(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Ya I was thinking maybe overstretch myself coz it was immediately after swimming then I felt the pain.It's those kind of ache like when u have heavy flow of mense not really cramps.

Little lamb> I was worried I mean now like a little early for labour? There's no pain today so dun think will see my gynae.


wah 31 weeks...is not very far away from now? is it cos of ageing placenta or sumthing like dat...? i think TCM can help la...if the sinseh say safe. it should be safe..

hope it works well for you..premies are indeed costly..and the process is heartwrenching..

but you mus stay strong!

little lamb,

i crave for coffee now..instead of tea...hahaha going to stock up on vietnam 3-in-1 coffee.

mamaD, u gt seek 2nd gynae n n see wad he/she say? Cos i think ur bb is growing leh.... Not enough oxygen? first time i heard this.. Isnt it posting a danger to ur bb if nt enough oxygen? No solution from ur current gynae?

Rina>thanks, i will...mummy power yeah!

Sherry>hubby cannot do anything loh. keep telling me off if i sad will affect bb until i cry said i regret marry him the heartless cad, onli knw hw to talk loud2 to console me, cnt talk gentle meh...(hubby aso sad until he forgotten to be gentle)but somehow i told myself i hve to be strong for bb..dun care wat gynae said, jus listen to the chinese physician tat tis problem can be solved.

Afann> my hubby said if gynae still said better to take out at 31st week, he will seek a 2nd opinion becos it is a veri life threatening decision. I asked gynae how to determine it is low amniotic fluid jus by the ultrasound, he said nothing much he can do now, anyway he jus want me to be prepared for the worst scenario. When my sis was pregnant n gg for her C-section, her gynae said the bb is small n onli 2.5kg, then bb turns out to be 3.28kg..so she told me all these old gynaes based on estimation so dun trust too much..

cladi - Hhahaa, don't say greedy lah, maybe baby enjoying the food too? Oh yah, last night I was playing this Kids Bossa Nova for her ... think she enjoys it, was kicking around inside.

mstan8888 - These days, I don't wake up so often to pee liao. Maybe coz' my uterus moved higher up, not pressing on my bladder anymore.

vanillaberry - During your DS, did your gynae scan your cervix? If your cervix is not low, not high risk for early labour. And also if you don't have previous history, you should be quite safe. I guess the cramps are like braxton hicks like I mentioned, dull and mild kinda pain. But not really serious type.

fat babe: stocking up coffee? ahhahah i tot now shd stock up pampers or some other stuff instead ? hahah funny leh u...

i agreed with mamaD, cos when my gynea wan me to prepare for the worse due to my placenta too low, i also broke down..my hubbi wan me to tink positive & be happy, he wan me to think that bb & myself will be fine, and will be naturally fine... perhaps papa cannot understand mama worries...

ya mamaD we will continue to pray for you...your bb needs you to be strong...we bind n break all negative comment fm the gynae, you n bb will be fine!!! BB will come out strong and healthy without any complication!!! JIAYU!!!

MamaD> Ya, but dun let that affect ya relationship. i think he also feel sad but there is nothing he can do as well...Sometimes, men are insensitive one. U got to be strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe can seek a second opinion?

bbchic - I feel like drinking tea all the time lor. And also lime juice. But my mom said lime juice very toxic, cannot drink too much. I also try to cut down on tea. I like to drink those bottled red tea. But I am trying to psycho myself to drink more water instead.

dolphin> i tink gynaes are trained to let us knw the worst scenario n b prepared in case we sue or blamed them later for not telling us. But in a way, we have to accept the news n be positive. i guez tis is part of us as mummy growing up to face the problem n y females are stronger sex...

i hve quite a lot of drug allergies so i prefer using chinese herbs.

mstan> physician zhong said can eat water melon nw leh...mmm...n i tot onli 3rd trimester then can..she said no problem except the 1st trimester cannot..

mamaD, i think u should go for 2nd gynae n see wad he/she say.. Cos low fluid n not enough oxygen nt joking too... look at the bright side n things will be fine... Sometime sum gynae just so blunt.. Lol..

MamaD, if you are not comfortable with the opinion of yr gynae, just go and see another gynae for a 2nd opinion. Don't worry yourself sick.


if the sinseh say dun eat..then you avoid la..lun awhile more...its 4 months more to go only!


i saw the so many diaper promo..and the coupon in our google group..printed out le..but i dun think i wanna stock up so soon le..

lil lamb,

some say kids hyperactive if you drink too much caffiene...not too sure if mine 2 monkeys are like dat becos of genes or caffiene

mamaD: i think its better to seek a second opinion with another gynae just to be sure. though its may be hard to do so, but hope you can keep a positive mindset.

mamaD: yes...i am the one that have very placenta...btw, i hve a colleague her gynea too told her bb small, low fluid, have to deliver asap..but she refuse to liste..& her bb was born at week 38 weighing at 3.26kg..she deliver on sunday...

xiaofu> gynae jus assumption becos he cannot explain y low amniotic fluid after 1 mth observation. infact onli sees him observe the brain n heart beat is ok. he did not check on other parts of bb. if he still say like tat during my next appt, i will seek 2nd opinion, nw i treat his comments like 'fan pi'....heeehee..nw i feel better..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fatbabe> oh i mean sinseh say can eat water melon now, tat is y i surprise..tot it is too 'cooling' i'm nw 26th week, so another 14 weeks to go...me n bb jia you!

any mummies hve a chart of normal bb weight at different weeks?

to all mummies: i always feel that being able to preg & worries is a happy things...cos not all woman can enjoy those worry & happiness.. i believed alot of us have heard stories abt how ppl unable to conceive..so we shd JIA YOU & put all worries behind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin> so happi for yr colleague! Is everything alright for her nw? I'm in the same boat as her..glad to hear something positive.

ya sometimes second opinion is a better way..

I still go ahead eat watermelon leh.. But onli a slice like once two weeks.. I eat apples almost everyday n make sure i intake at least 2litre of plain water..

MamaD, sometimes bb n u hv this same freq.. If u knw ur bb will be fine normally bb is fine..

Now i am having stiches... Now n then so sian it slowly extend tp my back.. Causing stingy feel at my waist there...

Dolphin> agree with you! Some have been trying for years to conveive. read some where they have fixed appt every mth to see the gynae.

Megan> ohh i LOVE pineapple tarts! Yummy..

Am thinking of making it ourselves in Dec, if sucessful, maybe another party at my place hahaha..

Megan: yes ahahah i also ate cooked pineapples, infact in english nutrient board, pineapples ahve the most richest vitamins for preg mummies? My mum preg with my elder bro, she ate kgs of pineapples...

Sherry: ya lor even my friend at my age they fixed appt to see gynea...i am 27 this year...

MamaD : Dr Zhong also told me that I can eat watermelon & green bean soup becos my body 'heaty', so can take a little but dun overdose or too much.

So u juz take a little lor but dun overdose too much.

Hey, if u need a 2nd advise, I can pass u a gynae contact. He's a professor & senior gynae but non-chinese.

dolphin.. Tats a happy news man! Boost our mummies confident!!!

Just stay happy n do wad we cn to make our bb happy n born them with a happy n stress free environment....

Ya ppl wan bb nid to pay so much money for ivf all these.. Our babies is a gift from god... Let's jia you and deliver them safety n dote them all !

mstan> thks so much! i will finish the herbs n visit the gynae n c wat he got to say..if i need a 2nd opinion then i get frm u next week. Appt next week.

dolphin> really relieve to hear tat..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry> r u joining the Mt A prenatal class?

btw i believe coffee do have effect ah..those colleagues of mine drank coffee have very active boys..my da sao too..hahhahha but then again of cos depend on your bb..

Frankly speaking, i would rather have an active bb than quiet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin - Yes, ... I am one of those who tried a while to have this baby. So I am truly grateful for this gift and enjoying every moment of my pregnancy. True, I have my moments when I worry but whenever I think of my little gal, I look forward to seeing her.

megan - Wah ... I also wanna eat pineapple tart ... yums .... lately, been addicted to eating guava. Hehhe.

Hey little lamb, I heard guava is gd becos lots of vitamin. But is it guava not easy to digest?

Heard dun take too much orange becos will cause phlegm.

Oops MamaD, I forgot to bring the TCM medicine to office 2day, go back hm then take....;p

littlelamb: yes yes..you are a lucky mummy...

so we mummies gettin preg is not easy..is really a god gift..though i always tot is tiring, i worry alot, i grumble alot...but i really happy that i can get preg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW: end nov i will try all sort of receipe to make pineapples tart...heeee

Must be wondering why wait till nov right..cos mid nov then my exam ends . . now struggling between work, bb & school...

pineapple tarts.. Where to buy ar? Nw my home gt alot chocolate wafer..

Hey mummies do ur bb kick veri fast n stop n kick again? Like one short kick 5times at the same spot then stop a while then kick again.. N sometime do u feel they are changing place from left to right?

AFann: yes yes i always experience this feelings..somersault lor...hahaha kick boxing...i experience this when bb in week 14 like that...

Megan: you are lucky to have ppl bring tarts in...hahhah...

AFann: btw i like prima deli pineapple tarts, not sure now they sell...

mstan8888 - Yah, guava contains Vitamin C. I cut them into small pieces and chew on them slowly to prevent indigestion. Yesterday alone I finished one whole guava!

dolphin - Thanks ... yes, my DH and I are truly excited to have her in our lives.

afann - Mine moves all over my stomach. Sometimes top, sometimes bottoms, sometimes left, sometimes right. Aiyoh ... maciam taking a trip around the world. I guess your fast kicks could be hiccups too.

Hi gals, I went for wedding dnr last nite,then whole nite cant slp, kept feeling nausea, burp whole nite....On Mc 2 days, gynae nt at the the usual clinic tdy. Went all the way to choa chu kang in morn see him. Ate gastric med n my eyes swollen! Later if dun subside need to see him again!

My hb's uncle said "chiong" with married couple cos they oso having bb.....My hb still go be brother etc, help them with wedding...Then somemore drunk!So uncomfy whole nite n I still cant slp nw cos eyes abit like ultraman! I dunno y I just break down n cry when my mum said I jus rest n go see doc at nite......

firipy: is it because due to medicine? i preg oso go bb shower, weddin all these...you ok not? if still not well then better say doc...

ya dolphin, I'm very blessed...so many things to eat...today i like eat non stop....i had pau for breakfast then my coll make 3/4boiled egg for me, ard 10pm my lady boss bring lor mi fan for me...lunch time i was too full, so we shared food n dessert...just now we made "suan pan ji" in office and had coffee bread that my lady boss bot...aiyoh will turn into a fat lady liao



u r with dr adrian rite.. tot tdy he is at sk nite..

dun thk so much ah.. mayb u jus need rest,... nothin wan la.. i oso went wedding dinner few wk back..

