(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


my gal is better liao. still got a bit of rashes but super sticky now n intake oso lesser.


i still gave her porridge wor but not brown rice coz heaty.

tat's good tat ur lo is taking milk now. think they would slow pick up on their milk n food intake.


i gave my gal laughing cow cheese. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i give with bread so not so salty.


i booked foto graphilia. saw some of the pix he took with the Dec 09 moms and quite nice leh.

bluey>the offer should be on as long as you buy the voucher today.

Good afternoon mommies!

poofy: i'm also most likely getting an iphone. My ancient sony ericsson sometimes hang, quite frustrating. Two Sundays ago, i took my boy see Dr at TMC. When we wanna go home at abt 10+pm, we couldn't get a cab. In the end, i had to get my hubby who was overseas to use his iphone's application to book a cab for me! So after that incident, i'm more inclined to get iphone. However, like Pauline, i also dun like typing on iphone! Sigh.. any other options? Does other phones have the cab booking application besides iphone?

yogurt: The brand of baby yogurt is Yoplait. However, i've been looking for the one that is for 6mths onward for abt 3 weeks at ntuc, seems like it's out of stock. They only have the one for 1yr onwards. Maybe the new stock not in yet. However, Yeocouple found a brand of ORGANIC baby yogurt at cold storage centrepoint. But think it's a huge tube.

Cheese: my friend buys children's cheese stick for her baby, think the brand is Arla. If i dun remember wrongly, a pack has 6 sticks; saw it at ntuc. So maybe you all might like to try that. I've not let my boy try cheese yet though. Maybe I'll get it and then mix with potato? Any other food that i could add cheese to it?

tyl> i was showing the chart to hb. then mattias crowled over it bef we got the chance to paste it up. now it's up liaoz.

wendy> thks, so scary to see blood hor. we didn't realise til a few mins later. and were so scared to see. tis morn realised tt the upper lip inside also got cut. sighz.

megan> mattias also prefers to leopard crawl. esp when he v anxious to look for us. just now he just crawled from his room to the study to look for me. haha.

i dont understand, why i use comp and he on the floor beside me, he also make alot of noise. must sit beside him then can. are any of ur LO like tt too?

Xin> en xi also fell and knock the same area and bleed. There wasn’t teeth but the next day we saw the cut on the upper lip. She cried quite hard when she knocked it but after that ok liao.

Luvbabe> thanks for ur reply! Will ask you more again thru PM if necessary.

Mstan> eh I still feed her cereal and porridge.

ET> hope u and ur boy get well soon! It’s really a long drawn battle. I also got breathlessness then had to use neubiliser but finally today better, my last day of mc is today. Must rest more then can get well.

Tyl> sorry nv reply your second sms that day, think was busy with en xi then aft that forgot to reply. Anyway, yes pls, if she does know of any, can let me know. But if not it’s ok also, I’ll continue to observe and see how often En xi falls sick as well. Wen Spa at where? Have good deals ah? I usually don’t go for all the SPA promotions or even vouchers I get cos I scared they hardsell and I hate it.

Wendy> my hubby also bought a charger from ur hubby’s shop! But also paiseh to quote ur name. haha.

Shortlegged pig> my girl doesn’t drink much too about 120-140ml 4 times a day. Last wk milk strike only drank like 300ml in one day.

wendy> u v sweet to ur hb leh.

e only thg i'm thinking of doing for him now is to collect the ntuc sola swiss coupn to buy him the knife he wants. so cheapo hor. :p.

smalldreams> i also dislike taking antibiotics. scared the bact become resistant strain if i dont finish the course.

btw, ur adam is a handsome young man. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope all babies and mummies who are unwell get well soon.


can. first make the bread into small pieces den dip a bit of cheese den feed her. My gal now oso have two teeth officially. think two more popping. Must have water to standby oso.


okie tonite ask hb if he keen. hehe.. thanks for sharing.


I oso cannot find Yoplait for bb. aiyo so hard to find.

melissa> glad to hear tt u're better.

en xi got lower teeth? think got cut by those.

baby cubes> i broke 2 of my baby cubes when they slipped out of my butter fingers as i was taking them out of the freezer. must b really careful.

Wendy, u organise a HP/accessories spree for us Jan mummies la.. I also wanna get another iphone charger, cos me and hubby both using iphone, then can leave at office one set and put 1 set at home..

Melissa, thanks.. Hope that my boy will pass the phase, i sick nevermind, as long as he doesn't get fever, the rest are still minor.. Cos most terrible is when they get fever.. So terrible..

iphone> hb say can pass the iphone back to me. but e radiation really v strong leh. and i always use beside baby. still thinking.

baby cubes> i just email the seller and she say can give me 2 FOC to replace. yeah! she so kind.

v bz. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

melissa>wen spa at bukit pasoh. but the promo over le.

no probs. will update her.

xin>she's so nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin: how do you know the iphone radiation is strong? I'm also quite worried about this. I see many parents let their children play with mobile phones and keep wondering isn't the radiation harmful?

Bluey: think it's out of stock. If it's imported, then maybe gotta wait till the new stocks come in? Pls let me know if you chance upon it anywhere, thanks!

wendy, agree with ET. can do a mini iphone accessories spree for us?

cheerieheart,sure. i let u know if i saw any. thu n fri i go n hunt again. yeah this week goin on leave from thu pm onwards so happy. hopefully my gal recovers liao den not so cranky n sticky. den we can enjoy.

Wendy, 别生气。Men usually dun remember such details lar plus so long ago Liao. ;) I walk past the shop again just now when I went for lunch n saw your bil there again. How come your hubby so good, no need to man shop? Or he man yishun branch is it? ;)

xin, the seller is nice...

wow BP for handphone accessories is nice...

but Wendy gotta set up a link for the photos...


i wanna get my iphone 4 but worry abt the reception leh...

ET, bluey> my hubby did ask mi to open a spree for accessories, but i'm lazy la .. i dunno how to cope replying mummies, sort out & send it to e post office .. Simply lazy & loves to go shopping nia .. everyday i go down find hubby, he'll sure ask mi where r u going shopping today .. *ha

Ur let mi know wad accessories u want den i can meet up ur? I go AMK hub often, my hubby got 2 shops @ Tamp & our place Yishun ..

BB Yoplait> i also go AMK hub NTUC to buy .. but last 2 wks went still no stock till now .. Thinking go Yishun COld storage to find later .. let ur know whether e stocks r in :>

Melissa> Thanx for ur support !! we can give discounts for ur de :> Just small small discounts la .. :>

febie, reception for iphone 4 IS a bit sucky, but still ok la. Unless you are in sales, need to be 24 by 7 on the phone.. Radiation, hmmm, didnt really bother about it, since they are born in this era where electronics are everywhere, let them get used to it ba..


Ya nowadays it becomes a chore feeding my son. Haiz... he will dream a little n then wan slp. If I force him., he will make noise.. machiam i bully him. Feel so heartpain throwing my EBM away and moreover supple depleting coz I stopping bf soon. Dreamfeeding doesnt work for me these days coz he also reject in his slp.


Add cheese to porridge? Ok ok, I shall try it too. Ang mo porridge lol..


As long as she drinks milk n take solids, we shldnt worry too much. Ur gal is "jiao xiao ling long".


Do you feed ur girl porridge/cereal? I suspect their lack of interest in mlik could be due to introduction of solids. My son can finish his porridge but when it comes to milk, he always has the "ai mai" attitude..

Xin> ur hubby likes knifes mean he loves to cook !! I'm always e 1 in e kitchen cooking .. but sometimes my hubby will cook fried rice la .. Ha!

wa e seller damn nice la, love this kind of services .. i still got 1 brand new tray of cubes haben open .. only use 1 tray & seldom use now also ... cos i cook fresh food for Lucas everyday .. only freeze soup base for him ..

I think even Tv got radiation right? & lucas loves to watch Baby TV .. agree with ET, i dun really care .. This generation kids u give them dummy hp, they reject lo !! they only wanna play with real hp !! Itouch blah blah

Pauline> My hubby just open another shop nxt to our block in Aug .. so my bil & our Malay staff will be @ Tamp outlet ..

But last yr my hubby was @ pushcart, my bil @ Tampines shop de lei .. so i feel it weird y my bil @ pushcart .. Ha! maybe he just nice walk over ..


so far my iphone 4 reception is ok. not bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok i let u know if i wanna anything. I oso went to AMK hub a no. of times to look for the yoghurt but dun have.

fugitlah : haaa....at least for the past 1-2mth she has been drinking well but eat very very little.

Re : cereal

Wat cereal u r referring to ? Or wat cereal u r feeding bb ? Brown rice cereal ? Oatmeal cereal ? Multigrain cereal ?

Other types of cereal ?

Do u add anything into the cereal ?


the link to foto graphilia...

Ipad dun support flash... thus cant see too...

lazy to on lappie at hm...

ET, sucky is not good leh...

any idea when is 2nd generation coming?

if anytime soon, then i hold my order...

Oh ya, want to ask mummies here, when do we stop feeding them cereals? Oliver is cereal monster in his IFC, average 1 tin 1 week, i super siong ah.. Want to change brand, but scared he dun eat, he already dun want drink milk.. sigh..

Febie, i mentioned abit.. hehe.. but ok for me la.. pros still more then cons.. lol

ET, I dun intend to stop cereal leh...

still can give lah...

as long as Oli eats right?

let him lah... otherwise, he lost all the bak-bak-ness...

Wendy, my mum stay at amk n I stay near amk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ok I go n take a look. For hk cover, gt any one tat look not so childish k ? Hehe

Et, I tok we can give cereal all the way.

ET> wa oliver can eat so much cereals !! i think multi-grains cereals can eat till over 1yr plus lei .. cos my fren's 1 yr plus child still eating ..

i'll let lucas eat till he dun wanna eat .. *ha

he only eat brown rice/oatmeal cereals ard noon time .. with fruits ..

febie> ur hubby so nice !! u got Ipad & Iphone :> Iphone got lots of applications .. but i only know how to play games, i dun even know how to d/l games, my hubby give e iphone, i play nia .. but not playing now le, cos bored alr ..

my hubby wanna buy Ipad, but i stopped him ..

ET : IFC dun cook porridge for bb ? Wat cereal u gv yr bb ? Yr bb can really eat ? My bb dun really eat much & only finish 1 tin of cereal in abt 1mth...but we do gv him porridge too...;p

Oh yes, which IFC u sent yr bb to ? Gd ? How much ?

We hv to start looking for IFC / CCC for next yr.

If can delay until 18mths then will start CCC instead....;p

I have been searching for the baby yopliat for the past 1 mth but everywhere I see oso dun have, NTUC, cold storage, giant,mktplace.....

wendy,I havnt get bk my dreamgarden photos yet. Tink I let the lil fella go for his Sean Lau one then see how.

tyl, the fotographilia 1 must take by nov, my boy got 1 shot in nov with Sean Lau, else the fotos all ard same period...

I havnt get my iphone4 yet, waitin for my contract to reach 1 yr, wonder if I shld just get the hp fr apple n sell my 3GS instead of signing contract, cos if they kept having new ones, my contract is like forever....

Re:cereal, I ran short of cereal when I was stayin at my mum's plc, we added abit of instant oats n he loves it. Bb can eat or nt ah?

firipy> u can chase her ma .. when u took de? tt time i also ask her ready ma, if not dunno when she'll tell mi ready .. & tt time she goin overseas e nxt day, luckily i ask her den she courier over tt day ..

i recontract & sell my iphone 4 .. cos earn alot ! but contract is 4ever de ma, as long we r alive to use e line .. Haha!

Wendy, Ipad i paid for it...

he refused to pay lor...

Ipad more for me to share with Shayne...

He loves Tom... hehehe...

cheerieheart> i know iphone radiation stronger than my old nokia hp coz i can hear the 'zzzz' sound when i send msg while talking on my ofc hp. :p.

my hb is super paraniod abt radiation. my friend's father will go buy those anti-radiation patch and stick everywhere. hee hee.

Febie> Oh e talking tom .. haha! can vent anger on it.. my hubby always scold lucas on e talking tom .. den let lucas hears it .. so funny!

Xin> i really dunno how useful is those anti-radiation also .. but i also dun care de .. In this world so many radiation,how to prevent it ?

Wendy: what do you mean recontract and sell the iphone 4 and then earn a lot? How ah? Teach me, teach me! hehe..

Xin: i'm also like your hubby, quite worried abt radiation one! I'm one of those whom if i talk on hp too long, i'll get headache. So that's why i'm not into chasing latest hp models, as long as functional, i'm happy enough. Just that mine is really ANTIQUE phone already, so embarrassed to even take it out these days :p

firipy: wow! Your boy boy has gone for so many studio shoots already? Dreamgarden and Sean Lau ah? Mine so far is the free Ikea photo.. hahaha! Waiting for 1 yr old then go for photo shoot.

cheerieheart> tt time Iphone 4 haben offically lauched by 3 companies, so i sold it off as it's highly demand .. now all 3 companies have it le, so cant sell off tt high le .. but still can earn la .. as i dun like e shape of iphone 4 & i dun use it too ..

normally pple sell off their recontract & grab a second hand hp so they can earn la .. even if u sell off ur second hand hp also wun lose alot, whereas compared to selling a brand new hp after u used it for just awhile .. but it really depends as some dun like to use second hand hp ..

But we do sell those recontract hp which others sell @ lower price too :>

dun need paisei la, i also dun use iphone, using sony hp .. i dun use hp tt much maybe ..

Photoshoot> i wanna bring Lucas for his 1yr shoot OUTDOOR .. mummies have any recommendations ?

cheerieheart> antique hps usu less radiation. my hb still miss his antenna hp. haha...

wendy> ifc shd b 1:6.

i also dunno how useful are those stickers. never got any. :p

He is weird la, go IFC only want cereal, his is 1 meal of porridge in the morning and 1 cereal meal in the afternoon, but sometimes when he refused milk, his teacher will give him cereal then he will take some milk..

mstan, he is in Bambini Montessori, so far so good la, the teachers very nice.. U can check the rates under MCYS link..

Wendy, for his infant care is 1 teacher to 3 infants.. under MCYS is maximum 1 teacher to 5 infants..

wendy> sorry for the wrong info. :p

u every day brg lucas shopping? v li hai leh. i brought him out 1 day on my own wan die alr.

wendy, if the contract is forever then very cham lei, I can't chinchai cancel if I buay song the svc provider ahahha! I m nt really in a hurry so I din chase her, tink I better do it b4 my trip cos going to Sean Lau.

cheerieheart, my boy went for 1 ald, the other with Sean Lau is in Nov, they were so hot, the earliest slot was Nov lo......I book the pkg the next day I delivered, joined bp with dec mums.Have to use it b4 he turned 1. I was so busy with him during the 1st few mths n then when I returned to wk, busy with both wk n him. Drag till only in July then I can make an appt....

xin, I was tinking since oatmeal cereal they can take oats shld be ok mah... hhahah! If only I can only feed him solely on oats, save alot of $ ahhaha

xin> ya almost everyday out .. but sometimes with my mum la .. my hubby 'trained' mi de .. when lucas is born, i was afraid of everything, afraid he cry den i dunno how to handle, afraid how to take transport, cos when preg i travel mostly on hubby's car .. i dunno my yishun area as i dun stay here till i get married last yr .. so my hubby brought mi onto e MRT & 'trained' mi from there .. *haha

ET> i learn something new .. thanx! i keep wanting to know how teachers cope with babies lo .. i can let my future sil know :>


Wendy: oic! learn smthg new ;) maybe can consider a 2nd hand hp, dun like then sell it off again!

For outdoor photoshoot, you may like to check out Montage Studios:




I used Eng Howe for my makeover photos, he's a fun guy to work with. If you are looking for something more natural and not so posey, can consider him. I saw some really nice family (with baby) photos in his studio the last time, so will probably use him for my family photos.

