(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

firipy> Cos i nv change service provider all along, i'm green .. Cos my hp bill is not paid by mi .. by my 'god-dad' .. Ha! but my bill not high de, cos i dun use hp alot, & my sms is free flow ..

cos she tell mi a certain time ready ma, so i ask her, she reply mi ready, if i nv ask i dunno when she'll let mi know .. she's quite gd la, alot of props .. but after service is not wad i like .. *opps


cheerieheart> i miss my young days of makeover .. Ha! Now more photoshoots of Lucas than 4 mi le ..

& u learn another new thing is u can place ur boi in playgroups when he's 18mths old :>

Ruth > I saw ur makeover pic !! but it's password protected .. so i can only see 1 photo .. but super nice la !! I like !!

can email mi @ [email protected] ?

i wanna know how much is ur make-over .. This 'hiao' mummy suddenly miss those old days of make-over .. i still remb those CLEO magazine make-over/ Shiseido make-over tt i took ..

Wendy: yes, thanks for the info abt playgroups! So happy at least there's the option!

hehe.. my makeover photos not the kind you took, it's smthg formal which i'm using for work/biz purpose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy: haha.. so you saw that one! It's password protected coz it's for clients to select which photos they want to photoshop and not for public viewing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, the makeup artist and hairstylist did a really great job! If you like, I can recommend them to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy: I sent you a pte message already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Did you see this other person call Melissa? That's my friend. Her photos also very nice!


When it comes to angmoh food, easy peasy over here in Dubai. There's yoplait got Baby Yoplait (pack of 6 with 3 flavours, 100g each tub) and Yoplait Petits Filous (pack of 6 with 2 flavours, 70g each tub). See if you can find Rachel's organic yoghurt in SIngapore. My First Yoghurt and Taste Explorers are very good!!! Organic even!

I have sampled. yoghurt for babies are really not as sweet and uses whole milk instead of low fat. Whole milk dairy products are usually more recommended than reduced fat dairy for babies below 2 years old.

Ok, going to get busy and chat again, folks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheeriehearts> i like urs e most !! more natural & i like ur hair curls :> i like curls & have nv tried it on my hair for permanent la .. cos too difficult for mi to put on hair gels everyday .. i will always go for rebonding so i just wash my hair & it's done :>

i got ur mail le .. revert back le :> thanx!

melody & koonie - DO NOT get low fat yoghurt or low fat cow's milk to prepare food for our LOs!! They are not ready for low fat. If you must get, get the full cream type.

melody - I think some of the gals here previously bought Baby Yoplait but it's been OOS for a while.

Smalldreams: Thanks for showing me Aifah's photo, she is really cute eh! Love her eyes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me crazily busy but expected cos parents here, have to spend more time with them. I am also adjusting my waking hours to 7am and sleep at 10.30 am cos Arwen now very active, always want to walk and don't want to be carried! It is really fun to watch her walk all around the table for 30 mins. Kinda good cos we dun have to carry her but also mentally taxing. Now we want to train her to walk by 11th month so won't be so tiring on us!

Arwen kana flu here also, poor thing , nose so stuffy ! I for one, whack meds like anything. I tried the wait and watch method before,dun work lah. Nowadays the germs sibei strong, so when I see Arwen abit runny nose, off to the doc and get meds liao.

Wendy : Lucas so cool eh, hope he become a big big surgeon next time!

Lamb: Glad to see you seems to be having a more relax time this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry and Wei : Your girls so pretty ! Hmmmm.... now I gian Angel wings liao~

Okay I go for dinner liao, Arwen says hi ! At the hotel no playpen so we use the luggage as her playpen! Love this photo with her and my mum, she was really laughing and laughing nonstop that time. Keke


C Yang:

I think i would love to b in Dubai!The range of ang moh food there is amazing! I think my grocery bills would b sky high if i am there. Sad to say, S'pore does not carry any of the above brands that u have mentioned except for Baby Yoplait(pack of 6 with 3 flavours, 100g each tub). But there is Stonyfields Yo Baby yoghurt which is now back in stock after having disappeared for a few mths due to mad cow's disease.

Re: Yoghurt/cheese/cow's milk used for cooking

I totally agree with both Lamb & C Yang. DO NOT use low fat ones. For less than 2yo, recommended to give full fat dairy products.

Baby Yoplait has been OOS for the longest time ever. So recently, i discovered the Gippsland organic yoghurt and St Paul's natural yoghurt (non-organic) as a substitute. But the St Paul's one is really quite sour but i am ok with it cuz i usu mix with fruit and then give my gal for breakfast or as a mid morning snack on days when she has voracious appetite.

Jessie> U can get e wings in S'pore when u r back ! Or Shanghai has it ? U r in Beijing now ? saw e photo of Arwen with ur mum .. She's such a cutie !!

SP> Where do u get these yoghurt: Gippsland organic yoghurt and St Paul's natural yoghurt (non-organic) ?

wendy> ur hb v encouraging. mine prefers me to stay hm. only recently after i got a new carrier then i venture out more. coz it's so much easier to carry him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got them from Cold Storage. I think St Paul's can b found more easily. Actually any yoghurt that is NOT low fat, low in sugar & sodium & high in calcium shd do fine.

callalily>ohh, no need to get baby yogurt?

xin>what carrier did you get? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SP> thanx! i'll check it out @ Yishun Cold Storage tml :>

Xin> My shoulders cannot take e weight of Lucas !! So pram will be a better choice for mi to bring him shopping .. Ya my hubby scared i become 'yellow face' wife .. when i'm preg i'm so damn lazy, loves to be on e bed & watch show, he keep asking mi to go out breathe fresher air .. LOL~! so during my last trim, i keep going out shopping ..

Lucas god-dad bought him a new toy for children day.. & he enjoy mi pushing him down to find his daddy ..



I did a quick comparison of the contents and decided that it's ok not to get baby yoghurt since Baby Yoplait & Stonyfields Yo Baby yoghurt was OOS for the longest time ever. But i only limit to natural yoghurt and not keen to give yoghurt with added fruits in them already. I prefer to add my own fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

make passport can use smiling pic? or the no smile one?


mattias' fav snack


'y cant i get the whole carrot stick in?'

Xin> Gd photo u took for Mattias's passport !! I couldn't take a decent one so he cant go overseas .. Haha! Btw, any1 went johor before with no car seat ? I dun dare to bring Lucas in as i nv bought him a carseat & scared to be caught by e S'pore police ..

tyl> i got a brand called boba. v similar to ergo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy> lucas looks so cute in the car. mattias also just learnt to sit on his car. hee...

Hi mommies, there's a Toys r US and Careefour warehouse sale:


Wendy: what do you use to brush Lucas's teeth? Alamak, I haven't start brushing my boy's teeth, only use cloth to wipe! Blur me.

If you going to drive to JB, better get a car seat. Anyway, i feel strongly that babies should be put in car seats, it's really for their safety. I got Kenan's car seat from Mothercare, it's their in house brand. Hubby says it's easy to install and I find the design nice.

I took my boy to a photo studio in Toa Payoh for his passport photo. The uncle very nice, even allow me to choose which one to print. Let me know if you want the address [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin: the photos you took of Mattias are very nice!! You can set up shop to take baby passport photos already! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin> But open mouth pic can meh ? i think e first one better wor .. so nice can go cruise .. i still thinking of batam only .. but thinking to bring 1.5litres of own water to make lucas milk .. Sounds so funny!

cheerieheart> i wanna go for e sales .. u going?

I using pigeon toothbrush .. ya i saw kenan photos of car ride, like e carseat too .. black with white is nice :> I'm going crazy with black & white theme alr .. Cos my hse reno starting soon with black & white themes as wad my hubby suggested!

got studio can take passport size photo for toddlers ah .. more pro hor .. i was thinking normal shop sure anyhow take cos dunno how to handle our LO ..

cheerieheart> my hb took them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

i wan go to the sale leh. i'm ntuc member. hee

xin - Mattias' passport pic is so cuuuuuuuuuuute! hahahaha. Oh and sorry, been meaning to ask ... how are his teeth???!!!

jessietan - Oh yes, you bet! This trip SO FAR, has been good. I managed to do my own stuff (pap smear, bring my dog for his vaccination, dental) and also spent quality family time with DH and Nat. That's a lovely pic of Arwen and her grandma on the Great Wall! And yeah, you beat us to it! We, too, wanted to put nat in a luggage and take pic, but we settled for a bengawan solo paper bag instead. LOL. Hope so much to resume our playgroups when we're back! How's the weather back in SH now?

Wendy: i wld like to go warehouse sale, but difficult if i hv to bring my boy along, so still considering. Unless go wkend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, the photo studio takes mainly passport/IC photos. It's run by an old man; once he retires, i dunno where to go to take passport photos already.

Xin, can we follow u and go for the ntuc member preview? :D tell ur hubby he can start a side biz already! ;)

littlelamb, furby> thks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. tt's the nicest from 10 photos taken. haha...

littlelamb> think his tooth is ok. but upper lip is cut. can still see the cut. hope will heal soon. he's generally ok. but like nap abit more. not tt i'm complaining. :p.

when will u b gg bk to SH?

hee, i also put mattias in a box before. quite fun...

as usual, arwen is so pretty and cute.

cheerieheart> Does e old man know to grab e attention of ur boi? or maybe i shld take e photo myself ? Erm .. can show mi kenan's passport photo? :>

y difficult ? u can do it de :>

lamb> Got ur family to take care of Nat den u can relax abit le.. Happy to hear tt !

Wendy: he used a rattle to get his attention. He quite experienced, even taught us how to hold him (he was abt 3 mths old i think when we took teh photo n cant sit yet). My scanner went on strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i'll see what i can do.

cheerieheart> Den it's ok .. Just wanna see, dun rush k .. :>

I shall see whether i can put a white background behind Lucas to take pic of him .. if not i'll get this photo studio address from u le :> thanx!

xin - Thank God it's just a lip cut. Gosh, I freaked out when I read your message earlier!

wendy - No lah, I dun quite have the luxury of family to take care of Nat lah ... so well, just enjoy while DH is around.

Jessie, arwen is so cute...

Love both photos u uploaded...

Hey xin, mattias's pp photo also nice...

Use the smiling one lah,,,

They are very lax with infant,.,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart, I started brushing Shayne's only tooth on sun...

Hehhehe... There's a gum brush given which is really soft.. Just slot it on your index finger...

I got the earth best brand...;)

Wendy. Lucas so good l life lor

So many photo shoots awaits him...

Like both Aydens... Hehehe...

Nice "car" the godpa got for him and he does sit well...

Cute Lucas...

Jessie, two ladies beaming side by side, what a sweet and happy photo, Arwen looks so happy with her Waipo. Did she take long to adjust to her again? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart, I used Montage for my wedding album cos it was right above Ted Wu. More convenient haha. Eng Howe was nice, so was his wife. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy/TYL, I bought the spa infinity coupons too. The website looks good and they even have chiropractic services. Hubby agree to go with me probably during school hols bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just now, my no. 1 used my new iphone to play games. Ask her to use my old phone to play but she didn't want. Said she like the pink phone (bought pink colour casing from Wendy's BIL). Thought I will just sell away the old iphone then, then she told me. "Mummy, I'm playing aeroplane. You play also lar, you use the old phone." Duh... She wants a gaming partner? ;P

Febie: the brand of the toothbrush is call 'earth best brand'? What do you do after brushing? I mean, for us, we gurgle with water, but babies dont know how to gurgle ya? So just skip that step is it? really don't know how to do it. Sigh.. hope my boy's teeth don't spoil coz I din start brushing his teeth early! Feel so guilty now for being so blur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xin: where did you get boba the carrier from? Does it have the option of front-carry? (like the bjorn) Nowadays my boy doesn't really wanna go inside the ergo unless i do side-carry so that he can see outside. But once he's tired, i need to switch back to let him face inward, which is a bit troublesome unless i have another person with me to help.

Pauline: such a coincidence! I heard Eng Howe used to do quite a lot of wedding pix. Is Felicia his wife?

Pauline>hee, enjoy. must give us review hor.

you got use my referral to purchase? :p

cheerieheart>I got earth best toothpaste from a spree but haven't started using it for Ayden yet. He still doesn't have any teeth

xin/wendy>aiyoh, your boys so cute. I keep scrolling up to see them.

jessie>you're so inventive. Did pretty arwen like her new playpen?

good morning all...

what a quiet morning...

Cheerieheart, I brush and then wipe with a wet cloth liao... no need to gurgle lah...

here's the photo of the toothpaste...


Febie: Wow, thanks for posting the pic! You manage to brush Shayne's teeth with toothpaste ah? He's so guai. Juz wiping my boy's teeth is a big struggle already. Btw, where did you buy the toothpaste from?


I have started brushing Aly's teeth ever since they sprouted. Currently using the Pigeon toothbrush. Decided to do away with the finger toothbrush cuz they will bite once they have more teeth. Dun worry abt them swallowing the toothpaste...only use teeny weeny bit each time & besides, it's fluoride free so dun have to worry abt fluorosis


I kiasu lah...

Shayne loves coglate's advertisement, thus i think he loves to brush his only tooth, gums and tongues... :p

he doesnt like me to wipe...

I got mine from iherb overseas sprees... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

