(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

YL, i'm doing exactly the same but not my mum...

she always scold me crazy, mixing cold and hot together...


hello hello... beeen a suuuper long time since i last got in here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope i am still welcome back. btw, any mummies working nearby Expo?

welcome back sue...

we still rem u of cos... how's the lil one?

YL, old people and us different lah...

as long as the lil one eat, who cares right?

btw to all mummies, there is a john little fair at expo, you may drop by there for shopping for your little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] saw the big banner when i am on the way to work

hi sue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie>actually, it was my mom who first started the mixing of food to 'hong' ayden to makan. but she didn't want to give him cold puree at first.

hi lsntyl.

btw, mummies, anyone working nearby expo area? or all working in town? lunch time is the worst tine of the day for me sigh.... depressing man.

smalldreams> ya, i think it's v fun to all wear the same... but guess it's more fun for the parents than children? i always v amazed by the malay teenagers who still willing to wear the same... u seldom see chinese or any other race like tt... v good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> i boil to make prune juice to give mattias too... maybe next time try to steam... i deskin with peeler so think either way same hor... hee...

littlelamb> ya, and wont have the prob of reaching hm and dying to relieve... then overfeed and cause him to regurgi... :p... but i still aiming to stop at 1yo... a few more mths... :p...

tamL> i'll try baking them... and maybe remove the part near the pit first... u really research hor... :p...

e wolfberry my mil tell me just soak in hot water awhile can liaoz... so tt's what i did... i tried to mash for him... but like still v hard... just gave him the seeds and some flesh tog with his porridge... tonight i gg to try cook tog with his porridge... n hopefully it disintegrate inside... i only gove him 1 ingredient + porridge for each meal... not so adventurous yet... :p...

sherry> it's ok... will see u tmr then... can sms me your add? his menu still v limited... u just cook what you want... dont worry abt him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... i can just let him sample abit... hee...

febie> try to tk leave leh... want to see shayne too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sue> hi, ur colleagues dont go for lunch? got a few mummies in the east... and some work at airport... maybe can arr to have lunch with you one day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fatbabe> missed replying earlier. sometimes i also look at him and wonder where did my baby go. how's tytus doing? i remember you mentioned that he has a flat head and to wear a shaping helmet of some sort. hope it works for him.

firipy> Ayden is so fair and cute. good that you like your gift.

andie> same here. sometimes i also wonder whether Yongxian is really saying the word as he meant it or he just so happened to mumble something that sounds similar. but the other day, my ILs all heard him cry for nen-nen (milk), but i thought it was just one of those sounds that he make.

smalldreams> lil Aifah is a strong gal yeah.. Yongxian lifted his hands to clap while standing the other day and almost toppled over. luckily he managed to quickly grabbed on the sofa cause this momma's reaction is too slow.

jessie> i leave the decision on the distribution of the donation to you. trust that you know how to distribute according to their needs. btw, could you put the donors as coco and yongxian when you r making the donation.

lamb> glad that Nat likes her food. that is a sure way to motivate mummy to cook more yummy food for her. i also agree that cooking for Yongxian has sort of reignited my interest in cooking. and i learnt about many new ingredients and different ways to combine different veg/fruits in the process too.

I tasted the tofu and avocado. it tasted pretty light. can smell the light fragrance of the tofu and taste the sweetness of the avocado. i think the tofu sort of balance the creamy texture of avocado. he was actually screaming for more the other day.

could you share the recipe for braised beef? i can't seems to find one. and the only way i know how to cook beef is to grill. i only started eating beef after DH introduced it to me.

sherry> err.. how to eat papaya leaves? they are rather large right? i also wonder whether the boobs will lose shape after all this 'tugging'.

Yongxian has been crancky these few nights. waking up screaming in the middle of the night. i hope it's just a phase that he will outgrow. I suspect he could be teething cause i see him digging and punching his gums/mouth. is erratic waking a sign of teething?

oh! does anyone notice that the EBM are rather oily? I din notice it b4 but found that it's rather oily lately. wonder whether it could be due to my diet.

luvbabe> looks like Lucas is the tai-kor-tai in this thread.

xin: i just joined my co 1 mth plus ago. my colleagues dun lunch with boss. It was a precendent sent by the previous mgr sigh... tried to change it but they felt uncomfortable coz that was many years already . Xian... so different from my ex co. What to do ... have to accept it lor..

there are mummies in the east? really hahaha.. i need someone to talk to man... otherwise i think i m going crazy.

Sherry: you cooking for sampling ah hahahaha?

sherry : if you are looking for playmat, buy from smallsmall world it is good, i have it . i got the picnic mat too... but it was STOLEN after we wash it and hang it outside the coridor to dry. was so mad.

sue> u're the boss ar... aiyoh... so sad... my side also pple seldom eat with boss... the bosses will eat tog... u at expo itself?

john little always have sale thr one leh... hee hee...

xin>think boil the wolfberries longer is better. makes it softer.

cocomama>according to my hubby, my breastmilk is oilier/fattier these days. Think could be changing to suit ayden's needs.

sue>there are mommies in the east and at least one other working at expo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin: i am the mgr here and mgt this place. my boss is hardly here and he has his own kaki. The rest of the people in the other levels.. i dun really know them. So well... it means i will be alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

no i am somewhere near expo.

Lsntyl: oh cool... who is working here?

Sherry n febie

papaya leaves are super bitter! My mom cooked it previously

cos her fren said people in indo ate them as vege. In the end we threw the vege away I think...


yx clever! Can clap hands. I notice our babies really progress diff. Some eat really well, some can sign, some can babble... So lnteresting!


oh no must be really lonely for you. Mebbe over time you can change the culture? I live near expo n am on leave today but

will be moving end of month ..

Smalldreams: oh really you live nearby? unfortunately you dun work nearby otherwise i will have lunch kaki[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nah from the way i look at things... it wont be changed. i must really resign to fate. And yes... its rather lonely.. unlike the past we use to have so much fun during lunch. sigh.

cheer up...mebbe its gd also...less gossip n can save $ ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how is yr little one?

pauline, tyl and other mummies who encouraged me to continue to pump> thanks! i'm still continuing but think still will stop soon, really not easy when work start.

xin> i sms u soon k. so busy now. sigh. =p

sue> i teach in the east but teaching have no lunch break that can go out.

jessie> yup do what u think it's best. really so sad that there are so many of this cases ard. wouldn't it be better i wonder if they do checks during the pregnancy and find out? i don't condone abortion but then i wonder if abandoning them is worse. sigh.

lamb> ur recipes sound so good... think i'll start doing them when she's older. cos i think that i will have to cook for her long term once she turns 1 yr old and teeth come out, so now trying to keep her food as simple as possible. hee. then i dont have to be so busy with all her food in small portions. i can't wait to try.


I dun follow 4 day rule. At most 3 days cuz Aly gets sick of the same food by the 3rd day. During the 1st stage of weaning, i followed only 2 day rule after ascertaining that Aly din belong to the allergenic group. Also, 1st stage foods are generally very low on allergy list so i am more bold. But some more allergenic ones like fish, wheat etc, i will follow 3 day rule at least. Same as Lamb, I will intro one new ingredient for each new dish. The rest of the ingredients, i have already intro to Aly before as single ingredients before combining them. I think if u r not sure,better stick to wat u are used to cuz i have a friend whose daughter is allergic to fish, nuts, eggs and has to carry an epi pen around!

xin: sure .. let me know when is a convenient time for you . you not working?

small dreams: there will always be gossip even if you dun talk...pp will find things to say ... that is why its called gossips hahaha. My little one is good... active and cheerful. ever since she knows how to stand the moment we put her down, she will try to find support to stand up. haha.. such a cute sight.

sue>paiseh, forgot her nick. met her when we had gathering at T3 a while ago.

think after a while, will make friends then can lunch with them. happens to me at every new place I go too. On days with no lunch kakis, I catch up on my reading. :p

melissa>try for as long as you can lor. I've been back at work since Mar and still managing to pump. When I can't, I just hand express. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lsntyl: thanks.. .no prob . Guess its not really about making frens here... they are just not comfortable with lunching with superiors which i prob will not want to force it.. so no choice..

how is your little one?

Sherry: you having party at home ah?

sue>its like that de. My colleague also doesn't like to lunch with my boss although I'm ok about it. otherwise, can be quite lonely for my poor boss. :p

My boy is as naughty as ever. :p

Sue, relax... like what the rest said, save money...

can login to forum to chat and eat during lunch too... :p

Sherry not having party at hm lah...

just a mini get together for a few of us.

Xin, i dunno leh... i cfm tmr morning... boss went out... tmr morning try again. as long as things cleared, he will approved one...

join us in our bash lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we organising one for our little ones together to mark that they are 1 and have lots of friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh yr little one has learnt to pull herself up to stand..I agree that's very cute! within seconds, you can see that little person on his/her feet already eh?


i can imagine how tough it is for teachers to pump. sometimes no free periods. Haiz..just take care of yr health & drink lots of water to up SS k? I recalled prev, my SIL said, if no free periods, her top would be soaked with milk! How uncomfortable that must've been.

My milk SS low too. Esp during menses (which is now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ) & during fasting mth. Now dunno can pick up again or not. Hopefully OK & I can last till 12 mths.

TYL, sue

I'd prefer not to lunch with my boss too...hahaha unless it's a team lunch. Ex-boss OK, but current boss...it's just weird. I was on good terms with someone who one day became my boss too. She's really nice...but somehow we began lunching together less regularly...probably also because she became swarmed with work, while I was still happy-go-lucky status quo...hehhe...

small dreams : ya.... suddenly you see a little head peeking at you haha . i love to see her stand in her play pen and she will giggle and smile coz she must be feeling so happy that she could do it.. its an achievement for her.

Oh ... really ..in the past , i will lunch with my staff and we can even cook together in the offic hahah. she brought her rice cooker to office ( winnie the pooh haha) and we will cook during lunch.. together with my boss too. :p if not we will go out for lunch together. But work is still work... that is the team i really miss.


guess this is really a case of different work culture yah?

Can imagine how much you miss yr old workplace...

But you shud be going home soon? It's finally the end of the day..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy - You guys been sick quite a bit this year eh? Better eat more supplements and healthily to boost your immunity system leh.

smalldreams - Hhehee, glad I 'inspired' you to braise beef for Aifah. If Aifah doesn't like purees ... then maybe continue with the porridge?

sherry79 - Thanks for the tips on papaya leaves. Errrr, a bit hard to find tt in SH I think. Anyway, I'm kinda done with BF-ing already. I think I have more or less provided the best of my BM to Nat. For now, I would like to enjoy preparing meals for her and also spend more time playing with her and also be free to go out. Hehehhe. Though I really miss the days when I can just latch her outside without the hassle of preparing FM etc.

melissa - Yeah, we have a whole lifetime ahead of us to cook for them. It's just that AK's recipes for purees are so interesting that I'm so tempted to try them out. It's like I look at each recipe and go, "Huh? You mean we can puree this as well?" Before Nat, I never realized we can puree meat. The thought of it was just weird. And now, I'm like puree-ing chicken, beef and fish. Hahaha. But they wun like it plain lah, gotta add stuff to cook with them then they'll eat.


Will draft you a separate post here. Hehehe. The braised beef recipe from AK is here: http://www.annabelkarmel.com/recipes/babies-6-9-months/braised-beef-recipe I posted it up earlier for the other mommies. But I didn't follow this wholesale. I mainly used carrots and sweet potatoes. Okay, potato and leek soup wasn't much of a hit with Nat.

Maybe a bit too gelat for her. But I'll continue trying for the next few days to see if she takes to it. But errr, how can she not like potatoes I wonder ... it's my favourite food item! Great for carbs! Do you mind sharing how you prepare the avocado and tofu? I'm thinking of trying tofu with mango.

But maybe only after I've introduced mangoes to her. Hehhee. Yeah, I usually eat grilled steak or teppanyaki style. *sigh* For some reason ... reading posts about how LOs are progressing here is causing me a little discomfort. I know I shouldn't be falling into the trap of wanting to compare Nat with the other LOs here. But truth is ... all the things that the LOs are able to do here, Nat has yet to master.

In fact, she's only at leopard crawling stage. Actually, there's a voice within me telling me I should just let Nat be and let her learn on her own. And besides, given the milestones development chart, this is the stage where she crawls, which she's doing now. Pulling to stand, standing, cruising etc isn't till a bit later. So by right, I should feel comforted, yet another voice within me asks myself am I doing enough to provide the environment for her to learn. I give her floor time, let her watch programs but I dunno if these are contributing to her learning.

I guess that I really need to tell myself to chill and not let Nat be subjected to comparisons. DH and I have always wanted her to be raised up in an environment where she's always happy and doing the things she love. And I guess she's currently being that way now, in her happy own world, always talking to herself and happily playing with her toys. Coz' I really dunno what else I can do to help guide her.

little lamb

Hey i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to post photo of A standing & let that be a point of comparison. It was just coincidental, and it's not as if she's standing on her own.

Cheer up okie! Actually I think your posts have been much happier since you begun busying yrself and becoming AK's ambassador in this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nat's a Jan baby. Mine, Yang's & many more are end Dec babes. So naturally the Dec ones will be slightly faster than the Jan ones.

I know it's hard to resist the comparison, but please don't blame yrself. She's happy, healthy & that's the most important. Floor time is great esp if you get on the floor too. Don't worry, she's meeting the milestones well. Maybe A is the weird one - overzealous at 9 mths - probably also coz she's got a real 'terror' active boy as a brother, so she's motivated to crawl, stand & move to catch up with him :p

Don't worry, just enjoy Nat's babyhood. It won't be long before she becomes a toddler...

P.S. A doesn't fancy potatoes too. How could she not?! I love potatoes. In fact, I'm munching on potato chips now (all the weight lost during ramadhan wasted).

lamb>IMHO, all our babies need from us now is our love. Must trust and believe that you are giving the best to Nat.


Oh no no ... please dun feel bad. I love looking at pics of babies here and also learning about the progress of other LOs here. In some ways, I can at least I get some 'reality' of what other babies at her age are doing. I mean, it's usually just nat and me. And I haven't been attending playgroups with jessie and gang coz' of all the things cropping up. So it's hard to keep progress of what other LOs her age are doing and to exchange pointers as well.

Hhaha, I'm not AK's ambassador lah. In fact, only tried her braised beef recipe. The rest of the recipes are gina ford and also first foods. Yes, I have been happy in the kitchen preparing food for Nat. So much so it makes me wonder if I'm doing enough in other aspects of her life. Nat's daddy travels like 50% of the time so it very much depends on me to be her mentor. I take heart that she's happy to be in a world of her own everyday, with her toys and doing what she enjoys without having to face pressure or whatsoever.

I mean, the whole deal about us being all the way here is also so that she can escape from being compared and to grow up in a way she wants to be. Just that I wonder if I'm doing enough for her. I spend time on the floor with her but sometimes, she is just so absorbed with crawling to the nearest toy or big furniture around so I just leave her be and just watch her. I guess Aifah learns faster also because she has a sibling. I have learnt that babies with older siblings pick up skills faster be it motor or language. Yes ... I really wanna enjoy Nat's babyhood now because so often, I look back at the days when she was younger and missed them so much!

Especially the days when all she did was to suckle and sleep. Hhaha, yeah, our 2 gals are funny ... how can they not love potatoes? So yummy! And my potatoes were even sauteed with butter! Lagi yummy!

smalldreams: perth is really quite slow paced. DH and I are more used to Melbourne, and were slightly taken aback by the contrast between these two cities.

When we put Emma to bed at 8pm, we were thinking, go grocery shopping. Then we went to the reception, she looked at us and said (in a matter-of-factly tone), "erm...this is not Singapore, the nearest IGA closes at 8pm, Woolworth latest at 9pm." So DH said, "well, Melbourne has 24-hour supermarkets." Quite rude, that receptionist, I would say. But, she looks like a student doing part-time work, so...live and let live la.

So the entire trip we had a healthy lifestyle, went to bed at 10pm, cuz there was really nothing to do except TV. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And it's quite weird, we went to at least 10 IGAs (cuz they are everywhere in suburbs), a few Woolworths and Coles, they don't sell teething biscuits, only rusks.

tyl, sue, smalldreams: my ex-boss used to love lunching with us. But some of my colleagues don't know how to "watch their back", divulge too much info, bad-mouthing people in front of him, and slowly got "stabbed" one by one. Luckily I left the firm in time and kept my mouth shut. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little lamb: I'm so inspired by you! Can't wait to make some beef and potatoes for Emma.

Oh, did anyone read a news article some time back on girls getting their periods earlier and earlier? KKH having 100 cases a year on girls having their period at 6 or 7 years old.

DH was concerned about hormones in the meat that we eat, so we are going to Tanglin mall this weekend to get some organic meat. From swiss butchery or something. Anyone seen the store before? I don't know what to expect, especially the cost involved...

Lamb, ya its like i pass to someone n someone pass to another n its bk to me again. It doesnt help that my hb always wk late n so i stayed up late n got sick etc. We got super unhealthy lifestyle also!

lamb> thanks for the link. i remember you mentioned AK and I went to the site but for whatever reason, I couldn't see it when it was right in front of me.

hey, mango sounds nice. it's very easy. i just mash the tofu with spoon, mash the avocado with spoon and then mix the two. remember to get the silken tofu as it's softer.

i can understand where you're coming from. whenever in doubt, ask yourself whether Nat is healthy and happy, and you will have the answer. don't be too hard on yourself.

as to whether there's anything else that you can do to guide her, of course there is. you can give her the emotional support to develop her confidence so that she can blossom into the individual that she is.

for now, enjoy her leopard crawling cause very soon, you will look back and be missing these moments.

Hi mommies, been a tough week. Still trying to manage my boy's constipation prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So didn't have time to come here to 'chat' n no time to go thr all the archives. Sorry if I didn't respond to some of your postings, my apologies! Sigh, been trying to get my boy to drink more water, PD said that's likely the cause. Previously, he wld drink some water from the magmag cup, but recently, that has become his toy n he only interested to bite the straw n refuse to drink water. Tried adding fruit juice to make it a bit sweet to entice him but din work. Today, i ended up trying different teats & bottles and also changed to another fruit juice. Finally, he started to drink abit using the NUK teat. I don't know if tmrw he will still use it... so stressed now. Feel terrible that I haven't taken gd care of my boy, that's why he ended up with constipation. I'm really a lousy mom lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Stopped taking projects just to concentrate on him for a while. But in the midst of all these, am happy to note that he seems to have suddenly grown up quite a bit. Not so long ago, i was complaining that he isn't rolling yet, now, he's rolling so much I can't stop him, changing diapers become such a chore now. He's also attempting to crawl, can't imagine how much more busy I'll be when he really start crawling. And he has learnt to call me 'ma ma' (when he's frustrated n wants to be carried... haha), clap his hands, become super curious of his surroundings, try to sing, has grown 4 teeth and the 5th one coming out soon... Oh well, think i better buck up as a mom. Feel terribly guilty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I hope my boy will be well soon...

Tyl: Okie.. Will sms u by Wed night to arrange.. Thanks! Btw, ur puree is given cold?? Cos I saw 1 of ur post about alternating between porridge, puree n water.. and hot and cold food.

Lil' lamb: Thanks for sharing.. I think I shall start to combine 2 or more ingredients together for Ryan.. So far he's taking the different single ingredient food well.. I was surprised that even the most bland or sour stuff, he could still eat til so happy.. Very motivated to prepare more food for him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin: Haha.. I didn't really research ah.. Just that I noticed every time I eat the plums, the part nearest the pits are the most sour parts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Before I bake, I cut into half, dig out the pits and put them face down in the water on a baking tray.. U can 'dig' out more of the flesh near the pits if u want less sour. Then bake til soft. Once soft, it's very easy to peel off the skin. I bake at about 200 deg C..


bbin: did you buy the tiger jar? How much is it? I'm interested to buy it after reading how convenient it is to cook porridge with it.

Xin: besides adding wolfberries, put in one red date too (but must remove seed, if not will be heaty). It's very tasty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

