(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Carrefour having ware house sale at 56 Serangoon Nth Ave 4, Level 2... Pampers active stage at $56 for 4 packets.. but only got M,L and XL.. for M size 44 per packet which means 176 pieces wo...They are open till 10pm..


littlelamb *hi , I was not sure if you read my post last night

"littlelamb, I am thinking about Ergo still, I really don't like the color leh but if it is really good then we will seriously consider it.

saw this :


I like!!! This site many things leh. Can shop around. Maybe got extra money I buy this for fun~

DON"T WORRY , I mean , I am sorry if I made you worried about baby movement! I think baby suppose to move 10 times an hour now???? So it is ok.

It is like if baby SUDDENLY super active then no movement, that is worrying.

Scary right but I learn to time my baby movement liao. 2 pm to 5pm, she sleeps, no movement at all. The rest of the day and night, move all the time."

nothing important but the thread can move very fast!

bryest - thank God you and bb are fine! I really think it would be all good now we pass 24 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Of cos still must be cautious.

Today I went for yoga and then spurge 300 bucks in Mothercare here, DH was shock I spend so much but I blackmail him saying "your baby girl already at disadvantage being born in a city so polluted and no good water, of cos have to spend more on better stuff for her what!". IT WORKS. He knows I win.~ LOL!

Oh man but need to get back to work~ would be hanging around here for company.

Bryest : tks god is fine..may i knw which gynea you went to?

I: I also interested leh..but is it too early to start now? cos i deliver only in Jan 10 ah..now wax then will grow back again..laugh..

Mummies tdy i went scanning..i am happy to declare ..I DID NOT PUT ON WEIGHT SINCE WEEK 21 (since i last weight for my detailed scan)..now i am in week 26 going 27...bb weighing at 900g, gynea said a bit big to me, but he said so far he would only said bb growing very well, cos should range fr 800 - 900g for week 26, i going to week 27, so is ok..

He said my placenta is still that low [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nxt visit then he see how, most probably c-sect..haiz...

jessietan - I saw your message and I also responded to it. Think you'll need to scroll back to read. Hhehehe. Didn't see you around whole day. Went shopping for bb stuff?

dolphin, hopefully u don have to go for c-sect, pray the placenta will shift up, i only get a nod from my gynae when i was abt 7th mths that my placenta had shifted up during the last preg, so hang in there, ya? hope it will be good news during ur next visit, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest, miss ur post when busy with my boy, good to know ur bb is doing rock n roll inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just now bring my boy to see doc again, and the doc changed some of his med, seem working well on him now, he KO in lala land....

i just done one small damage in this bp:


need to get some socks and leg warmers for my gal since she have a lot of clothings but limited socks and leg warmers, so ordering some for her.

Dolpin : You control your weight so welll *envious*

900gm is a good weight!

Initially I was putting on weight so I thought my bb is well, then doc said that my bb weight only ok. That despite what I eat, if I don't exercise more, the nutrient don't flow to bb. Don't know true or not but that motivated me abit.

You know at yoga today... the doctor show us a dvd of a couple coping with baby after birth, the lady on the dvd VERY FAT OK! I feel like pointing to the doc and say " HEY! I am not so fat ok! I can still see my neck!".

Lamb : hee, weather was nice, got SUN and blue sky leh ( you know it can be rare here) so force myself to go hunt baby stuff after yoga.

Actually I like the children's store across Mothercare but you know the SA here.. they follow me everywhere and I am abit stress, so hardly buy anything. I buy from Mothercare cos easier lah.

I got the hooded towels, mueslin squares , bibs, thermometer, 2 toys and some more odds and ends.

I am worried... I am looking for something to cover my bed during the last month, I scare waterbag burst in bed then how? At least in Singapore, I know got sell those big paper sheets with plastic underlining. Here, have to hunt for sterile cotton and gauze , incase got epistomy then need to nurse the wound.

Haizz... think need my sister to sent to me liao~

What you guys did today?


Indeed ... sunny blue skies are so rare ... do you think it'll snow this year? Looks like you must've spent a bomb at Mothercare. Did you apply for membership? Actually ... mothercare's stuff can be found in Pu An. If I'm not wrong, Marks & Sparks sell baby stuff too. Speaking about hooded towels, I haven't gotten them too.

Will get it with the muselin squares in my next baby shopping trip. I was looking at some baby rattlers and toys at ELC over here the other day. They were having discount. But not sure if I wanna wait for DH to be around and then decide. Hmmm, I honestly never gave much thought to waterbag bursting in bed. Maybe we ought to solicit responses from the ladies here, especially those who have birth experiences before.

I think just prepare a really huge towel should be adequate?

Hi gals, so many posts, enjoy reading tho hehhhe!

Went to visit my gynae ytd, am nursing a runny nose as usual....cos ppl moving in the office and the new ppl who just joIin likes to pat chair every day, 3 of us who sit near them all get bad runny nose! Baby is abt 1.2kg, am at week 28, doc says baby growing well.

I jus got my breast medela freestyle breast pump from the spree ytd, am so happy tho I cant use yet ahahhaha! A nice mummy delivered to my wkplc

Jessie, I kept wondering wat taobao is abt and went n take a peep and so tempted to join in spree to buy things again!

lamb: I think towel enough but I really don't want the water to wet my bed even abit ( I am fussy like that). I think anyway if cannot find, I will just put a thick plastic cover under my mattress.

I hope it snow! I like snow in Dec, will be nice to let bb see snow! LOL!

I spend about 1500 RMB today, just got the Membership card. I abit fed up budgeting all the time so I spurge on some toys for her also.

Marks&Spencer got lovely onesies~ I will buy from them when bb is 3 to 6 mths. Now too much clothes.

Saw a nice wooden crib from Goodbaby, about 998 RMB, not bad. I want to cosleep but my mother advice against also... she say not safe! Haizz so have to hunt for one now.

firipy (firipy) -> Oh Taobao can be addictive! I buy so many headbands and bags and Korean stuff from there! So far *touch woo* all the seller very nice and no loss yet!

I am still abit worried about bb thing from Taobao so I don't think I will buy BB things from there.

Lamb : Do you have water filter in your Shanghai home?

Wa, Sherry, luckily you asked and SkII replied you. I got a tub of skin refining treatment but never used for a long, long time. 2 nights ago, I decided to apply on my nose for the blackheads cos long time never go facial. Wooh... looks like I got to chuck it back to its dark corner again.

I think cannot use cos the skin refining treatment has aha or salicyclic acid that is supposed to melt away the blackheads and reveal new skin bah. :p The rest of the skII products made from the rice ferment concentrate so are safe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little_lamb, sorry, my rubix cube got no light. I meant it is light-weight. :p but yes, i read that baby can sense light. I disturb Beanie by repeatedly pulling blanket over my exposed bump and then pulling it down. She kicked. hahaha.

Firipy, Same same! I went for a check up yesterday, going into 28W, doc says Beanie's about 1.2kg, too.

Dolphin, at 25W, I gained about 10kg in total. Then I became more watchful of my diet, also not so hungry anymore, three weeks later (yesterday), I lost 1 kg even though Beanie has been growing well. So happy cos I don't want to gain more than recommended. Doc asked me to continue to eat whatever I want but agreed that it's good to choose healthy food and not lose control of diet. I think I'm the kind who can put on weight easily too.

As for movements, doc says there are many ways of counting. He suggested that having 20 movements (kicks, twitches, punches, all counted) in a day is good. Told him that Beanie kicks no matter I lie on left or on right, I thought Beanie is not comfortable with my position. He said that it's not a protest by baby. To him an active baby is a healthy baby.

Hi, sorry to intrude... m a july 09 mummy...

i have got a few loots for sale.. those interested, do pm me. thks..

1) nappy liners

2) DOM

3) Chicken essence

4) Opened feneugreek.. took about 10 capsules...

morning ladies!!...

these few days..no access to PC...missing out on the chats!

hi jessie,



good to know dat bb is OK..relax yah..

me having gum & tooth problem again..can only chew on soft food...sian..

chat wif you girl in the evening!

Morning mummies..

Joy: yes he said he will see nxt visit, if next visit still same then confirm is c-sec ald [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he say things oso very contractiding..rem he asked me to bed rest..i din bed rest lah, i rest at home, walkin ard at home, din lie on bed till night falls, so the pain goes off..

He said is good to rest for me, but i need to exercise ald, cos now cannot keep resting.. so i asked him, do i rest or exercise, he said both .. i was like huh both? how to both? my husband oso puzzled..hmmm...

C.yang: yes dun control ur diet, cos is good that bb grow but u too need nutrients too... but now lost weight, gynea din said anything ah?

Jessie: din control my weight, jus eat normal, i don't feel hungry easily..mine is normal meals only... i so happy when i weighted myself cos i tot siao liao, this time don't know how many kgs put on...laugh..

tink can hit the target of not exceeding 60ks .. laugh..i tink same goal as 1 of the mummy here..not wanting to hit 60kgs too..

Morning everyone!


So happy to hear yr baby's fine!

Today I feel my tummy a bit tight...haiz..hope all's Alright. Haven't noticed movements though...maybe sleeping still.


Ouh, hopefully no need C-sect yah...


For me, the water didn't burst dramatically lah...hahaha..but it did start leaking when I was sleeping. It soaked my pantyliner at about 5 am when I woke up. I thought I peed in my sleep! But later when I changed, it got wet again!

byrest: good to hear on your bb update and knowing all is well

dolphin: u lucky gal ..the weight not pilling on u but bb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully your placenta will move up at a later stage and can try natural

morning All!!

Carrefour having ware house sale at 56 Serangoon Nth Ave 4, Level 2... Pampers active stage at $56 for 4 packets.. but only got M,L and XL.. for M size 44 per packet which means 176 pieces wo...They are open till 10pm..

hi smalldreams,

i was very worried when i didn't notice any movements too. I ask my gynae why i can't feel the movements. He ask me to give baby a break.

Update re: little Dreamers - Tampines collection

Just called Linda, the staff at Little Dreamers, and she said Grace (the boss) has not sent her any orders. She said she can only act if Grace sends her the orders as Grace is now based in China. I gave Linda my mobile number, name and order no and she said she'll call me if she hears from Grace.

Looks like we can't get our loots by this weekend for sure. :p

ok, pauline, thanks for the update as was busy with my sick boy these few days, ok, i already email to them abt my order status as well, so we shld wait and see, hope by next weekend we can get the stuffs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bride09> I bought M and L hahaha.. they dun have newborn and S [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldream & bbwoofie: yes i oso hope dun need ..natural pushing still better..

BTW any one watched Diana Ser story on saying I AM SORRY? i felt is so scary..my sis switched the channel & tell me i should not be watching..at a moment i tot Diana was selfish because she want the bb to be out so that she has nothing to do with e bb shd anything happens to her..haiz..but later part i felt she is brave ..

sherry, tempting... u still rem how many pcs for L and XL mah? thinking to go there during lunch since office not so far from there....


sometimes when i'm on the move, i dont quite notice movements too.

ms tan

thanks for that guidelines!

But i remember, when my water bag started leaking& i called my gnane at 6 am, he asked if i could feel baby's movements. so i guess thats a very important thing to take note of.


is yr boy better now?

do you believe that #1 tend to get unwell when we are expecting 2nd one? :p

Joy: o i c..wow written in magazine some more..how's ur boy? also did u slp well last nite?

smalldreams: serious meh? y ah? i mean i gt no #1 ah, this is my #1..so if i got #2 then i knw y #1 like th...

smalldreams, really har, i dono if it relate or nt......

dolphin, he is slightly bttr, finally able to sleep peacefully throughout the nite and willing to take the med as compared the last 2 days he was so relucant to take the med and we have to use force and cranky.

sherry, ok.... mmmm, maybe not getting XL since my boy is abt to dump his diapers for potty anytime soon. will go see see look look later.

i watched the diana ser prog. So doc ask u bed rest better bed rest.. Cos end up also bb suffer..

Now bb kicks is strong. Yesterday he kicked my right side i could feel the impact n i stopped walking n rub my tummy.. Wow.. Naughty boy

AFann: ya lor..so now gynea asked me rest..i better rest..not only bb suffer, ppl ard u oso suffer together..i gt a shock to see those blood stain on her bed..wow liew ah.. & bb din grow despite her eating promptly..

Worse is preg she still wear so high heels..wow she tink she super woman sia..sometimes is good to listen to what ppl said..now i rest ald..i very guai since last week..no stubborn no insist...i suffer nvm...small one suffer i heart pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Joy: yes bb sick is like th de...worse than adult..adult sick know how to say..bb sick...e whole world crashes down on you ..


I have stocked up so much diapers till my hubby is screaming at me liao... I have Huggies Ultra - NB to M size, I also have Mamy Poko NB, S, Fitti Premium - S sizes, as well as Pampers Active M sizes (2 boxes - 4 packets). For Pampers Active, size L is 38 pcs/packet. XL is 34 pcs/packet. Hope this helps!

I: when ur bb due? my mum said cannot buy pampers to stock cos pamper itself have a shelf life, if buy too much & din use, it will turn yellow & lead to bb skin allergy..you tu..

so i din buy any pack despite many sales now..

wow luvbabe, try all brands ah...

my frens are buying nepia brand for me...i think they can delivery to our house one...told them no hampers pls, i dun mind diapers


her water bag broke at 5.5months n the bed is filled with blood when she woke up. She had worked too hard even although she felt gd she didnt knw the bb is tired.. N she is instructed to bed rest till at least week 28 then see how if bb cn c sec or nt.. Then the bb surived thru n last till week 30 but she gt food posion she LS i think then she bleed alot again. This time round the doc really strictly ask her to bed rest n prevent more lost in water bag fluid

Then her baby weight onli 1.8kg.. She promtply eat all her meals in bed n till week 32 baby still nv gain weight.. Ten until week 35 cnt wait anymore have to c sec n take out bb girl.. I think tat time bb is sttill vrri small..

She regretted and almost everyday say sorry to her girl .. Now her girl is in pink of health

Almost turning 12mths

