(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

TYL> ok.. saw one at 165 hahaha.. lets see if they got stock for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah thanks!! hv to read up....


yup, better to get those playmat... tink 2 sellers active in BP... small small world & world of korea...

sherry>is it the bp with the playyard? If yes, I got mine from her too. Delivery is fast but doesn't come with a bag like the other bps. Don't think the bag is needed though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL/bbin> ya, i wanted to get the play yard too initially.. haha.. am checking with WoK now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie> i only got mattress at home hoh hahahaha...

Hi Sherry,

I try go apply leave... let u know later ok?

i got mine from WOK too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mattress still better than minitoon lor...

jessietan - Yeah, imagine if your DH saw it! The look on his face must've been priceless man!

andie - Yeah, but I also made the mistake of not steaming ngor fish with ginger, hence the fishyness. Cod is subjective, some friends find it fishy but personally, I dun.

xin - Yeah ... with FM ... you at least know how much your LO drinks. But perservere with BM k? If not for the fact that my ss not as high as before, I wouldn't have stopped also. But secretly, I feel happy coz' i dun have to rush back home from wherever I am to feed her. Now, DH can do it too. Hehhehe. I still pureed those food. But for porrige, I'll simply mash it up.

blueberrypie - No worries, can go browse AK's website for more other recipes. Yeap, Nat loved the braised beef I gave her yesterday. Hhehe.

firipy - Hhahaa, that media player is God-sent hor? I used to watch my dramas on that too. But these days, simply no time lah. One Takuya Kimura drama I take like 2 weeks and still on Episode 5 only! Last time I could finish in like 2 days!

smalldreams - Hhahaa, still? Cruising at this age now is very good already! I've read that cruising doesn't happen till 10 or 11 months?

tyl, I din wan an ipad in 1st plc lo, its more like he wants it n he said "its for me"....*roll eyes* hahhaha! I can't get a gd time to go holidays...everywhere like so ex for yr end! So media player is gd enuff for time being. The malay words means"faster open mouth talk"

lamb, yah lo! I dun even noe got such thing ok...I watch directly fr pps.No need download...super fast lo! My bil download for me some shows n it took weeks ahahha, so when I went window shopping with hb for some computer stuff at sim lim I saw so many of these.I am so facinated!

Sherry > I wanted to tell u dun get e mini toons as i got one .. Was comfy with it till a few days ago, i dunno how can Lucas 'dig' a hole to e mat!! I have took a photo of it & goin to email Mini toons.. but my hubby told mi tt he thinks tt they wun act up as i have used it for 2 months or so .. they might say it's tear & wear ? but anyway i bought a new mat from my fren, my model is 'DinoLand' ..

my fren website is: http://funwithbabies.multiply.com/photos/album/61/LG_Prime_Bumper_Playmats

Hers will be 20-30bucks cheaper than e bp one.. e price on her webby is before e 20-30bucks discount :>

sherry, good deal.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can get... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

that's rach's website. sherry buy from her before so should be able to get discount. I think rach gets the mats from taobao de.

thanks wendy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL> oh ya, i remember Rach send an SMS previously but i misplaced the link hahaha,,,

Sherry> u stay @ AMK ? cos i think i saw u @ AMK Hub be4 ? :>

Tyl> Thanx alot for ur coupon for e tiger ya :> will make gd use of e jar !! i just tried out using it yest .. GREAT !!

wendy>cos when she first send her sms for the mats, i asked for the link as I didn't have my mat then. the link she gave me was from taobao lor. didn't get from her as didn't like the designs.

tink her bp stocks all from taobao de cos I saw similar stuff in taobao during jessie's spree.

YL> hehe.. didnt know u didnt like the designs..

i've mummies telling me they like my designs better also.. different range la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rach>wah, you frequent this thread too? I think I was set on the yellow bear series and didn't see anything similar there. can't quite remember le cos so long ago.

wendy>I not doubting the authenticity lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just commenting nia. Bought quite a lot from taobao too so have no qualms about stuff from there.

how you used the jar? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl, I wld rather watch fr my LCD tv, cos the media player can play in HD quality together with the tv. My iphone is gd enuff, am waiting for nov for my iphone 4 cos thats when my contract is 1 yr, very gian when I use my hb's cos can do videocall.

The webby got sell the thermos food jar lei, someone wants to get the tiger one rite, wonder if thermos one is also as gd.

I bought the tiger one so long ald, dunno hw to appreciate it hahhaha. It was fr isetan also last time $39 only but 0.7l one.

Rach> Opps! i'm talking abt u izzit? *ha

Tyl> i cook e rice on stove for 5-10mins .. den pour in e rice into e jar .. i tryin out yest nia .. i ate e porridge cos it's plain porridge.. *Ha

smalldreams...wow lil "A" really kampong chix leh...vy strong...she vy steady leh....my Hw i feel still like lembik lembik...how's ur raya???? i had a good raya " celebration" back in msia....hehe

Have been so busy the last few days that I've no time to read the forum.. Managed to read some of ydae's posts.. Finally..

Callalily, Lil' lamb: The stuff u cook for ur Nat and Aly sounds really yummy! Would love to try cooking them for Ryan too.. I'm now still giving him single ingredient food and following the 4 days rule to check for allergies.. Just wondering did u girls also do that before putting all the different ingredients together to cook the yummy dishes?? I'm so tempted to do that, cos I 'pity' Ryan for having to eat the same puree for 4 straight days!

Xin: I read that u tried wolfberries for Mattias.. How did u prepare that?? Can share?? Btw, for the plum puree, I baked them in water instead of steaming or boliing.. I read that the plums will retain the sweetness better when baked.. But when I tried, it was still sour.. But Ryan took well to it.. Actually the sour part came from the flesh near the pit.. So when it's all blended together, the puree would be sourish..

Jessie: The girl, Kelly looks so sweet, sleeping.. So heartache when I hear/see such stories.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm sure u'll do a good job at distributing the donation.. U know the situation there better.. We trust u to distribute the funds. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams: Woah, Aifah's such a beauty n she stands so well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry> i'm keen... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

can also teach me how to make snow skin mooncake? is it too short notice? think i wan make sweet potato mooncake for mattias... e consistency is good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... lotus too sweet hor...

so excited can see shernise n shayne... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

rach>wah, your spider senses v strong. :p

firipy>hee, I got the jar same time as you. think we got it at the same sale. I dont use mine v often too.

wendy>that's how I tested the jar too. :p

megan>ooh, welcome back!

Tam>hihi. when you want to collect your jar?

I soaked 4 wolfberries in water for a while then just add it into the porridge to cook for a while

Tyl: Sorry, the last weekend was super busy.. This coming weekend can?? Which day is good for u?

Does the wolfberries porridge have other ingredients??

wendy> haha i staying at serangoon nth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin> think too short a notice, need to get the ingredients from phoon huat wo...maybe we can make either sherperd pie or the braised beef from AK website?

Rach> wahhhh ya 'antenna' very power le hahaha

Megan, shiok hor...

back to office today??

ok need to post the bash list again in case some mummies miss it...

Jan Babies Bash

Interested parties, please keep the list going...

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

37. dolphin, Tristan 7 Jan 2010

38. lyn78, Sergius 26 Dec 2009

39. Sherry79, Shernise 29 Jan 2010

40. Rina Foo, Kristeva 31 Dec 2009

41. SH stonelamb, Jun Kai 6 Jan 2010

42. Lin (wakakami), Terilyn 1 Feb 2010

43. Bebecraze08, Jia Jia (Joey) 28 Dec 09

tam>no definite plans made for this weekend yet. You sms me when you want to collect the jar lah.

we don't have a set menu for ayden. just add whatever we feel like it so the porridge might have fish, sweet potato, carrot, brocolli, pork, etc etc. We just add what we feel like lor. same for the wolfberries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babe, tmr cant... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I want to go so that Shayne can try all those goodies...

next wed u got take leave?

firipy - Reading your posts reminds me of the days when I was just preggo and watched dramas lah ... totally missed those days sometimes. Now wanna watch tv also must fight with DH and his PS3. Lucky he's been playing his Starcraft on his computer, at least I get to use the tv now.

tam L - Yes, sorta. Like for braised beef. The veggies I used, i have introduced them to her before. But beef is a new ingredient. Potato and Leek soup, I have introduced both of them before too. I always try to make sure that when I introduce new food to her, there is only 1 new ingredient. That being said, my lunch and dinner are different so sometimes, 2 new ingredients may be introduced within a day. But I am also quite cautious, I'll try to introduce 1 day after another. I guess if Ryan has been doing fine with your meals ... you can slowly introduce mixed food and see how he takes to it.

Littlelamb, I am also sian of pumping but can't bear to stop. Plus i will going to Taipei without the kids in dec so pump n keep more just in case.

Hey, I have both potato n leek at home. Can someone share the recipe to potato leek soup please? Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie> no le, next week till end of the mth may be difficult as alot of my team mates are away either on holiday or reservist le

lamb, I got no energy to watch drama when I was preggy plus I gotta work....So its gd time for me nw to enjoy nw, mil brought Ayden back cos hb is sick, she said we better nt infect him.

hiya mummies

dozed off during A's late morning nap. Think both of us too tired liao.

She still sleeping since 11.30 am. now waiting for my #1 to come home. Tomorrow back to work :S


Welcome back! So did you eat kampong chicken there? hehehee... So how was HW during the flight?


Think you can give the mini toons ones a pass. The texture a bit different, and you have to roll them up to store. My bumper mats have been laid flat on the floor since I bought them for #1 & now it's still there for both my kids to play on. Now during hari raya, my parents leave the mat on the floor, & put a carpet over it, hehehe, extra cushioning for guests.

Tam L

Thanks. Yr Ryan is a cutie too!


Don't worry lah, kids all take their time one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can also go on fours if you want to encourage yr baby to do so & start to crawl. or roll a ball over infront, see if he is motivated to chase it...


The wolfberries you use, must they be of the better quality ones? Or would those found pre-packed in ntuc do? They're sweet, aren't they?

Little Lamb

Inspired by you, today i made potato, sweet potato & minced beef puree for A. Boiled along with 1 onion & 1 garlic. Too lazy to sautee lah, and no leek, hehee. Just put some coriander leaves instead. Quite tasty even w/o salt ya? I ate some leftovers. But A doesn't really like purees. She's a porridge / rice kinda girl (very kampong).

Ohhh my #1 is back home liao. Gotta log off from here. Ciao!

sob sob...

i try again later... clearing my stuff as fast as possible...

got lobangs anot?

here alot of ppl searching...

I think i tahan till next feb then search...

Pauline - It's good you're perservering with the BF-ing. For me, I would love to go as long as 1 year but I guess if ss is low, I have to accept that it's time to wean her off. Potato and Leek soup quite simple. Just use abt 1.5 tbsp of unsalted butter to sautee the onion, leek and potatoes and then with vegetable stock or just normal water, you can cook for abt 25 mins. Simple as that. You can choose to add cow's milk to thicken the soup as well. Hehehe. For vegetable stock, you can use carrots, celery, onion and leek to prepare.

smalldreams>Think its the better quality wolfberries. To be frank, I'm not sure cos I take whatever is at home. But I think my mom won't have bought not good wolfberries. :p Yes, they are a bit sweet. Suppose to be good for eyes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

breastfeeding>Ayden doesn't want to latch during the day now. Think he wants to save his tummy for solids. He only wants to latch at night or when he's sleepy. But supply still same. Think pumping is actually helping.

sherry papaya leave??

sure a not??

my ss also drop liao...

jialat, just spoke to my mum, shayne refused to eat cereal and porridge leh...

Febie> my helper say one le.. i think it works for her cause hers still big and perky wahahahaha,,, she tell me to eat so that my breast wont sag whahahaha.. anyway, see how it goes.. shernise is on solid now so am cutting down on my pump as well...

Think gotta add variety to his meal ba..


Febie>maybe Shayne fussy like Ayden. We have to alternate porridge, fruit puree and water at the same meal. feed a few spoons of porridge, then water, then porridge, the puree and porridge again. V naughty lor

