(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Callalily: Thanks for sharing! Oh dear, i hope i'm not too late in starting my boy with the toothpaste! What brand are you using? Ai... I'm such a lousy mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wonder what else i might have missed out doing for my son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] oh dear...


pauline> can i check with you regarding the cushie traveller potty seat? I would like to start my girl on getting used to a potty seat but unsure if i should get the cushie traveller or another plastic potty seat. What do you think? I would prefer one that I do not need to wash so that her poo just go direct into the toiletbowl. Thanks ah!

cheerieheart, xin > the children's day warehouse sale priority day tmr is for Toys "R" Us star card, HSBC credit card and NTUC members. Best deal is if u hold HSBC card cos they give 10% cash rebate. I went for this sale once and it was pretty good though it can be very dusty. I might take half day leave tmr to go too!

re: cleaning teeth

Bryan has not a single tooth till now. PD from KKH told me that he should his 1st in Aug, but till now still nothing in sight. His gums seem pretty swollen and he has been super grouchy these few days. Cried through the whole of last nite, till hubby gave up and rubbed some bongela on his gums.

cheerieheart, no worries, i bought, but havent use also, cos he was plague with sickness and i dun wanna stress him with new cleaning tool.. lol.. But I did clean his mouth daily with cloth and glycerin sometimes..

Yest, i steam toufu and mincemeat and oli likes it so much and after that, he finish all his 180ml milk at his 8pm, 12pm and this morning 6.45am feeds.. I am soooo happy he is finally drinking.. for the past week, anything more than 120ml will make me so happy..

Oli is such a good boy...

dun worry lah...

think he is uncomfortable the past few days thus no appetite lor...

big foot: I have hsbc card! Was it stated in the ad that hsbc cardholders can go preview tmrw? Think i missed out the fine prints :p So in the previous sale that you went, the discounts were very attractive is it? Anythg with discount of 50% or even more? hehe... I'm not taking on as many projs as before, so must hv gd discounts then buy.

ET: now seems like it's my boy's turn to be disinterested in milk. Doesn't drink much the last 2 weeks or so. Nowadays only latch and drink one side, about 5 mins and he doesn't want anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Problem is i don't even know how much he's drinking. At the rate it goes, wonder if i should stop breastfeeding and give FM instead. But i feel sad thinking abt stopping bfg.

Good morning mummies,

Wish I can brush my son's teeth soon. For now, he is still bo gay.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


dear mummies, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mummies can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ARwen is so cute!!!!

febie,my boy loves the colgate advert also! He will stop wat he is doing n watch!!! I finally found another baby who is same, ahahhaha.I find it weird for him to like the advert n his new love is the dementia's add of the ah gong n grandson.

cheerieheart, I bought the gum brush fr taka baby fair n realise its the same as the one my mum got fr daiso, so far I havnt use toothpaste yet.

re: brush teeth

I always show him how I brush teeth, so he fr young likes to imitate me ahhaha. Cos we sing song for him when he bathe n I improvise into"this is the way you brush your teeth, brush your teeth brush your teeth" (mary go round mulberry bush tune) So he is super happy when bathe, brush teeth etc.

Wendy, I saw last week metro expo got lucky baby car seat $88, my godsis use this brand last time when my nephew was young, so far its cheap n gd. I bought Nania brand fr taka baby fair that time, so far so gd also. But the King hates his throne! My hb will nag at me when I bring bb out, he says wait the lil fella hates to be at hm....

xin, mattias so cute lo! The passport foto so nice, my boy's like kanna shocked ahahha

cheerieheart > it was stated in today's ST. I remembered buying an FP item (a playmat like thing) for my friend's newborn at almost half the price ($40+), but that was a couple of years ago. I know what you mean by must hv good deals, cos I am planning to stop working next yr for sometime too.

ET > do you use any sauce or anything else in the steamed tofu and mincemeat? Thought I can try for Bryan this weekend cos my sis was just telling me to stop giving him codfish and threadfin cos they can be phlegm-inducing.

cheerieheart > it was stated in today's ST. I remembered buying an FP item (a playmat like thing) for my friend's newborn at almost half the price ($40+), but that was a couple of years ago. I know what you mean by must hv good deals, cos I am planning to stop working next yr for sometime too.

ET > do you use any sauce or anything else in the steamed tofu and mincemeat? Thought I can try for Bryan this weekend cos my sis was just telling me to stop giving him codfish and threadfin cos they can be phlegm-inducing.

bigfoot/cheerieheart, u all update can what deals they have cos I m being asked to cut down on my buying for my boy ald, plus going for my trip real soon. I tink I better start working by next yr else I will go mad nt buying anything!

firipy > if I manage to take leave tmr, will update all of you. The other place I like to buy toys is OG cos on-off they hv really good deals on things like FP, playskool...I hv quite a few set of unopened toys, but I cannot resist the temptation to buy. Crazy shopaholic mummy here!

bigfoot, i did, the mincemeat was actually meant for our consumption, but i let him have a little, i let him try everything, but just little bit bit for taste only.. Cos maybe i had an extremely picky nephew who refuse alot of food and his mummy aka my SIL is super headache, i tend to want him to learn to try abit of everything..

Oh ya, there was once i let him tried durian, his face crinkled up.. hahahaha.. maybe the one i took is bitter de.. lol..


Please dun say that! I think you are one great mummy...i mean looking at yr blog and all...Kenan is really one happy boy! I am currently using the Children's Organic Toothpaste by Baby Organics. Was planning to get the First Teeth toothpaste if my SIL din pass me the toothpaste. Actually any fluoride-free toothpaste will do[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie> I think every kid now is too 'xin fu' la !! I do buy alot of stuffs for Lucas till my hubby ask mi to stop buying so much as we r packing up to go over my mum's place to stay till Dec cos out hse going on reno soon ..

But i'll tell him i use my own money ma, den he'll replied it's i give u de money, & i'll reply so it's my money alr lo !! *Haha

ET> I'm like u too .. I like to give some of wad i'm eating to let my boi taste abit, so he wun be too picky when he grows up .. But only i can give, my MIL say wanna let him eat anything, i say NO !!

bigfoot> I wanna go to e sales too!! But i dun have any of e membership cards, my sis got e toy r us card, but i dunno can use hers to enter & my hubby got e ntuc membership card, dunno can tag along with him in ma .. :<

firipy> I saw e $88 car seat @ Metro sales too .. But dunno gd ma so din get .. it's ok la .. Coming this mth got Baby Expo .. Nxt mth got parenthood fair @ Expo also !!

cheerieheart> do sideline ar. haha.

bigfoot/cheerieheart> i got hsbc card too. so excited. missed the OG sale coz never got the chance to go down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. hope to get the Melissa and doug blocks and the balls for mattias. and playskool shape sorter. hee hee...

bigfoot u taking afternoon off right? i thinking wan to be ks and go in the morn.

what time does it start?

cheerieheart> u din miss it out tt HSBC cardholders can enter .. cos it's not stated in e link u saw .. but toy r us website did show only ..



Shayne looks at alomost all the advert...

esp those with nice music... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

first colgate (still going strong for all 3 types of products), Breeze (the nainai and the grandson) now he seems to be into the hair..


ET, Shayne opp from Oli leh...

he screams more for durian lor...

Wendy, I also allow Shayne to eat a lil of our food but not everything... he got the lifetime to eat...

and i also dun allow my mil they all to anyhow feed him...

that's why it's strictly BFing there... ahhaha...

Febie> same leh..my mum was telling me ytd how fast Leticia crawled from her room to living room when she heard the colgate advertisement. She's so fast nowadays...

Me too dun allow others to feed Leticia w other food! Hee...

Febie/Cy > COs we r e mummies! We know wad is alright for our LO..

Children's Day Warehouse Sale @ Downtown East >

I'll be going tml .. I called them up to check whether can i tag along with my hubby as he got e NTUC card, they say not a problem .. Hope i'm allow to be in .. Will there be space for mi to push a stroller in , as Lucas is heavy, i dun wanna carry him .. *Ha

Febie/cy, seems like colgate ad is a hit with bb! My boy usual watch tv but he will turn attention away after awhile except for the colgate, he can

turn his head 180 degrees to watch

Lamb: Weather is awesome here in SH now. Sunny with cool wind. I just came back from a nice stroll along Chang Le Lu area with my family. I know better enjoy now cos winter sibei sian one.

Glad to hear you are enjoying SG now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brush teeth ah.. Arwen now have 7 tooth liao.. think better start!

Xin : I love the one with Matthias laughing, I think use that lah! Who can resist smiling at that photo!

Et > thanks for sharing cos I was wondering if only tofu and meat, how will it taste and if he don't it, then how... I used to walk past a durian stall every evening when I walk Bryan home from IFC. Everytime he went past the stall, his face would cringe with the smell. I was like, "Hey, durian is a nice fruit!" But I have nvr let him taste it till now thou'.

xin > I think I can only take leave if I clear my work today. I have been trying to write a silly tender specs since last week, so if I don't clear it by today, boss sure won't let me off tmr unless I come out with some silly excuse. ;p

wendy > the last time I went was a couple of yrs back and it was really crowded. Not sure if there will be space for stroller. Of course I didn't go on the 1st day then...


me using ip4


i oso wan to take pixs for business purpose kind. Later can use passport.


sad i forget to buy the spa coupons yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] coz my gal sleep later then norm yesterday nite.


arwen is so cute.

re:Brush teeth

i only using gauze to clean the tongue n teeth. maybe i should start using toothbrush.

Jan BB Bash - 30 Jan 2011

Dear Mummies,

together with the committee members, we have worked out some of the details and still pending for a few more items to be confirmed.

Venue is on the pending list which we hope to receive replies from the respectives personnel within the next 2 weeks

Let me roughly guide thru the plans we have decided:

1. Customised cupcake for birthday prince/princess

(Eg: there's many Lucas in our thread. So mummies gotta decide if you wanna put down your surnames on the cupcakes...

(all pending food tasting from our gourmet committees)

2. Customised Tee for Birthday prince/princess

(for those who have elder siblings, we gather some feedback amg the committees and decided that the siblings should also have a customised Tee.

If you have an elder kid and do not wish to customise one for them, do highlight when u recived our official email next week.)

Once we have confirmed most of the details by next week, Collection of deposit will come too... Amt to be work out really soon. Do secure your place in the bash with the deposit soonest when details are up...

Thank you....

Callalily: Thanks again for being so encouraging. I often feel like I'm not doing enough for my boy, compared to many of you here. Guess i'm caught up with work, so my attention is quite divided. Really hope to sort out some things at the home front, then i can pay more attn to my son.

I have samples of First Teeth toothpaste, will start with that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy: i’m also like you! When I brush teeth in the morning, I would go stand in front of my boy’s cot and show him.. hahaha!

Big foot/wendy/xin: seems like only HSBC platinum card then can go preview leh. Anyway, you all update what good deals there are, can? Think even if I go, can only do so on Fri.

Can pleaseee help me see if there’s any play yard and the price too? Many thanks!!!

Btw, was it bigfoot who mentioned that the sale environement was dusty? Wendy, maybe should consider whether to bring your boy along or not.

Big foot: I’ve been giving my boy threadfin/cod/red grouper almost everyday for past 1 week. So far so good. Why would fish cause phlegm? Interested to know.

Wendy: I subscribed to Great Deals for info on sales and promotions. I get an email almost daily. That's how i learnt about the Toys R Us warehouse sale tomorrow. You can check it out, I find it really good.


Bluey: the biz photos i took not sure if can use for passport or not. If you want passport photo alone, I know of a studio where you can get it done. Quite a nice old uncle who does it. The last time when i brought my boy there, he took abt 3 photos and let me choose. I also saw him do that for other customers.

If you want biz photo which are the makeover kind, i can PM you the details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe you and Wendy can go together, she also interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Febie for the update on the upcoming bash!

Hi all mummies, my cousin is doing a BP for some printed rompers. The rompers are made from 100% high grade cotton with prints done locally.

Printing is done using the latest “Press-down” technology with non-toxic chemical.

Can see the designs at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4542583.html?1285655412

Pricing is as follow:

Bulk Discount:-

Price per pc: $9

Min Qty: 15

Free registered post or courier to 1 location


Price per pc: $8.6

Min Qty: 15

Self-collection from Punggol or Whampoa Drive

Sharing cos thought some of the designs are indeed very cute!

wow Big foot,

the designs really very cute lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart > the dusty thing was something I remembered from my previous trip some years back. Not sure if they improve.

On the cod and threadfin... Was my sis who told me so. In fact, was her colleague who told her cos they were talking about phlegm-inducing food when her colleague told her about this. This came from a TCM, so it also depends on whether how much you believe in TCM. Of course, you have to feed Kenan in large quantity before it happens. She told me cos Bryan is already having this phlegmy issue since birth and with the broncholities, it just got worse and it is not clearing up. So it is more of a prevention thing.

febie > yeah! I love the "I don't sleep, you don't sleep" and "I can't be good all the time" cos they describe Bryan so well. Hahaha!

big foot: wow, many of the rompers' taglines are super duperly cute!!! I like: daddy's drinking buddy, photos $2/kisses $5, I did 9 mths. I'm so tempted to order!!!!!!

cheerieheart, same here...

I'm also tempted to order...

think i better go back check shayne has how many rompers... :p

busy busy day.

bluey>never mind. if got another promo, I update here again lah. :p

febie>thanks for the updates on the bash. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bigfoot>sneaked in to look and they are cute! got discount if we order more? maybe we can order together to get more numbers?

actually, will she give us a good price if we order the customised T for our bash with her?

cheerieheart, febie > yea, I still cannot decide which design I want till now. Hahaha!

tyl > let me check with my cousin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes Big foot...

keep us posted...

but we are lookin at Tees for our babies and their siblings ard the age of 5yrs...

TYL: Good idea abt using the rompers for bdae bash! I simply love the taglines, so cute! (i wld wanna order two!!) Wld be great if have further discount. But it seems like they don't do tees and only WHITE rompers leh. If got tees, i wld prefer that to rompers.


we are not using the taglines provided...

We actually thought of the tag line to use...

febie, tyl > my cousin is already looking into the tees, but she is not able to confirm the price till next week. She also need to know if we are looking at same design printing with individual name or just same design printing on all tees cos it might make a big difference in price. She might post her "findings" in our thread directly.

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Give me a little time to read your previous discussion =)

thanks, bigfoot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwlshop>I think we're currently looking at same design printing with individual name. Currently, we've about 50 moms interested. Would be great if you have pink/blue/white (?) shirts as well as sizes for siblings n maybe parents.

Febie>we don't have a design yet rite? only the tagline?

Hello Mummies..

Loong time nvr log in n post.. but has been reading here n there lar..

Now m super free coz m at autobac servicing my car and have been waiting for more than 2 hours..

sianz... so much to be done.. pocket another big hole again..

rer-rer (firipy) = Colgate advertisement!! oh yah.. same for Isaiah here. Once the advertisement is out.. he will immediately stop whatever he is doing n eyes will glue on TV!!

TYL, Great minds think alike..

i also think that it will be a great idea to customise for the babies for the Big Birthday Bash and have each individual names printed on the romper.. n we will know each babies name from far.. hahah

on pictures it will look nice too..


bluey> Iphone 4 got lots of new casings .. U can go down tamp to see? :> or u can see my hubby's fb tt i show u yest? U let mi know if u like any ..

cheerieheart> Will let u know if there's any gd buys for e toys :> I'll bring Lucas along, no choice .. My hubby take half a day off to pei mi go, dun wanna waste e time to bring Lucas over to my mum's place ..

