(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Cyang> we can update for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki> i think mummies with GTT, baby will tend to be slightly heavier. But borderline, i guess shld be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks loads, Sherry! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Other details unchanged.

Gynae: Dr. Kowa Nam Sing

Hospital: Mt. E

Gender of baby: Princess

Name of baby: Renee Tan

I: i tot ur gynea suggested 22 dec?

Yuki: not sure about those borderline high, but best is to watch your diet like wat ur doc said..take care & drink plain water instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My sale price: $100 (Negotiable if self collect at Seng Kang)

Condition: Excellent (Assembled but never used. Comes with silky blue sarong. Washed but never used.)

Bought from Kiddy Palace.

Please PM if keen. Thanks.



dunno y i always got the date 29dec when i'm thinking abt ur edd...

maybe my gal intends to come out on that date?

hmmmm.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pls add me too!

Edd: 10Jan

Baby's gender: Girl

Baby #2

Gynae: Dr Shamini Nair

Hospital: KKH

Home Area: Bt Batok

Thanks so much!

megan>thanks. I just bought 1 set of carter's rompers too from another bp. slightly cheaper but cannot choose designs.


hehee..if she comes out in Dec means she sayang me a lot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

she noes i'm been thinking & wishing for it!


megan>got it from this bp. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3086957.html?1255012061

btw, any mom tried any of these products? trying to decide whether to get... there's currently a BP for the snappies and another mom I know can get the milk trays at a discounted price.

milk trays - http://www.mumsfairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=44&Itemid=31

snappies - http://www.mumsfairy.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=45&Itemid=31

sherry>a friend said the products are too strong for pregnant women but then pauline is using them and her skin v nice. :p


did anybody experience not being able to feel baby move the whole nite? i didn't manage to feel baby move since last evening. have been very worried till i didn't sleep the whole nite. Going to see gynae now. pray for me yeh. thanks.

TYL> hmm ok, cause i know we r not suppose to use retinol pdts.. but i have been using SKII night cream.. suddenly just struck me if its too strong haha

bryest> what abt evening time.. mine seems to sleep pretty early these days.. active during evening between 6 to 8pm...

bryest>my boy doesn't have fixed hours when he moves a lot. think he like his mom, like to nua as much as he can. :p but occassionally, I will shake shake him a bit, ask him to move so I know he is ok. try not to worry too much, ya? I'm sure its ok.

sherry>ya, that's what my gynea told me too. SKII has retinol? maybe can double-check with the SA? I did that when I first knew I was preggers. Ended up gave a few creams and stuff to my mom and hubby to use finish cos don't dare to use. :p

Megan> hahaha ya man.. she used to stay active till 11plus 12.. but seems like she has been sleeping early.. usually i feel her alot when i m on my way home in the MRT.. she din kick me, just some turning and some funny movements near my pelvic hahaha..

Mum say i am not a 'kicker' as well when i was in her tummy.. just stretch alot towards the end haha

Hmm... I notice my bb movement ranges. He can be very active, keeps kicking evey hr for a few days then mellow down n quiet for 1-2 days. Maybe he is tired n need to recharge. Or BB is like us, have happy days n days we just wana shut ourselves off..

jessietan - I saw the carrier at taobao. Hhehe, save the money to buy an ERGO lah. You can use the money to buy other cutesy stuff for her. Coz' for carriers, it's really important to get a good one for the baby.

pauline - Yah ... and my little gal's clothings are mostly hand-me-downs. Imagine if she grows older, got more hand-me-downs. I basically dun have to buy much coz' the hand-me-downs are all soooooooooooo pretty.

sherry & dolphin - Errrrrrrr, already 30 and still high metabolic rate? Very cham ah.

cocomama - Aiyoh ... I dun really care abt stretchmarks if i can gain more weight lor ...

Hi v_ni,

The test is very 'tiring' coz

- need to fast n no food allowed until the whole process is over (2.5hrs)

- gota drink this super sweet liquid (~600ml) within 5min

- draw blood 3 times (on arrival, 1 hr & 2 hrs after the drink)

What puzzled me is my family has no history of diabetes n I m not diabetic b4 preg. Also no high BP, acceptable BMI but still kana. Guess I am the unlucky 2% population of mummies who may get GB.

But for the sake of BB, I am determined to eliminate sugar in my diet for the next 13 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haha, in fact I am drinking teh-o kosong now.


Remember to catch [Celebrating Life] on Channel News Asia tonight hosted by Lisa Ang at 9.30pm. A program on pregnancy for MTBs like us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, I usually can feel baby move after 9 when I lie on my bed. But last nite can't feel him move. Dat's why I'm very worried.

v_ni/yuki>I've to go for the glucose tolerance test at my next visit too. Not looking forward to it. Hope will be ok. The nurse also told me can not eat until everything is over. Really think will pengsan by then.

bryest>shake your tummy, ask bb to move so you know he is ok? That's what I do sometimes and it seems to work.

littlelamb those old ah ma oso low metal mah .. hee mayb u r born to b like th de...

bryest: good luck & take care...

Just to share..when my mum is preg wif my sis, my sis did not move at all..gynea tot she is DS or something wrong..even when gynea scanned / push my mum stomach, she oso din move..

Gynea asked my mum to deliver early cos my sis did not move inside my mum stomach..not even the head..

Finally during the gynea said c-sec, my sis then shifted her head down, then my mum natural birth to my sis..when my sis is born, her face one side big, one side small, cos for the full 9mths, she did not move at all..

when she is born, the gynea said she naughty..cos she don't move...& the moment she came out, she put her thumb into her mouth to suck... hahhaah...

so if bb does not move, it does not means bb got prob.. dun worry, u knw bb wif u can ald..

bryest: bb have their quiet moments too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at times they give us strong kicks..at times they just wiggle a bit...

v_ni> not using toner hahaha.. facial wash, just those eversoft so i think shld be safe ba...SKII pdts all in Jap le.. so also dun know whats the ingredients in it haha.. anyway, guess i will just stop to play safe ba...

I'm waiting to see my gynae now. I shake him and lie on my sides so that he'll move but no reaction. I'm 23 weeks now so should be able to feel him move. Last few days he's very active during the nite, esp when I use the babyplus.

This morning can feel him move a bit but nt as active. So better see gynae and do a scan. Very worried.

itch itch itch!!~~ argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

sorry girls for my ranting.. I need to let it out else i'll start scratching like mad.. trying very hard to control..

bryest> Don't worry too much....Just go to Dr Chong and scan to ensure that bb's heartbeat and everything will be alright. Just ensure that you don't feel too stress coz our bb can feel it too. Keep us posted on the outcome, k?

I know will affect baby if I'm worried but I really can't help it. Can't afford anything to happen to baby. Didn't manage to sleep at all last nite. Sigh

bryest>my gynae said he actually doesn't like counting bb's kicks v much cos some mommies end up panicking and becoming too worried when bb doesn't kick v much. He said causes unneccessary stress. Think should be ok lah. Try to relax. Anyway, you are at the gynae le. V soon can see bb again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don worry, I oso encounter this problem last week. And you know, she move so actively when I go and see the gynae, she ah, make me so worried...


it has actually improved a fair bit as i make it a pt to go toilet re-apply baby lotion every 1-2 hrs.. but everytime i step out of aircon plc & back, it will itch..

but have learnt to control & not scratch..

bryest - Maybe baby past few days move too much so today decided to rest a bit and then continue to move about later tonight. We're approaching 3rd trimester already ... don't worry.


Melody, are you wearing those maternity panty whereby it covers the whole stomach? I tried one that day and ended up my whole stomach was so itchy. Now I switched back to wearning my normal panties which doesn't cover the stomach.

