(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

little lamb- i dunoo hiccup n kick how to knw the differ arh?

Sometimes the kicks a bit uncomfortable one leh kick so fast like at that area muscle move super fast


Megan: wow so big spread for the day...is good that you can eat..

my appetite very small even since i preg...i eat little bit will feel bloated...so far no craving yet...hmmmm

MamaD> i m gg to the one at TMC. starting 11 Oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afann> so far only encounter 3 kicks at the same spot wo.. haha.. sometimes, its feel like she is turning and at times, there is this popcorn popping feeling.. not sure what she doing inside hahaha

I was just thinking abt baking pineapple tarts! I can feel something like "knockings" too. I suppose that's the earlier version of their kungfu kicks I'll be experiencing. Put my hubby's hands on my tummy one morning and he felt it too! however I only felt it at one place. I wonder how is it like when the 2 princesses kick together 0_0

wow all talkin abt food.. hee.. i eating my almond biscuit now.. yummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiaofu: both kick ah..hahahah that one noe kungfu ald..is kick boxing...hahhahaha do share with us if both kick together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cladi: so nice...

Megan> hahaha u can one.. i see u up hahaha.. maybe later ya hubby will tempt u with good food? hehehe

xiaofu> hehehe, same here.. if i can still tahan standing with my big belly, i may try baking in dec hohoho.. so excited!

wow sherry you see me up ah...anyway hb seldom eat dinner wt me lah...me usually dinner at only 2 spoons of rice...my dear son eats more than me


wat time r we staying till? Cos i have a class gathering at 7pm.. If too long, maybe i nt joining u girls le.

Think i shld avoid long hours..


the old folks say watermelon cooling..but i still eat alot of them past few months...because weather too hot. i love pineapples too! i think if your womb is very "lam" meaning weak, then cannot eat too much, but my constitution is heaty, so mum also say can eat.


i went for a wedding on sat...and i am going for another one tonight! dun think so much okie...

but to be honest..for the 4 initial wedding that i been to...during my preg...all couldn't concieve..and i freaked out, but i did ask them if they mind me going. finally one of the 4 couples got preg after 4 years and the rest who got married in my 2nd preg most gave birth liao...felt better....sometimes..its in the mind..so dun stress ok, try to sleep early tonight..

Megan> am ok, can call when u all are here? cause also dun know who will be confirm turning up and staying for lunch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaD> hmm not sure how much Mt A is charging though but i guess course shld be more or less the same?

Melody> dun think will be late, got dinner appt at night as well.. so lets fixed at 1.30pm to abt 4.30? Leave me sometime to clean up and mop hahaha

fat_babe, firipy,

dinner shld b ok.. just avoid e "ji shi". But i do ask e couple if they mind me going cos some old folks may be pantang..


u mop??? pls dun loh.. we will try not to dirty ur hse.. lol..

Maybe can leave wet cloth @ ur door for us to wipe feet clean b4 stepping in..

Hello Mummies

How is everyone. Went for my detailed scan 2 wks ago and confirmed I'm hving a bb girl...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way, is it true that chicken essence is good for us.....

firipy - Try not to worry too much ya...i heard if mommy worry or stress too much, it will affect the bb

cocoMama> is it? anyone knw when we will do 3D/4D scan?

Sherry> it's $181.90 weekend, delivering at Mt A. If not delivering there, it is $214..oso, pls dun mop the floor yrself, no no lah..

Melody> hahaha.. dun worry, i have been doing mopping, hanging of clothes since i am preggy hahaha.. i cant sit still and watch TV le..

I've got dogs so will need to vacumm and mop even if u all are not here.. no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MamaD> I think TYL mentioned can do that during week 27/28, if i remembered correctly ehehhe..

Afann> is 130pm ok? Once we confirm the pax, then i can call for delivery half an hour before that cause i think it will take a while right?

dr ang wanted to do 3D for mi but bb position nt gd.. Scared too small la.. Later the face feature changed.. Lol am i thinkig too much?


Hi all

I want to let go my PIS pump. Only used a few times. It is in good condition.

Original price is PIS-$699, I am letting go at $500.

Interested, pls email me [email protected]

afann - If I'm not wrong ... hiccups are more like consistently a few in a row. Then you can determine that as a hiccup. I think so far I've only experienced it once or twice.

okie dok.. I'll reach ur plc 1pm.. Hee!!

So exciting.. Gona bring camera this time & post in FB..

U hardly see me bake anything.. lol..


go chap ji ka.. lol no lah.. go learn to bake loh..

but i really sux in cooking/baking.. nvm, i can babysit the kids.. =P


an accomplishment liao! i can only cook maggi and i can only stare at the kids..and stone in disbelief.

hahah melody, what i meant is i have already baked it last week liao.. u all will be coming just to gather and eat hahaha


No wonder u baked 80 mooncakes last wk.. I was still thinking how u gona finish 80??

That's 20 boxes (4 in a box) altogether & if 1 box cost $35, u have baked $700 worth of mooncakes.. =P


its not me who say can do 3D scan later. I don't intend to do it so donno much about it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry>what is irobot?

