you too. Poor poor Arwen.


arwen will be stronger after this episode... u'll need to care for urself too... if not, u oso cant take care of arwen if u fall sick as well...


oh no... u brought jace to see doc oredi? tink its not gd tat after the fall, got vomit...


stay strong,can feel how u wen thru...pray that Arwen to recover soon frm the nasty virus and weather...


be careful with Jace ..they are now extraordinary active...hope tat everything is ok.

I never bring him see doc..he dun have any baluku anywhere and he seems normal today..and he vomit cos cried too hard..it's was so frightening that I was trembling..

Wendy, sigh, I got it at eunos warehouse. Mine was $290, $2 more exp. Where did u get yours? Actually eunos warehouse was cheap for fanco aroma but end up hubby decided on this small fan. :p

Jessie, poor Arwen. Hear already also feel heartpain for her esp the poke by needles 3 times part. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope she gets well soon. Can give her something to boost her immunity after she recovers? Echinacea? Cordyceps soup double boil with lean pork?


Oh no!!! This is every mom's in SH's worst nitemare when it comes to winter ... our kids catching the cold and fall sick. The weather really has been fluctuating according to DH and my galfriends back there that some of them fell sick too. I always keep telling myself that falling sick is inevitable and hopefully she can gain further immunity with each time she falls sick. I can understand how you feel because it was just so tiring for me to go through 3 weeks of diarrhea + separation anxiety + teething with Nat the last trip home. Moreover, you're in a foreign land and parents just went home.

Please stay strong. Get nanny involved as much as possible while you rest, k? I would've cried if I were you too. Poor poor Arwen.

Pauline> I 4got e place i bought it .. As it was our reno contractor who brought us there .. & we dun need them to install for us so it's cheaper abit la .. I only know e retail price is ard 288 or 299 :> As i saw it @ IMM & Expo Fair too ..

As long we like it ya :> Hee!! I super love it .. I saw it @ my fren's hse & fell in love 4 it .. Haha!

hi mummies!

back from fidgets... find it damn hard to locate lei... coz of the building layout, muz get to the another ulu spot to take lift up... confusing for 1st timer... but when we were there, saw alot of kids... its a great place for the older kids... but for my gal, boring... coz she cant crawl or walk or stand, so its only ball pit...


yeah!! 'met' one bb gal who's 1 month younger than my gal... the moment the father put her in the pit, she wanto cry liao... dono if its coz of me n hb or she really scared of the balls... lol! i tink its the later... 自欺欺人... :p

Lamb: Yah, it is my utlra worst nightmare to think about bring her to an Emergency room . Currently she is fine at home but still tired and not much appetite, I have to feed her milk using a 5ml syringe because she is too tired to suck from the bottle . ..so poor thing lor.

It is like as if someone torn out my heart and stab it with a knife like that. I wish I can say I am ok but I feel traumatised spiritually and mentally, I was tho amused to feel that this is like a case of broken heart , like I just broke up with a boyfriend kind.

But I must be strong because the next few days would need to take care of her .

Pauline : My mother say dun need to "bu" yet but just avoid all liang stuff and keep her indoors cos the weather her getting colder and colder liao.

Bride : So sorry to hear about Jace's fall and I hope he is ok too. Did you bring him to see doc?

Jessie, I see. So just avoid chinese pear? My gals have been sick for so long that I give them both echinacea n Cordyceps soup. Willing to try anything to boost their immunity n strengthen their lungs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline: I know what you mean, I called my mother just to ask what kind of bu to give Arwen but she said now too young to start anything. Just only give apple now and avoid all other fruits.

Re: DVD spree

Still will spree but I think I will only place orders on 30th October liao. I do have time to do this but the next few days I would not have time to answer all the emails so be patient with me yah. All your questions, I will find out and answer as soon as I can .


y not juz delay the spree? then u can concentrate on taking care of arwen n oso resting for urself... tink the mummies here won't mind to wait...

jessietan - *bigs hugs to Arwen and you* Do be strong, k? So scary to be able to catch the viral bug from the air. *sigh* Sometimes I also feel that it's harder to control them as they tend to touch things and then rub their eyes or put their hands into their mouths. Get all the help you can get.

Jessie > Hugs!! In tears when I saw your post.... I can understand how you feel about the pain, not being able to protect our LOs and all... It hurt me a lot when I have to put Bryan on the aerochamber 4 times a day too. He simply screamed his lungs out though it was only a few seconds for each session, but it was already too much for me... Reading Arwen being poked and being on drip is too much for me! Nevertheless, I am very certain she will be well and up in no time. PLEASE take good care of yourself and rest when you can. Remember that Arwen will not want to see a sick mummy when she gets well ya.

Bride > Hope Jace is ok too. Make sure you continue to monitor him for a couple of days cos it's not good to throw up after a fall, though it can be easily ruled as vomitting due to too much crying.

tam, xin> i just placed the order k. once she confirms about the hugtown sticker then i'll transfer the money. it should take 3 working days longest to reach me!

Thanks girls , we bought a nebuliser machine and just gave her a dose to make her breath better. I really pray she would start to drink more as her fontanel feel slightly sunken.. she just drank about 300mls today.. *sob.

Just consulted my MIL who is a respiratory doctor , she was not very surprised and term it as RSV which is like a virus germs that cause severe respiratory problems in babies. She said the immunity we give to our babies in our breastmilk are only temporary and by the 6th month, most of it is gone and babies would be affect by viruses easily, this kinda of make me cry abit cos I only BF Arwen for 2 months but she told me anyway one day they have to build their own and Arwen is now building her own immune systems.

She told me to expose her to the outside world more, I told her we almost bring her out everyday! To me, I think she is over exposure as she is always playing with a group of babies in our area!

Maybe it is a little silly to say this but when Arwen was in the emergency room getting poke and wailing in pain, I really felt my uterus contract! I was thinking it is mense cramp but I just had my menses and I dun have cramps one. The more she wails, the tighter my uterus contract, I felt like I was in very very early labor pain! I dun think got any scientific prove to say all these are link but for me, it is like my uterus is also affected. So bizarre siah.

Spree: I plan to continue but just delay it later because I need to keep myself occupied or else I would go nuts . I did not even close my store last two days, I need to go on with life or I be very consume with all the emotions .

Jessie, hope Arwen will recover soon... U too must take good care of yourself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos I think the bb will feel it if mummy is too distress...

Bride, hope Jace is ok, just continue to monitor her...;)

dear mummies

I have 2 tins of 900 g(expiry date: 13 march 2012) and one tin of 400g similac follow on 2(26 sept 2011). and a $5.00 abbott discount voucher(valid til 31st dec 2010)

want to sell them all at $80.00

pls email me at [email protected]

jessie> hope arwen gets well soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must be really heart-wrenching. be strong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bride_09> hope jace will be fine too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. nowadays must really watch them like a hawk. mattias falls almost once a day. :p

just now went dinner with in-laws, hb give tofu to mattias. think mil see alr encouraged, give fish to mattias. sighz. hope he no allergy ba. after tt come home, hb give cake. think hb become v lax liaoz. :p

peek-a-boo> the next session is on tues at 230pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks wendy for the pics. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, yup, I guess I'm also giving them this to make myself feel better. Don't feel bad about the BF part. Hey, I'm still BFing RL but so what, she's been sick since 2 months old cos always kenna the virus from her elder sister and mummy. :p

jessie> u are really so linked with arwen.

Arwen will fight the disease and get stronger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie: Please take care of yourself! Stay strong!! Tears were in my eyes when I read abt what's happening to Arwen. Please give her a kiss on our behalf. Do delay the spree. Your girl's health is definitely more important.

xin: so jealous that you guys are organizing all there gatherings. i can't be there.

bbin: we can go to fidgets together the next time. my boy really enjoyed it the last time we brought him there.

haze: hope all the babies are healthy. the haze is terrible. please drink lots of waters and stay indoors.

Jessie: *hugs for u n Arwen* it's so painful to read about what Arwen went through in the hospital.. i'm glad she's back home n recovering. Be strong n rest well whenever u can.. hope Arwen gets her strength n energy back soon. Take care gal!

Bride: Hope Jace's fine now..

Melissa: Thanks!

Re: Haze

Mummies do drink lotsa fluids n give our LOs lotsa fluids too. The air is bad for the respiratory system.. higher tendency to fall sick too.. do take care!


morning mummies!


ya, don push urself too hard... can take things one @ a time... don bcoz u wanto get worry off ur mind n start to find loads of tings to do... u'll tire urself even more...


hw's jace doing nw?

mummies gg to peekaboo on tues,

any contact no which i can contact if i do manage to go?


sure!! i wanted to ask if any mummies wanto go yesterday but guess its abit last min... if wanto go again, u all prefer weekday ah?

