(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Melody, i use the Johnson baby head to toe bath (yellow one) since he was born, so shldn't be now then allergy right?

Cindy, not possible water too hot, cos i will test the water before i put him down to bathe..

Bigfoot, my boy also sweats easily, i resorted to blasting the fan on him else on the aircon.. Nowadays he likes to pull his own hair when it is hot..



dear mummies, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mummies can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie - I am planning on taking nat to gymboree at tanglin for trial classes too. Hehehe. Maybe we might just bump into each other there. I'm still waiting for my gf to confirm with me. Let me know how it goes. I guess for Emma, if the fever goes beyond 38, it's best to give paracetamol just to bring the fever down. So far no other symptoms right? Might just be a viral fever. If you're worried, do bring her to see another paed I guess.

ET - The rashes happen to me too. For me, it's more of the case that the water is too hot. Not sure if it's the case for your LO.

Andie/bride, hope ur bbs get well asap, *hugs*

bride, I forgot where u stay lei, r u the one who stay same blk as me ah? Sorry post-preggy brain sucks

bride_09,bluey,lamb: thanks for the info. Well, I guess that's why the PD don't wanna commit to a specific diagnosis. I'm just waiting for rashes to confirm it's roseola. Can't believe I'll be glad to see rashes!

elynntan: ACC is a term membership of 15 years only due to the land lease. It's a one-time payment of $1,500 + $200 deposit. Monthly member fee of $48. But no minimum monthly expenditure, which is good.

lamb: awesome! the tanglin's timing schedule suits Emma better. Yup will let you know, most likely will fix a trial for end of this mth.

bbin2010> Thanx for ur vote! Dunno Lucas will be e top 3 ma .. But it's ok la .. Just for e fun nia .. Hee!

Any babies drinking Similic Step 2 / nan pro 2 / S26 Step 2 ? I have got all these small tins which i'm giving away .. As i'm packing up to go over my parents' place soon as my current hse will be going on reno soon :> It'll be great if u could pass mi Enfapro as Lucas is drinking tt :>

ET> Lucas no hair also sweat like mad .. Maybe cos he's a fatty .. Haha! But u wanna try & see if u nv Johnson baby head to toe bath on Oliver will he still have rashes?

All e babies get well soon ya !! :>


I went down to ur hb shop on sat to support & bot iphone cover & screens..

This weekend maybe go down again to get ipad cover..

Does he sell ipad screen protector? I forgot to ask.. i can rem who helped me on sat but dun think its ur hb..


I'm finalising before I will email to you..

A5 size for both front and back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy> Can I have Nan Pro 2, please? My Lucas drinks Nan Pro 2. Let me know how to pick up from you. Maybe from your hubby's shop in Tampines...


np. hope ur lo would recover soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can i have the S26 step 2? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melody> Thanx ya!! My bil & a Malay staff is @ Tamp outlet.. My hubby @ Yishun oulet .. My bil serve u ? U r a Apple fan !! Iphone 4 & Ipad .. Worh!!

I just check from my bil tt tamp dun have ipad stuffs .. But nvm i'll ask my hubby to shift some over from yishun to tamp to let u choose :> U coming on Sat? Cos my bil not working @ tamp on Sun de.. Only left our Malay staff ..

ET > my boy does the same thing too and his head is forever drenched, even in aircon room. We are so pissed with his longer hair and wanted so much to chop it off.

Andie > thanks for the info!

Megan > sure, it's not so fair for the east mummies so I think we can arrange that pretty easily. Any dates suggestions from you? Should we do it during either of the 2 PHs in Nov?

Thanks wendy, i chk wif my hb first see where is more convinent for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elynn, megan> i'm ok meeting on 22nd Nov at botanical gardens maybe around 4pm?

bedok reservior is good for me too. then only for east mummies? if on a PH can go in the morning? less sunny. :p

andie> hope emma gets well soon. do u go brown rice paradise on weekdays or weekends? i thinking of gg there sometime next wk. wan go tog?

melissa, wendy got 2 ma, u still in queue to get the 2nd tin..

Childcare says my boy's temperature seems to get higher.. oh no.. sianz half..

Hi mommies!

Seem like a quiet Monday.

Din get to go the Toys R Us warehouse sale in the end coz too many things happening. But it seems like i din miss much hor, since most of the stuff might have been grabbed on the first day.

Firipy: was it you who mentioned abt fisher price warehouse sale? Do you remember which part of the yr does it take place? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy/bride 09/bebecraze: shall we do a Sengkang gathering? There are quite a lot of us leh. There's also Steph, yeocouple, nana... anyone else I missed out?

Milk powder: does anyone have enfapro that you don't want? Thought can do an exchange. I have Nan 2 HA, Mamil Gold, Friso, Similac.

i'm so fed up with my hp!!! the samsung pc suite cant detect it. anyone has a samsung jet and face similar prob? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hiya everyone

busy monday for me. Logging in while having my lunch. Haiz, hope tomorrow's better.


How's Emma now? Like what Bluey mentioned, doc won't be able to tell it's roseola if the rashes are not out yet. my baby's front also didn't swell the other time. I'm not sure about that. But i recall my GP said, if baby's active, that's a good sign. You'd rather have an active feverish baby than one which just whines.

But now my lil A's eye is a bit red. I think something poked it yesterday when I left her with her brother for a while in the play room :S


Oh no, you must be worried. Poor Oli. hope it's just a viral fever that'll go away soon.

re : milk powder

i almost fainted when i saw enfapro was going at $40.40 for the 900 grams at Giant! I was thinking of starting A on FM since my milk SS is pathetic now. Gosh. She took Mamil Gold once when I really had no milk and gulped 2 oz. I was half relieved, half-sad but when it was me feeding the FM, she didn't want and fussed for the breast. Haiz.


Ehem, nah, no similar problem, coz I now have an iphone! hehehe...


A picnic by the gardens sounds great! But haiz...so busy thesedays. Dunno can make it or not.

Febie/Xin/smalldreams, ya.. He just recovered from 2 weeks of flu.. His appetite just came back abit, i.e. finally finishing his 180ml milk feed.. I really crossing my fingers and dun dare to call his childcare.. sigh..

His daddy just called me that he is taking MC as he got our flu virus.. Now, even the healthiest papa is sick too...

ET> Hope Oliver will be fine.

Smalldreams> wow so fast u got iphone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin> Time to change to Iphone... hehee

cy, smalldreams> my hb still dont wan chg with me leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. and i wan to get my photos out of the jet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ET> sounds like a strong virus. hope ur fsmily recovers fully soon.

smalldreams> hope Aifah's eyes will b ok soon.

bbin> i know the ntuc curr is v detailed. but ultimately the impt thg is the teachers delivering it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

i got a enfa 900g $5 discount. anyone wants? hope i can still find it. :p


thanks!! can pm me where's the mtg place @ yishun & ur contact?


haha... i juz happened to login n saw wendy's msg so chop chop send msg liao lor... =) other times i always miss lobangs one.... btw, went to watson last sat n saw tat similac 2 hving offer!! go grab! its even cheaper if u got watsons & everyday card....


i tink all milk powder price increase! went to check out ntuc b4 gg to watson to grab similac n the price oredi become $77+ instead of last time $73+! damn 'jian shang' lei....


definitely agree wif u.... its the teachers who's the most impt...

wah, you gals v fast. choped all of wendy's fm. :p

wendy>at first I wanted the fm, then realised I don't have enfa anymore so cannot swop with you. Glad you found other mommies who can do the swop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any other mommy want to swop friso (900gm) and s26 with me for similac? all stage 2.

smalldream/ET>hope your bbs will b ok soon.

Et, hope your hubby gets well soon too...

it's tough on you huh...

gotta take care of the big and lil men...

Febie> my iphone4 so far so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET still got doggy to look after too... wow ET u must take care too!!

Xin> no external memory card ?

ANy babies on Enfapro .. I bought 1 carton of Enfapro & Lucas cant finish all as he's on 3 milk feeds now .. Too much for him to finish before he turns 1 .. Any mummies here can buy some from mi :> It's 36 bucks per tin..


my iphone4 so far so gd..


Thanks thanks, if its not too troublesome to shift the ipad accessories.. I need a cover & a screen protector.. Will drop by on Sat..

Hello Mummies!!

I MIA again..this time my boy and I got stomach flu! Worse than flu, cos vomit, cannot eat anything..super weak..lie in bed for 2 days!


Sounds fun..wanna join if ok with u all!

I've never been to Bedok Reservoir!

Smalldreams..How r yr kids? Aifah's eyes? Wat happened?

ya, Cy, i got 2 doggies.. lol..

wendy, dun have to worry de, they can drink after they turn 1.. In fact, Oliver is still drinking Enfalac.. LOL..

ET> Ya but Step 1 is till 1yr old right? But Step 2 is after 6mths .. Not sure Step 3 is for how many mths de .. COs i have got 18tins now .. real too much !! As i'm shifting over my parents' hse alr & i dun wanna shift all back again when my hse is ready in dec la .. So if any mummies here can buy from u is gd :>

Wei's gal also drinking Enfalac now :>

Hehehe.. I know what you mean.. :p I also kiasu buy in cartons de.. hahaha..

Enfagrow (step 3) is from 1 year old onwards..

Wendy, lucas drink how much per feed? So from 8pm to 8am, totally no feeding?

wendy>think step 2 is till 18 months. you sure you want to sell off? wait next time need to buy again, more ex...


ET> Hope Oli is fine...Wah, even Oli's papa is also sick...Xin ku ni le, gotta take care of big and lil men plus 2 doggies...

Nowadays, lots of people getting sick. Luis too had high fever of 40 deg since yesterday morning. Whole day long and all night through, just kept monitoring, sponging and feeding him meds. Till this morning, fever is still hovering around 39+. If fever still did not go down to below 39 by tonight, think I better go bring him see doc liao.

