(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

megan: ya that time for the first two days..boil the herbs until pek chek..haha in the end 3rd day onwards just use hot water from water heater. will get the chinese white wine this time round..so after bath..just it to wipe down?


cocomama: wine/alcohol will evaporate during cooking so is ok to breasfeed. but if u consume directly like yomeishu or pu yao jing or DOM...better to take it after latch/pump than leave 2hours interval before the next latch/pump

Megan> thank god, i saw your posts....I totally forgotten about asking my mum to order the confinement wine used for cooking.....I just called her and she informed that she remembered and arranged with my grand-aunt liao coz my grand-aunt brew and sell...Phew! My own mummy is still the best.....

hi all mtb,

sorry to interrupt...just wana share this with all of you for cost savings:

u may want to drop by take a look, i am selling at low as 50cents for new mitten and botties etc..should be good buy if you want to save some cost.

garage sales is now on :

Wednesday Oct 14th to Sunday Oct 18th 1.30pm-5.30pm

Location : Blk 535 #02-16 Hougang St 52

items: New and Preloved (total about 80pcs)

price range from $3 onwards

age 0 to 4 years old (Girl)

newborn suits








cot pink bumper

pink welcome blanket


Brand : Gap, Osh Kosh, Sanito, Sports etc.

Boy (0 to 2years)

- newborn suits

- jumper

- vest

- cap

*limited clothing

- sandals, shoes


- woman's tops

- jacket (Bega)

- BIG soft toys (*all new)

- bear swim float

- display items

- Shell model Sport cars

- elmo, winnie the pooh and giffare's bag

- milk bottle,

- pigeon bottle carrier

- lucky baby milk container

- pantene shampoo pack

- new shower curtain

etc etc etc

keen, pls pm me or text me 9113 4960 to inform if come earlier or later then this time.

thank you.

luvbabe, it's my close fren who reminded me too and she also helped me to order...me bo pian leh...family not here, thank God I have a lot of good frens around me!!!

bbwoofie - Actually, for confinement food, there's always tingkat version. If you're afraid of the hassle, can just order tingkat for your confinement food.

dolphin - I don't think there's an ideal or perfect maid. More often than not, like what megan said, we have to close one eye. I feel that for maids/helpers, most importantly, it's their attitude. As in, when we tell them things, they do not talk back or argue. As for your maid, she's helping your mom right? So maybe you can get your mom to supervise. Don't stress yourself out. Don't forget your OB has asked you to rest more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for sharing Sherry !

Megan : chinese white wine not chinese white wine vinegar, right ? How much to mix with warm water to bath ? So no need to go medical hall to buy herbs to boil then bath liao....;p

Btw expereinced mummies what we need to prepare or buy for confinement period ? I engaged CL but still need to get some stuff like longan, red dates, chinese white wine (for bathing), black vinegar, etc, right ?

little lamb: ya looking at a few like natalessential

megan: just kaypoing ..where r u from..cos nice to know ppl from all over the world..and the world soo small through this thread..

mstan, no need to boil them, just boil hot water n mix 1 bottle, depends how much water u used to bath lah...usually 1 bottle can liao...not vinegar ah...

littlelamb: worse is she only listen to me, my mum gt to raise her voice b4 she do wk..she dilly dally do hse wk..take her own sweet time to do things..i also know got to close 1 eyes, no one prefect, but sometimes things get out of hand.. she do wrong she don't say sorry..she just nod her head...everything yes yes yes..

hi i'm from aug 09 mtb thread. now selling alway my avent bottles. they are all brand new.. reason for selling is becos my baby has switch to NUK bottles.

Price for 3x125ml Feeding Bottles : $20.00

Price for 1x260ml Feeding Bottles : 8.00

take all 4 bottles and it will come with additional 2 teats and 4 caps for storing milk.

interested do PM me. sell collect at hougang.

bbwoofie - My MIL will be preparing my meals for me. And I'm still thinking if I should hire a CL just to do the rest of the chores.

dolphin - Think your mom will have to get used to training her coz' ultimately, she'll be supervising your maid when you head back to work. Otherwise quite xin ku for you.

dolphin> doc said must really rest. if bleed, no exercise, best not to have intercourse becos placenta low will rupture water bag..but if born early, oso no worry..

so i reckon doc trying to say must rest dolphin, cannot force yrself..

MamaD: o i c..tks alot for the update...

littlelamb: u knw wat she tell my mum..she is not marry, 30years old this year, she told my mum all her sister married, non of them is rich..she wan to marry someone rich, she see my father, she said my father very handsome..said not once ah..but a few times ah..wow liew..she see my 2nd bro come home she quickly take chair let him sit & say she is tired..OMG...but all these NOT infront of me, infront of my family members..

dolphin> i tink maids are mostly horrible..so i can imagine y some employers cannot control themselves n tempted to point at the head to tell them not to act stupid...my sil has been engagin maids for the past 7 yrs, changing almost every year...the first one is terrible, never work in spore but involve wif the blangadeshi sweeper (3mths in Spore)..until my sil, dunno whether she bring him to their hse..one iron the clothes (less than 10 pieces) from 7am to noon...so many..so she said she so unlucky, always get wierdo indonesian maids.

anyone heard whther Myanmmar maid good or not?

little lamb: if u ok with another person staying..than will be nice to have additionl help. me cant tahan have stranger in the house that Y not intend to get a CL..keke

dolphin - If she causing all of you so much discomfort, why not return her to the agency? Seriously ... you're gonna be entrusting her to help your mom with your baby, you really need to be comfortable with her.

hi little lamb,

i'm working currently but work very stressful. had cramps when i get too stressed up. not gd for baby. i shld be at 23 weeks yesterday cos edd on 10 feb but the scan shows baby's at 23 weeks 6 days.

by the way, do u gals have a lot of discharge? i have been having constipation recently but today got diarrhoe, tummy very painful till now.

Megan : 1 whole bottle to 1 time bathing ? So much ? Then must buy many many many bottles of chinese white wine to store up then.....;p

bbwoofie - Actually, I also don't know if I'm ready to have a stranger live at my place. But I think during confinement, I'll need all the help I can get so that I can rest well for that month.

whether it's which nationality, got good n bad oso lah...my fren took a myanmar maid but act vy atas, she oso bouy tahan...

mstan, 1day bath once nia leh...nite time usually wipe nia...haha me oso can't rememeber is it 1 bottle for 1 bath, let me check wt my SIL

megan: oic..from the way u write..can see u r localise liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin: think have to introduce the schedule and instructions before she got out of hand, so she know she needs to complete the task by when

more than 20yrs ago, those filipinos maids veri little complaints frm employers..now y all so 'bad'? maybe the agency wants to earn $$ n simply bring in 'low quality' maids??

little lamb: if can, more help will be better...suggest that when u book the CL check with them what they do and dont..cos some just take care of bb, mummy n cooking (since MIL is cooking..) whether she can help with other chores..some they might need you to top up or some they tell you they are not doing other chores

bbwoofie - Yah, I'll check. Since I don't expect CL to cook, I was hoping she can do other chores like laundry and light housework.

little lamb: from what i know usually they ok to wash bb and mummy clothes..the rest need to top up..hope you can get a easy going and flexible type..will ur confinment cross over CNY? some during CNY want to go home..so better discuss all these details

bbwoofie: ya lor got to lay down rules ald...she put 3 tops into the washing machine & water level at 45 (full tank)..i tell her, she said watch clothes mdm..wow piang ah...i tell her u hand wash ald, then put to spin..i told u many times ald...then she smile & say ok...

littlelamb: not that i am not comfortable..i wanted to ask my mum to send her back if aft tis week still cannot make it...cos i dun wan my mum to keep complaining...i emplop to ease her burden not add on..this morning my mum goes wkg..i gt to cook ah..imagine i got to cook for her too..she jus wash up aft i cooked...she took 2hrs to clean the floor & cooking stove...haiz...

hi mstan,

i bought the baby cot protector from taka sale. think abt S$20 plus, cotton on top and plastic below. Washable by machine. the sales person told me put below the fitted sheet and won't be warm for baby.

hi luvbabe,

i bought the cheeky bon bon baby cot mattress protector. The sales person told me this brand is better than pigeon cos got plastic below.

Mummies, i got the cotton pyjamas at Chinatown at $17 for 2 sets. Open button in front and comes with short sleeve, 3/4 pants or long pants.

Think is a good deal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, I saw nursing bra at John Little Orchard at less than $10. Shld be around $7.90. Getting old n can't rem the exact price :D

Hello all~

Wow, Diana Ser story is really scary.. but I kind of know power women like that. Like my friend, she is pregnant like me but she don't listen to anyone. Travel around, wear heels, working nonstop and think confinement is a joke. She actually give me a disgusted look when I told her I am going for confinement. I worry for her but then again she don't listen anyway.

Littlelamb: Dr Lee is nice~ I thought you might get Dr Thong at first. I like all the doc at Raffles, they pretty dedicated I must say.

About the Mothercare, I am not sure about the $300 thing but nothing much to buy there liao. Their diapering system got lousy reviews so I won't buy from them. I might spurge again on bedding and all but see how my business are first.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haiz... now my purse got discount cards from healthfood, bakery and now Mothercare, last time all I have is Zouk Membercard and credit card.... really change siah..LOL. I like it though but I miss also dressing up and partying.

I realised even tho I budget like mad, still cannot escape spending over SGD 5000! I wonder what makes me think having a baby is cheap in the first place! Lucky got some savings put aside or would be in trouble!

Next time you are back in Shanghai, we can shop for more baby thing eh. I got accepted at Shanghaimama , very dynamic group I must say! Will take sometimes to browse through all the post.

Yuki: don't think is e agency fault..is the attitude of the maid...the agent still ok .. not bad..she knows i employ for my mum to use..she was shock to know when i told her to liase wit my mum...not nice to mention the agency here, cos ppl might think is the agency fault...

dolphin> when my helper comes next Sat, I am sure gonna set down all the rules and tasks and schedules for her too. Just want to make sure we make things clear... Am also taking 1 week's worth of leave to teach her and help her adjust.... praying that things will turn out fine.

Megan> is your helper also filipino?

I: i wish u good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes i shd do that nxt weekk...i got my mum to supervise her but then again, we cant supervise for long...

Can we ask megan helper to help train them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] laugh...

bbwoofie - Yeap ... I intend to set my expectations clear to the CL before I hire her. My confinement will most likely span across CNY if my little gal decides to wait till week 39 onwards to be out, hehehhe.

dolphin - I guess initial period is always tough. You just have to decide for yourself what your expectations of your maid are. If she doesn't meet them, then no point keeping her, it can be quite a pain.

jessietan - Ah yes, Dr. Lee is such a sweet sweet lady. I was introduced to her by a friend and went to her for my pap smear. I was so comfortable with her that's why I decided to make her my OB. Dr. Thong is uber hot and always has so many expats seeing her. I have been very happy with Dr. Lee so far and she's been really dedicated. Yes ... life changes after you have kids. Lifestyle etc. But certain activities can still maintain lah. Yeap, when I head back, not only can we shop for baby stuff, we can do playdates together etc. Yeap, have a good time surfing around SH Mamas. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all, wah chat move v fast. Think won't be able to come in so often now le cos new workplace machiam quite bz.

is the confinement wine the same as the rice wine?

Yap, I remember being really in awe of Dr Thong, she can carry a different luxury bag everyday! But she works very hard, at night, anything she would be there for her patients. She charges alot I feel but her surgical work very good.

Dr Lee is by far the favorite, she is more warm than Dr Thong .

I am abit overwhelm at SH Mamas, they all look very experienced! But I need to get out there and make friends instead of relying on DH for girly talks!LOL!

Ok, time to nap. Today very very tired..


luvbabe-ya mine is a filipino...ya need to set the ground rules, give them a timetable.

dolphin-my maid will be teaching your maid bad things too hor...cos i know she definetely learn a lot of bad things fm her fren...prob my requirement is not vy high so not too bad for me...everything fits in well but if for my sis, she will thinks tat my maid is not good enough one...haha

