(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Anyway, diapers shelf life is 3 yrs. Based on my experience, surely will finish using one coz I buy when sale/cheap!

My c-sect date will be between 15-18 Dec.

For Pampers Active, I am extremely familiar coz Luis is using that previous and I usually stocked up when there is a sale so average out, per pc is about 40cts or lesser. Otherwise, normal price can be as expensive as 60cts/pc leh....

Re: child is unwell....

I truly can understand and empathise as I almost lose my boy at birth so I would rather the adult suffer than the child suffers... that's how great mummies in the world are.... That's why, I am very certain I cannot take the traumatic experience of going through normal labour as I will still cry when I recall how Luis almost lost his life at birth! It was a miracle!


oic...ya i think we cannot be too selfish thinking of ourself...must think for the little one in us too....we need to stay healthy n strong for our little one.

to add on AFann part, she wore 4 inch high heels to wk & rushing to all her assignments work as though she is not preg, and she still can proudly said she can do even more, she is not tired, she felt more energetic as more work comes in..

yes her bb very small when she was born..

luvbabe : for mummies who currently expecting 2nd think will need to stock up more diapers of different sizes.

Sherry : u 1st one, so fast need to stock up M size ?

I only got 1/2 packs of NB & 1/2 packs of S size. Thought M size will not need to use until much later, right ? when bb reach ard 6kg.....;p

Experienced mummies, bb reach ard 6kg that will be when ?

All, I met Diana, James and their parents and kids in tow at the chinese restaurant. me, hubby and Luis are just sitting beside them. Saw the little girl and she is really into pink of health now... Guess she must have regretted! So, mummies, if doc order bed rest, must follow instructions strictly, dun be gungho!

I: ooo i c..but my mum forbid me to stock up pampers...i also tempted to buy cos somethings can b real cheap, & especially is something usable daily..like our women kotex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] laugh... i also stock up if gt sales..but my mum thinkin is cannot stock up all these..unlike toilet papers & detergents...

mstan, my boy already graduated fm diaper...heng ah...save diaper money on him liao...now just get diaper for mei mei nia...tomoro will be going to msia, i wonder how many packs of diaper can my car take...haha...diff to say at which mth reach 6kg, cos all depends on bb...my boy born 2.8kg, so he took a longer time to reach 6kg...tat time all his NB clothes so loose

Megan : NB diapers loose ? Heard pampers & huggies size smaller while mamy poko bigger.

NB pampers & huggies still small that time ?

Mmmm.....I dun dare to stock up too much NB size becos heard bb outgrown pretty fast & also I will be using cloth diapers for 1st mth....;p

mstan> for my 1st, i also think like you but ended up, i did not use cloth diapers at all... not worth the hassle...

Sherry> I always follow the philosophy of cheap, then stock up. Plus, I really like those Pampers Active boxes coz I used them to store toys, and stuff.... Can you imagine how many I have in my house but they are all neatly stacked up.... haha!

mstan, my boy going to grad from diapers soon, so no need to stock up alot.

megan, my boy was born weight 3.3kg, lucky tat time i din get a lot of nb size, so nt too bad, but mamy poko NB size is slightly than S size, just for you gals' info.

pamper S size is bigger than mamy poko S size, so u can still stock up pamper S size if u want to.


Hi hi ... sorry I missed one of your posts yesterday. My OB is Dr. Lee. Do you know her? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yeah, if you're concerned, then better get a plastic sheet. Yah, in Singapore, also must spend about S$300 in order to get membership and it's only for a year. That means every year must spend $300 in order to maintain the membership.

And not every pdt is entitled to discounts. No wonder my friends are all pushing their mothercare discount card to me to spend. LOL. I guess it's the same policy in SH too. When you mean co-sleep, you're referring to letting your baby girl sleep with you on the bed? There're cribs that allow co-sleeping too.

But not sure if it's available in Shanghai. As for snow, I don't think u'd like snow in China in general, according to my DH, it's really different from the snow in Seoul.

luvbabe : heee....I hv CL for 1st mth so will ask her to wash the cloth diapers.....that's y I use cloth diapers for only 1st mth....hee...;p....2nd-4th mth then use NB & S size disposable diapers. Think M size will not need to use so soon....;p

Btw, u staying ard the Redhill mkt or nearer to the 7-11/coffeeshop ?

Can meet u 4 'kopi' to seek advise fr u - experienced mummy....;p

hi5 luvbabe...for my 1st one, my sis oso say use cloth diaper better for bb, but hor during the 1st 2 wks, she was helping me and bb's poo always overflow, kena diaper, so diff to wash...after tat she give up liao...haha...really not worth the trouble

bryest - 23 weeks and baby is at 700gms is a very good sign. By right, baby should only be weighing at about 500gms or so then. So nothing for you to worry about. Your baby is growing at a very healthy rate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep a positive mindset, k? Are you working? If you are, work should keep you occupied and your mind from wandering.

c yang - Hhahaha, I mistook your light as the physical light itself. I was thinking it must be cute to have a lighted rubik cube. But it's so cool that your beanie's so responsive. I've been playing Baby Einstein and some Bossa Nova for kids for my little gal. She seems to like the bossa nova songs.

smalldreams - Hhehe, okie, thanks for sharing, so we now know it's not the drama kinda water gushing all out. LOL.

tink better start to buy pampers, afraid will be too tired to shop around...mummies, pls let me knw if got good sale of pampers for NB, hw many will NB use evryday?..:D

Sherry : oh I got huggies NB & S size instead....;p

luvbabe : u know any gd nanny ard our area or tiong bahru area ? I looking for 1 nanny leh....;p

Btw, is it better/economical to get those waterproof mattress protector or juz get fr guardian those incontinence disposable sheets ?

Also bb cot need waterproof mattress protector, right ? which kind ?

mstan, i got the waterproof mattress protector from bp. mainly is for my boy if he leak at nite cos he is now halfway thru potty training.

I din put the mattress protector in the bb cot last time, just the disposable sheet.

poo plus pee, it is ard 8-10 times a day.

mamad, yes, as we approaching 3rd trim, we'll be tired to shop shop le.

Joy : So no need to get waterproof mattress protector for bb until maybe 1yr later ?

which waterproof mattress protector did u get ? Gd ? How is it ? Is it cotton on top & waterproof on the other side ? Dunno shld I get now or much later?

mstan> you're right...NB change up to 8 diapers a day. Me staying nearer to coffeeshop/7-eleven. u?

I used to know my SIL's fren who stay near us used to looked after 2 kids but recently no more.... she loves children very much but not sure if she is still keen to look after children leh, as she found job to do liao.

I get those waterproof mats (washable and cotton) recently from Taka Baby Fair to toilet train my boy at night to prevent accidents from happening. I also bout those blue incontinence disposable sheets from Guardian.

Melody> u make me blush (paiseh)...always gd to share coz i also got lots of tips from more exp mummies earlier.....

Megan> *hi5* for those w confinement ladies, probably ok for them to use cloth diapers as can get CL to wash mah..but subsequently, when you don't have extra help and also dependent on weather, that's when the effort is really not worth it!

Luis wt when born was 3.5kg but see now, your boy is bigger and more sturdy and Luis is on the smaller side... In fact, he is 3+ already but still can fit 18 mths/2 yr old clothes....

my confinement food material almost 70% prepared...haha...ordered the rice wine liao, herbs for soup n drink also ordered liao...will be collecting it in msia tis weekend...yeah..

luvbabe, actually rj's weight pick up when my maid take cares of him, she really hv the patient to feed him...as for me, sometime cannot finish i get pik chik liao...but my maid will make sure he finish all his food n milk. now rj has to wear 6yrs olds pants leh even though he is only 4 yrs old

mstan, i nt too sure cos for me, i only get the protector later when i toilet train my boy. the one i get is for single bed de. i think the bp do have for cots, etc. like luvbabe, i get those waterproof mats to put in the cot just in case bb's pee overflow - it happen to my boy last time when he was still a bb cos he is a water pail hahaa! he drink a lot!

Joy> actually, I was quite tempted to get the waterproof mattress protector from bp but eventually did not coz scared will be quite warm to sleep on...

mstan> I got the Pigeon brand one (waterproof mat) but also found cheaper brand from Cheeky Bon Bon, i think...

luvbabe, i found the protector not warm at all wor, my boy ok with it, he's someone who tend to sweat a lot like his dad, keke!

luvbabe, i also got tat pigeon one, but i found it a bit warm.

luvbabe : oh, I also staying nearer to 7-11/coffeeshop....;p....then we can really meet up....;p

btw, how much is the cheaper cheeky bon bon waterproof mat ? Is it those cotton material ?

So yr advise is do we need to get waterproof mattress proector for our bb cot?

Bp selling like <$20 for bb cot.

Do u put the waterproof mat over the whole of yr bb to sleep on or juz from the waist area?

Megan> wow, make me envy...your helper really very good hor...hope my helper also good leh.

joy> really ha! I actually put the waterproof mat below my normal mattress protector so not warm at all. how I wish my boy can drink lots of water too. have to constantly remind him to drink one, else he won't drink and he is "heaty" by nature...

luvbabe, he really a buffalo, he will auto drink water w/o coaxing. i tot of getting one more mattress protector as backup if i wash the other one...

bride_09, not too sure on wat the herbs are...cos my SIL is the one who ordered for me...i think she also get the medical shop to pre-packed those daily longan drinks for me...so it will be easy for my maid...everyday open 1 packet nia...and those herbs soup told her i dun really like so 1 wk once can liao...during my last confinement my SIL is the one who did for me, so she really knows wat to give me...

luvbabe, when is ur helper coming...pray that you have one good one too...

This is what i got from my CL agency:

Confinement Tea Drink

This recipe can consume during first 7 days

Black Dates and Dried Longan Drink w Ginger juice and honey


20g black beans, 20 dried longans, 2 tbsps ginger juice 2 tbsps honey and 6 bowls of water


Rince the black dates and died longans. Place them into a pot . Add water. Boil until it reduces to two and a half bowls of water.

Add ginger juice and honey. Bring to boil. The whole pots consists of two servings.

You may add ginger slice if you do not like it hot. Replace ginger with peppercorns (squashed) if you intend to breastfeed. Use a plastic spoon to scoop honey otherwise it will lose its therapeutic effect.

You can try this recipe after 12 days

Shou Wu and Red Dates Tea


40g of Shou Wu

20 red dates

20g walnuts

20g dried longans meat


Wash all ingredients and put into a pot with 10 bowls of water. Cook for one and a half hours in low heat and Serve.

You can try this recipe after 14 days

Dangshen and Red Dates Tea


20 red date

30g DangShen

19g Huang Jing


Wash all ingredients and put into a pot with 10 bowls of water. Cook for one and a half hours in low heat and Serve.

You can try this recipe after 21 days

Nan Date and BeiQi Tea


20g BeiQi

20g dried longan meat

40g nan dates

20g lily bulb


Wash all ingredients and put all ingredients into 10 bowls of boiling water . Boil over low heat and for 1 1/2hr Serve.

wow sherry tks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so you engage a CL fr agency?

Megan: envy your helper ah..not easy to get such good helper & willing to do things for u so patiently...

My helper, jia liat ah..teach so many times still dun knw...but keep Yes Yes Yes..haiz..nvm now only 1 week, let her test test for at least 1mth, next week gt to work out a schedule for her to follow..she took 3hrs to wash a few clothing, & keep the tap oning..if we are there seeing her do wk, she off e water or little bit of water...but impossible for us to keep supervising her to do hse wk...

You know when interview her, she say can do hse wk, cook & take care children, but when she is here i ask her, she said back at her home in philippines she got maid at home, she don't need do hse wk..then i ask abt why she say know all these, she said agency tell her to say yes...haiz... i guess all are like th de bah


ya am blessed lah...my maid is quite smart, but now like after 3 yrs will sometimes show some attitude oso lah...me one eye open one eye close lah...

ya i also tot shou wu is for hair

dolphin: haha my mummy is modern mummy type..she not good in those herbal herbal thingy..keke..my MIL quite old and knees weak so better dont trouble her...for #1 hubby follow the confinement receipes and aga aga to cook..keke..so far ok...

bbwoofie, just go medical shop and ask wat herbs to eat during confinement...ask them to prepack in indv portion, easier for u n ur hb to cook...ya get one recipe book and cook accordingly lor...tat's wat i'm going to ask my maid to do nia...most important needs a lot of ginger and sesame oil...before i deliver, I'll go to the pork stall at my market to preorder my pork too...so that everytime my maid goes down to do marketing the know wat to give her.

megan: wow thanks for the good idea...ya hor choose the pork stall and preorder. oh ok will go medical shop and ask them to prepack...thanks thanks. haha that was our theory that time ..just put lots and lots of ginger and sesame oil

Megan ya hor..i oso want to do this..

at first i tot she new don wan presurize her, let her learn, don lay down rules or regulations nor give time table..but these few days i angry ah..wash 2 fans took 2 hrs to wash..wow piang, i nearly faint lor....

bbwoofie, another tips is bath with those chinese white wine u get fm grocery shop can liao...not need to boil herbs to bath...too troublesome liao...add the white wine wt hot water...haha tis are "fast food" mothers...we want to do things easy and simple


Would like to ask the experienced mummies here, how do you manage between eating your confinement food that are cooked with wine with breastfeeding? I wonder whether it is ok to breastfeed after taking those food or we should wait till the food are digested before breastfeeding.

