(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


i wan i wan!! can still choose name ma..hee


actually there's bound to be gynae willing to do...in dunno oct or sept 09 thread..there is a mummy who did 5 c-sect!! i think if you go to them, they wun say dun wan to deliver for you..jus more careful lor..and probably they will bug your cousin to ligate after dat..


i think natural or c-sect is all xinku one lor...hehe..


ohhh...then my cousin just have to source for a willing gynae lah. I'm sure she can find one. It's a pity huh, coz she can afford to have more kids but due to this, gotta curb at 4.

bbchic, have also pm you liao.... since a few of us are interested hor, not sure if I can negotiate for some discounts for all of us.... I will check when is my hubby calling him.

Thks luvbabe !

Btw, wat the master do ? Use both our date of birth to calculate when bb shld deliver?

How much?

If choose name, how much ?

Thanks, luvbabe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm only interested in choosing name if cab get bulk discount. :p


But hor, wat i heard is that the recovery rate for natural delivery is much faster than c-sect. That's what some mummy friends of mine who had experienced both ways of delivery who shared....


There are different rates for diff stuff he did leh. His rate really depends on the how comprehensive you would like him to read.

Oh luvbabe, if choose date for delivery of bb & choose name for bb ?

Or we need to go down to find out his rate?

Btw, my hubby has a contact to choose name for bb. Rate is $80 (after $8 discount).

can jus ask him to count name only?

do you mummies ask master to see date for the delivery or u mummies choose urself?

Cos mine c-sec i don't want choose date, my colleagues tell me best to choose, my mama said don't need choose....

MamaD, i pm you liao...

Dolphin, you don't accept pm so I will only reply your email when I get home as I cannot access personal email from office.


Originally, for my no.1, we also spent about $88 or something at Tai Mao Bi to select name only but eventually also did not use. Right after my delivery, because he was admitted to ICU, my SIL recommended my hubby to this master and he helped us tide through the entire difficult period and provide blessings so that my boy have a speedy recovery.... So much so that miraculously, the doctors told me and hubby that the min time my boy need to be in hospital is about 6-8 weeks but he was discharged after 3 and half weeks and doctors were surprised of the recovery rate.... So, I rather choose to believe than not believe in such stuff... My hubby used to say that I very ang moh type...haha!

However, if you just want to select name only, I think also can bah.

Oh, so miraculously, luvbabe ?

So how much master charge u the last time?

U going for c-sect, so let the master choose the date of delivery for u ?

Yes, my hubby was thinking of letting Tai Mao Bi to choose name for our bb.

mstan, that's why... actually I also don't know how much my hubby paid the last time coz I did not ask. When I ask him recently, he said he could not remember.... Sigh!

Yeah, me going for c-sect and will consult the master for date and time (shi chen).

Dolphin, what did you eat?

Sherry, bored, is it?

Wow, I just ate Muruku and pineapple tarts, brought to office by Malay colleague.... So full!

l, can pm me the contact of the master mah? I oso interested for him to choose names for bb, thanks!

Oh yah, I was having my afternoon nap.....suddenly I remember, when shld we pack our bags to go hospital ah? N wat to bring? I bought some cotton PJs during lunch just nw at tpy. Dress kind, buttons down all over. I read some of the post u all say TMC no gowns for us,we need to bring rite?

I: i only ate yong tau foo...i easily feel bloated aft lunch..y ur lunch is always so nice de...so envy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry: wow so shock all on ML...

xiaofu.. The golden pillow thier bread is veri nice n soft.. Heehee..

I feel like eating one nonya dumpling n one normal salted egg dumpling...

Im dd OT now... So hungry lo...

Hmm... my golden pillow just arrived.. am I suppose to heat it in the oven? 0_0 I have not eaten this before... >.<

