(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Pauline>hee, yes, I remember she goes to playgroup. But only for a few hours mah. I've not heard of elfa. What is the methodology base don?

Nope, no website for the home cook but got order form with prices and dishes. If you want, I can email you. But say first, I've not tried her although my friend highly recommends. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bebecraze>I'm a rabbit so quite old le lor. :p


megan>hee, cos I on the email list lah. The lobang quite good. Prob getting for hubby and I. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my MIL said hubby never learnt how to crawl. But he got around by moving butts.

tyl> i tot we abt the same age?

Bebecraze> yeah, it is quite fun at times.. but can be frustrating too hahaha

Morning mummies, I am sick since sunday, the virus from my boy seems to have multiply after he passed to me. He too, was sick on-off since 13-Sep, his runny nose seems to be permanent..

Bigfoot, my boy too, was in IFC since he was 3.5 mths old, since Aug, he started to fall sick more frequently, just hope he will build up his immunity soon..

TYL, can de la, Zoe Tay also had her 3rd now and she is already past 40 now.

My boy can crawl abit now, but not every steady, still will rely on his tummy if he get stuck halfway.. On 1 side, happy he knows how to move himself, but now i can't keep him away from my sight..

Tyl, I see. Elfa is a name of a childcare centre, not methodology. They have a few branches. I am only considering ccs within walking distance to my house in case my ils got to help bring her back sometimes. Nearby, i got cheriehearts n elfa but prefer elfa cos the teachers r older n more experienced. They have gym n pianica lessons n swimming lessons for full day prog. Plus my friend's 3 kids were there though different branch n she recommends it.

Tyl> i also think tt today's deal is great wor .. but dunno how long is e unlimited use of Jacuzzi/Steam Bath facilities at Spa Infinity .. maybe is 1 session only ?

Have u went for e WenLuxe Spa ? i went last fri on children's day after wild wild wet :> Shiok lei .. i was going to fall asleep when she was massaging my back den she ask mi to flip to my front .. LOL!

ET>I not as rich as Zoe Tay wor. Oso no energy to keep chasing after young babies. :p

Pauline>ya, I know Elfa refers to the name of the school ar. I was asking what teaching methodology they use. Like are they more PAP style or Montessori style. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy>ya, we went to Wen spa for our wedding anniversary. really quite shiok wor and I liked that there was no hard selling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Donno how long can use the jacuzzi/steam bath but normally I won't spend more than half an hour in them anyway. I get bored sitting there after a while. :p

TYL, Ayden soooo cute, should quickly have another one to accompany him and plus u got such supportive hubby.. Just try from now lor.. If have have, if dun have, then nvm.. At least u try then no regrets.. IMHO..

Tyl> wad's e diff btw PAP style or Montessori style?

ya lo, i was so relieved there's no hard selling .. :> u booked e couple's room ? :>

ET>ya. will prob just try lah. but need to find energy, time n privacy. :p

wendy>to me, PAP is more assessments and rote learning while montessori is more learning through play.

yep, we got the couple room. special treat for hubby mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My friend, u sick ah??

u know what? after u all left on sat, I got Shayne ready and brought him out...

fed him dinner and found he got a tooth erupting...

hehhee... muz hav happened in the afternoon lah... cos morning when I bathed him etc, cleanse his mouth, also nv see anything... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur gal have rashes after the fever? if yes, then it is roseola rash.

My gal last wed oso got fever den on sat she develop rashes and on sun, the rashes were all over her. Went to KKH. the doc says nothing need to be done. juz need to ensure she got drink enuff water.

ya la, I kena full blown from oli and down since Sunday, yest was the worse, I totally no sound as I cough till my throat gone hoarse and seems to lure my asthma back, last night I even had some breathlessness, now at company doc, to get inhaler and stuff for preventive measures..

bluey, ms tan

how are your gals? Mine also, I suspected kena that roseola thing. I didn't bring to doc, coz after the fever disappeared, the rashes appeared & i had a funny feeling it was that roseola. within 2 days, disappeared. I googled and found that it wasn't contagious. but some pple say contagious leh. Lucky my 3YO didn't get, whew.

hope yr gals are better.


Get well soon!! Poor thing. So you can't drink cold water I guess?


How's yr lil M now? Poor him. Hope he's drinking well. Re the antiobiotics, ya hor, I didn't even know must take stool test before doc can give antibiotics. I went to the polyclinic. But nevermind lah, that doc so nice, I can't bring myself to feel angry at him, haha, plus I didn't give the antibiotics after all.

Hey that's not very good...

u better get more rest hor...

Anyway, can leave your Oli with ur hubby lah...

Get wEll soon...

bluey : yes, bb hv rashes after her fever.

She started having fever last Fri morn & over the wkend then start to hv rashes on Sun evening.

Was thinking of bring her to see PD this evening after work.

Btw, she dun really wat to drink milk yest the whole day until after I come back. So my MIL gv her mashed potatoes & carrot.

Wat do u feed yr bb when she fever & rashes ?

Does she eat/drink ?

T>wah, glad you are feeling better now

bluey>this one is v good deal but I haven't been. $48 for 1 Spa Treatment + 1 meal & unlimited drinks + use of Jacuzzi/Steam Bath at Spa Infinity (Worth up to $360)


must buy the voucher today if you are interested. Don't be like my blur friend who thought another deal can be bought later. When she went in, no more le.

wendy and I went to another spa - wen spa - through another deal by the website and both enjoyed it. The food vouchers I got through the website also quite good so I think should be good to try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl> just now i saw e deal is not on yet, alr 9 pple bought, now e deal is on with 51 pple .. so fast ! I'll grab mine later :> now no time cos Lucas is awake !

Pauline> Wa u got iphone 4 .. but i find iphone 3 shape nicer .. *hee 4 abit squarish .. but thanx for ur support!! did u ask my bil for better price? :> u dun need to worry abt e price of selling ur iphone 3, i can say we take in very high as compare to others :>

Wendy, no leh, I dun dare to 潘关系 cos I am small fry customer mah. Still thinking whether to keep the iPhone for my gal as toy but like very exp toy hor. I bought it in mid dec 09 and paid $600+ cos I have no data plan then. Less than 1 year old. That's why Bo hua to sell compared to those who bought it at $480 with data plan. :p

Pauline, Wendy

I'm thinking of getting an iphone too!

My Sony ericsson has died on me. I can't SMS already. So now can only surf FB, Twitter, this forum, email etc without being able to respond. I still have a contract tho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

What's the cheapest iphone option for me, would you know? So sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pauline> hey dear dun worry la, to us every customer is as impt .. my hubby gave discounts to luvbabe for her itouch accessories too! :>

did u collect raelynn TB stuffs urself, if so i guess my bil might recognise u ? yest i zZz alr so din saw my bil, tonight tell him to recognise u den nxt time give u discounts :>

Iphone 3 prices dropped alot since Iphone offically launched .. i rather u get a itouch for ur gal to play since it's cheaper & u dun need e reception to call right?

smalldreams> maybe ask pauline wanna sell to u ? *hee cheapest is 2G, den 3G den 3GS .. gonna see u need faster speed for net usuage ..

Tyl> i called Spa Infinity alr, e unlimited use of Jacuzzi/Steam Bath facilities at Spa Infinity is subject to usuage on tt day itself .. Eric told mi customers do spend half a day to relax themselves, of cos not soak in there for half a day la, relax & drink @ e cafe too .. :>

remb to drop a request for couple's room & it's subject to availability as their package customers r more impt than us ..

pauline>hee, ok. it sounds like a good school. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, u got iphone 4. mine still old nokia phone.

wendy>wah, you called to check ar? thanks for updating me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still wondering whether to get it but hubby quite busy these days, might not b able to take leave mid-Nov. Then I'll b busy after that.

Tyl> i booked w/o letting my hubby knows.. Previously for e WenLuxe, i told him a day before we going .. Give him some surprises!! Reward him for working hard for our family :>

Lucas went for another photoshoot recently .. they still have yet to touch up all .. i saw it on their thread, copy paste & it's here !! :>



wendy>hee, you v nice to your hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's v lucky

omg... Lucas is so cute... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nice surgeon costume too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies!


which studio did u bring lucas for his shoot? i hve yet to bring zx to any... dono which one to go to...

ET> Get well soon! put ur inhaler @ ur side .. :>

Tyl> Must be nice to him, cos we solely depend on him .. *Hee He's a gd hubby la, working hard for our comfort .. so once a while, 奖励 him with massages/spa .. last time we go batam, but now with Lucas, we dun go there le ..

febie> e costume is theirs.. it's for 3 yrs old kid lo, but lucas can wear cos they pinned behind as e shirt is too loose .. Haha!

Wendy, hehe, actually I met your bil 3 times Liao. First time to sell u my post confinement stuff, twice to collect tb loot. At first I thought he was your hubby until I saw your fb photos then realise different face. No wonder he was not keen to listen to my explanations on the confinement stuff, I must have embarrassed him. Hee. ;)

Lucas looks so handsome, such a dishy surgeon, all his female patients will swoon without the anesthesia. Haha.

Smalldreams, where do u stay? I will sell if price is good. Haha, so mercenary. ;p

Tyl, dun worry, my hubby's hp definitely older than yours, even my maid's hp is better than his. I like iPhone for it's apps but HATE it for typing. Super slow n it keeps correcting your words n the caps function come on as and when n very difficult to change back. Nowadays when my hubby SMS me, I want to call him back instead. :p

Pauline> i tot was my hubby who was there to grab e confinement stuffs? my bil is more of a quiet man .. my hubby more hyper & willing to listen & chat with customers :>

LsnTyl, as long as today ok rite? Tonite I go n c.

Mstan, I juz gave her milk n white rice porridge. Ur lo is drinking how many percent lesser? The doc say if less by more than 50% den need to be concern.

Et, take care ya.

Smalldreams, it is contiguous when having fever. After fever, thk not so contiguous.It belongs to chickenpox family .

Thanks everyone.. Got the inhaler as standby.. First time so sick after so many years..

Bluey, is your gal feeling better now?

Pauline, use abit longer, u will get around it already.. I was not used to it when i just switch, now i simply love it to bits..

hi mummies,

any cheese or yogurt to recommend? bb not drinking enough milk so am thinking of substituting..


bluey : can gv bb porridge/rice when hv fever ? Thought someone mention that better not to gv rice/porridge if got fever ?

Usually, bb can drink 800-900ml of milk but yest drank barely 500ml.

Juz called my MIL & she told me that bb is willing to drink milk now althou still not much.

Hey Wendy,

thanks for sharing the link...

might go sign up for it for my mum to take with Shayne on her birthday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melody, u buy the baby yogurt for Sharlyn lah...

suddenly I forgotten what was the name...

I got laughing cow cheese for Shayne...

u might wanna consider SCS cheese which is less salty...


Ur bb is drinking 800-900ml a day? That's great to hear. My son is only drinking milk 3 times (180ml) a day ever since he started on solids. Sometimes, he doesnt even finish the 180ml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any mummies with the same prob?


Give Laughing Cow cheese as a snack or incorporate into his food? Wanted to try to give him cheese to supplement his calcium intake but wonder if he will eat it on its own.

Wendy, no leh, I thought it was your bil that time. Ok lar, he quite friendly with me when chatting about iphones cos I asked him u r wendy's bil right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought the low fat high calcium plain yogurt ---blue packaging think it's marigold brand forgotten alredi...I like it share 1/2 wif Joey hehhe...cheese - I also share krafts cheese sticks..but yr bb will get to go for more others food once they realize that wow....yummy hmm...=p

ET, u take care ! It's tough to takre care of bb when sick..take redoxon slow release vit C


yr bb look so cute ..nice studio pics..I intend to wear my scrub suit wif my mini me--Joey for a keepsake 1st yr old album =)

mstan/shortlegged, my LO didnt even want his milk at all.. Can only dreamfeed him then he will take.. Lose quite a fair bit of weight already.. heartpain sia..


I ever bought the meiji yogurt from Mcdolnald share wif Joey..think shld be no pro bah..I prefer plain one lah..u also can add fruits in mah =p

fugitlah / ET : my bb does take solids (twice or 3 times a day) but she eat very very little as think she still prefer milk so that's y she can drink so much milk + we still dreamfeed her everynite (150-180ml)....;p....she used to drink very little milk but recently 1-2mths then start to drink so much....;p

Anyway, my bb lose weight too & she's petite & her weight always ard 20-30 percentile wan....;p


Pauline> just now i went downstairs to ask hubby whether e confinement stuffs were pass to him / bil .. he replied i 4got le .. Gosh ! Cos he was playing online games so dun bother to think! KNS! Ya if u talk abt iphones with my bil, he got lots to tell u !! He's a Iphone pro, even my hubby cannot fight with him .. *haha

ET> I also seldom sick, but once sick, it's super duper jialat !!

Febie> 5 members can be included in e photoshoot, but we did not take alot with Lucas, cos i want solo pic of Lucas .. He's e MAIN 'zhu jiao'

Koonie> I'll go for another photoshoot when Lucas turns 1 .. But still haben decide which studio .. which studio u going ?

