(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


Cld it be u over-stretch urself? Afterall, our tummy has stretched for so many mths & may nt be used to e exercise..

anyway, if it persist, see the doc immediately.. What hap to me was, i had mense like cramps for a day that doesn't go away the nxt day.. Den when i went to e doc, doc detected a mild contraction & jab me.. Contraction feels like mense cramp..

I went to this lady once who's not bad and quite reasonably priced. She used to work at Strip too. Now she has her own place somewhere in orchard. But I don't rem her name le. :p

MamaD> really? So cheap?

Melody> better now?

My colleague also having some spotting 2 days back, now then on the way to see her gynae. Called the emergency number yesterday and they told her clinic is closed?? i was like "can like that one meh?"

sherry: yes we shd organise one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahahahah cheaper mah...

Megan & MamaD: wow heee then if no waxing then got to shave before going...they really shave ah...OMG...

personally i prefer waxing because if shaved, i will feel itchy (prickly as hair grows in 2/3 days)...waxing still can last 2 weeks n the hair will be softer n softer when u wax regularly.

MamaD> i see, hmm.. let me see who has TODAY in the office haha

Luv Babe> hahaha okok, she din on her phone le...

Melody, are you feeling much better? Still resting at home?

Vanillaberry, I also went swimming for 2 consecutive days on Sun and Mon but I didn't have the problem leh. If still exp pain, better consult your gynae.

sherry> sometimes STRIP has promotion for 1st time trial. i bought a package with them n estimate tat it is 15% disc for any service i use.plus they give me free IPL.but preggy cannot do IPL so after give birth then i go IPL..


I was thinking of vivien too.. lol.. I went to her many yrs ago b4 signing a package with spahaven.

Sherry, luvbabe,

yep.. im beta le but have to suffer 4 jabs altogether.. =P

MamaD> YEah i used to share the package with my GF previously when i was actively engaged in watersports. But prefer to pay as and when i go now cause i dun wax that often.. I always end up signing package and leaving it to rot haha


me in office today, tmr going on leave for 1 week to avoid e crowd due to F1 road closure..


Am alright already.. Just cannot walk too much or carry heavy thigns.

melody>i find her too rushy..she is fast n can finish the job in less than 15mins...but painful leh..

sherry>valid for 2 yrs n can do the lower legs..remember the package is ard $380..

yah, sometimes package dun work for certain pple..

vanillaberrry - I was having cramps 2 to 3 times a day, so I checked with my gynae. She said it's common to have cramps. But if there's a pattern to it, like every few minutes and it happens, it could be signs of early labour. But if it's irregular, it's nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, I just have to avoid over-exerting myself so I won't be able to do exercises for a while. I read online that irregular cramps could mean braxton hicks as well. So maybe try to rest more. Did the cramps come back again? If you're worried, maybe go see your gynae.

Gals ... have you all been feeling thirsty easily of late? I keep wanting to drink water ... and all of a sudden, water tastes so good! I remembered during 1st trimester, water was so yucky that I felt like puking everytime I drank it.

littlelamb> i think its bacause the uterus is expanding as well right? I tot Braxton hicks only happen in last trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today lower back feels funny, after walking for a while, like a bit sore and pain.. dun know how to descibe the feeling keke

MamaD : my bb weight is 480g at wk 22 but gynae said her head is big so likely c-sect.

Oh I seen the Zhong Xi Ming at Eu Yan San.

I seen her 4 times & now no need to see her becos my condition ok thou got fr her 1mth of medicine.

But pricing not cheap esp the medicine.

hi, gd afternoon all mummies. may i know i'm 22 wks now. can gynae chk baby weigh? quite number of ppl say my tummy dun look very big but big (put on weight) on meleh. once i heard to drink mummy milk, i hv feeling to vomit out. any advice? izzit affect my baby grow if i dun drink milk?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mstan> hope my condition improves great great becos during my last check up, gynae ask me to be decide to take bb out at 31st weeks or 1.2kg..i cry n cry tat nite..


ur gyna sld b able to est ur bb weight liao.. no true tat dun drink mummy milk will affect bb weight.. when i have #1... i oso didn drink.. but my boi born at 3.24kg..


me too ah.. slpy.. bb so active jumpin inside me.. whahaha.. he is alway active after every meal.. must b greedy boi.. hee

sherry - Braxton hicks can happen in 2nd trimester, as early as 20 weeks even, that's what I read. But more mild than what you'd experience in 3rd trimester. According to what I read. It's nature's way of preparing us for labour.

lsntyl - For the past few days, I've been feeling thirsty throughout the day! Even at night, I'll wake up to drink water.

disney - I'm not taking powdered milk either coz' I'll just feel like vomitting. But I'm taking other stuff like cheese, yoghurt. Sometimes, our tummy may not show coz' of the position our babies are in, especially the old wives' tale, if you're having a gal, your stomach won't be as pointed and obvious. So that's why you're not showing? As long as baby is growing healthily according to your gynae, there shouldn't be any worrying.

cannot imagine tat little tiny one in the incubator, i can onli tat my amniotic fluid goes back to normal after taking Physician's herb..she said shld be ok if the bb has no other abnormalities. my DS is okay but gynae says sometimes not able to pick up all information...


@31wk must bring ur bb out already ah.. aiyo.. at 1.2kg is oso very small only wo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope ur condition can improve n can avoid all this..

disney. U nv go ds meh? Ur ds time gt tell u bb weight one.. N tummy nt big doesnt mean bb nt growing.. Every preggy have different tummy size...

cladi - I also often have my little gal move around after I eat ... thinking is it because she enjoyed the food too. Then I realized ... it could be because our intestines are digesting the food ... very noisy ... so she got irritated that she couldn't sleep. Hahahahahhaa.

MamaD : I on medication now for 1mth becos gynae said need to expand my uterus & to prevent early contractions & he will monitor further.

Me also hv internal piles too so also need to take medication too.....;p

Dun worry too much MamaD, u juz hv more rest & dun stress too much.


whaha.. u make it sound like machine workin in side us.. tat bing pong sound disturb the rat hidden inside wo.. kekeke

mamad.. Dun worry u be fine.. worry too much do us no gd.. Still hv at least 10 wk to go right .. Gif bb some tiMe..

MamaD : u seen the paragon Dr Zhong at Eu Yan Sang ? I also seen her. I also known someone who seen her & her health better.


I oso have piles problem.. but now seen ok le.. hope it dun pop out again like my last delivery.. tats suffering lol...

mstan> the ultrasound shows BB 22 weeks but gynae said i complete 25 weeks cycle..i also dunno hw he calculate. So i tink he based on 25 weeks n said my bb (552g) not growing well probably becos my placenta is not preoviding enough nutrients n oxygen. Physician Zhong believes tat low amniotic fluid does not mean it has to be taken out at 31st week. She ask me to take the herbs n goes back to her after 2 weeks..If the herbs is good, i'm more than willing to pay..premature bb will means more than $50k. Me still a bit sad but i hve to be strong or else bb aso knw mummy sad then aso dun want to eat..

mamaD>don't worry too much, k? will also affect bb. try to relax and trust your gynae to advice. hubby and I saw a fren's fren's son who was premature for 3 months. But he is healthy and well now.

little_lamb>I always sip water at nite cos my mouth tends to get dry.

mstan>rest well too

thks mummies. Affann, i went ds scan in early sept, but i can't remember the nurse told me is 230g or 320g leh. she claim a bit small but when i went to my gynae chk up, he chk baby's head and body say that is okleh. so i'm so puzzle n worry. he nvr mention how many weight is my baby. mine is boy. cos i'm afraid watever i eat goes to me instead of baby. ????[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Littlelamb> oh ok, i tot only last trimester then will encounter that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cladi - Hhahahah, no lah, just that because I was reading that baby's clearest noise are our heartbeat and our stomachs mah ... so I figured maybe it's because after we eat, then she can hear all the intestines grinding the food lor.

mamaD - It is understandable to be worried but you have us gals here supporting you all the way and I'll be praying for you too.

Cladi : I not too worry abt the piles now becos on medication. I juz hope no early contractions & bb will not come out too early.


tat time i oso got take medicine.. apply medicine.. but end up when i push bb out.. whahaha.. pile oso pop out ah.. it was so sore after tat.. sit n nurse bb oso cant sit properly lol..rest more to prevent contraction hor.. dun stress n make sure body got enough rest.. i thk no problem one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan>Cladi>AFann> thank you so much!

Mstan> i told gynae i bed rest, he said aso no use..becos if placenta not providing then no use. but u knw my bb frm 360g put on to 552g in 2 weeks leh! then i check 552g at 25 weeks is considered a bit small onli..means bb still can absorb wat..then i got sad n pissed n immediately went to Chinese Physician for help n supplements.


hee.. tot my boi greedy tat y.. n when i sing for my #1 to slp at nite.. bb oso start 'dancing' inside.. i thk i hear me too.. kekeke


MamaD : dun stress yrself too much. I seen the Dr Zhong & now my health improve. Initially also go back every 2wks.

Heee....my hubby also pre-mature bb (7mths) but he's well & healthy now. Pre-matured bb not really not healthy as long as u take gd care of him/her after birth.

Little lamb / lsntyl : I also feeling thirsty every nite. When I drink water, will wake up every abt 2hrs to pee (hv to wake up 3times in the nite) & cant really sleep well too.

