(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Anyone LO suddenly rejecting solid for weeks ? Dunno y mine dun wan eat leh .. I thought he sian Liao I change variety he still dun wan leh ..

AFann > woww.......what was u previously working as with CITI? Now change to makeup artist!! SO fun!! i have a dinner to go to at the end of oct. May need your help! Do you do hair also?Must i pm you on charges?

Bebecraze- previously I'm already a mua but change job cos need cpf for house.. Nw hubby cn tahan alone so I change bk to wk as mua ..

Yup I Do hair n makeup

U cn pm me if u interested ..

Thx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

afann, u check his gums to see, maybe uncomfy cos teething, my boy always reject food for no ryhme or reason, then next few days or even 1 week later got new tooth. Nice job lei, no need to do reports etc ahahha! No wonder ur makeup so nice!!!

Firipy- I only knw how to do others for myself is simple just do basic only ..

Ya lo I think he teething leh but below gt two above nothing as yet ..

I somemore cook kway teow n mee sua .. He still dun like ..

Turn his head away.. Hope later he some lo ..but luckily he nv reject milk ..

yes... Ada really makes herself beautiful...

so doing for others will make it even more beautiful...

all the best huh...

look out for my email ok?

Afann> try to give cereal or puree? maybe softer, he will want? sometimes i also quite pek chek, u make effort to cook then LO dun wanna eat...

Sherry- yaya !! Waste effort .. Feel more sian when he dun eat lo.. Scared he hungry ..

Thank you everyone for compliment .. :D

afann> ya man.. i more worried he hungry but spend money to cook stock la, make porridge etc then she dun wanna eat lor.. in the end, give my dogs hahaha

Sherry - yaya I purposely go n make chx stock n cook porridge leh .. He dun wan so ifeed slowly in the end eat half bowl ..

Better than nth .. My dog oso clear the remaining ! Haahaa

Koonie- yup take photo shoot cn draw nicely too .. Then look more young n hip mummy

Bebecraze: din ask where my nbour moving to, we saw it was sold in one of the housing agents’ flyer. We went to Minton, price is relatively cheap but we think it’s too huge a development and the location isn’t so ideal. Too bad the plot of land next to ours is for EC, if it’s pte condo, think we may end up buying there!

ET: happy bellies brown rice cereal very gd right? My boy started with that and has no constipation prob. But when it was finished and we changed to HB oatmeals, the constipation nightmare began.

Btw, I rang Vitakids to ask if the HB cereals coming in. They say by today or tomorrow it should be in!

Mstann: since i called Vitakids, i helped to enquire about probiotics. They have it in powder form and suitable for babies. They have 2 brands, i din ask about the price though. Vitakid paragon tel: 67333964

Afann: nice job you’ve got there! It’s great to do smthg you love and at the same time make other pple look so nice and pretty!

Koonie: what is “veg fish meat”?

cheerieheart>I think koonie is talking about vegetarian fish meat. those make of soya?

I thought you're staying in a condo?

is the price at vitakids cheaper than through bps?


Yes I know! I am missing out on the best weather in SH!!! And I simply cannot imagine the cruel winter arriving again! Just when I was happily enjoying dressing Nat up in onesies ... it's back to layering AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! and I hate that!!! Btw, are you getting mittens for Arwen?

I dunno where to find those kiddy mittens for Nat. Arwen has 7 teeth already???!!! Last I saw her only 3! Eh, if you do meet up with Andrea, check with her how was her Singapore trip, k? Coz' she didn't contact me, hope everything went well. How long will your family be in town for?

TYL: mine is half condo - it's an EC :p

what is bps? Vitakids selling $9+. I lazy to get thr spree :p The cheapest i can find off the shelf was at toa payoh ntuc at $8/tin (promotional price). Firipy told us about it recently. But I went there again over the weekend and i found only 1 tin of multigrain; it's $8.90 if i din remember wrongly.

cheerieheart - I think I saw HB cereals being sold at AMK Hub NTUC. If you're around the vicinity, can try searching. But it's not at kids food section, it's near the organic section.

Hi Only 31 parents updated their particulars...

kindly write to us soon...

Dear Mummies interested in the Jan BB Birthday Bash

1. Febie, Shayne 28 Jan

2. bbin2010, zx 28 jan

3. LSnTYL, Ayden 16 Jan

4. Luvbabe, Lucas 18 Dec

5. CY, Leticia 10 Jan

6. bigfoot, Bryan 13 Jan

7. Steph, Caleb 19 Jan

8. meglee, Hue Wen 22 Dec

9. pangpang, Fave 26 Dec

10. melody, Sharlyn 29 dec

11. Wendy, Lucas 22 Jan

12. Jessie, Arwen 31s Dec

13. mstan8888, Chloe 23 Dec

14. ET, Oliver 05 Jan

15. xin, mattias 23 Jan

16. Melgan(momo32) Zoe,1stJan

17. Brainkuku, Willem 13 Jan

18. AG, Caryn 3 jan

19. Wei, Esther 6 jan

20. Yuki, Chris 30 Dec

21. Mindy, Isaiah 9th Jan.

22. Shane, Chloe 4th Jan

23. Yem, Megan 5th Jan

24. C. Yang, Renee, 27 Dec

25. kOONIE, Joey 19 DEC

26. 2005, Yi Yi 12 Jan

27. Sweet, Tristan 12 Jan

28. Gardenia, Isaac 09 Jan

29. Afann , Ashton 19 Jan

30. qx13, Benjamin Seth 21 Jan

31. firipy, Ayden Chan 20 Dec

32. Josie, Bryan 20 Jan

33. cocomama, Yongxian 22 Dec

34. ecookie, yongrui 18 jan

35. v_ni, joseph 7 jan

36. cheerieheart, Kenan 17 Jan (same as mommy!)

37. dolphin, Tristan 7 Jan 2010

38. lyn78, Sergius 26 Dec 2009

39. Sherry79, Shernise 29 Jan 2010

40. Rina Foo, Kristeva 31 Dec 2009

41. SH stonelamb, Jun Kai 6 Jan 2010

42. Lin (wakakami), Terilyn 1 Feb 2010

43. Bebecraze08, Jia Jia (Joey) 28 Dec 09

44.Fatbabe, Tytus, 24-12-2009

45. Blueberrypie, Andrea, 21-1-2010

46. Joy, Jovin, 1-1-2010

Date Set for BASH: 30th Jan 2011, Sunday

can you please email us at [email protected] with the following details:

1) Nick:

2) Actual name:

3) Name of LO:

4) DOB of LO:

5) Email:

6) mobile no:

7) No of people attending: (Eg: 2A+1bb+2siblings)

8) if your LO has siblings who will be joining us, name and age pls.

We want to ensure that we have a big space for all and not overcrowding…

And we also wants to ensure that our food caters to the siblings too.

Last but not least, we need to plan some programs too…


Janbabies 2010 Committees

Febie: you have my particulars already right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL: Thanks for the info! I calculated, if get from agape, plus the registered mail, end up more ex than Vitakids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe will get fr BP to stock up. Meanwhile, need to get fr Vitakids for urgent use.

TYL, thru SMH, agapebabies selling $8 only, but their stocks will only come in 2-4 weeks later,

Cheerieheart, you may want to get it from mumsnkids bulk purchase (the first link TYL gave). I remember when i gave him oatmeal also poo daily leh.. I always mixed these 3 randomly.. But most of it is brown rice, cos he seems to like brown rice most..

Little lamb: really? AMK hub ntuc has it? Gd news! Then it could be cheaper than Vitakids. The ntuc toa payoh also put in at the organic section.

Wendy, I also like le! hehehe

My boy's poo is quite regular when on HB cereals.

koonie, roughly how much is Bee's cake ah?

Oh ya, NTUC have it, I saw it at Bukit Merah NTUC also.. Its at the organic section. I think ard $8+ also, that day i saw they having promotion on Happy Bellies..


HB cereal is $8.90 at NTUC vs $9.40 at Vitakids. The difference is not all that significant. Not progressing to more textured stuff other than brown rice cereal? For me, i am going to do away with brown rice cereal once it runs out (left only 1/4 tin). But i will continue giving Aly cereals for breakfast.


reasonable price..fresh cream 1kg = $50 then can chose diff favour..browse her website or email her for any enquiries..=)


it's the fish meat vegetarian used for cooking made of soybean+mushroom


I pass yr contact to my hubby's cousin cos wedding dinner end of yr..probably need MUA then u can keep $$$ for Ashton's milk powder & diaper

Koonie - thank you .. Ur hb cousin cn call mi for details n trial .. I cn show her my wk too ..

Thanks a lot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy, i emailed her and got her reply back within hours.. lol.. Rather reasonably priced, only she is rather far for me, at Sengkang, but should be good for you, remember u stay ard Sengkang.

Koonie, u tried her cake before? Nice?

oh any mummies got friends who is keen in admin roles ah.. just 5 months between 2 to 2.4k.. mom to fri from 9am to 530pm.

Sherry, when start ?wat kind of admin job ah? But I m looking more perm la.....

ET, I tink fondant cake too pretty to eat ahahha, maybe I shld see what cream cakes to get

firipy, i requested for cream cake, but with some fondant figures.. Cos those small figures look nicer in fondant.. I like cream cake still.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too... request for fresh cream cake...

i will ask my friend to help me collect the cakes before they head down... :p

sure the godpa and godma most willing to help...

konnie> Ya have .. wad accessories u looking @ ? Hp casing?

Cy> so fast u 'caught' Lucas le .. I dunno e huggies children day pic was up alr.. cos i was shopping @ Downtown East with Xin :>

Thanx for ur like!! *muack

firipy> Thanx for ur like!! *muack

Afann> U got a nice job which is ur passion .. Gd !! I love to make-up for my frens also .. :>

Children's Day Warehse Sales @ Downtown East >>

It was crowded, dun not so dusty like wad bigfoot say .. but still 'dangerous' to bring our LO go .. cos alot of big boxes toys, scared will drop & knock our LO .. So Lucas was cared by my hubby.. I went ard getting toys & i bought alot la .. Xin shld know .. *haha

Wendy, got wat gd buys? Crowded huh? Tot of going down tmr, tdy got ppl down at my plc to instal the fibre optic for opennet

ET/Callalily: thanks for the info on HB cereals!!

Callalily: my boy takes porridge and cereals. Coz of previous bad bouts of constipation (situation improving now), i try not to give too textured food in case he has prob digesting and end up can't poo again. I would add avocado to the HB cereals and my boy loves it. The avocado seems to relieve the constipation prob.

koonie: I saw some vegetarian meat at ntuc, are those the ones you use? Any specific brand? I thought these will contain salt/msg/preservatives etc.?

Wendy: pls share what you bought! Was the discounts very gd? Aiyo, make me itching to go shopping. Dunno if hubby can take leave tmrw or not. Btw, did you see any play yard?

wendy, xin > I din get to go to the warehouse sale today cos we hv a dept lunch in day in office. Moreover, hubby din really want me to go cos he know I sure buy and buy. What are the good lobangs there? He went and he kept telling me that there is nothing much. I don't believe him!


Wendy: what job were you holding before you got pregnant? hehe.. maybe can learn makeup and do freelance like Afann also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's great to do what we love and get paid for it!

