(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

luvbabe> poor lucas, even if she dont tk care of them, u'll still meet her right? if lucas can understand alr then he'll feel so sad to be compared like tt...

sueann> hope things are better now... better talk to your hb to have a common understanding... take care...

jessie> love to see the crazy photos you tk of arwen... it'll surely bring back fond memories in the future... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm ok with donating cash to them... coz think they really need it for the surgery...

thks for taking time to go to the hospital even though arwen's not well...

hope she gets well soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sherry> if u free on wed, i dont mind meeting up... feel like gg OG sale... gave away the toy i got for mattias at isetan sale... want to OG get another one... :p...

lamb, tink cos I m nt used to being at hm ,so I m nt so much into being a SAHM yet. But all these sharing makes me happy,gd influence on one another , makes us do something for our lil ones!

xin, Ayden09 is going 9 mths old le, so ok la, can speak abit, only papa,mama,moom moom n bao bao. My mum said I ald said alot of things when I m his age, no wonder I can argue with her so well ahhahah!

Jessie, as usual Arwen is so cute la!

afann, those things u put in the tiger food jar is raw one hor? Use it like those thermal cooker huh?

firipy> whoa, didn't realise tt... so fast hor... cant believe it... i still think all our babies still young...

start trying to cook something and you'll be hooked... though now i only doing puree but it's still v fun... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... today started giving him wolfberry... hee hee...

u found a new job alr?

xin>I've made 2 batches of prune puree and its not so bad! a bit of a sourish sweet taste. quite refreshing. mattias might like leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, trusted u with the money!! Sure u will put in a good use.  thanks giving us a chance to help the babies.

xin - Yeah, I dip the rice cakes into the soup for her. Partly to soften it before giving her and partly to give some taste to the plain rice cakes. Hhehe. Yeah, I get very scared these days when I give her milk feeds coz' these days, I tend to give her more coz' she's mostly on FM now already. I only latch her in the mornings.

firipy - Yes yes, this site inspires us to do things for our LOs. And I must say I learn quite a bit from the mommies here too.

Xin, I havnt look for a job.... Haha! My hb had been asking if I intend to wk or nt..... Ya very soon they will b toddlers le


LOL! Got socks ghosts haunting you all around.

Pity the baby. Actually when I was pregnant, I worried constantly about spina bifada deformities. But I tell myself not to be so ridiculous - just eat folic acid. Further, there's nothing much we can do anyway, except surgery. Really pity the innocent babies - the people who adopt them are really special beings who have special places in heaven later on.

Luvbabe, BBchic

Since you mentioned about A's traditional outfits, here's a photo of her. I preferred her to be more comfortable, so I'd strip the outfits off her after several hours.


And another one in a cheap dress I found at the JL expo sale.


I fell asleep while latching her this evening around 6.30 pm & she's still sleeping now. Now I'm worried she'll wake up at 4 am to play! Sighs. And diaper hasnt been changed since late morning. What a terrible mom I am!

smalldreams: wah! she can stand on her own!

jessie: i agree with the rest, trust you know what's the best for the situation over there.

thanks mummies for consoling me. anger has subsided but i'm still reluctant to go out for them for family dinners. aiyah, problems with the in-laws, everyone has them... need to find a comfortable solution for everyone.

smalldreams: A looks adorable! DH and I are guilty for forgetting to change Emma's diaper too...when we were in perth we didn't change her for 7 hours till my MIL reminded us. Luckily no rash otherwise gotta listen to her nag. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie: you have valid concerns over direct money contributions, but sometimes we have no other option if we want to contribute to that specific cause. We trust you with the money [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, mommies, can I steam cod fish, slice it into big chunks and freeze it? Or is it better to slice and freeze it raw? Em is 7.5 months old, want her to try more texturised food. Planning to flake the fish chunks into small bits instead of blending it.

Firipy- the fish N pork I will rinse with hot water for the blood to go away then put into the tiger .. Will cook one

smalldream : Aifah so cute and sweet in the dresses really looks so much like you now eh! And yes WAH! She can stand on her own!! She progress very fast man. My fatty can only stand leaning on something [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sueann: Must make your stand. In France my in laws bought the wrong blender and I was like shit! How to make puree? I was mad cos I gave specific specs to them weeks before liao but they still go buy the more expensive but wrong one! My face damn black and my fil hurry go and get the one I want. The thing about my in laws is, they NEVER give you what you REALLY WANT, they give you what THEY thot is the best for you.Many times liao, my birthdays, Christmas, wedding etc etc , I got cupboard full of weird crystals , silk scarf, porcelain plate which my mum dun know how she finds it and use it to put her chili sauce , I laugh at this cultural difference until I pengz.

I tahan but this time I really show face cos HELLO Arwen will choke ! I had to make a stand cos they keep wanting to play with A and ask me many times why I let her sleep so early! *Sigh... I also scare living too close to them next time cos I know sure got conflict later..

firipy: wow Ayden09 can speak quite a fair bit! Emma screamed out her first "Mama!" during one of her cries for me last week. DH and I were like, "huh? was that 'Mama'?"

I've been repeating "Dada" to her throughout, so we were quite surprised by her first word [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luvbabe: some people like to use babies as "target practice" to make the parents feel like crap. Or sometimes try to sow discord between siblings. One of my aunt was like that. She was worried that my elder sister will bully her daughter (my cousin, same age as me), so she "brainwashed" my sis, telling her every single day that my mom dotes on me, not her. My sis hated me when we were young, pinching and bullying me ever so often. It was until we were in our teens then we realised what my aunt did.

Jessie: I'm fine with all kind of arrangement from you, as long as it helps the poor Little ones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really appreciate that you do additional job of buying necessities and going down to the hospital.

smalldreams - I think everyone's eyes opened wide as they saw Aifah stand. LOL. Mine too! But it's nice to see how much she has grown from the little baby, eh?

andie - I flaked some cod fish for Nat the other day and mixed it in her porridge. Errrmmm, why do you need to cook the cod and freeze? I think you can first cut them into cubes then freeze, might be better coz' I am not sure if all types of fish can be cooked and then frozen. Better to check up first. Oh, and please do watch out for bones. Do use your hands to flake the fish if possible.

jessietan - The story about your mom using porcelain plate to put chilli sauce damn funny. If your DH saw it, he must've fainted lah.

Lamb: Yah, you should see my face, I could not stop laughing and grinning like siao the whole day, DH was not around that day, it is my little secret, my mum using a SGD 200 plate to put her Lee Kum Kee chili sauce.. *GRIN

applegal: thanks! Not a problem lah, if can manage 25 boxes of spree stuff, this is a piece of cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb: heh cuz was too used to cooking/baking/steaming everything before freezing it for Emma, so thought might have to do the same for fish. Cod doesn't have as strong a smell as ngor he right? Remember you mentioned that some time back when you cooked it for Nat.


Here is some photos of super notti Ayden

andie, my peranakan family tradition is to buy the leaves( those use for wrapping n eating with betal nut sold in indian provision shop), slap baby's mouth 3 times n say magic words in malay " faster open mouth n talk". Miraculously, dunno y he said "mama" the next day and "baobao" the day after. hahhaha!

sueanne,I can totally understand cos I oso buay tahan my ils sometimes.....*sigh*

luvbabe, ur sil maybe said those things to make u feel tat the $ u all give is actually nt enuff for her cos since baby is so "fussy".....dun care abt her.

tyl> my prune puree v sour leh... like a v weird taste... maybe it's the skin tt dissolved in... in the end i mixed with cereal and BM for him and he finished quite a bit... when i tasted the org form i also found the taste funny... :p...

littlelamb> thks for the suggestion, shall try dipping into the prune juice... havent started any stock for him yet... with FM at least you know how much she is drinking... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... i also so scared mattias not drinking enough... :p

btw, all the recipes tt u made, do u puree them? or just mash and feed?

firipy> enjoy the time then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... takes abit of getting used to... past mth been doing part time and think i've lsot my momentum of staying hm... get frustrated with mattias v easily... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

smalldreams> does yur whole family dress in the same fabric? i always find it so heartwarming... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... Aifah can stand so well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sueann> hope ur clothes got no more milk smell... mattias' clothes still smell of milk from sat... sighz...

bigfoot> i shd actually thank you for the milk powder... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... my hb now can tk leave on 1 oct... maybe i'll try to see if can go downtown east too... hee hee...

Jessie>> I also want to feed my LO until like Arwen ("harng ni harng ni" one).. she is soooooo kawaii!!! no you are not a bad mother.. when she gets older, she will know how she pass by each day.. and she will have memories.. not like me.. never really take pic for my LO..

Smalldreams>> Whoa she can stand on her own!!! Such a clever ger!!! I am sure she will be able to walk on her own soon..

Firipy>> Ayden is so kawaii!!! this smile is really "see teeth no see eyes".. What is the malay words? I also want to try..

sueann>> for me.. i am more direct (bad dil).. if i not happy.. i will tell my ils off.. like when i am scolding my LO.. and my mil luff.. i will tell her not to luff.. i am disciplining my kid.. if not.. next time my LO will not respect me..

hi mummies, thank you very much, andrea is better but still tend to cough at night when she sleeps ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lamb - thanks for sharing the recipe, i m sure nat loves all the food u cook for her.

febie - u r absolutely right lei,my boy will b 5 yrs in a wk time, ai ya when he sees someone unfamiliar he pretends to b shy, once he gets to know u he will show his true clrs ....heehee. u know my helper and me were still talking abt shayne....he so cute the way he interacts with andrea the other day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie, firipy, small dreams n mummies, ur LOs are so adorable......



Thanks to my evening nap, I'm awake too! Just folded some laundry. Hehee. Good to know andrea's better. Cough will take some time go away, hope you get to sleep OK too.

Jessie, Febie, Afann, Brainkuku, lil lamb, sueann

Hahaa... A can stand only for a while lah - just 1, 2 or 3 secs max. Actually it was my dad who got very excited when he noticed A letting go of her hands and balancing herself to stand for that very short period. It so happened during the time that pic was taken, hubby had his dslr with him, so was able to capture that shot. Otherwise, she's still just holding on to sofas, tables & cruising around slowly. So don't get so excited k? hahha, just a coincidence :p


So how did you find perth? I so miss that place. I spent 3 yrs there about 10 yrs ago & have never returned. Such a slow place, totally different from s'pore. I wonder when I can go back there.


This thing with in laws will never ever end. I usually just close one ear lor. I guess they want the best for baby but don't realise they could be imposing. Just don't take it to heart ok? No point letting our blood pressure go up.


Ohhh I heard of that sirih leaf belief before too but never tried it lah. My mom is very against these things, hhehehe.. but my MIL once told me not to feed baby glutinous rice coz it'll cause baby to start talking late. Then again, I only eat glutinous rice once a year (during hari raya) & I'm not about to feed that sticky thing to my kids.


yeah, the 4 of us were decked in the same shade of colour. haha. I never bothered about this same colour scheme thing & thot it was quite silly previously, until I had a family of my own! Then I understood why people liked to wear such uniform. Dunno lah, i guess just for fun, hahahaa..

You very adventurous, wanna make mooncake for Mattias!

Brainkuku, my mum n dad did that to Ayden with the leaves, my melayu is like only 1% only, i dunno hw to translate. Smalldreams, can help ? Hee!

Brainkuku, blueberrypie, thanks, he is cute when he is nt fussing, he is a very demanding baby, wants means wants else cant wail till roof drop!

firipy, brainkuku

you mean how to say 'faster open mouth & talk' in malay?

Errr... the leaves very international lah, language is no boundaries.

Try to say it in english & mandarin. If indeed the leaves have powers, then it'll work for any language! hehehe...

I am so enjoying my anniversary present! A HD media player, some china brand, gosh I m so suaku, din noe i can watch so much free movies n drama in HD quality. No need to watch on my computer or wait for it to stream like mad!

Smalldreams, I dun believe in all these superstition. My MUM had to do it secretly by nt letting my hb know....if i tell my MUM that the leaves r international she wld probably speak in all the lang she knows n slap Ayden with the leaves even more times! Hahaha!!! I m surrounded by mixture of chinese n peranakan superstitions....realise much more when i was preggy n after Ayden is born. Maybe when i reach my mum's age i wld do such funny thing to my grandkids! Wah gultinous rice seems very hard to digest. I only eat such stuff when its part of the kueh, like ondeh ondeh. Dun tink babies get to eat at young age ya?

smalldreams>aiyoh, Aifah looks simply adorable. So clever to be able to stand.

lol. the sireh

leaves are international? :p

sueann>can understand how frus you are with your ILs but so your hubby don't feel caught in between, no choice but to stay cordial with them. Think best to go separately with them to the dinner venue?

I also get quite frus with my ILs at times so will rant here or to other mommies. Cannot rant to hubby cos difficult for me. But if there are stuff I want them to do, like wash their hands before they carry Ayden, I will ask hubby to tell them. Easier on relations lor.

Jessie>I think everyone here trusts you lah. You are on the ground so can observe and decide better how to deal with the funds. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piangz. such an expensive plate? think give you the $ better. :p

andie>I personally prefer to cut fish into serving sizes and freeze rather than freezing cooked fish. feels fresher to me.

firipy>hee, got such a tradition? what are the words in malay ar? I ask my MIL to buy the leaves and I try this weekend. :p

ayden09 so cute! I don't have a chance to bao him yet...

so no Ipad for your anniversary in the end? :p

xin>it could be because you boil your prunes while I steam them? Personally, I find it easier to steam as it makes it easier to remove the skin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cute Ayden09...

Hey Blurberrypie, i post liao, fed shayne and slept... still talking abt my chiat ta bor ah?

he's screaming so loudly lor... cannot tahan...


u see Aifah knows mummy will definitely show her pics to us... seeing daddy with his DSLR, she has to act fast lah...

btw, I still prefer to see Muslim family in the same colour lor... this yr, everyone seems to be different... atmosphere for HR also different...

more of them visited the shopping mall instead of house hopping...

Xin> u also free tmr.. i haven decide i wanna go shopping le.. may just wanna stay home and prepare something for shernise...we confirm via sms?

Febie> how? u free to join?

CY> never mind, jio another day yeah...

Does anyone if those playmat from mini toons are good... looks quite thin though

Febie>forgot to tell you I'm happy to help with the organising of the bash. Just tell me what help you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!


huh? not dress meh?? u shd've ordered for little arwen too... she would've luk gorgeous in it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh stainless steel oso will get rusty one ah?? tot its "百毒不侵"... :p

aiyo all the LOs so cute!!


wah ur LO can stand... mine cant even crawl/stand... notin 'interest/motivates' her to do those... lazy bum bum!

Sherry, dun buy minitoon one...

buy from BP... u sure wont regret...

and will last lor...

buy from minitoon wont last till your 2nd child leh...

any plans for tmr?

i can take half day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie> hahaha okok.. cause she starting to stand la.. she tot i better buy one to prevent her from falling..

No le.. was just thinking of making food for her at home hahaha

making food at hm for Shernise ah?

cool like...

i also prefer not to meet outside...

can let them play together...


yeah.. u wanna come over.. i can make pizza or porridge for us (adult)

for shayne and shernise, i've got potato, carrot, ngor he, chicken at home. we can either make them porridge or sheperd pie?

Xin> babe, u let me know if u be keen yeah

