(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

hi mummies!

nid to check wif u, the tiger food jar can be used to 'complete' half cooked porridge huh? i saw on the instruction manual tat it'll turn rusty if left wet. isnt the internal stainless steel? hw come can turn rusty?

i missed the isetan promo... any idea wats the price its selling nw??


Lamb, hehehe... Ya braised beef... Hehehe... Will try it out next sun If possible....

Yes. I Also realized that I can cook without seasoning...nhehehe. Enjoy doin all those for the lil one no matter how tired, how ma fan. Hahaha

Btw, lamb, u not coming back for CNY?

Cos din see ur name and Nat's name under the bash list....

The list is long... Muz start recruiting committee members. Hahaha


you asked about oatmeal and constipation? Oats are very high in fibre but too much fibre can cause constipation too, unless baby drinks a lot of water. So if you give baby oatmeal, gotta make sure she drinks up. It happened to Renee a few times already. Not very constipated by it makes her stools dry and harder to pass.


How's macho Ashton? How come goody boy became naughty boy! Probably just a phase where he's craving for more attention and sayangs from you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

had a v busy weekend. hope everyone is well.

jessie>is arwen better?

xin>how's mattias' fever? hope its gone? actually, if your hubby is concerned about the sweetness, why don't you feed mattias fresh prunes instead? Most supermarkets are selling them at discount now. I cut them into 2 along the line outside, twist it in 2 to separate both halves, depitt the prune then steam them. Once steamed, I pull off the skin and eat them. The flesh I will blend into puree and freeze. quite easy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blueberrypie>hihi! long time no see. oh no. andrea also not well? hope she gets better soon.

lamb>wah, your beef recipe sounds interesting. what is fish lyonnaise?

bbin2010>har? the tiger jar will turn rusty? I never encountered that wor. My experiment can cook porridge in it.

I saw taka got promo for it. $49 for 0.7l. not sure still have or not.

c.yang>thanks for the warning about oats. We just started giving ayden oat cereal so will ask my mom to give him more wter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The fish lyonnaise is very yummy!1st time hb says Aly's food is palatable!We might make more for ourselves the next time. I think Nat will love the leek & potato soup. I am gonna make that this week. Gonna try making the braised beef this wkend. I will update u on the bumper macaroni cheese after i have let Aly try that this wed. Share how Nat takes to all the yummy food u have prepared for her, k?

Morning Mommies!

How's everyone weekends?

Jessie: Thx for organizing the Taobao spree =) Hee.. i'm very looking forward to the next one, if there's one. haha!

does the tiger jar shorten cooking porridge time??

im taking 1.5hr to cook my porridge, using slow cooker.. then for 2 meals its 3hr.. =|

Finally the weekend is OVER! Won't believe it, but I can't wait to be back in office cos staying at home with Bryan recently just drives me crazy. His cough has been dragging for a month, got slightly better when he completed his antibotics but is now back to the mess again.

For the past 2 nites, he would wake up for milk, take about 100ml and start coughing. And cos he vomited with the cough b4, he is very scare of coughing and would start to scream and wail. This can last for an hr before he tires himself out. Hubby and i are already lost with what to do.

Just brought him to TCM yesterday afternoon on my cousin's recommedation for a baby tui-na to solve his cough and cold. Hv to bring him back today and tmr as well. -sweat-

Just need to rant cos I am so so tired with his constant falling sick. It was said that bf will build the baby's immunity, but it doesn't seem to help in Bryan's case. Not sure if it's me, him or the infant care.

lamb > thanks for sharing the receipe. I shall try it for Bryan cos I am simply running out of ideas on what to cook for him, thou I only do it over the weekends.

callalily > I think you can soon start to publish all the recipes you've tried and 'sell' it to us. They all sound so yummy!

xin > is mattias better? How did he suffer from that pimple thingy in the 1st place? And thanks so much for all the things on Sat! You won't believe it... Bryan was so happy smiling at you when I picked up the things from you, but when he reached his great-grandparents' place, he instantly had a 360 change and turned grouchy and started crying and crying. Does this half the time we go there... Weird.

morning mummies!


i oso dono lei.. unless the interior is not stainless steel, hw could it be rusting?

i took it from the website:


the phrase:

"Ensure all moisture is wiped from the product after cleaning. If the product got left wet, it may cause rust."

i'm puzzled by tis sentence...


wah, slow cooker oso cook faster than my method ah?? i nid 2hrs to cook lei... double boil method...

Hi mummies,

Just to share with u all that i m selling away Singapore Flyer tixs (3 adults & 1 kid)..just in case any of u r interested...or help to spread the word..keke..can pm me for more details...thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_sticktongue.gif]


i dono.. like i mentioned, found the phrase in the website... so wonder if the interior is stainless steel, hw can it rust??

big foot:

Hope Bryan's cough recovers soon. It's the infant care!!!

Aiyoh, i got all my recipes from Gina Ford. Already published. I merely tried them out on Aly & surprisingly she loves all the recipes there so far. Thank gdness she takes to porridge too

C.yang- he is much better now !! I dunno why!!! Maybe is just attention seeking lo.. ?????? Hope everything won't repeat again !!!

Regards to tiger porridge maker !!!

I'm so amaze by the function.. I use put the rice n boiled hot water with fish n very thinly shred carrots and wolfberry n cover ! By three hours later is hot n yummy n soft ,. Usually I cook two meals one shot .. N after taking out lunch I cover it back n dinner take out to feed Ashton n it's still warm ! Dinner time the porridge even more yummy cos it's inside "cooking" for longer hours !


Shayne has also been screaming his lungs off...

think it's a phrase... just hate it when he scream in his sleep... cant wake him up at all...

so poor thing like having a bad dream...

cheeriehear> thanks. we've been back and forth Malaysia numerous times. Not sure whether those are considered as holiday.

lamb> Nat is so lucky to have so much yummy food. I haven't started the more complex recipes. I started fish porridge last week and pasta this week. I gave him tofu with avocado 2 days ago and he loves it. Kept screaming for more. Look forward to hear how Nat will take to the braised beef and fish lyonnaise.

mindy> i am pleasantly surprised that capsicum goes so well with porridge. and it helps to 'blanket' the fishy smell of the fish too. thanks for sharing the recipe.

big_foot> speedy recovery to Bryan.

And speedy recovery to all mommies / LOs who are under the weather.

bbin, afann,

I tried cooking 2 meals at one go but by dinner, it became very very soft.. My girl dun like that texture..

I felt very immobile cooking porridge.. cos always have to rush home cook porridge..

Hiya mummies!

Thanks for all the Hari Raya wishes. So sweet of you gals to remember & bother. I'm still alive, tho very tired. Visiting with 2 kids can be quite a circus at times & I feel sorry that babies' sleeps are disrupted due to jumping in & out of the car seats.


I bought 2 tiny malay traditional clothings for Aifah, Still too big for her at size 0 & 1, lol.

Little Lamb

You were so quiet last week. I guess you've been busy cooking for Nat! How is she? Does she like the food?

I notice AK uses a lot of butter & sauteing in her recipes. No wonder babies like them! Sauteing onions really brings out a lot of flavour. I'm so lazy. I think I'll just be blending some beef, sweet potato for A. Heehehe. I sauteed onions and garlic a few times but my mom raised an eyebrow. She questioned if babies shud take oily food. Errr...


Thanks, I got the package [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How's lil Arwen now? Now I'm wondering whether A will be taking the meningnitis jab. Or is that what's called Pneumo jab here?

Yup tiger is the same !!!! Is very convi leh .. Now my Ashton get to eat my yummy porridge ..

Bbin - yes I boil very hot water pour in


1- wash rice

2- boil water till got bubbles - if can put rice grain in

3- grate carrots or pumpkim or potatoes

4- rinse salmon / cod fish with hot water first

5- put fish & carrots into Tiger

6- quickly pour the very boiling water into the flask with the uncooked rice grain

7- cover tiger cap n leave it for 1.5 hrs / 2 hrs

8- open n chk if too less water add boiling water inside n stir

9- serve the porridge

10- cover tiger back till dinner can give again cos still warm

I find all less than 10 mins to prepare n I always prepare the porridge my maid only pour out the porridge n give Ashton

Even though I couldn't feed him myself but the porridge is all prepare by his mama ! Love <3

melody - if too soft right ! Put less water when cook ! N by then if u wanna feed add a bit of hot water to stir n sharlyn cn eat Liao

Morning mummies, long weekends are nice to spend with kids but equally exhausting....haha!

Re: Ikea Photoshoot

I totally forgotten about that, even hubby, eventhough I reminded him to remind me...We were so busy as the entire family (hubby's side) were at my place yesterday as it was my MIL' death anniversary....

Smalldreams> Hope you have a Happy Raya!! It must have been quite cute to see A in the little Malay traditional dresses....

Lamb, SP> Must really salute both of you.... You gals are really making so much effort to cook the yummy food for Nat and Aly!

big_foot> Oh dear, hope Bryan gets well soon! It is definitely the Infant Care!!!

Afann, Febie> Recently Lucas also likes to scream and shout....Even at the hawker center, when I am eating chwee kuay, fed Lucas some (without the chye boh), he is eating it so happily and quickly that if I can't feed him fast enough, he will just scream for food....Everyone around us will look into our direction and made me so paiseh.... One aunty and another ah pek was telling us how cute Lucas is...


Aiyoh, really want to come here and rant a bit....SIL has been doing lots of comparison between Luis and Lucas and always condemned Lucas, kept saying how naughty and fussy he is, etc. She would always be complimenting Luis, saying what a world of difference between the 2 brothers... I actually hated all of these comparisons and to me, both are my sons and they are different in their own ways....How should I tell her off? I know Lucas is fussy and quite difficult to handle at times but ultimately he is still a baby. He does not know how to talk yet, so of course when he is unhappy, he will just scream lor.....

Anyway, very soon she will not be looking after the kids for me liao (Dec 2010). Will send Luis to CC and my helper will take care of Lucas at home. At times, how I wish, this can be fast forward!!! But, very contradicting feelings and thoughts, coz I also dun feel confident to leave Lucas alone with helper..... Sigh!

Sorry to make you all read such a long paragraph of my rantings....

Recently I love to add cheese into his meals n he loves it ..

And oso avocado he hates them but strange thing is yesterday I gave him .. He actually eats two tbsp avocado .. N yum yum look hahaha

Ashton love tofu with carrot n salmon cook with cheese !

Gg to explore more food for him

Luvbabe, it's ok to give the ikea shoot a miss if you are busy... nothing to regret lah...

Dun listen so much to your SIL lah...

if really cant take it, then tell her, that no two people can be alike lor...

Afann, what cheese u give Ashton huh??

I want to give the laughing cow brand but quite saltish leh... so I hold back...

tot of adding it to his porridge...

so happy to see them eat right?

Must ask all of you to share receipes with me now...

Luvbabe- yesterday I oso give chwee kueh lolzz n he is like oh beside porridge n cereal .. Outside food is sooo much yummy lolzz

N ur maid u can fang xin la she look after so long already ..

Just say nicely lo if u compare her teenage kids she oso won't feel gd mah

talk to her first ? Each baby is different

AFann: Wow, look like easy to prepare with this tiger jar.

luvable: Hehe.. My gal also like that, she will scream when she saw we eating.. :/

I also want to try out the fish lyonaise but need oven. No oven. Hahaa. So bo bian. Cannot do.

Anyway, my fren told me (frm another thread) tt Sean Lau is not taking pics already. And the review like not good. Anyone went there already?

Febie - yup ok Liao ... Very itchy leh nose .. But I keep eating the flu med n slp lo one day ok Liao .. Think caught the cold from slping air con n wearing spaghetti top to slp hahaha

Oh ya the ikea photoshoot no more lah??

wahh,, finally got some time to sneak in..

Anyone on leave on wednesday? hahaha.. thinking of taking a day off...

Luvbabe> another 3 more mths only.. so ren yi ren ba.. but is ya maid ok so far? but is ya SIL aware of this arrangement? guess she will probably be ranting too by then cause she will have no income by then hahahaha...

Afann> i think BBs love variety.. everyday eat the same thing, maybe sianz liao hahaha...i haven tried the cheese recipe though hahaha

pls share ur recipes..

im been alternating between pork, potato, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, brocoli, cod fish & ngor hoo..

i ran out of ingredients le..

Everytime, I will add at least 4 out of the above items for Sharlyn.. Else she dun like..

firipy - Me? hardworking? Hhahaa. Okay lah. But sometimes I find myself too focused on preparing her meals that I lose focus on other aspects of her development. So I tell myself now, weekends are for preparing her meals for the week while DH plays with her and then weekdays I can solely concentrate on spending time with her.

febie - I have not firmed up on my CNY dates back yet but doubt I'll be back in time for the party also lah. Plus DH and I don't intend to celebrate big time for Nat. Just wanna spend a simple birthday with her. :p

lsntyl - Basically, lyonnaise is a french dish tt involves cooking potatoes and onions. So fish lyonnaise, u basically just add fish to it. I baked them with vegetable stock. Pretty yummy. :D

sp_callalily - Hahhaha, yes I'll be sharing her response here with you gals. So far, she's quite ok with braised beef. Probably quite sweet also with the sweet potato and carrots. Guess you can add parsnip too. Hmmm, I'm still iffy about bumper macaroni cheese due to it's cow's milk content. Shall bide my time first on that.

big foot - If you're adventurous enuff, Annabel Karmel really has a lot of tasty and yummy recipes (or at least from the way I read them). Hahhaa. For me, I am still quite safe. Coz' I still dun really dare to introduce cow's milk to Nat's diet even if it means they've been cooked. If you have managed to try, share with us how Bryan takes to them, k?


Hhahaa, yes yes, will surely post her response here for all to view. As I mentioned to sp_callalily, she took to the braised beef pretty well. My efforts in staying up late to watch the pot paid off! BTW, I've introduced rice cakes as finger food to her recently with some soup. Initially she was quite hesitant coz' it was quite dry. I was also a little worried because not sure if she can chew and then swallow.

Was fearful of choking too. But gradually, the more she tried, the more she liked. And recently she's learnt to chew and suck a bit before swallowing. I also wanna introduce tofu to Nat. And maybe try adding mango puree. Avocado with tofu nice?

My gf said she gave her daughter, and she didn't like it.


Hhahaa, I dunno what I was busy with last week leh. I think maybe I was busy preparing porridge lah. Porridge takes up way too much of my time coz' Nat only likes to have it with fresh chicken stock!!! Cannot use frozen ones for her. :S So ah ... I won't be preparing too much porridge for her also lah. I think I'm better off with pureed food.

As I was sharing with the gals, Nat finished up the braised beef pretty fast coz' I used carrots and sweet potato to braise with it, so it turned out quite sweet and yummy. Even I was tempted to eat it. Hehhee. Yeah, AK uses a lot of butter in her recipes so DH always complains why the blender jar so oily when he's washing it. Actually your mom has a point. Sometimes, when I see that the butter or olive oil has produced so much oil, I also wonder if it's alright.

But I guess these are healthy oil? Oh well ... as long as she loves the food ... I have no qualms about doing them up.

Little lamb> yeah, my fatty loves tofu.. she finished all the tofu that day when we were out for dinner hahaha..

I know olive oil shld be healthy but not sure abt butter...but the recipe really do looks very tempting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Err...parsnips??? I think i will avoid them for the next 2 wks. The smell makes me sick!!! U know FM is actually from cow as well. But if u r still concerned abt Nat's intestines, i think u better hold off till u feel confident abt introducing to her in cooking.

G Ford's butter proportion a bit too much. So maybe use 3/4 suggested portion? Her olive oil proportion is correct[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do u mind sharing yr salmon, cheese & tofu recipe? I bought tofu & havent decided wat to do with it. If i cant find wat i think is yummy tofu baby recipe, then i will use it for adult consumption


As Lamb mentioned, when u see LO finish up the food, u feel motivated to cook for them. Anyway, we eat Aly's food too cuz some of the recipes r really yummy esp the fish lyonnaise

I just steam everything together n sprinkle the cheese n serve lo..

Is very easy one the carrot is grated carrots .. Mash them n serve with kraft stick cheese..

Melody- actually Can put in apples or pear to the porridge for the sweetness ..

Next in line I'm gg to try cook water chestnut with porridge


Yeah, it does take a lot of effort in preparing yummy meals for our LOs. And then sometimes, cook until look so nice then all have to puree into 1 same color. See already like damn wasted. Hhahahaa. But that also ensures that she eats everything and not picks on certain foods only. Hehe.

I guess I can understand how you feel about the comparisons. If she doesn't do it in front of the kids, it's still quite ok I suppose. But kids are all different mah. How can your SIL expect all of them to be guai. Please lah. If all guai, sleep on time, eat on time, no challenges, you find parenting meaningful meh?

Then might as well go raise robots. Chey. Mixed feelings definitely coz' you also gotta learn to trust your helper. But this is inevitable when both parents have to be working lor. Can make arrangements with workplace to let u work like alternate days from home? So that you can watch over helper?

At least in early stages until you're more confident.

sherry79 - You gals, not bad, already introduced tofu. I was still thinking if I should leh. I am holding off salmon and tofu till 9 months. For tofu, I read in the nestle weaning chart that soy may cause allergies. But I already gave her soy milk leh ... so again, I dunno if I should consider giving her tofu. Coz' tofu just steam and then maybe mix with meat puree or veg puree. Simple, one dish!

sp_callalily - Yeah, i know tt FM is dried up from cow's milk too. But dunno leh, after the diarrhea incident, I'm quite scared to introduce stuff to her. Too kiasee perhaps. LOL. Yah lor, now i know, cannot use too much butter liao.

wow so many receipes leh...

i also haven introduce tofu...

ok will see if can serve it with cheese...

and sweet potatoes....

Sherry, on leave on wed?

hmmmm... super tempting huh....

lamb, the bash is more like a get together for all mummies and babies...

so planning a birthday bash to mark their one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah, those dishes makes me hungry siah! Maybe when it comes to toys and games I am more on but when it comes to food, I am more chin cai, simple stuff would do.

LAst two days, the weather is the pits! So dark and gloomy, and Arwen still had the dry cough so dun dare to bring her out. So we entertain her at home. Yesterday I put a slab of laughing cow cheese, some bits of biscuit and some pureed apples on a big plare infront of her. Want to let her touch the food and feel the texture. This gal, just keep staring and it and not sure what to do, in the end, she grab the plate and started licking! Made a whole mess but was really funny, keke.

Sometimes I think weekends for her are more like fun times cos her nanny would be aghast to see the mess and her nanny dun allow her to watch Elmo one. I was wondering really what kind of mum I really would be if I am taking care of her full time! I think I would be a siao mummies as shown below.. was bored so use her as a hair model, keke! Last picture was when she was finally tired out ( very rare these days...)

Okie going to the hospital now, report back later.



Jessie, Arwen is so pretty..love her eyes. She is like your barbie doll to play with. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi how is everyone? Been super busy with work, sick (3 kids, myself, maid), and travel

re: baby food

I no longer cook baby food exclusively, what we do is whatever we cook, we just scoop some for bb to eat, minus the salt, oil. At most, just steam something if the dishes are not suitable, and blend together with rice/porridge.

Have stopped preparing food for storage, or thrown away all frozen puree, as there is no use for it

re: Crying

My LO seldom cries, she is always so easy and quiet, gentle and cheerful. Actually i quite rough, don't know why she so gentle lor...But she is quite samseng with open legs when she sleeps! LOL


Febie> Can count me in for the birthday bash organising committee.

Afann> Yeah, Lucas always love outside food. He will always get to taste whenever we go out to eat. He loves chwee kueh, chee cheong fun (those on the spot hand made ones), cheesecake, bao and hawker ctr/restaurant porridge. hehe....

With regards to trusting the maid, my hubby still has his reservations....Most likely will follow you to put webcam at home.

Sherry> Yeah, still ren....She is aware of this plan but just not too sure of the exact date. That reminds me to inform her soon....She has lots of lobangs and friends one. She is not worried that she won't have income. She again was telling other family members, in front of me and my hubby that working out there is still better than staying home. At least got CPF.... My helper is fine but we still bu fang xin to leave Lucas alone with her at home.

