(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

lil lamb,

1) HW still drink milk fm bottle, yes lying down...but nowadays she vy kaypoh, once she hear something she will gv up her bottle and wants to kaypoh ard

2) those food tat we dun put in porridge i still puree it...like apple and pears...but for potato and carrot and veg will just chop chop till vy fine...cos when cook porridge all this quite "nua" already

Wendy, hehe, I buy for my no. 1 mainly lar. Cos Raelynn mouths everything now, I don't dare to buy much toys for her cos must be waterproof, non toxic, easy to wash etc. Too mafan.

Actually, at the sale, my hubby said don't buy big things so he vetoed the bicycle, the playhouse, activity gym etc. So he was shocked to see me carrying a huge bag with the playtent and the golf set. But I told him, the big items got bigger discount, more worth it mah. Come all the way, to buy 2 small stuffed toys only meh?kekeke. ;P

I have the grand piano at home, bought it for $99 during Isetan private sale 3 years ago. You got a FANTASTIC DEAL!

But ah, the piano keys will be spoilt if u keep banging on it or uses it to pull up/press down and stand like my no. 1. Poor Raelynn cannot enjoy it in original condition lor but at least she likes to flip the book and pull the green handle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy: u SMS me after I post that msg. so nv SMS u first. I showed ur photos to my hb, he said u bought alot. haha. I want to buy the activity table xin bought. But i scare my boy won't play. I bought the ride for him, he is more interested in biting then sitting on it. headache

bigfoot> @ least ur hubby did buy 1 toy for ur boi :> Gd daddy :>

lamb> Lucas drinks from a milk bottle .. Lying down on my arms to drink.. i have nv tried letting him hold e bottle himself .. any1 tried? I think some food still need to be puree as it's too hard for our LO to bite it. Lucas only have 2 lower teeth, upper 2 teeth i can feel e edges .. I puree apple,pear only .. all others like megan say for veg/meat/fish place inside to cook with porridge, is alr soft, so maybe just use spoon to mash abit can le :>

pauline> ya lucas loves everything to be place inside his mouth .. but alot of products is made in china.. i also dun care le .. just wipe or wash lo .. u got gd memory lo can remb e price of e piano which u bought 3 yrs ago.. i bet after a few days if any1 ask mi wad's e price i 4got alr ..

cuiling> i think most of our LO will put things into their mouth .. Moreover, Lucas now have 2 upper teeth popping out le .. more itchy to bite things!


Out of curiosity, why do u choose to feed Joey mock fish over the real thing? U not concerned abt the additonal salt, sugar, preservatives etc in the canned mock fish?

Hiya mommies!

Wendy, wei & Xin

Gosh, I'm so envious of all the buys! Worth it lah. Shows how much toys companies make money out of us parents when they sell it at full price! They sell at discounts, still can make money wor!

I don't think I'm going to the toy sale this time round. My expenses are so high due to my new place- yesterday just blew another $200 on toiletries holders, clothes hangers for doors etc. Sighs. (pulls out pocket with a huge hole there)

Plus, there's so much mess at home, I dont' think I shud load up more toys too soon. Haiz.

Maybe wait for the FP sale at Pioneer again. That one also good. I got a BN jumperoo at $150 only.


Hahahaha... that 3 yr old boy so generous hor. My 3 yr old boy will know even if 1 small car is missing! Also very selfish leh, grab toys from his lil sis until she swings around! haiz.

Little Lamb

Think you can puree but not till so fine already. They can gum their food down.

But don't be like me lah, i'm such a horrible mother. I gave her rice & some nuggets for dinner yesterday. very tiny pieces just for flavour. coz I still can't cook due to no gas supply yet, so whatever there is, I feed :S


Aly still drinks milk from the bottle mainly but she wont finish up all her milk at one go for her morning and mid-afternoon feeds. So i would feed the remainder via the sippy and she would finish them up most of the time. But drinking from the sippy can b rather messy & u

ve got to be prepared that their milk intake will drop. Forme, i believe in weaning from the bottle by 1 yo unless of cuz, i still feel lazy then, then i will continue with the bottle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the fruits/veg/meat, like the rest of the mummies, i dun puree them when they r cooked in porridge...mayb just mash a little for the bigger pieces or the not so nua ones.

I tried feeding Aly raw fruits finely chopped & i realised she's not quite ready for those but if i steam the fruits & just mash them up eg. pears, apples, peaches etc, she's able to handle them.

Will progress her to rice cakes real soon...once my 1/6 tin of brown rice runs out.

Wendy, cos I have been beowing it even when I was pregnant and it was priced at $139. Then when Isetan finally had private sale, I 'mai tu liao' and grabbed it. See, how naive I was back then. For the price I paid, can buy 3 Grand pianos leh. >_< Never mind, must Ah Q yi xia, at least my girl played with it for coming to 3 years and we even lugged it down as prop for no. 1's photo shoot. keke.

Wei, u tempted me with the motorised car...

too bad no more 30%...

otherwise i sure go down today...

I have been looking ard for one...


ET, I know lah... go go...

Lamb, i tired giving Shayne those non puree food, he still cant handle well and sometimes will vomit out...

thus i still pureed them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

WENDY/wei/ xin, i so wanna buy the motorised car lo, tink its more to fulfill my childhood dream than bb's! R there alot?

smalldreams - Hhahaa, I know what you mean by no gas supply. But what about jar food? Are there certified HALAL jar food?

sp_callalily - I dun puree the food in her porridge. In fact for her chicken and pork, I actually shred them into thin slices for her and then mash them into her porridge. Yeah, that's the thing when we introduce milk into their sippy cups, we have to be prepared that their milk intake will drop. So I was contemplating the cup with teats. But that will be like regressing from the current spout she's using. So really ... I dunno. Maybe I should continue with the sippy cup until she's comfortable with it then I'll give milk in it.

meganlee & febie - Yeah, I somehow feel our LOs not ready for non-pureed food. Yet I am quite keen to start her on finger food so that she can slowly progress to feeding herself.

wei>wah, I like the car and megablocks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so many good buys. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy>when your reno over, then u do a playdate for us lah. so we can beo your new place and our bbs can beo Lucas' toys. :p

lamb>I don't feed Ayden from a bottle so not sure. Think he sits up. I still puree and freeze some fruits so easier for my mom to serve him. But if I'm around, will prepare fresh for him. So far, let him try guave, grapes, golden kiwi, pear.

we still puree his porridge cos my mom got no time to mash it. Much faster to just do a quick blend although we try not to blend it too fine

smalldream> Ya all bb toys e so ex .. It's all above 100+ .. Oh Gosh! Do let us know when is e FP sales wor .. thanx! I'm goin to pack up & move over my mum's place soon .. Cartons everywhere in my hse now ..

Same like u, we bought alot on toiletries holders, clothes hangers .. Our rainshower cost ard 900bucks! & i still can remb our toilet sink is same price as e tap we bought!! 300plus i think .. Toilet roll holder is 50plus ! I din know it was so ex la!

Febie/firipy> I saw quite alot of different motorised cars when i was there .. maybe can ask wei whether there's still alot when she went @ ard 7pm .. But thinking when den can our LO step on e accelerator & drive e car?

lamb> Actually for those very ripe pears, i dun puree, i just use a fork to mash it & Lucas could eat it well .. Maybe u can try ..

Mummies: Need your advise, my gal suddenly lose her voice, when i went back home last night. My MIL say maybe she scream too much for milk.. DO i need to bring her to see doctor?

lil lamb dun rush lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think they will give us signs that they can chew on the finely cut stuff... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little lamb

Jar foods, as long as no meat, should be ok for my A to consume lah, but the problem is, she doesn't like jar food, no matter how yummy it is. so far I've only bot 1 -2 jar foods for her, all only take 1 spoonful or even less. Weird. My cousin in law gave us some bottles that her bb didn't like, and A didn't even put them into her mouth - straight away spit. She prefers mashed rice, or not-so-watery porridge.


I'd love to host a playdate for the eastern mommies! But my toys collection sad lor. Haha, maybe more for boys. for girls? - almost none. Think my lil A will grow up quite rugged.


The FP sales , we'll know when moms start posting over it. Really cheap! But one thing also, baby toys are very bulky. No space for my sad 4-room flat.

Yeah, I know what u mean. That rainshower thing also cost us quite a bit. Wow, yr toilet roll holder is made of gold is it? hahaha... I guess you probably picked the best range - anti rust, stainless steel or something.

Yesterday I bot toiletries holder and asked if it was anti rust. The salesgirl replied, "No lusty". Hur hur hur.

culing> mattias loves the 5in1 activity centre. but it's really v painted and lots of wooden parts. as i was cleaning, some wood chips and paint came off. like quite dagerous. still thiking if i shd keep it first.

can i as, the grand piano, the keys can be play is it? like individual notes? or just press then got some music.

feeding> today, i tried to like mattias bite off some nectarine to eat. quite ok. choke a little. :p.

when i prep food for him last nite, i didn't puree til v soft.

hey hey, wendy, you really tempting me to go...


btw, anyone intersted to get the rompers from kwl?

we consolidated?

smalldream> I nv compare prices for e toilet roll holder.. But we bought all of our lightings & hse accessories over there.. our contractor bought us there after we went choosing for our wall & floor tiles .. Spent a bomb there.. It's all hubby's money.. *Opps

Ya their toys all in big boxes & e toys r bulky, but u r staying alone right? sure got space de :>

Xin> Trust our own mummy instinct whether shld keep e activity centre anot .. U can do it !! :> I nv open e toys yet except for e small small FP piano .. so i cant tell u how e grand piano works ..

Febie> But u gonna ask urself whether ur boi can use it now also ma? moreover, now no more 30% off .. I guess there's alot of sales goin on soon .. This mth got Baby Expo & nxt mth got parenthood fair @ Expo too :>

smalldreams>hee, no need toys lah. they can play with themselves. there were no toys at the playdate I hosted too. :p

wendy>liked le.

wendy> actually, i feel shd keep. but i v bu she de. coz it's so fun and can keep mattias entertained. now i put the side tt has potential of paint peeling off leaning agst the wall. shall monitor how he plays with it then decide.

i feel like buying the grand piano and give my friends. alot of them giving birth soon.

i have a FP walker singing band. tt one the keys are fake. only got music come out.

febie> i'll take a look and let u noe. maybe get for my friends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl> thanx for ur like :> Ya agree with u .. Our LO will play with each other, so dun need toys de la .. Lucas keep blabbering till Xin's boi wanna join in with him .. LOL!

Xin> Wa, u still itchy to go down e sales.. Hee! No worries la, still got alot of sales throughout e whole yr .. :>

smalldreams - Hhehee, Lil' Aifah is a carbs gal! Then she should love potatoes right? How come no huh? LOL.

wendy - Yeah, but I find mashing pears too lehceh! :p I will usually prepare my fruits and freeze them over weekends, then over the week just take out to defrost. Unless it's avocado. Probably will try bananas. Nat's a bit constipated. Didn't poo yesterday and today the playdoh poo came back. Will probably give her prune puree later.

lsntyl - Ayden tried grapes and kiwi already huh. I'll probably leave these 2 fruits till after 1 y/o. I more kiasee. :p Do you have to peel off the skin of the grapes before giving him? If not, giving organic grapes might be better right? I feel very sad that it is only over here, I have a large variety of organic fruits to choose from, unlike back in SH.

wendy> yes, v itchy. feel like din buy enough. :p.

but now we considering tk over my friend's car so better not spend to much. gg shopping at cold storage and ntuc instead. :p

at night my son keep talking too, think he learn frm lucas. hee.

lamb> oh u can try banana.. wei gives her gal banana when she's constipated .. I give lucas fresh fruits everyday, unless we r outside den i'll give her heiz fruits ..

Little lamb

This she's a true blue malay / javanese girl.

Prefer rice, not ang moh potato. hahahaa.

Just sharing a bit here - a few mths back think I complained abt some chest pains , i now know what it is - it's probably reflux! And probably caused by stress. I had a bad one a few days ago & I told my sis that if I were to die, she needed to take good care of my kids, to which she thought I was going mad. Hehe. Anyway, now that I know reflux cud be stress-related, I guess I was stressed by moving house, then also I feel that I've got so much to do at work & at home! Haiz. can't believe I cud get it, always thot I've been relaxed. Too relaxed liao.

Xin> OMG ! Ur boi & Wei's gal got 'infected' by Lucas le ..

U buy quite a few toys yest also ma .. How much did u spend ah? Yest u was chatting with my hubby on cars, sp fast tempted u to buy a car! But it's gd la, u can drive ur boi out :>


You very lucky hor, i must mention. Yr hb is very generous with his $$ for you & Lucas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's damn sad. The poor mom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wendy> ya lor, we got a few offers to tk over cars recently. haha. but this one is my good fren. so most prob will tk frm her to try first. a mazda3, ur hb's one also right?

i spent abt $75. nothing compared to yours. :p.

disney> tt's really sad. monkeys are so fierce.


Hey ... yes, i think reflux could be stressed-induced. In fact, given the society we're living in today, a lot of ailments are inadvertently caused by stressed. I've been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for the longest time. It hit me really hard while I was working. Then after I stopped, it got better but still had it occasionally when I dun control my diet. In fact, this IBS thing kinda disappeared during my pregnancy.

I have read that it could be due to the hormones. So far, after giving birth to Nat, I've kenah-ed a few times but just not as frequent as before. I'm hoping that things will improve as sometimes, it does affect my social life. For eg., if i were to go out for lunch with friends, I won't be able to finish a full meal. It's either I take hours to finish or I can't finish. Then people often think I eat little.

Truth is, this condition has made me bloat very easily. So I can't eat much at one go, I gotta pace myself. So as a result, I eat frequent small meals a day. I once asked doc how I got it, he said it's likely in the genes or stress-induced. Nat's tum tum isn't very strong too so I'm also careful with introducing different foods to her.

smalldreams> ya, stress will cause reflux and oth stomach probs. i had a v long drawn prob when i was in JC. was advised not to drink too much water even. no spicy food, cold stuff, mint. but it trained me to be v disciplined when it comes to food. hee.

on a happier note, found a v interesting book on food tt working mums can try with their LOs on weekends. i borrowed from the lib call no. 641.5123 P


wendy, sad......30% is alot, y tdy no more....I so wan the car! hahah!my boy actually "trained" by us in driving ald, he get lessons everytime the dad,grandpas n uncles. Those malls got those slot machine cars, he will wanna hop in for a ride, tink by 1 yr plus he can play ald, altho its more for 3 yrs n abv....Maybe I shld wait till next yr's sale. Tink I better nt broad over it n treat this as a saving $ effort by lao tian ye hahha

poofy, I dun mind going over to ur plc eventho nt much toys, give them a bumper mat they can play ald, dun worry! Girls or boys the things they play nw all same la, they probably will play diff things when they are 1 yr old??

xin, mazda's fuel consumption can kill lo, if its jus daily driving then its ok la fr pt 1 to pt 2.

disney, my mum was bitten by monkey when she was in pri sch, got 1 big hole in her leg, so fr young I am scared of monkeys. I go macritchie I see monkey only I shout hahhaa,I go zoo, I will skip the monkey area, go Bali I refused to tour the monkey forest.

I find that this yr nt much sales compared to last yr lei, there was so much I preggy still go ahahhaha. No news fr baby hypermart, there was midnite sale last yr.... f&P oso got a few rounds last yr.....

lamb>we peel off the skin and deseed the grapes. then use fingers to make it into small pieces. He can take 2 grapes at a go so far. We give him whatever grapes we have on hand. :p he really likes golden kiwis but can't finish them yet so I'll eat his leftovers.

I'm not particular about organic food. As long as its fresh, feel it should be ok.

xin>keep $ for next sale lah. But if u go after all, tell me hor. :p

smalldreams>glad you are feeling better. I'm feeling stressed at work these days too. So many projects and work piling up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then can't rest when I go home too cos got to take over looking after Ayden.

xin>the book looks so cute! please share whatever you try with mattias. :D will go look for it at the library. Is it classified under the cooking or family section?

disney> i read abt it too.. sad la.. monkey r cute, really cant imagined this scenario..

smalldream> ya he's a great hubby .. working hard for mi & lucas :> so i'll treat him to spa/massage & give him surprises :>

Xin> ya it's a Mazda 3 :> U really nv spent like mi la, my hubby keep saying i'm buying e whole store back .. But actually i dun feel alot lei .. 7 items only ..


sometimes our children, once they have the toy, they wont get excited over it anymore. But toys in shopping centres are novel mah, so they'll still want to ride again and again :p You can always rent to minimise the clutter.

But then my son, he still loves the ride-on I bot for him when he was abt 13-14 mths. He uses it as a mode of transportation around the house. Now Aifah is using it as a walker. always makes my heart skip a bit coz it rolls off so fast !


ya lor, it's something all mothers w/o extra pairs of hands have to face. I'm hoping it'll all pay off when we're older. The ties that bind... hmmm...


Thanks for sharing. I've never really thought I could feel stressed over my responsibilities. I was joking to my colleagues that I could be losing it. He told me, You've already Lost it, what losing it?! LOL.

Little Lamb

gee, I guess this is the price to pay for living in such a fast paced society. Sometimes i feel, living in some kampong might be better. Pple have less, but they're so much happier. Just gotta content with no internet tho, haha.

tyl> think i found it with the babies book section. v cute hor. got 6 recipes. ltr shall go buy food to try.

gg to prep for work. chat later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Recently I've been feeling a little annoyed with something. Maybe it's eating me inside also, which is why I get all these stress-related symptoms. But yesterday i saw a really handsome middle aged south african man, but he was limping big time. Wow, I really felt so grateful that my hb is not in that state. Hahah, sorry yah, I've been rather melancholic lately. Mid life crisis mebbe. But you're still very young, I better not say more hehehe..

wendy> he say u just buy all at one itme. hee hee...

smalldreams> guess can really be stressful working, moving and taking care of ur kids.

littlelamb> u know, during confinement, i kept burping, then MIL say got alot of wind and asked me to tk more ginger. then she like wonder to my hb, why i tk so much ginger still keep burping. later i found out tt ginger and garlic can be too strong for sensitive stomachs and cause more wind. sighz.

really got to go. how i wish can sit here and chat whole day. :p

smalldream, do take some time to relax..

i also have reflux sometimes...

dun be so negative lah... i will always tell myself to drive carefully for the lil one who is waiting for me at hm...

smalldreams>I'm already lucky. I've got my mom to take care of Ayden while I eat my dinner. :p

hugs. life too short. must try to be happy.

ok, gotta go rush work le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Febie, TYL

Yes, thanks for the reminders.

It's just that, it just hit me - stress can

hit anyone. I just hope I don't have to see

a shrink soon. Hope my 2 kids will not have

a mad mommy soon. Hahaha.

Aftn mummies !!!

TGIF !!!!

Re : reflux

I also hv reflux. It already happened 3 times & all falls on Sun after midnite (the next day is Mon working) - in the middle of the nite. My tummy will feels painful & cant sleep for a few hrs (until maybe 5am) . Still thought I am the only mummy who hv this problem.....;p

Seen doc & doc said maybe becos of the food I eat and/or becos of stress.

Re : Toys Sale

Seem I missed the gd deal. But downtown east like too far for me also....;p

Re : bb drinking fr bottle

Mt bb still drink from bottle & still lay down but once a while will let her drink sitting up. She only drink plain water from her sprout cup.


Tyl, hugs, that's how I felt when I was ftwm too. And we stay alone so even less support once we knock off work n bring raeanne back esp when she wakes up a few times at night.

Xin, there are 8 keys that play individual notes do re mi fa so la ti do. No more grand piano when I went there last night there or I would have bought a replacement set for ;)

Wendy, agree with the rest. Your hubby really dotes on u n Lucas, 幸福的小女人。 :)

