(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

cheerieheart> I din see play yards .. But alot of big motor cars la .. SIanx! Lucas cant sit & drive ard himself also. ..

Connie yest sms she wanna buy e ride on which she saw on my fb .. There also have !! & much much more cheaper .. Half price !!

Some of e toys boxes r damaged .. but no worries e toys r spoilt .. cos there's a Q to test all ur toys for u :>

My hubby Q to test e toys, Xin & her fren Q for e cashier .. So we save alot of time on tt :> *hee

cheerieheart> I din step into working life before .. Last time during studying i work freelance also .. Roadshows for Starhub blah blah .. I study private for accounting @ ACCA .. But i was preg so i haben finish my exam papers .. :<

I hope i can work for my passion too .. :>

toys warehouse sale> the best deal is tt with toys r us card can get 30% off if hit $300. can just find someone to combine receipt. today only. it close at 10pm. so still got time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wanted to find melissa and doug blocks. a only have one animals block and a noah's ark one. bought the animals one.

also bought a universe to imagination 5 in 1 activity walker. half price. (plus 30%)

think one good buy is the leapfrog icecream truck. but heard tt no more already.

got some play dough stuff. big houses.

play tents with balls. but like quite ex.

suspect that they mark up the price abit.

must test those that looks v torn and tattered. took 2 but end up spoilt. some also got missing parts. so must check properly.

actually thinking of gg bk tmr to see if they bring out more things. :p.

wendy really bought alot. activity station, baby grand piano....

wendy> thks for the lift hm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin> I was waiting for u to update our mummies here! Cos i bought alot & i cannot open for Lucas to play now also :<

Only took out 1 toy for him to play .. Will take a pic & show ur :>


Usual price is 69, now is 20 bucks !! & further 30% off

cheerieheart> i haven ans u abt the carrier. this brand dont encourage front facing for babies as it's not good for the spine. also no hip carry as not good for the adult. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u can buy from MumNKids. they got collection at Seng Kang. easy for u.

think the 30% off is only for today leh.

btw, i jsut realise tt my friend's mum stay at your estate too. hee hee... her son born last feb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

got some potties too. come to think of it should have bought. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy> i was putting mattias to sleep. lucas still so energetic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin> u mean mattias zZz now .. Lucas still outside living room playing .. He zZz during e car ride back home le .. Going to bath him & feed him milk @ 8pm den he'll zZz le ...

Mommies, I'm flying down to downtown east now as Wendy has checked n confirmed 30% off for today only... Not sure wat to buy.. Will go see see first.

Melissa> i saw there's 1 selling @ 150bucks .. But there's alot of models .. Got cheaper than tt & expensive ones also r there ..

got alot of girly sruff too. but lucas n mattias both boys. i didn't really see properly. saw a mummy bought polly pocket for $5. still got 30% off.

Wendy>how much was e pooh ride ? Tempted to get for my gal but also worried my mil will push Leticia w it to go playground ... Dun like her to bring her down!!!!

cy> 60bucks for e winnie e pooh ride on lo... but no box, i dunno e parts working fine.. u saw shuwei's fb got esther with e icecream truck ride on nicer for gals !! :> with box nice nice 60 bucks also .. usual price ard 120-130bucks

Cy> Y dun like mil bring ur gal down? i bring lucas go down to basketball court when his daddy is playing basketball :>


Wendy: wow!! The toys are really cheap! Too bad i can't make it today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But even if i go, dun tink i can buy up to $300. Probably go there trmw.

Wei: tell us what you bought! I'm so curious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, all my toys from today's warehse sales .. Total damage:$228



wendy> it should be $30. coz got 30% off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i so tempted to go back agn tonight. but too lazy.

e pooh ride like v useful hor. but i alr got 2 walkers. and 1 walker cum car. :p...

i opened the 5 in 1 walker activity centre. mattias loves it. but it's not 100% perfect. got some chipped off parts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. and it's v brightly painted. dunno got any poisonous stuff anot.

cheerieheart> i quite tempted to go down agn tmr. but no 30% off liaoz.

wendy> i shd have bought the grand piano instead of the small keyboard. didn't see it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xin> Grand Piano-45bucks before 30%, after is $31.50

Ya la, they got alot of toys, yet is this crazy mummy la, keep buying & buying, cos i can play also .. LOL !! Ur gd buy is e 5 in 1 walker activity centre lo .. RIGHT?

Dun go le la, no 30% den not worth it .. REMB some of e toys r marked up prices?

Connie> Y dun sms mi ? *hee I'm replying ur sms ma :>

Mummies> I think some of e toys r over-priced .. But i cant confirm, cos i dun really remb e prices i saw outside de la, i got bad memory! But some toys r really dirt cheap la, slashed down by 50% .. Gonna look out .. Hope ur get all e gd buys from onwards .. I dunno whether will they replenish more toys ma ..

yup yup. the walker activity centre is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but e grand piano like v nice leh. :p.

think buy somemore i no place to walk liaoz. haha. all my rooms filled with his toys.

Connie> Potty - 54, activity table - 39.80

All before 30% off .. But tml onwards no more 30% off alr .. Activity table got a few boxes selling @ ard 36bucks, so i did ask y, e guy told mi cos maybe is rejected toys & u can see ur box is much more intact & cleaner den e 36bucks .. so i took e more ex one better :>

Wendy>my mil can't see well n lazy to put on glasses! I scare she push her n fall cos her leg also not good 'limping'

If same price I rather get e leapfrog ice cream truck but dunno still hav stock on weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tink must rush down on sat!!

Xin, my mum place also no place to walk ard too!!!

Cy> Oic .. Now i know y u afraid le .. Just now connie went & she couldn't find e icecream truck le.. hope they replenish e stocks :> den u can get for ur gal :>

So good buy lor.. itching itching.. I think i will buy and buy and buy there.. shld have rush there after dinner just now..

Cindy good ideas leh...

At least better than letting those toy rental earn...


Wendy, Lucas so fortunate.,,

When got playmates at your place?

Hahaha... Kidding lah...

ET, spending money again?

Downtown east really too far from me, thus nv even consider abt goin down despite the savings...

Wendy, when I go mil hse, can bring bb go your hse for playdates or nt? heheheh! Your hb so nice, mine hor,will blk face or nag.....The last time I chiong for toys like mad was the F&P warehouse sale b4 bb is born & the 2nd round after he was born is disappointing but I got a few nice toys oso la

cy> good idea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my friend just offered to let us take over her car. still thinking if worth it. or just tk cab all the way...

Wendy, I went down in the evening after my hubby knocked off. Got a Little Tikes golf set, a post office/shop playtent, a Dora backpack, a loops game and 2 musical stuffed toys for the gals. Total damage: $97.40 But how come you so good can get additional 30% off if you only paid $228? Cos they keep announcing that must hit $300 before get additional 30% discount. Additional 10% discount if use HSBC card. Since

I don't have so many toys to buy to hit $300, was eyeing the playhouse & the activity gym but hubby said no. Sigh. So I also feel sian to buy too much also cos don't qualify for additional 30% off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wendy>wah, your purchases look so good! the potty v cute. Lucas is such a lucky boy.

I wanted the icecream truck too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pauline>I think wendy and xin prob combine purchase to hit $300 for the extra discount.

Hallo mommies,

Wanna check with you gals on 2 things:

1. Do your LOs still drink milk from a bottle? If so, do they drink lying down?

2. Do you still puree your food for them? Or are they served in chopped or sliced formats already? For eg. Fruits and Veg and cooked meat

I'm wondering if I should start offering finger food to Nat coz' at the moment, she's only had rice cakes so far and still not fully comfy with chewing and swallowing. Also, for porridge, I start giving to her more textured instead of mashed. But other than that, her fruits are still pureed. I still haven't tried giving her raw fruits except avocado so far. As for milk, I dunno when I should start training her to drink her milk from a cup leh.

Thanks, tyl. I thought Wendy mentioned she was going with her hubby in the morning, didn't read all the posts so didn't know she n xin went down at the same time. :p anyway must be careful when u buy, if condition too lousy better dun buy, one of my friend tested an electronic musical toy n it works. Bring it home n her boy play for 5mins, it conked out with loud weird noise, frightening her boy. Bring back to exchange but end up her boy too traumatized to play with it again.

wendy, xin > you gals got some really good hunt! Ai ya, I should hv insisted on going down yesterday afternoon. My hubby just bought a small FP item for Bryan cos he said that Bryan still have 2-3 sets of unopened toys at home, so no more toys for him.

Just saw the ST this morning and Robinsons is also having toys sale. 1st thing hubby said, "Not again!!??" Sianz...

bigfoot> ur hubby want to save money lah. heh.

i don't want to spend money so end up giving up tupperware to play with. hmm but if good buys, i also don't mind buying but no time to go downtown east. so near yet so far.

hi mommies.. went down to the toys sale yesterday after work.. managed to combine $300 with another customer to get the 30% off. below are my purchases.

motorised car - $150 (before 30%)


mega blocks for 1yr - $39.90


piano + abc/123 blocks - $49.90 (before 30%)


baby hand toy/teether - $5.80 (before less 30%)


a-z floor mat - $21 (before less 30%)

wendy, tat's a gd buy..never will harvest money bank for rainy days, money roll in go to sch fees...then i like "wu jian dao" use hubby's $$$ to buy Joey's thing plus some etc things..kana caught ytd =p now muz be more caution ...

luckily, Joey's small uncle only 3 yrs old..he had alot of toys so every mth MIL & me do visiting kapo alot back whahhahhaha....

Wei, smart move. I should have done that but baby cranky cos she wanna sleep so hubby was waiting for me outside. Too rushed to think of that. :p


febie/firipy> I dun mind mummies bringing their Lo over to play with Lucas, BUT my hse abit messy now.. cos packing up to go over my mum's place to stay on 26 oct.. my hse going on reno from 1 Nov till 20dec ..

Pauline> Ya TYL was right, mi & xin combine ours together with xin's fren & a stranger mummy .. I saw e golf set, nice ehx! If i buy my hubby will say i siao lo!! dunno when can Lucas play? 2 or 3 yrs down e road ba .

Wei> i saw e morotised car also .. But thinking when can Lucas play .. Ha! Piano+abc blocks got alot left right?

